The Squad Melts Down - Drops Another F-Bomb In New False Accusation

72% among Republicans--and that's a 5 percent jump. So he was at 67% which sure as hell isn't high, considering he is a Republican.
Nice LIE, snowflake - the link has been posted....and 72% is a lot higher than Omar's 9%, Congress' 18%, and AOC's 22%....COMBINED!

Really? What link? I've looked through the whole thread and didn't see a link by you or anyone else about a poll.
Didn't the Squad learn from their 1st attempt to accuse the President of being a 'racist'? Everyone saw through it, and even Democrats refused to support the Impeachment legislation submitted based on their lie!

This is just a reflection of the fact that they are godless, immoral people. AOC's lies about what she saw during her visit to the border show that she will say and do anything to further her agenda.
Is this the photo of Pelosi the day she lied about detainees having to drink from indoor plumbing toilets in detention centers that did not have running water?



After falsely accusing President Trump of using 'racist' remarks in an attack against Omar and other members of The Squad and after leading the Democratic Party in the House to officially condemn the President for something he did not do - which totally backfired as Trump's approval rose to 72% during all of this, Omar has now taken the Lead for The Squad in launching another false accusation against the President:

"Democratic Reps.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar alleged Thursday that President Trump is steering the country toward fascism, as they ramped up their criticism of the president in the wake of a fiery rally where he repeatedly blasted the freshman lawmakers.'

After American Citizens attending a recent Trump rally issued a very public rebuke of D-Omar's false claim against the President (that President Trump's statement that people who hate America can / should leave was 'racist') by beginning the chant 'Send Her Back', Omar and AOC today accused President Trump of instigating the spontaneous act by the audience.

They went far further than that, though, reacting to the president’s recent comments -- as well as the rally crowd's reaction -- by saying it shows they're “not in politics anymore. We are not in politics anymore. We are in racism… we are in a fascistic government.”

(Keep in mind that this comment is coming from a far left Democrat who days ago called her own Speaker of the House a 'racist' and who, just today, voiced her support for stripping US citizens of their CHOICE of health care by making private health insurance illegal.)

Although Democrats in the House voted to condemn the President's 'racist' comments, the Democrats admitted President Trump never mentioned anyone by name and never brought up anyone's color when he stated his opinion (that millions of Americans share) that people who hate the country should leave. Much like then, Omar and AOC today falsely accused / attacked President Trump for the 'Send Her Back' chant. The FACT is President Trump did not instigate the chant.

President Trump made that clear today, but the facts don't matter. 'The Squad', who showed they are willing to call their own Party Leader in the House a 'Racist' when she attempted to contain their radical behavior and anti-Semitic propaganda, is focused on undermining the President of the United States and intent on getting him Impeached if possible - truth / facts be damned.

Evidently 'The Squad' was so angry and frustrated their last false narrative / attack failed, and at the rebuke Americans voiced in their chant, that they dropped ANOTHER 'F-Bomb' during their Press Conference today.


AOC, Ilhan Omar accuse Trump of 'spewing fascist ideology' after rally

There were no false statements made. Trump made a racist statement. He made a statement to 4 minorities that they should go back where they came from. He does not have to mention them by name or nationality. Everyone knew who he was talking about. The House was right to condemn Trump. Voters are clearly condemning Trump. 68% say Trump's tweets were offensive. 59% say they were un-American. 65% say that telling a minority to go back to where they come from is racist. 72% say it is patriotic to talk about where America needs to do better.

The fact is that these were anti-Americans acting like fascists at a Hitler rally. Trump was egging the crowd on. Trump's denials were laughable. Her comments were largely correct. Disagreeing with Israel does not make you anti-semetic.

Poll: Most Americans call Trump's tweets targeting 4 congresswomen 'un-American'
There were no false statements made. Trump made a racist statement. He made a statement to 4 minorities that they should go back where they came from. He does not have to mention them by name or nationality. Everyone knew who he was talking about. The House was right to condemn Trump. Voters are clearly condemning Trump. 68% say Trump's tweets were offensive. 59% say they were un-American. 65% say that telling a minority to go back to where they come from is racist. 72% say it is patriotic to talk about where America needs to do better.

The fact is that these were anti-Americans acting like fascists at a Hitler rally. Trump was egging the crowd on. Trump's denials were laughable. Her comments were largely correct. Disagreeing with Israel does not make you anti-semetic.

Poll: Most Americans call Trump's tweets targeting 4 congresswomen 'un-American'
Trump made a racist statement.
And WHAT, pray tell, was the racist statement?

Fuck approval ratings. It doesn't matter.

What does matter is the all-out violent, shooting war that is about to commence. WE will not lose.


It is not about the approval rating, it is about the proud dishonesty of the Trump worshiper.


After falsely accusing President Trump of using 'racist' remarks in an attack against Omar and other members of The Squad and after leading the Democratic Party in the House to officially condemn the President for something he did not do - which totally backfired as Trump's approval rose to 72% during all of this, Omar has now taken the Lead for The Squad in launching another false accusation against the President:

"Democratic Reps.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar alleged Thursday that President Trump is steering the country toward fascism, as they ramped up their criticism of the president in the wake of a fiery rally where he repeatedly blasted the freshman lawmakers.'

After American Citizens attending a recent Trump rally issued a very public rebuke of D-Omar's false claim against the President (that President Trump's statement that people who hate America can / should leave was 'racist') by beginning the chant 'Send Her Back', Omar and AOC today accused President Trump of instigating the spontaneous act by the audience.

They went far further than that, though, reacting to the president’s recent comments -- as well as the rally crowd's reaction -- by saying it shows they're “not in politics anymore. We are not in politics anymore. We are in racism… we are in a fascistic government.”

(Keep in mind that this comment is coming from a far left Democrat who days ago called her own Speaker of the House a 'racist' and who, just today, voiced her support for stripping US citizens of their CHOICE of health care by making private health insurance illegal.)

Although Democrats in the House voted to condemn the President's 'racist' comments, the Democrats admitted President Trump never mentioned anyone by name and never brought up anyone's color when he stated his opinion (that millions of Americans share) that people who hate the country should leave. Much like then, Omar and AOC today falsely accused / attacked President Trump for the 'Send Her Back' chant. The FACT is President Trump did not instigate the chant.

President Trump made that clear today, but the facts don't matter. 'The Squad', who showed they are willing to call their own Party Leader in the House a 'Racist' when she attempted to contain their radical behavior and anti-Semitic propaganda, is focused on undermining the President of the United States and intent on getting him Impeached if possible - truth / facts be damned.

Evidently 'The Squad' was so angry and frustrated their last false narrative / attack failed, and at the rebuke Americans voiced in their chant, that they dropped ANOTHER 'F-Bomb' during their Press Conference today.


AOC, Ilhan Omar accuse Trump of 'spewing fascist ideology' after rally
Do you honestly care if a politician drops an F bomb?
This is just a reflection of the fact that they are godless, immoral people. AOC's lies about what she saw during her visit to the border show that she will say and do anything to further her agenda.
Is this the photo of Pelosi the day she lied about detainees having to drink from indoor plumbing toilets in detention centers that did not have running water?


That is not Pelosi dumbfuck.

are you drunk or something?
This is just a reflection of the fact that they are godless, immoral people. AOC's lies about what she saw during her visit to the border show that she will say and do anything to further her agenda.
Is this the photo of Pelosi the day she lied about detainees having to drink from indoor plumbing toilets in detention centers that did not have running water?


No, it's AOC crying in front of a parking lot

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Fuck approval ratings. It doesn't matter.

What does matter is the all-out violent, shooting war that is about to commence. WE will not lose.


It is not about the approval rating, it is about the proud dishonesty of the Trump worshiper.
Fine. He's dishonest.

Fuck those 4 commie bitches.



Maybe AOC is worth fucking, and then only in the pitch black. you can have the other 3! :21:
There were no false statements made. Trump made a racist statement. He made a statement to 4 minorities that they should go back where they came from.
As usual, you are voicing (incorrect) OPINION.

DEMOCRATS have admitted the President NEVER mentions ANYONE by name and NEVER mentioned COLOR.

PROVE your comment by posting the President's EXACT quote with the link to Su stantiate it.

Let me save you time and effort - HE DIDN'T DO IT!
Fuck approval ratings. It doesn't matter.

What does matter is the all-out violent, shooting war that is about to commence. WE will not lose.


It is not about the approval rating, it is about the proud dishonesty of the Trump worshiper.
But after reading all the stuff here, it was heartening that over half of the Americans polled disapproved of Trump's "go back where you came from" tweet.
Maybe AOC is worth fucking, and then only in the pitch black. you can have the other 3!
WOW, what a sexist thing to say...demonstrating snowflakes thnk its ok for them / Dems to engage is such despicable behavior but have to falsely accuse others of doing so.

Thanks, GG.
There were no false statements made. Trump made a racist statement. He made a statement to 4 minorities that they should go back where they came from.
As usual, you are voicing (incorrect) OPINION.

DEMOCRATS have admitted the President NEVER mentions ANYONE by name and NEVER mentioned COLOR.

PROVE your comment by posting the President's EXACT quote with the link to Su stantiate it.

Let me save you time and effort - HE DIDN'T DO IT!
I have challenged these pussies to quote the precise text in Trump's tweet that is deemed racist and to explain why.

All I got was "go back where you came from" being a racist statement, said by racists for generations, as a universal truth.

NONE have explained whether those countless racists saying "go back to where you came from" followed said statement with "and come back".

Fuck approval ratings. It doesn't matter.

What does matter is the all-out violent, shooting war that is about to commence. WE will not lose.


It is not about the approval rating, it is about the proud dishonesty of the Trump worshiper.
But after reading all the stuff here, it was heartening that over half of the Americans polled disapproved of Trump's "go back where you came from" tweet.
Well, yeah.

But NOT because it was racist. Don't start with that bullshit.


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