The story of Hillary Clinton's national security failures deserves to be told

what difference does the expense of those hearings make now?
IOW, he using the famous phrase, "What difference does it make?"

View attachment 60460

More republican bullshit . Post the whole "what difference does it make quote " and see that Hillary was right .

Benghazi has been a GOP fail fir 5 years . The premise is dumb . How would hill know the exact cause of a SURPRISE attack right after it happened !?

Benghazi has been fail for 5 years because MSM Propaganda Inc. has in general ignored it.

MSM didn't let Bill off easy. The y covered the entire Monica story start to finish .. why would they let Hillary off the hook?

oh yeah. you're braindead, never mind
IOW, he using the famous phrase, "What difference does it make?"

View attachment 60460

More republican bullshit . Post the whole "what difference does it make quote " and see that Hillary was right .

Benghazi has been a GOP fail fir 5 years . The premise is dumb . How would hill know the exact cause of a SURPRISE attack right after it happened !?

Benghazi has been fail for 5 years because MSM Propaganda Inc. has in general ignored it.

Really? How about all those GOP lead investigations that cost millions and found .......nothing . Was that the medias fault ? Lol! Even a biased investigation failed to find wrongdoing !
Is that the reason OBAMA'S OWN IG is weighing in on all of those classified documents???
Clinton campaign spokesman: The Obama-appointed Inspector General is just a Republican stooge
IOW, he using the famous phrase, "What difference does it make?"

View attachment 60460

More republican bullshit . Post the whole "what difference does it make quote " and see that Hillary was right .

Benghazi has been a GOP fail fir 5 years . The premise is dumb . How would hill know the exact cause of a SURPRISE attack right after it happened !?

Benghazi has been fail for 5 years because MSM Propaganda Inc. has in general ignored it.

Really? How about all those GOP lead investigations that cost millions and found .......nothing . Was that the medias fault ? Lol! Even a biased investigation failed to find wrongdoing !
Is that the reason OBAMA'S OWN IG is weighing in on all of those classified documents???
Clinton campaign spokesman: The Obama-appointed Inspector General is just a Republican stooge

I wonder what Obama's Presidential Library is going to be like?
When she's looking for work she won't be hired to do Aricept commercials.

That stuff works for Alzheimer's - don't do jack shit for brain damage that comes from bouncing around banging your head on the floor to silence the voices.....and the pharm companies know that.
OMG...another let's get Hillary and Benghazi thread...........
Well before they decided to run this ad campaign they factored in there will be at least 80 million braid dead robots like you who will either ignore it or laugh at it to try to impress their equally brain dead friends. But still they thought it a noble cause and worth the effort.

So it is ok for you to go back to your room and play big boy liberal who thinks all these scandals are just a bunch of right wing nut jobs making stuff up and you can share that with your little 10 year old sister who will have big eyes and think you are so smart.

And the rest of us will do whatever we can to overcome the duplicitous mainstream media and the corrupt Obama administration and the cowardly congress and corrupt courts and try to make the truth known and acted upon. Why? Because we care.

Oh and here is another good one. The Bill and Hillary Foundation has taken in millions and millions of dollars from subversive foreign entities or nations and pocketed a ton of it for themselves, plus Hillary used her state dept clout to grant illegal favors. Did you hear that one? Never mind, it’s no big deal. But I think they are finding out Ben Carson had a nasty temper as a child and your mainstream media is determined to get to the bottom of that frightful matter.

What are braid dead robots? all seriousness I don't like Hillary as much as you do, but this is the only thing the right has against Hillary. Except for her emails of coarse, but I don't see her behind bars like I keep hearing about almost everyday.
I doubt that we would not be hearing as much about these things if she was not running.
OMG...another let's get Hillary and Benghazi thread...........
Well before they decided to run this ad campaign they factored in there will be at least 80 million braid dead robots like you who will either ignore it or laugh at it to try to impress their equally brain dead friends. But still they thought it a noble cause and worth the effort.

So it is ok for you to go back to your room and play big boy liberal who thinks all these scandals are just a bunch of right wing nut jobs making stuff up and you can share that with your little 10 year old sister who will have big eyes and think you are so smart.

And the rest of us will do whatever we can to overcome the duplicitous mainstream media and the corrupt Obama administration and the cowardly congress and corrupt courts and try to make the truth known and acted upon. Why? Because we care.

Oh and here is another good one. The Bill and Hillary Foundation has taken in millions and millions of dollars from subversive foreign entities or nations and pocketed a ton of it for themselves, plus Hillary used her state dept clout to grant illegal favors. Did you hear that one? Never mind, it’s no big deal. But I think they are finding out Ben Carson had a nasty temper as a child and your mainstream media is determined to get to the bottom of that frightful matter.

What are braid dead robots? all seriousness I don't like Hillary as much as you do, but this is the only thing the right has against Hillary. Except for her emails of coarse, but I don't see her behind bars like I keep hearing about almost everyday.
I doubt that we would not be hearing as much about these things if she was not running.
Ok, you are not a brain dead robot. I accept your testimony.

But that is all I am going to change of my charges.

Please, do an honest investigation of this woman and her political history since Arkansas. She is immersed in corruption and deception.
The story of Hillary Clinton's national security failures deserves to be told

Tuesday, we are launching our first ad in New Hampshire, South Carolina and Washington, D.C. The sixty and thirty second ads highlight how Hillary Clinton baldly lied to the American people minutes after the terrorist attack that claimed the lives of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods in Benghazi.
In the heat of President Obama’s reelection campaign, Hillary and team scrambled to make sure voters didn’t view the terrorist attack in Libya as a natural outcome of her weak foreign policy decisions.
Hillary Clinton publicly said one thing and privately said another. This duplicity deserves highlighting.

4. Clinton blamed a little-watched and poorly produced anti-Muslim YouTube video for the attack. Coming less than two months from the 2012 presidential election, it was an obvious attempt to blame external forces outside her control.
5. The Secretary of State of the United States, along with the president of the United States stone-cold lied to the world with brazen forethought about the murder of four brave Americans in order to prevent a damaging political blow just months before their election.

The story of Hillary Clinton's national security failures deserves to be told | Fox News

The story of Benghazi is not over, The people will be learning about it in political ads coming soon.
I thought you were going to say something true. Sorry.
IOW, he using the famous phrase, "What difference does it make?"

View attachment 60460

More republican bullshit . Post the whole "what difference does it make quote " and see that Hillary was right .

Benghazi has been a GOP fail fir 5 years . The premise is dumb . How would hill know the exact cause of a SURPRISE attack right after it happened !?

Benghazi has been fail for 5 years because MSM Propaganda Inc. has in general ignored it.

Really? How about all those GOP lead investigations that cost millions and found .......nothing . Was that the medias fault ? Lol! Even a biased investigation failed to find wrongdoing !
Is that the reason OBAMA'S OWN IG is weighing in on all of those classified documents???
Clinton campaign spokesman: The Obama-appointed Inspector General is just a Republican stooge
OMG...another let's get Hillary and Benghazi thread...........
Well before they decided to run this ad campaign they factored in there will be at least 80 million braid dead robots like you who will either ignore it or laugh at it to try to impress their equally brain dead friends. But still they thought it a noble cause and worth the effort.

So it is ok for you to go back to your room and play big boy liberal who thinks all these scandals are just a bunch of right wing nut jobs making stuff up and you can share that with your little 10 year old sister who will have big eyes and think you are so smart.

And the rest of us will do whatever we can to overcome the duplicitous mainstream media and the corrupt Obama administration and the cowardly congress and corrupt courts and try to make the truth known and acted upon. Why? Because we care.

Oh and here is another good one. The Bill and Hillary Foundation has taken in millions and millions of dollars from subversive foreign entities or nations and pocketed a ton of it for themselves, plus Hillary used her state dept clout to grant illegal favors. Did you hear that one? Never mind, it’s no big deal. But I think they are finding out Ben Carson had a nasty temper as a child and your mainstream media is determined to get to the bottom of that frightful matter.

What are braid dead robots? all seriousness I don't like Hillary as much as you do, but this is the only thing the right has against Hillary. Except for her emails of coarse, but I don't see her behind bars like I keep hearing about almost everyday.
I doubt that we would not be hearing as much about these things if she was not running.
Ok, you are not a brain dead robot. I accept your testimony.

But that is all I am going to change of my charges.

Please, do an honest investigation of this woman and her political history since Arkansas. She is immersed in corruption and deception.

This is why Bernie and Trump are doing well, people are concerned..I hope you don't like Cruz, he is just as bad.
what difference does the expense of those hearings make now?
IOW, he using the famous phrase, "What difference does it make?"

View attachment 60460

More republican bullshit . Post the whole "what difference does it make quote " and see that Hillary was right .

Benghazi has been a GOP fail fir 5 years . The premise is dumb . How would hill know the exact cause of a SURPRISE attack right after it happened !?

Benghazi has been fail for 5 years because MSM Propaganda Inc. has in general ignored it.

Never mind what others say, you are correct in your suspicions here. Just because the MSM says the word Benghazi every night does not imply they are doing any serious fact reporting or investigations. Hell they have said the words "Barack Obama" maybe 7,000 times since he took office and they have covered up for the traitor and liar about 700 times. It's like the slogan from an old game show went "It is not what you say... it is what you don't say."

More republican bullshit . Post the whole "what difference does it make quote " and see that Hillary was right .

Benghazi has been a GOP fail fir 5 years . The premise is dumb . How would hill know the exact cause of a SURPRISE attack right after it happened !?

Benghazi has been fail for 5 years because MSM Propaganda Inc. has in general ignored it.

Really? How about all those GOP lead investigations that cost millions and found .......nothing . Was that the medias fault ? Lol! Even a biased investigation failed to find wrongdoing !
Is that the reason OBAMA'S OWN IG is weighing in on all of those classified documents???
Clinton campaign spokesman: The Obama-appointed Inspector General is just a Republican stooge

I wonder what Obama's Presidential Library is going to be like?
The story of Hillary Clinton's national security failures deserves to be told

Tuesday, we are launching our first ad in New Hampshire, South Carolina and Washington, D.C. The sixty and thirty second ads highlight how Hillary Clinton baldly lied to the American people minutes after the terrorist attack that claimed the lives of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods in Benghazi.
In the heat of President Obama’s reelection campaign, Hillary and team scrambled to make sure voters didn’t view the terrorist attack in Libya as a natural outcome of her weak foreign policy decisions.
Hillary Clinton publicly said one thing and privately said another. This duplicity deserves highlighting.

4. Clinton blamed a little-watched and poorly produced anti-Muslim YouTube video for the attack. Coming less than two months from the 2012 presidential election, it was an obvious attempt to blame external forces outside her control.
5. The Secretary of State of the United States, along with the president of the United States stone-cold lied to the world with brazen forethought about the murder of four brave Americans in order to prevent a damaging political blow just months before their election.

The story of Hillary Clinton's national security failures deserves to be told | Fox News

The story of Benghazi is not over, The people will be learning about it in political ads coming soon.
I thought you were going to say something true. Sorry.
YOu can't handle the truth.
The story of Hillary Clinton's national security failures deserves to be told

Tuesday, we are launching our first ad in New Hampshire, South Carolina and Washington, D.C. The sixty and thirty second ads highlight how Hillary Clinton baldly lied to the American people minutes after the terrorist attack that claimed the lives of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods in Benghazi.
In the heat of President Obama’s reelection campaign, Hillary and team scrambled to make sure voters didn’t view the terrorist attack in Libya as a natural outcome of her weak foreign policy decisions.
Hillary Clinton publicly said one thing and privately said another. This duplicity deserves highlighting.

4. Clinton blamed a little-watched and poorly produced anti-Muslim YouTube video for the attack. Coming less than two months from the 2012 presidential election, it was an obvious attempt to blame external forces outside her control.
5. The Secretary of State of the United States, along with the president of the United States stone-cold lied to the world with brazen forethought about the murder of four brave Americans in order to prevent a damaging political blow just months before their election.

The story of Hillary Clinton's national security failures deserves to be told | Fox News

The story of Benghazi is not over, The people will be learning about it in political ads coming soon.

Is any of this getting any actual decent coverage on MSM television, or is it ignored? We get no coverage at all in Europa about the Hillary stuff.

It is, of course, being ignored. After all - it's Hillary's TIME!!! The bitch SHOULD be in Leavenworth, but that ain't happening either.

how's that? a shit load of hearings that turned out to be expensive red herrings and republican crapspiracy theorists ,like yourself and the op make it impossible to ignore .

Like I told you - go ask the Inspector General. This crap came out AFTER the hearings bubba. Your precious leader is in a world of shit right about now. :)
The story of Hillary Clinton's national security failures deserves to be told

Tuesday, we are launching our first ad in New Hampshire, South Carolina and Washington, D.C. The sixty and thirty second ads highlight how Hillary Clinton baldly lied to the American people minutes after the terrorist attack that claimed the lives of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods in Benghazi.
In the heat of President Obama’s reelection campaign, Hillary and team scrambled to make sure voters didn’t view the terrorist attack in Libya as a natural outcome of her weak foreign policy decisions.
Hillary Clinton publicly said one thing and privately said another. This duplicity deserves highlighting.

4. Clinton blamed a little-watched and poorly produced anti-Muslim YouTube video for the attack. Coming less than two months from the 2012 presidential election, it was an obvious attempt to blame external forces outside her control.
5. The Secretary of State of the United States, along with the president of the United States stone-cold lied to the world with brazen forethought about the murder of four brave Americans in order to prevent a damaging political blow just months before their election.

The story of Hillary Clinton's national security failures deserves to be told | Fox News

The story of Benghazi is not over, The people will be learning about it in political ads coming soon.

Is any of this getting any actual decent coverage on MSM television, or is it ignored? We get no coverage at all in Europa about the Hillary stuff.

It is, of course, being ignored. After all - it's Hillary's TIME!!! The bitch SHOULD be in Leavenworth, but that ain't happening either.

how's that? a shit load of hearings that turned out to be expensive red herrings and republican crapspiracy theorists ,like yourself and the op make it impossible to ignore .

Seems you can't make a decision for yourself without a hearing.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see gross negligence in Hitlery's State Department.

If State had done what the Brits and Red Cross did then Benghazi wouldn't have happened.

Catch a clue idiot and use what you have for a brain.
OMG...another let's get Hillary and Benghazi thread...........
Well before they decided to run this ad campaign they factored in there will be at least 80 million braid dead robots like you who will either ignore it or laugh at it to try to impress their equally brain dead friends. But still they thought it a noble cause and worth the effort.

So it is ok for you to go back to your room and play big boy liberal who thinks all these scandals are just a bunch of right wing nut jobs making stuff up and you can share that with your little 10 year old sister who will have big eyes and think you are so smart.

And the rest of us will do whatever we can to overcome the duplicitous mainstream media and the corrupt Obama administration and the cowardly congress and corrupt courts and try to make the truth known and acted upon. Why? Because we care.

Oh and here is another good one. The Bill and Hillary Foundation has taken in millions and millions of dollars from subversive foreign entities or nations and pocketed a ton of it for themselves, plus Hillary used her state dept clout to grant illegal favors. Did you hear that one? Never mind, it’s no big deal. But I think they are finding out Ben Carson had a nasty temper as a child and your mainstream media is determined to get to the bottom of that frightful matter.

What are braid dead robots? all seriousness I don't like Hillary as much as you do, but this is the only thing the right has against Hillary. Except for her emails of coarse, but I don't see her behind bars like I keep hearing about almost everyday.
I doubt that we would not be hearing as much about these things if she was not running.
Ok, you are not a brain dead robot. I accept your testimony.

But that is all I am going to change of my charges.

Please, do an honest investigation of this woman and her political history since Arkansas. She is immersed in corruption and deception.

This is why Bernie and Trump are doing well, people are concerned..I hope you don't like Cruz, he is just as bad.
The story of Hillary Clinton's national security failures deserves to be told

Tuesday, we are launching our first ad in New Hampshire, South Carolina and Washington, D.C. The sixty and thirty second ads highlight how Hillary Clinton baldly lied to the American people minutes after the terrorist attack that claimed the lives of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods in Benghazi.
In the heat of President Obama’s reelection campaign, Hillary and team scrambled to make sure voters didn’t view the terrorist attack in Libya as a natural outcome of her weak foreign policy decisions.
Hillary Clinton publicly said one thing and privately said another. This duplicity deserves highlighting.

4. Clinton blamed a little-watched and poorly produced anti-Muslim YouTube video for the attack. Coming less than two months from the 2012 presidential election, it was an obvious attempt to blame external forces outside her control.
5. The Secretary of State of the United States, along with the president of the United States stone-cold lied to the world with brazen forethought about the murder of four brave Americans in order to prevent a damaging political blow just months before their election.

The story of Hillary Clinton's national security failures deserves to be told | Fox News

The story of Benghazi is not over, The people will be learning about it in political ads coming soon.
I thought you were going to say something true. Sorry.
YOu can't handle the truth.
worst jack Nicolson impression ever!
The story of Hillary Clinton's national security failures deserves to be told

Tuesday, we are launching our first ad in New Hampshire, South Carolina and Washington, D.C. The sixty and thirty second ads highlight how Hillary Clinton baldly lied to the American people minutes after the terrorist attack that claimed the lives of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods in Benghazi.
In the heat of President Obama’s reelection campaign, Hillary and team scrambled to make sure voters didn’t view the terrorist attack in Libya as a natural outcome of her weak foreign policy decisions.
Hillary Clinton publicly said one thing and privately said another. This duplicity deserves highlighting.

4. Clinton blamed a little-watched and poorly produced anti-Muslim YouTube video for the attack. Coming less than two months from the 2012 presidential election, it was an obvious attempt to blame external forces outside her control.
5. The Secretary of State of the United States, along with the president of the United States stone-cold lied to the world with brazen forethought about the murder of four brave Americans in order to prevent a damaging political blow just months before their election.

The story of Hillary Clinton's national security failures deserves to be told | Fox News

The story of Benghazi is not over, The people will be learning about it in political ads coming soon.

Is any of this getting any actual decent coverage on MSM television, or is it ignored? We get no coverage at all in Europa about the Hillary stuff.

It is, of course, being ignored. After all - it's Hillary's TIME!!! The bitch SHOULD be in Leavenworth, but that ain't happening either.

how's that? a shit load of hearings that turned out to be expensive red herrings and republican crapspiracy theorists ,like yourself and the op make it impossible to ignore .

Like I told you - go ask the Inspector General. This crap came out AFTER the hearings bubba. Your precious leader is in a world of shit right about now. :)
my precious leader?
typical righty paranoid false assumption.
The story of Hillary Clinton's national security failures deserves to be told

Tuesday, we are launching our first ad in New Hampshire, South Carolina and Washington, D.C. The sixty and thirty second ads highlight how Hillary Clinton baldly lied to the American people minutes after the terrorist attack that claimed the lives of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods in Benghazi.
In the heat of President Obama’s reelection campaign, Hillary and team scrambled to make sure voters didn’t view the terrorist attack in Libya as a natural outcome of her weak foreign policy decisions.
Hillary Clinton publicly said one thing and privately said another. This duplicity deserves highlighting.

4. Clinton blamed a little-watched and poorly produced anti-Muslim YouTube video for the attack. Coming less than two months from the 2012 presidential election, it was an obvious attempt to blame external forces outside her control.
5. The Secretary of State of the United States, along with the president of the United States stone-cold lied to the world with brazen forethought about the murder of four brave Americans in order to prevent a damaging political blow just months before their election.

The story of Hillary Clinton's national security failures deserves to be told | Fox News

The story of Benghazi is not over, The people will be learning about it in political ads coming soon.

Is any of this getting any actual decent coverage on MSM television, or is it ignored? We get no coverage at all in Europa about the Hillary stuff.

It is, of course, being ignored. After all - it's Hillary's TIME!!! The bitch SHOULD be in Leavenworth, but that ain't happening either.

how's that? a shit load of hearings that turned out to be expensive red herrings and republican crapspiracy theorists ,like yourself and the op make it impossible to ignore .

Seems you can't make a decision for yourself without a hearing.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see gross negligence in Hitlery's State Department.

If State had done what the Brits and Red Cross did then Benghazi wouldn't have happened.

Catch a clue idiot and use what you have for a brain.
golly! the brits and the red cross did what amounts to jack shit.
fact is it was over before any help of any significance could arrive. We got caught with our pants down.
as too making decisions, conservatives are famous for making terrible ones and overreacting without actual knowledge.
leading them to say extremely stupid shit like "
If State had done what the Brits and Red Cross did then Benghazi wouldn't have happened."
what happened at Benghazi was pretty much inevitable ,besides they knew, as do all diplomats do that death is part of the game.

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