The social-distancing police are among us. Would you call out a neighbor for unsafe practices? Or call 911?

Here come the Social Distancing Police.
They don’t carry badges, they don’t wear uniforms. They are not actual police officers, and no one is going to formally deputize them. But they are watchful, and alarmed, mostly disgusted and, though it’s hard to see at times, idealistic. Even well-meaning. They don’t like what they see, and they hate what they must do but — YOU! Your shopping cart! It’s TOO close! SIX FEET! Some shout, some gesture and expect you to get the point. Some call actual police, phone an aldermen, even email their park district.
Many others, they head for Facebook, Twitter, the neighborhood app Nextdoor, where they register horror — a lack of consideration they just witnessed by a fellow Chicagoan. They wonder why everyone is suddenly a jogger. They report coffee houses for a lack of masks. They call 311 to report 12 people sitting a little too close on the grass in a park.
They are you, they are us.

Interestingly the Left has become what they claim to abhor. They'd never admit it but this their roots. The "true believers" believe it is their "RIGHT" to tell others what to do, how to think and how to live their lives. Make no mistake, there are those on the Right who do this too just not to the degree that Progs do. A always, Chicago is the perfect example.
I had a lady tell me I was going the wrong way down the bread isle at the store the other day. I just looked at her and laughed out loud.
If you can't see the big arrows on the floor showing the direction for the whole aisle, you need glasses.
Won’t play along with the one way street farce In grocery stores. More nanny state control freakish. You are quite the freedom relented. Thinking people are not.
Here come the Social Distancing Police.
They don’t carry badges, they don’t wear uniforms. They are not actual police officers, and no one is going to formally deputize them. But they are watchful, and alarmed, mostly disgusted and, though it’s hard to see at times, idealistic. Even well-meaning. They don’t like what they see, and they hate what they must do but — YOU! Your shopping cart! It’s TOO close! SIX FEET! Some shout, some gesture and expect you to get the point. Some call actual police, phone an aldermen, even email their park district.
Many others, they head for Facebook, Twitter, the neighborhood app Nextdoor, where they register horror — a lack of consideration they just witnessed by a fellow Chicagoan. They wonder why everyone is suddenly a jogger. They report coffee houses for a lack of masks. They call 311 to report 12 people sitting a little too close on the grass in a park.
They are you, they are us.

Interestingly the Left has become what they claim to abhor. They'd never admit it but this their roots. The "true believers" believe it is their "RIGHT" to tell others what to do, how to think and how to live their lives. Make no mistake, there are those on the Right who do this too just not to the degree that Progs do. A always, Chicago is the perfect example.
I had a lady tell me I was going the wrong way down the bread isle at the store the other day. I just looked at her and laughed out loud.
If you can't see the big arrows on the floor showing the direction for the whole aisle, you need glasses.

I'm not going to play that silly game
Would you call out a neighbor for unsafe practices? Or call 911?

Here come the Social Distancing Police.
They don’t carry badges, they don’t wear uniforms. They are not actual police officers, and no one is going to formally deputize them. But they are watchful, and alarmed, mostly disgusted and, though it’s hard to see at times, idealistic. Even well-meaning. They don’t like what they see, and they hate what they must do but — YOU! Your shopping cart! It’s TOO close! SIX FEET! Some shout, some gesture and expect you to get the point. Some call actual police, phone an aldermen, even email their park district.
Many others, they head for Facebook, Twitter, the neighborhood app Nextdoor, where they register horror — a lack of consideration they just witnessed by a fellow Chicagoan. They wonder why everyone is suddenly a jogger. They report coffee houses for a lack of masks. They call 311 to report 12 people sitting a little too close on the grass in a park.
They are you, they are us.

Interestingly the Left has become what they claim to abhor. They'd never admit it but this their roots. The "true believers" believe it is their "RIGHT" to tell others what to do, how to think and how to live their lives. Make no mistake, there are those on the Right who do this too just not to the degree that Progs do. A always, Chicago is the perfect example.
I had a lady tell me I was going the wrong way down the bread isle at the store the other day. I just looked at her and laughed out loud.
If you can't see the big arrows on the floor showing the direction for the whole aisle, you need glasses.

I'm not going to play that silly game
But...but...but...then you want to infect everyone coming down the aisle and my unregulated emotions want to pummel you for that
Lib 101
Here come the Social Distancing Police.
They don’t carry badges, they don’t wear uniforms. They are not actual police officers, and no one is going to formally deputize them. But they are watchful, and alarmed, mostly disgusted and, though it’s hard to see at times, idealistic. Even well-meaning. They don’t like what they see, and they hate what they must do but — YOU! Your shopping cart! It’s TOO close! SIX FEET! Some shout, some gesture and expect you to get the point. Some call actual police, phone an aldermen, even email their park district.
Many others, they head for Facebook, Twitter, the neighborhood app Nextdoor, where they register horror — a lack of consideration they just witnessed by a fellow Chicagoan. They wonder why everyone is suddenly a jogger. They report coffee houses for a lack of masks. They call 311 to report 12 people sitting a little too close on the grass in a park.
They are you, they are us.

Interestingly the Left has become what they claim to abhor. They'd never admit it but this their roots. The "true believers" believe it is their "RIGHT" to tell others what to do, how to think and how to live their lives. Make no mistake, there are those on the Right who do this too just not to the degree that Progs do. A always, Chicago is the perfect example.
I had a lady tell me I was going the wrong way down the bread isle at the store the other day. I just looked at her and laughed out loud.
If you can't see the big arrows on the floor showing the direction for the whole aisle, you need glasses.

I'm not going to play that silly game
But...but...but...then you want to infect everyone coming down the aisle and my unregulated emotions want to pummel you for that
Lib 101

I'll risk it ;)
Here come the Social Distancing Police.
They don’t carry badges, they don’t wear uniforms. They are not actual police officers, and no one is going to formally deputize them. But they are watchful, and alarmed, mostly disgusted and, though it’s hard to see at times, idealistic. Even well-meaning. They don’t like what they see, and they hate what they must do but — YOU! Your shopping cart! It’s TOO close! SIX FEET! Some shout, some gesture and expect you to get the point. Some call actual police, phone an aldermen, even email their park district.
Many others, they head for Facebook, Twitter, the neighborhood app Nextdoor, where they register horror — a lack of consideration they just witnessed by a fellow Chicagoan. They wonder why everyone is suddenly a jogger. They report coffee houses for a lack of masks. They call 311 to report 12 people sitting a little too close on the grass in a park.
They are you, they are us.

Interestingly the Left has become what they claim to abhor. They'd never admit it but this their roots. The "true believers" believe it is their "RIGHT" to tell others what to do, how to think and how to live their lives. Make no mistake, there are those on the Right who do this too just not to the degree that Progs do. A always, Chicago is the perfect example.
I had a lady tell me I was going the wrong way down the bread isle at the store the other day. I just looked at her and laughed out loud.
If you can't see the big arrows on the floor showing the direction for the whole aisle, you need glasses.

I'm not going to play that silly game
But...but...but...then you want to infect everyone coming down the aisle and my unregulated emotions want to pummel you for that
Lib 101

I'll risk it ;)
Then get what you deserve from the hoax safety patrols
The social-distancing police are among us. Would you call out a neighbor for unsafe practices? Or call 911?

Karen and Kevin can kiss my ass.
Makes me feel like a non compliant to the concept that I am responsible for your health.
You aren't. You are responsible for not recklessly endangering the people around you. If that includes me I have no problem with fucking you up.

In case you hadn't noticed the US is a shithole country when it comes to the virus. Over 90K dead. How many more have to die before you take your fucking head out of your ass and act like a considerate human being and not a mindless cult member?
The people who do not wear masks and practice social distancing are people who want to kiill their fellow citizens and destroy the nation. I don't know how they could be punished, but they should be, and harshly. These are simple rules to follow. If this scum want to die, let them, but I draw the line at their posing a direct threat to society. Let them at least be shipped back to Russia.
Here come the Social Distancing Police.
They don’t carry badges, they don’t wear uniforms. They are not actual police officers, and no one is going to formally deputize them. But they are watchful, and alarmed, mostly disgusted and, though it’s hard to see at times, idealistic. Even well-meaning. They don’t like what they see, and they hate what they must do but — YOU! Your shopping cart! It’s TOO close! SIX FEET! Some shout, some gesture and expect you to get the point. Some call actual police, phone an aldermen, even email their park district.
Many others, they head for Facebook, Twitter, the neighborhood app Nextdoor, where they register horror — a lack of consideration they just witnessed by a fellow Chicagoan. They wonder why everyone is suddenly a jogger. They report coffee houses for a lack of masks. They call 311 to report 12 people sitting a little too close on the grass in a park.
They are you, they are us.

Interestingly the Left has become what they claim to abhor. They'd never admit it but this their roots. The "true believers" believe it is their "RIGHT" to tell others what to do, how to think and how to live their lives. Make no mistake, there are those on the Right who do this too just not to the degree that Progs do. A always, Chicago is the perfect example.
I had a lady tell me I was going the wrong way down the bread isle at the store the other day. I just looked at her and laughed out loud.
If you can't see the big arrows on the floor showing the direction for the whole aisle, you need glasses.

I'm not going to play that silly game
But...but...but...then you want to infect everyone coming down the aisle and my unregulated emotions want to pummel you for that
Lib 101

I'll risk it ;)
Then get what you deserve from the hoax safety patrols

If she is beautiful she can spank me.
I am as liberal as they come, and I've seen all sorts of non-conforming individuals, including people without masks that I've had to interact with, but I don't call the cops on anyone or even call them out on it. I mean, if this thing was Ebola, ya, I would probably raise more of a fuss.

These idiots didn't lock down the country when EBOLA was in Texas a few years ago.

They didn’t have to. Obama shut it down. Unlike Trump who is now claiming g that 1.5 million sick and 100,000 dead is a “badge of honor”.
I am as liberal as they come, and I've seen all sorts of non-conforming individuals, including people without masks that I've had to interact with, but I don't call the cops on anyone or even call them out on it. I mean, if this thing was Ebola, ya, I would probably raise more of a fuss.

These idiots didn't lock down the country when EBOLA was in Texas a few years ago.

They didn’t have to. Obama shut it down. Unlike Trump who is now claiming g that 1.5 million sick and 100,000 dead is a “badge of honor”.

Lie. We had some of the cases brought in, NOTHING was shut down lliar.
Makes me feel like a non compliant to the concept that I am responsible for your health.
You aren't. You are responsible for not recklessly endangering the people around you. If that includes me I have no problem with fucking you up.

In case you hadn't noticed the US is a shithole country when it comes to the virus. Over 90K dead. How many more have to die before you take your fucking head out of your ass and act like a considerate human being and not a mindless cult member?
With a 10% infection rate most of which is unknown to the party infected and a less than 0.1% fatality rate, the responsibilities you wish to force upon me are frivolous and best ignored.
Here come the Social Distancing Police.
They don’t carry badges, they don’t wear uniforms. They are not actual police officers, and no one is going to formally deputize them. But they are watchful, and alarmed, mostly disgusted and, though it’s hard to see at times, idealistic. Even well-meaning. They don’t like what they see, and they hate what they must do but — YOU! Your shopping cart! It’s TOO close! SIX FEET! Some shout, some gesture and expect you to get the point. Some call actual police, phone an aldermen, even email their park district.
Many others, they head for Facebook, Twitter, the neighborhood app Nextdoor, where they register horror — a lack of consideration they just witnessed by a fellow Chicagoan. They wonder why everyone is suddenly a jogger. They report coffee houses for a lack of masks. They call 311 to report 12 people sitting a little too close on the grass in a park.
They are you, they are us.

Interestingly the Left has become what they claim to abhor. They'd never admit it but this their roots. The "true believers" believe it is their "RIGHT" to tell others what to do, how to think and how to live their lives. Make no mistake, there are those on the Right who do this too just not to the degree that Progs do. A always, Chicago is the perfect example.
I had a lady tell me I was going the wrong way down the bread isle at the store the other day. I just looked at her and laughed out loud.
If you can't see the big arrows on the floor showing the direction for the whole aisle, you need glasses.

I'm not going to play that silly game
But...but...but...then you want to infect everyone coming down the aisle and my unregulated emotions want to pummel you for that
Lib 101

I'll risk it ;)
Then get what you deserve from the hoax safety patrols

If she is beautiful she can spank me.
Snowflakes find heterosexual references as offensive. Please refrain because you are responsible for their feelings just like you are their health.
Here come the Social Distancing Police.
They don’t carry badges, they don’t wear uniforms. They are not actual police officers, and no one is going to formally deputize them. But they are watchful, and alarmed, mostly disgusted and, though it’s hard to see at times, idealistic. Even well-meaning. They don’t like what they see, and they hate what they must do but — YOU! Your shopping cart! It’s TOO close! SIX FEET! Some shout, some gesture and expect you to get the point. Some call actual police, phone an aldermen, even email their park district.
Many others, they head for Facebook, Twitter, the neighborhood app Nextdoor, where they register horror — a lack of consideration they just witnessed by a fellow Chicagoan. They wonder why everyone is suddenly a jogger. They report coffee houses for a lack of masks. They call 311 to report 12 people sitting a little too close on the grass in a park.
They are you, they are us.

Interestingly the Left has become what they claim to abhor. They'd never admit it but this their roots. The "true believers" believe it is their "RIGHT" to tell others what to do, how to think and how to live their lives. Make no mistake, there are those on the Right who do this too just not to the degree that Progs do. A always, Chicago is the perfect example.
As I said in a different post, this is similar to what would come out of a Communist textbook. See someone defiant, report him/her to the authorities. The authorities arrive, haul him/her away and it's off to a re-education camp and if still defiant, off to a gulag and if he/she can't be rehabilitated to group-think, like the one-party authoritarian government, then he/she disappears or, perhaps simply initially disappear.
The left is the Nazi, Fascist, Communist party that will be tyrannical once in power again.
Here come the Social Distancing Police.
They don’t carry badges, they don’t wear uniforms. They are not actual police officers, and no one is going to formally deputize them. But they are watchful, and alarmed, mostly disgusted and, though it’s hard to see at times, idealistic. Even well-meaning. They don’t like what they see, and they hate what they must do but — YOU! Your shopping cart! It’s TOO close! SIX FEET! Some shout, some gesture and expect you to get the point. Some call actual police, phone an aldermen, even email their park district.
Many others, they head for Facebook, Twitter, the neighborhood app Nextdoor, where they register horror — a lack of consideration they just witnessed by a fellow Chicagoan. They wonder why everyone is suddenly a jogger. They report coffee houses for a lack of masks. They call 311 to report 12 people sitting a little too close on the grass in a park.
They are you, they are us.

Interestingly the Left has become what they claim to abhor. They'd never admit it but this their roots. The "true believers" believe it is their "RIGHT" to tell others what to do, how to think and how to live their lives. Make no mistake, there are those on the Right who do this too just not to the degree that Progs do. A always, Chicago is the perfect example.
I had a lady tell me I was going the wrong way down the bread isle at the store the other day. I just looked at her and laughed out loud.

Stores have these retard circles ( stickers) telling ppl where to enter the isle and the other side has a " do not enter". I was damed if I was going to Obey some gawd dam 1 st grade follow the dots fkn stickers I Tuuurned around in that same isle looked at some lady with a gawd dam mask on and said " I WILL BE DAMED IF I'M GOING TO EXIT THIS ISLE WHERE SOME FKN STICKER TELLS ME TO AND I walked RIGHT OUT WHERE IT SAID " DO NOT ENTER"

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