The story of Hillary Clinton's national security failures deserves to be told

Is any of this getting any actual decent coverage on MSM television, or is it ignored? We get no coverage at all in Europa about the Hillary stuff.

It is, of course, being ignored. After all - it's Hillary's TIME!!! The bitch SHOULD be in Leavenworth, but that ain't happening either.

how's that? a shit load of hearings that turned out to be expensive red herrings and republican crapspiracy theorists ,like yourself and the op make it impossible to ignore .
what difference does the expense of those hearings make now?
IOW, he using the famous phrase, "What difference does it make?"

What's more important? Hillary's abuse of emails or Bill's abuse of females? The question of the decade!
BEYOND TOP SECRET documents were found, yet Hillary disposes of 34,000 emails! She didn't even notice those sensitive documents when she was trying to erase her trail of incompetence!
OMG...another let's get Hillary and Benghazi thread...........
Well before they decided to run this ad campaign they factored in there will be at least 80 million braid dead robots like you who will either ignore it or laugh at it to try to impress their equally brain dead friends. But still they thought it a noble cause and worth the effort.

So it is ok for you to go back to your room and play big boy liberal who thinks all these scandals are just a bunch of right wing nut jobs making stuff up and you can share that with your little 10 year old sister who will have big eyes and think you are so smart.

And the rest of us will do whatever we can to overcome the duplicitous mainstream media and the corrupt Obama administration and the cowardly congress and corrupt courts and try to make the truth known and acted upon. Why? Because we care.

Oh and here is another good one. The Bill and Hillary Foundation has taken in millions and millions of dollars from subversive foreign entities or nations and pocketed a ton of it for themselves, plus Hillary used her state dept clout to grant illegal favors. Did you hear that one? Never mind, it’s no big deal. But I think they are finding out Ben Carson had a nasty temper as a child and your mainstream media is determined to get to the bottom of that frightful matter.
that Jackson is a broken record isn't he ?

The poor, dumb rubes pissed all over their Hillary gunpowder for years on end, and now they are confused as to why it won't ignite.

"I thought he said DON'T keep your powder dry!"
Is any of this getting any actual decent coverage on MSM television, or is it ignored?

It's totally ignored. In fact, this topic is the first time I have ever heard about Bengazi (sp?) on the internet or the newspapers or the radio or the TV or in our movie theaters.

I can't bleev no one has told us about it!
BEYOND TOP SECRET documents were found, yet Hillary disposes of 34,000 emails! She didn't even notice those sensitive documents when she was trying to erase her trail of incompetence!

Well we must give Hillary wide berth, Huma said Hillary often forgets things and gets confused.

It is, of course, being ignored. After all - it's Hillary's TIME!!! The bitch SHOULD be in Leavenworth, but that ain't happening either.

how's that? a shit load of hearings that turned out to be expensive red herrings and republican crapspiracy theorists ,like yourself and the op make it impossible to ignore .
what difference does the expense of those hearings make now?
IOW, he using the famous phrase, "What difference does it make?"

View attachment 60460

More republican bullshit . Post the whole "what difference does it make quote " and see that Hillary was right .

Benghazi has been a GOP fail fir 5 years . The premise is dumb . How would hill know the exact cause of a SURPRISE attack right after it happened !?
how's that? a shit load of hearings that turned out to be expensive red herrings and republican crapspiracy theorists ,like yourself and the op make it impossible to ignore .
what difference does the expense of those hearings make now?
IOW, he using the famous phrase, "What difference does it make?"

View attachment 60460

More republican bullshit . Post the whole "what difference does it make quote " and see that Hillary was right .

Benghazi has been a GOP fail fir 5 years . The premise is dumb . How would hill know the exact cause of a SURPRISE attack right after it happened !?
Why did she lie about it? Covering her ass?
It's totally ignored. In fact, this topic is the first time I have ever heard about Bengazi (sp?) on the internet or the newspapers or the radio or the TV or in our movie theaters.

I can't bleev no one has told us about it!

Blind liberal loyalists were never the intended audience. So ok to continue on your guided path.

And you must be a Fox News regular because your sarcastic remark would otherwise carry no water. Outside of Fox News, NONE of the other 5 mainstream media TV news networks have done any honest non-biased reporting with Benghazi except to report what the cowardly congressional softball hearings had to report. You failed to see a very disturbing pattern here, but perhaps not your fault.
8,327 posts and counting and you have yet to utter a statement that the judges have ruled exceeds that of a 4 year old mentality.
how's that? a shit load of hearings that turned out to be expensive red herrings and republican crapspiracy theorists ,like yourself and the op make it impossible to ignore .
what difference does the expense of those hearings make now?
IOW, he using the famous phrase, "What difference does it make?"

View attachment 60460

More republican bullshit . Post the whole "what difference does it make quote " and see that Hillary was right .

Benghazi has been a GOP fail fir 5 years . The premise is dumb . How would hill know the exact cause of a SURPRISE attack right after it happened !?

Benghazi has been fail for 5 years because MSM Propaganda Inc. has in general ignored it.
what difference does the expense of those hearings make now?
IOW, he using the famous phrase, "What difference does it make?"

View attachment 60460

More republican bullshit . Post the whole "what difference does it make quote " and see that Hillary was right .

Benghazi has been a GOP fail fir 5 years . The premise is dumb . How would hill know the exact cause of a SURPRISE attack right after it happened !?

Benghazi has been fail for 5 years because MSM Propaganda Inc. has in general ignored it.

Really? How about all those GOP lead investigations that cost millions and found .......nothing . Was that the medias fault ? Lol! Even a biased investigation failed to find wrongdoing !
heres one ,,, pretend you have something besides conjecture to support your partisan rhetoric ... all of you.

FACTS would work ...
IOW, he using the famous phrase, "What difference does it make?"

View attachment 60460

More republican bullshit . Post the whole "what difference does it make quote " and see that Hillary was right .

Benghazi has been a GOP fail fir 5 years . The premise is dumb . How would hill know the exact cause of a SURPRISE attack right after it happened !?

Benghazi has been fail for 5 years because MSM Propaganda Inc. has in general ignored it.

Really? How about all those GOP lead investigations that cost millions and found .......nothing . Was that the medias fault ? Lol! Even a biased investigation failed to find wrongdoing !
Alot was found

* Hillary lied about the video
*Stand Down orders were given
*Hillary was shown to be incompetent when her and her staff refused more protection and pulled what protection Steven had

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