the sooner putin wins this war, the sooner our billions can stay in America

Thats what diplomats do - they meet all the time and often exchange pleasantries.

You posting that pic as proof of something is stupid nonsense, like most of your dumb ass posts.

P.S. in that meeting Trump publicly stated that he belived Putin's word over American intelligence findings. Wearing "Make Russia Great Again" hat would probably be less consequential.
You realize I was making fun of you and the rest of the people posting pictures of people shaking hands as some sort of proof that they are allied right?
Thats what diplomats do - they meet all the time and often exchange pleasantries.

You posting that pic as proof of something is stupid nonsense, like most of your dumb ass posts.

P.S. in that meeting Trump publicly stated that he belived Putin's word over American intelligence findings. Wearing "Make Russia Great Again" hat would probably be less consequential.
The same American Intelligence agencies which conducted illegal experiments of mind control on American civilians using drugs and hypnosis? (MK Ultra)

They got caught for that and were forced to declassify in 1973. Think they ever really stopped it though? All they had to do was change the name and some of the signature methods, possibly find new ways to launder the funding. Most likely they are STILL using us for SOME kind of experiments right here on our own soil. And I'll bet some of the results are bought by the Chinese and people like Biden are happy to sell it to them. Such a trustworthy government.....and OH! Those terrible Russians! 😆
Let me know when the runt reclaims land that russians already occupy

can' refute facts.
Appeasement works great, historically speaking. If we just give Ukraine to Putin, he'll be satisfied and become a model world citizen. Rainbows and unicorns will fly from his asshole.
Yes dummy, high confidence findings from those agencies any decent American President would take over Putin's word 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 365 days a year.

"Those agencies" have been responsible for assassinating or attempting to assassinate decent American presidents and other government officials and civilian activists. They have done far more damage to America than Russia ever has. Russia is concerned about our power and fortifies itself but how can you compare their military standoffishness with the crap that has been done to Americans BY Americans??? I lived through 20 years of the Cold War. Our government messed with us more than the Russians ever did. Not saying they haven't messed with us here and there to test us.
Yes dummy, high confidence findings from those agencies any decent American President would take over Putin's word 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 365 days a year.
You’ve got problem. When both are notorious liars, smart people believe neither.
Our billions are staying in America, dumbass!

Do you think that when Biden announces these multi-billion dollar packages for Ukraine he's just giving that money to Ukraine?


That money goes to the American Military Industry. The equipment & munitions they produce are given to Ukraine.
Wrong, as usual.
We are literally giving them money. We are PAYING THEIR PENSIONS FFS
Calling someone else a dumbass LOL
Wrong, as usual.
We are literally giving them money. We are PAYING THEIR PENSIONS FFS
Calling someone else a dumbass LOL

What a lame reply!

Do you think that the Ukrainian Army is stopping the Russians by throwing pension checks at them?

We are supplying billions of dollars in Military equipment and munitions which are produced here in America. The vast majority of the money is going to American Military industries.

The money going to programs like pensions is insignificant.

Nice try, dumbass!
Moron, whats this then?



The US president seemed all too eager to defer to the Kremlin as he continued to attack US intelligence agencies and redefine America’s friends and foes.
Well at least he didn't tell him to wait till after the election, so he could kiss his ass more. Like Obama did.
What a lame reply!

Do you think that the Ukrainian Army is stopping the Russians by throwing pension checks at them?

We are supplying billions of dollars in Military equipment and munitions which are produced here in America. The vast majority of the money is going to American Military industries.

The money going to programs like pensions is insignificant.

Nice try, dumbass!
"dumbass" :rofl:
From my link
A White House fact sheet published online the same day said that Biden requested a total of $33 billion for Ukraine, but Congress ultimately authorized $40 billion — of which about $15 billion was for humanitarian and economic aid, as we have explained before.
Cult runs DEEEEEEP in you!
"dumbass" :rofl:
From my link
A White House fact sheet published online the same day said that Biden requested a total of $33 billion for Ukraine, but Congress ultimately authorized $40 billion — of which about $15 billion was for humanitarian and economic aid, as we have explained before.
Cult runs DEEEEEEP in you!

$15 billion for humanitarian and economic aid to purchase products made by American manufacturers.

Why do you think Congress supports this war? Just because they suddenly have principles?

No dumbass, supporting this war is bringing in major $$$ into their districts.
$15 billion for humanitarian and economic aid to purchase products made by American manufacturers.

Why do you think Congress supports this war? Just because they suddenly have principles?

No dumbass, supporting this war is bringing in major $$$ into their districts.

We're now funding Ukrainian government employees' pensions. Because of you.

$15 billion for humanitarian and economic aid to purchase products made by American manufacturers.

Why do you think Congress supports this war? Just because they suddenly have principles?

No dumbass, supporting this war is bringing in major $$$ into their districts.

Lying piece of shit.
Good day, dumbfuck.
That's terrible! Leaders actually getting along and making peace and shit!!! WTF???

What "peace" idiot?

When D admin diplomats smile in a pic with Russians that's proof of subservience, when I show pics of Trump publicly takin Putin's word over American intelligence findings that's "making peace".
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A group of people from a specific nationality living in dense groups in someone else's country/land does not mean it belongs to them purely based on occupancy.

Ukraine is a part of Russia in 1991 it declared independence after the Soviet union collapsed. So they were once a whole but admist the chaos the splintered off.

Those two things are not even remotely comparable to your very loose and tossed together half baked example.

Ukraine is a part of Russia, just like Taiwan is technically owned by china.
Most do not speak Russian, so how can that be?

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