The "stop believing the self-defense myth"


VIP Member
Jul 23, 2014
A new study released by a nonprofit organization that favors gun-control legislation says that firearms are more likely to be used in a homicide than in self-defense.

The study, titled “Justifiable Homicides and Non-Fatal Self-Defense Gun Use,” concluded that “the reality of self-defense gun use bears no resemblance to the exaggerated claims of the gun lobby and gun industry.”
Gun-control group hopes study will convince lawmakers to stop believing the self-defense myth - Washington Times

A lot of different studies try to tell us contradictory thing. And your belief depends on your preferences, support gun control or not.
But there must be some kind of midpoint. Where is it?
I think gun rights are something like an anachronism. Maybe a throw-back to the 19th Century.
In the 21st Century guns signify impotence and fear of everything around. Information is power in the 21st Century. If someone steals your identity, your gun is certainly not going to stop them.
My brother lost his home and most of his belongings in the tornado that hit Tuscaloosa in April of 2011. I remember talking to him about how devastating the storm had been. I liked what he said. "Yeah, this storm wiped out a lot. But if a storm only destroys one home, it was just as devastating to that person."

My point is that even if the number of self defense gun uses are less than what some people claim, each one saved a life or stopped a crime. There is virtually no way to remove guns. Banning them will simply create a larger black market for the criminals to get guns, while the law abiding will be defenseless.

The fact that the study posted in the OP was done by a nonprofit that favors gun control makes me question the results, just as anti-gun people question the studies released by the NRA.

Oh, and as far as a gun being more likely to be used in a homicide instead of a self defense, remember that the overwhelming majority of guns are not used against people at all. Something like 99% of guns will never be used to take a human life.
A new study released by a nonprofit organization that favors gun-control legislation says that firearms are more likely to be used in a homicide than in self-defense.

The study, titled “Justifiable Homicides and Non-Fatal Self-Defense Gun Use,” concluded that “the reality of self-defense gun use bears no resemblance to the exaggerated claims of the gun lobby and gun industry.”
Gun-control group hopes study will convince lawmakers to stop believing the self-defense myth - Washington Times

A lot of different studies try to tell us contradictory thing. And your belief depends on your preferences, support gun control or not.
But there must be some kind of midpoint. Where is it?
I think gun rights are something like an anachronism. Maybe a throw-back to the 19th Century.
In the 21st Century guns signify impotence and fear of everything around. Information is power in the 21st Century. If someone steals your identity, your gun is certainly not going to stop them.

I'll keep mine....and, oh yeah, it has nothing to do with impotence and fear. I doubt that you would understand though.
A new study released by a nonprofit organization that favors gun-control legislation says that firearms are more likely to be used in a homicide than in self-defense.

The study, titled “Justifiable Homicides and Non-Fatal Self-Defense Gun Use,” concluded that “the reality of self-defense gun use bears no resemblance to the exaggerated claims of the gun lobby and gun industry.”
Gun-control group hopes study will convince lawmakers to stop believing the self-defense myth - Washington Times

A lot of different studies try to tell us contradictory thing. And your belief depends on your preferences, support gun control or not.
But there must be some kind of midpoint. Where is it?
I think gun rights are something like an anachronism. Maybe a throw-back to the 19th Century.
In the 21st Century guns signify impotence and fear of everything around. Information is power in the 21st Century. If someone steals your identity, your gun is certainly not going to stop them.
Well don't have a gun then. Just because you don't have the mental capabilitie to have one and don't just look as it as a tool, like I look a gun as just a tool like a knife or hammer or baseball bat, don't mean I can't have a gun.

Btw my tool is a 2nd ammendmet right your phone to call for help is not.
Let's say you could show somehow that private ownership of guns had no redeeming value whatsoever--it was entirely negative. And let's say you repealed the 2A somehow.
OK, now what? You arent recalling the 300M+ guns already in circulation. You arent able to account for them or their whereabouts. You will never collect every gun in America, or even half of them. And if you tried you'd face a major revolution in some areas. So thugs and criminals will still end up with guns and law abiding citizens will still be denied their use.
So gun control is useless.
The gun debate is over, dirtbag. We won.

You lost. Suck on it

Damn straight!! Where do these morons come from? Newsflash the police won't arrive in time to save you from evil murderous thugs. By this idiots logic we shouldn't buy car insurance since most of us will never use it.
A new study released by a nonprofit organization that favors gun-control legislation says that firearms are more likely to be used in a homicide than in self-defense.

The study, titled “Justifiable Homicides and Non-Fatal Self-Defense Gun Use,” concluded that “the reality of self-defense gun use bears no resemblance to the exaggerated claims of the gun lobby and gun industry.”
Gun-control group hopes study will convince lawmakers to stop believing the self-defense myth - Washington Times

A lot of different studies try to tell us contradictory thing. And your belief depends on your preferences, support gun control or not.
But there must be some kind of midpoint. Where is it?
I think gun rights are something like an anachronism. Maybe a throw-back to the 19th Century.
In the 21st Century guns signify impotence and fear of everything around. Information is power in the 21st Century. If someone steals your identity, your gun is certainly not going to stop them.

You mother fuckers just can't help yourself can you, how about you tell each of the approximately 2 million people a year that use guns for self defense that it was all in their freaking minds. Little piss ants like you are good for nothing but a target for a good bitch slap.
In MOST cases, the criminals aren't even shot. Many criminals survive their wounds. Some cases aren't reported at all.

So to say that because there were only 259 Justifiable Homicides compared to 8342 murders is disingenuos bullshit like everything else bed wetters say.

The mere presence of a gun in the hands of a coward's intended victim is a game changer.

Lets not forget that criminals are generally predatory and pick what they percieve to be easy victims. When they realize they've had a sudden acute victim selection failure, they tend to flee. Many are held at gun point until police arrive aswell, because good people don't WANT to shoot someone.

"A non profit organization that favors gun control". Is it possible that progs don't understand the difference between "non profit" and " non biased"? The organization obviously depends on donations from gun control advocates so it stands to reason that it will issue propaganda statements and skew statistics in order to survive.
We know Prohibition doesn't work.

Ergo, we know banning guns will not ever work.
In MOST cases, the criminals aren't even shot. Many criminals survive their wounds. Some cases aren't reported at all.

So to say that because there were only 259 Justifiable Homicides compared to 8342 murders is disingenuos bullshit like everything else bed wetters say.

The mere presence of a gun in the hands of a coward's intended victim is a game changer.

Lets not forget that criminals are generally predatory and pick what they percieve to be easy victims. When they realize they've had a sudden acute victim selection failure, they tend to flee. Many are held at gun point until police arrive aswell, because good people don't WANT to shoot someone.

They flee....and find a victim that doesn't have a gun, and they rape, rob or murder them.....don't forget that part of the equation....
so because a non profit organization did some study that is suppose to make it more important or what?

and of course the gun control freaks jump all over it in hoping to take away OUR RIGHTS to our second amendment and our right to protect ourselves from the kinds of stuff that you saw happen with this church

Unbelievable how they use the dead for their AGENDAS to impose on the MILLIONS OF US who are guilty OF NOTHING
My brother lost his home and most of his belongings in the tornado that hit Tuscaloosa in April of 2011. I remember talking to him about how devastating the storm had been. I liked what he said. "Yeah, this storm wiped out a lot. But if a storm only destroys one home, it was just as devastating to that person."

My point is that even if the number of self defense gun uses are less than what some people claim, each one saved a life or stopped a crime. There is virtually no way to remove guns. Banning them will simply create a larger black market for the criminals to get guns, while the law abiding will be defenseless.

The fact that the study posted in the OP was done by a nonprofit that favors gun control makes me question the results, just as anti-gun people question the studies released by the NRA.

Oh, and as far as a gun being more likely to be used in a homicide instead of a self defense, remember that the overwhelming majority of guns are not used against people at all. Something like 99% of guns will never be used to take a human life.
That is long as a gun can be made in a garage with a few milling machines then a ban would be foolish. Remember the Zip Gun? that little invention killed and injured many people back in the 50's.
I say everyone should be required to have a gun, strapped to your side in plain sight. It would make for a much more polite society. Talk about equality...when a 70 year old women is packing heat she is as bad ass as any dirt bag gangster....and when a teacher or a pastor is armed they are as lethal as a drugged out nut or racist on a death rail. Lets be smart about this.
'The study, titled “Justifiable Homicides and Non-Fatal Self-Defense Gun Use,” concluded that “the reality of self-defense gun use bears no resemblance to the exaggerated claims of the gun lobby and gun industry.”
Gun-control group hopes study will convince lawmakers to stop believing the self-defense myth - Washington Times'

The appropriate response to this would be:


This study might be helpful for those considering whether or not to have a gun in the home, but the fact that citizens rarely use guns in self-defense has no bearing whatsoever on the merits and constitutionality of gun control measures, current or proposed.

One cannot be required to 'justify' the exercising of a Constitutional right as some sort of 'prerequisite' to indeed do so.

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