The Source of FDR's Greatness

What is the source of FDR's Imaginary Greatness?

  • 20% Average unemployment of his entire first 2 terms

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Cuddled up to "Uncle Joe" Stalin immediately after he starved 3MM children to death in the Ukraine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • He, um saved capitalism from itself or something like that

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • He lead the USSR to victory in WWII, letting them keep all of Eastern Europe

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 50.0%

  • Total voters
From 1933 until Hitler Conquered France in 1940, US Unemployment averaged 20%.

Is that what made FDR great?


Your chart is a BS recent revision to make FDR look better than his record

Unemployment Statistics during the Great Depression

1933 24.75 < FDR inuagerated
1934 21.60
1935 19.97
1936 16.80
1937 14.18
1938 18.91
1939 17.05
1940 14.45 < Hitler Conquers France

I think I'll stick with my numbers for now...

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Thats funny franks own numbers dont even support himself...hah
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The media is the source of the perceived "greatness" of the FDR administration. The media had always been a part of the FDR administration during the "great depression" which extended through his first two terms and after WW2 the administration took over the media. How many mistakes did FDR make? He promised to end the recession in 1932 which turned into the man killing soup line "great depression" under his leadership. FDR failed to understand the military might of the Japanese empire and it cost 3,000 lives in Pearl Harbor and the entire Philippine Army within four months. By the campaign for his 4th term he was a virtual corpse kept secret by the democrat establishment and the media. He joked about appointing a former KKK member to the supreme court and we ended up with the anti-Christian modern version of "separation church/state". FDR was a failure and a fraud in every sense of the word but the media writes the history books.
Roosevelt implemented massive government programs to "help" the problems of the Depression, but only succeeded in injecting so much uncertainty into the economy that he drew out the Depression to make it "Great", holding the country in an agony of economic paralysis for much longer than any depression of other economic downturn in history. It is not known how many people died, or lived shortened, more miserable lives, as a result of Roosevelt's misguided meddling in an economy he didn't understand.

Roosevelt also recognized a great threat to the civilized world, in the alliance between Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, and wisely turned his generals loose on them, supporting them with wise (if draconian) financial moves and industrial re-organization, thus helping to defeat and obliteate the threat. Though he made mistakes during this time, his achievement in the running of the American part of WWII was a triumph.

His warped and destructive economic policies of the pre-WWII days, continued after his death. Many linger to the present day, and place heavy and destructive burdens on the American people.
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Well, here we go again, those of small minds and mean souls trying to re-write history. My parents and grandparents lived throught that era. They thought Roosevelt to be the greatest President in their lifetimes.

You silly asses can lie and throw stones all you want. Roosevelt's legacy with shine in this nation as long as it is a nation, while his detractors will be forgotten before their graves are green.
Well, here we go again, those of small minds and mean souls trying to re-write history. My parents and grandparents lived throught that era. They thought Roosevelt to be the greatest President in their lifetimes.

You silly asses can lie and throw stones all you want. Roosevelt's legacy with shine in this nation as long as it is a nation, while his detractors will be forgotten before their graves are green.

LOL, FDR was NOT a great president. He started the country on the downhill sprial toward liberal financial ruin, he ignored the Japanese threat until it was too late, his unfunded domestic programs were the model for the bullshit that has us 17 trillion in debt today.

My parents and grandparents lived through those years too, and they saw FDR for what he was, history has proven them right.
Well, here we go again, those of small minds and mean souls trying to re-write history. My parents and grandparents lived throught that era. They thought Roosevelt to be the greatest President in their lifetimes.

You silly asses can lie and throw stones all you want. Roosevelt's legacy with shine in this nation as long as it is a nation, while his detractors will be forgotten before their graves are green.

He was elected president 4 times. However, the statistics are what they are. Im glad we have the president limited to two terms now.
We keep hearing that "FDR was the Greatest President EVAH!!!" He was the greatest! The Greatest! Historians say he was the Greatest, so he's the Greatest Evah!! In like forever!

Then you ask, "Based on what? What was the source of his greatness" and the response back is, "Denier!! FDR was the Greatest President EVAH!!!" He was the greatest! The Greatest! Historians say he was the Greatest, so he's the Greatest Evah!! In like forever!"

I must have missed something and, like the elusive Global Warming Experiment that shows a both a temperature increase and a drop in ocean pH from 8.25 to 8.15 from adding 120PPM of CO2, I can't find the source of FDR's Greatness.

Help me out here will ya?

A lot of people seem to have liked that he was a rich guy who looked out for the common man. Most of my relatives who were alive during that era always seemed to like Truman better after the fact, meaning they liked FDR when he was president, but not as much over time, but did not like Truman when he was President, but realized later that he was much better than they had realized.
The source of his greatness was the radio. America tuned into his fireside chats. Many people were suffering and they felt that FDR was doing something to help.

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