The Stench Of Trolling

Seriously Lefty, get a grip. People are getting tired of your 100% Negative Messaging, even when President Trump takes necessary action.

You all called him a coward.
You said he was Putin's best friend
And that he would let Assad walk all over everyone.
You even tried to pin The Syrian Chemical attack on him just 3 months passed in to his presidency.

He just sent 55 Cruise Missiles to cripple the operational capabilities of a Russian-Syrian air base.

I don't care if you are getting paid or not, or if you are just stupid enough to do this on your own...

How many times can you be wrong?

Wrong about Obamacare
Wrong about Hillary's Landslide Victory
Wrong about calling Trump crazy when he claimed he and his staff were being spied on.
Wrong about the Obama Admin's Involvement in unmasking and leaking classified Intel.
And Wrong about President Trump's ability to do the right thing, instead of running his mouth and telegraphing his intentions or saying he was going to do something and never doing anything.

When you are wrong 100% of the time, with your 100% Negative Messaging, why should anyone let themseleves be influenced by you?

Everything in your post is wrong. See? I named that tune in 6 notes.
How long are righties going to ignore Trump flipping over all The shit he said while running for prez ?

Very few people are surprised.

Trump wasn't elected to fullfill promises.

He was elected so Hillary would not occupy the WH.

That's it. Get used to it.

Terrible reason to vote for him. But if you have a choice between two are still going to pick evil.
You chose the greater evil

Depends on what you define as evil.....

Does he lie more.....yes.....they both lie......

Will he pick a better judge for the SCOTUS ? You bet.......much less evil in that regard.
Seriously Lefty, get a grip. People are getting tired of your 100% Negative Messaging, even when President Trump takes necessary action.

You all called him a coward.
You said he was Putin's best friend
And that he would let Assad walk all over everyone.
You even tried to pin The Syrian Chemical attack on him just 3 months passed in to his presidency.

He just sent 55 Cruise Missiles to cripple the operational capabilities of a Russian-Syrian air base.

I don't care if you are getting paid or not, or if you are just stupid enough to do this on your own...

How many times can you be wrong?

Wrong about Obamacare
Wrong about Hillary's Landslide Victory
Wrong about calling Trump crazy when he claimed he and his staff were being spied on.
Wrong about the Obama Admin's Involvement in unmasking and leaking classified Intel.
And Wrong about President Trump's ability to do the right thing, instead of running his mouth and telegraphing his intentions or saying he was going to do something and never doing anything.

When you are wrong 100% of the time, with your 100% Negative Messaging, why should anyone let themseleves be influenced by you?
The right did it continuously during Obalam, did you complain then or just add fuel to the fire?
Trump wasn't elected to fullfill promises.

I nominate this for QUOTE OF THE YEAR award!

Seriously Lefty, get a grip. People are getting tired of your 100% Negative Messaging, even when President Trump takes necessary action.

You all called him a coward.
You said he was Putin's best friend
And that he would let Assad walk all over everyone.
You even tried to pin The Syrian Chemical attack on him just 3 months passed in to his presidency.

He just sent 55 Cruise Missiles to cripple the operational capabilities of a Russian-Syrian air base.

I don't care if you are getting paid or not, or if you are just stupid enough to do this on your own...

How many times can you be wrong?

Wrong about Obamacare
Wrong about Hillary's Landslide Victory
Wrong about calling Trump crazy when he claimed he and his staff were being spied on.
Wrong about the Obama Admin's Involvement in unmasking and leaking classified Intel.
And Wrong about President Trump's ability to do the right thing, instead of running his mouth and telegraphing his intentions or saying he was going to do something and never doing anything.

When you are wrong 100% of the time, with your 100% Negative Messaging, why should anyone let themseleves be influenced by you?
You seemed triggered. You're not turning into a snowflake are you?

We had to deal with your whining and negativity for 8 years. Deal with it.

He's been agitated for sometime now. It seems to be escalating. I don't believe he has the necessary fortitude for sustained exposure to the USMB environment.
Seriously Lefty, get a grip. People are getting tired of your 100% Negative Messaging, even when President Trump takes necessary action.

You all called him a coward.
You said he was Putin's best friend
And that he would let Assad walk all over everyone.
You even tried to pin The Syrian Chemical attack on him just 3 months passed in to his presidency.

He just sent 55 Cruise Missiles to cripple the operational capabilities of a Russian-Syrian air base.

I don't care if you are getting paid or not, or if you are just stupid enough to do this on your own...

How many times can you be wrong?

Wrong about Obamacare
Wrong about Hillary's Landslide Victory
Wrong about calling Trump crazy when he claimed he and his staff were being spied on.
Wrong about the Obama Admin's Involvement in unmasking and leaking classified Intel.
And Wrong about President Trump's ability to do the right thing, instead of running his mouth and telegraphing his intentions or saying he was going to do something and never doing anything.

When you are wrong 100% of the time, with your 100% Negative Messaging, why should anyone let themseleves be influenced by you?


View attachment 120767
Trump body bags.
What an Asshole and Liar you are.
Here is where you got your double posted image, you piece of Troll Shit!

BTW, this is a beautiful song, and you are on ignore. I will keep placing inflammatory flaming trolls on ignore until I am only talking to reasonable Democrats, and Intellectual Liberals who simply disagree on policy and philosophies.

BTW, this is a beautiful song, and you are on ignore. I will keep placing inflammatory flaming trolls on ignore until I am only talking to reasonable Democrats, and Intellectual Liberals who simply disagree on policy and philosophies.

Says the most prolific conspiracy peddler on the board.
Seriously Lefty, get a grip. People are getting tired of your 100% Negative Messaging, even when President Trump takes necessary action.

You all called him a coward.
You said he was Putin's best friend
And that he would let Assad walk all over everyone.
You even tried to pin The Syrian Chemical attack on him just 3 months passed in to his presidency.

He just sent 55 Cruise Missiles to cripple the operational capabilities of a Russian-Syrian air base.

I don't care if you are getting paid or not, or if you are just stupid enough to do this on your own...

How many times can you be wrong?

Wrong about Obamacare
Wrong about Hillary's Landslide Victory
Wrong about calling Trump crazy when he claimed he and his staff were being spied on.
Wrong about the Obama Admin's Involvement in unmasking and leaking classified Intel.
And Wrong about President Trump's ability to do the right thing, instead of running his mouth and telegraphing his intentions or saying he was going to do something and never doing anything.

When you are wrong 100% of the time, with your 100% Negative Messaging, why should anyone let themseleves be influenced by you?

TOT, as you can see by the responses, they don't care what the facts are, they just continue with their phony narrative. All you need remember is------------> the Trump administration now has 100% access to ALL the records of the last 8 years. Maybe in retrospect, that is why most Presidents and their administrations, kind of disappear when their time is over, especially when the other party comes in. I am positive that every President mislead, cajoled, or did things on the edge, so they kind of keep their mouths shut, and so do their administrative heads.

I can't say with certainty Trump and his associates did nothing wrong. Only they know this for sure. But, I am confident that IF they did NOT, Trump is going to go to the American people, and put the Dems on the spot to put up, or shut up. He is also going to have his people dig like hell into the archives over the last 8 years, and we both have a sneaking suspicion what that is going to mean to the Dems.

We all must remember and be aware that Trump was a private citizen, and Pence was a governor. They could NOT effect, collude, or do much of anything in Washington DC until the day they took office. Not so with the Democrats attacking him. Anything Obama did, will come back to them.

The Russian narrative is all the left has! If they can't prove anything on that front, they are going to find themselves hosed constantly with what went on in the Obama administration, as Trump and his people go through the archives. They had really better have something on Trump, because he has everything on them, and in their own handwriting and computer marks too.

I have quite a few friends in politics, and over a handful of them are on the Democratic side. Those people on the Democratic side are scared to death! I have been told by several, that if this doesn't pan out for them with the Russia story, they know what is probably coming within the next year. They feel they would have a much easier time controlling Pence as he is a political figure, than Trump, who owes nobody anything but his voters.

In closing, let me say if the left really wants transparency on what happened during the Obama years, they are going to get it. Maybe they are all correct, it was all above board. Maybe there isn't a thing there; but if I was them, I would start worrying because, if there was, we are soon going to hear about it!
How long are righties going to ignore Trump flipping over all The shit he said while running for prez ?
How long are you gonna keep lying?
Ask Trump how long he's going to keep lying????? Trump thinks that if he start a war in Syria, the FBI and the DOJ will quit investigating his treasonous actions and affairs. Hey Trump its still remains Russia....Russia.......Russia.

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