the sooner putin wins this war, the sooner our billions can stay in America

What "peace" idiot?

When D admin diplomats smile in a pic with Russians that's proof of subservience, when I show pics of Trump publicly takin Putin's word over American intelligence findings that's "making peace".
American intelligence agencies have secretly conducted biological and psychological experiments directly on unsuspecting American civilians, and right now American intelligence is trying to provoke Russia into war. "What peace"?, indeed. That shit wasn't happening under Trump. He must've been doing something right. It was only when the Dems and their biased Intel Community took control that Russia went on the offensive.... So stick that in your crack pipe and smoke it.
American intelligence agencies have secretly conducted biological and psychological experiments directly on unsuspecting American civilians, and right now American intelligence is trying to provoke Russia into war. "What peace"?, indeed. That shit wasn't happening under Trump. He must've been doing something right. It was only when the Dems and their biased Intel Community took control that Russia went on the offensive.... So stick that in your crack pipe and smoke it.

Sure, sure nutbag, we just needed a president who acts like Putin's bitch to keep his army out of Ukraine .

Cool story .
American intelligence agencies have secretly conducted biological and psychological experiments directly on unsuspecting American civilians, and right now American intelligence is trying to provoke Russia into war. "What peace"?, indeed. That shit wasn't happening under Trump. He must've been doing something right. It was only when the Dems and their biased Intel Community took control that Russia went on the offensive.... So stick that in your crack pipe and smoke it.

First, American government agencies pay people to do experiments on them, they don't do it secretly.

Second, if Russia (Putin) was stupid enough to allowed Russia to be provoked into this war, then Russians should blame Putin for being an incompetent fool.

Third, everyone is sick and tired of Russia posturing itself as a super power. Russia has a tiny economy. Without energy commodities, it would be an economic disaster area. Russia is Saudi Arabia with nuclear bombs - and it's economics that make a country a super power, not nuclear bombs. Nuclear bombs without economic power just make a terrorist nation.

Fourth, the days of Russia being considered a super-power are over. The only reason why they were ever considered a super power is because the U.S. & European military industrial complexes needed an imaginary super power enemy to scare their governments into giving them $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Now that China is a genuine super power, there's no need to go on pretending that Russia is one.
First, American government agencies pay people to do experiments on them, they don't do it secretly.

Second, if Russia (Putin) was stupid enough to allowed Russia to be provoked into this war, then Russians should blame Putin for being an incompetent fool.

Third, everyone is sick and tired of Russia posturing itself as a super power. Russia has a tiny economy. Without energy commodities, it would be an economic disaster area. Russia is Saudi Arabia with nuclear bombs - and it's economics that make a country a super power, not nuclear bombs. Nuclear bombs without economic power just make a terrorist nation.

Fourth, the days of Russia being considered a super-power are over. The only reason why they were ever considered a super power is because the U.S. & European military industrial complexes needed an imaginary super power enemy to scare their governments into giving them $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Now that China is a genuine super power, there's no need to go on pretending that Russia is one.
You'd better go back and read about.MKUktra before you shoot off your biased mouth. It WAS secret. Nobody asked the civilians' permission. The CIA were caught. It was ordered to cease and subsequently declassified. And think they suddenly became nice and stopped that shit or didn't have a plethora of other secret.programs you're sadly mistaken.

Your blind belief that these agencies are good and transparent is dangerous
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You'd better go back and read about.MKUktra before you shoot off your biased mouth. It WAS secret. Nobody asked the civilians' permission. The CIA were caught. It was ordered to cease and subsequently declassified. And think they suddenly became nice and stopped that shit or didn't have a plethora of other secret.programs you're sadly mistaken.

Your blind belief that these agencies are good and transparent is dangerous

The key is that the MKUktra program was illegal. It was done without authorization. There are always renegade extremists that do illegal things in the military, intelligence and police operations. This is true about every country.

Like waterboarding, which was done without authorization, then covered up by the GOP, it was eventually exposed and clearly forbidden.

Too bad that people in these positions seem to suffer from some psychological disorder that makes them think that they can do these things. There have been plenty of Police Officers that torture and kill people (i.e. that's why we have BLM), but that doesn't mean that these things are legal or authorized.

BTW - I noticed you had no comment on the rest of my post.

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