The sort of place the US is becoming (or always was)


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
I've put this in this part of the forum because it's about what is right and wrong with the way America is going, or probably more the way it isn't going, as I don't think this is change.

Couple Adopts 2 Girls And Wakes Up To Find Hate Graffiti Spray-Painted All Over House

This family adopted two girls from the Ukraine at 2 years old. They have Down Syndrome.

So, somebody, or some people, write graffiti on the side of their house including "get outta town" and "retards".

The US seems to be the sort of place where hate is becoming something normal, or always was something normal. A society which had slavery, then segregation as the law, where black people were treated as third class citizens for most of the US's history.

Even today black people feel like they're second class citizens and they're getting pounded on by the US president who is encouraging nazis and those with flags of treason to go around shouting hate at Jews and other groups of people.

The fact that on a message board like this, people will justify this sort of behavior on a daily basis, managing to compartmentalize different, contradictory views every day.

The hate seems to be getting worse, but is it that, or is it just that people are noticing it more, or is it just that people forget the past a little and the present seems more real?
We have some hazy details about an incident at the home of some disabled youngsters. This does not prove anything, let alone that the US is full of hate.
Who is the patron saint of hate?

That was a "rhetorical statement." - A rhetorical statement is actually a rhetorical question that plays the role of a statement in that it is not meant to be answered. A rhetorical question is a figure of speech -- a tool used in writing to emphasize a point or to present a challenge. An effective rhetorical question will serve as a call to action. It will challenge a reader to think for themselves.
Who is the patron saint of hate?

That was a "rhetorical statement." - A rhetorical statement is actually a rhetorical question that plays the role of a statement in that it is not meant to be answered. A rhetorical question is a figure of speech -- a tool used in writing to emphasize a point or to present a challenge. An effective rhetorical question will serve as a call to action. It will challenge a reader to think for themselves.
No. You are using fancy bullsh*t rather than offering real examples to substantiate the hate meme.
We have some hazy details about an incident at the home of some disabled youngsters. This does not prove anything, let alone that the US is full of hate.

if the kids who did it are KNOWN----the family should be
We have some hazy details about an incident at the home of some disabled youngsters. This does not prove anything, let alone that the US is full of hate.

if the kids who did it are KNOWN----the family should be
Maybe even more importantly, if the kids who did it are known, those kids should be counseled.
We have some hazy details about an incident at the home of some disabled youngsters. This does not prove anything, let alone that the US is full of hate.

if the kids who did it are KNOWN----the family should be
Maybe even more importantly, if the kids who did it are known, those kids should be counseled.

those kids are the kids of the FAMILY that should be counseled------that was the idea I meant to express.
We were kids (once upon a time) ------I do recall things
I was taught as a child-------something like "always be nice
to sick people" Don't all mothers tell their kids that?
You are welcome to try to find that perfect country where bigotry and racism does not exist...

Before one of your kind writes it happens more here, well seeing America is the third largest populated country in the World means shit happens more often.

Now with that written feel free to go to Communist China or Communist North Korea and discover how children with Down Syndrome are treated!?!

Go over to Iran or Russia or Turkey and see how they treat children with mental disabilities!?!

Head to Mexico and see the plight of parents with children that suffer from Down Syndrome!?!

Very few countries offer children with Down Syndrome the opportunities or medical community like here in the states.

Also you wrote about racism and bigotry then please feel free to find a country where no one has ever suffer from racism or bigotry!?!

You or your kind will scream it happen too much here while again not taking in the size of the population and realizing it will happen when you are a melting pot nation.

Feel free to pretend Countries like the United Kingdom, Poland, Russia or even the Ukraine have less racism and bigotry while ignoring their population size.

Feel free to pretend America is no better today than it was fifty or sixty years ago when it comes to racism because at least Rosa Parks can ride anywhere on the bus and I can marry a black woman if I like and she agrees...

Yes, racism and bigotry still exist and will exist until the last human draws it last breath and to deny this reality is just plain stupid.

It is sad what happen and those involved should be force to clean up the mess, make financial payment and make a public apology for their crime, but that will not be good enough for you and your kind because you want all whites to have a mark and be treated like shit and hate to tell you that will never happen...
We have some hazy details about an incident at the home of some disabled youngsters. This does not prove anything, let alone that the US is full of hate.

if the kids who did it are KNOWN----the family should be
Maybe even more importantly, if the kids who did it are known, those kids should be counseled.

those kids are the kids of the FAMILY that should be counseled------that was the idea I meant to express.
We were kids (once upon a time) ------I do recall things
I was taught as a child-------something like "always be nice
to sick people" Don't all mothers tell their kids that?

No, they do not.

Low class trailer park trash and even high society socialites teach their children to be bigoted assholes...
We have some hazy details about an incident at the home of some disabled youngsters. This does not prove anything, let alone that the US is full of hate.

if the kids who did it are KNOWN----the family should be
Maybe even more importantly, if the kids who did it are known, those kids should be counseled.

those kids are the kids of the FAMILY that should be counseled------that was the idea I meant to express.
We were kids (once upon a time) ------I do recall things
I was taught as a child-------something like "always be nice
to sick people" Don't all mothers tell their kids that?
I agree the kids in the targeted family need counseling. But sadly even more so, the kids who did the graffiti need to understand the harm they have done. All mothers don't tell their kids to be nice and sometimes kids who are told to be nice fail to be nice.
Did anyone else notice the OP used the mentally disabled as a tool for an underhanded political tactic,
then racism in an anti American rant thus marginalizing both behaviors and becoming as bad as those who hate
graffitied the house?
I've put this in this part of the forum because it's about what is right and wrong with the way America is going, or probably more the way it isn't going, as I don't think this is change.

Couple Adopts 2 Girls And Wakes Up To Find Hate Graffiti Spray-Painted All Over House

This family adopted two girls from the Ukraine at 2 years old. They have Down Syndrome.

So, somebody, or some people, write graffiti on the side of their house including "get outta town" and "retards".

The US seems to be the sort of place where hate is becoming something normal, or always was something normal. A society which had slavery, then segregation as the law, where black people were treated as third class citizens for most of the US's history.

Even today black people feel like they're second class citizens and they're getting pounded on by the US president who is encouraging nazis and those with flags of treason to go around shouting hate at Jews and other groups of people.

The fact that on a message board like this, people will justify this sort of behavior on a daily basis, managing to compartmentalize different, contradictory views every day.

The hate seems to be getting worse, but is it that, or is it just that people are noticing it more, or is it just that people forget the past a little and the present seems more real?
Word just spreads faster, and wider.
Did anyone else notice the OP used the mentally disabled as a tool for an underhanded political tactic,
then racism in an anti American rant thus marginalizing both behaviors and becoming as bad as those who hate
graffitied the house?

I noticed, the OP could've left off the one sentence about the US President, but no, I guess the chance to take a shot was just too much to pass up. For that reason, this thread probably belongs elsewhere.

Part of our problem is that we tend to take the actions of a few and blow it up to reflect on everybody. Uh-uh, I ain't buying that most Americans agree with the sentiment or actions against someone with Down's Syndrome or any other difference/discriminator. And BTW, this is a human problem, not an American one; you're going to find stupid fools everywhere, it's just that here in the USA we have much more freedom to be an asshole bigot than most places do.

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