The strength of the Trump truly is amazing. This is why we need Trump in office.

The Orange Baboon-God's Rumpian Economy is a house of cards... already blown-over once, only a fraction of its previous height, and ready to blow-over again...

Rump is a P.T. Barnum -style showman... all smoke-and-mirrors... nothing of enduring substance...

But there is a certain kind of voter... Rumpian Cult-Worshipers... who cannot see beyond the shiny baubles that the Con-Man holds under their noses...
The Orange Baboon-God's Rumpian Economy is a house of cards... already blown-over once, only a fraction of its previous height, and ready to blow-over again...

LOL...Poor, ignorant fools. No wonder Democrats complain so much about the "rich" with money in the markets. Most wouldn't be able to run a lemonade stand, much less invest in the stock market. Spare me the Warren Buffet's of the world. Billionaires are heavily Democratic...everybody knows that and we also know why.
The Orange Baboon-God's Rumpian Economy is a house of cards... already blown-over once, only a fraction of its previous height, and ready to blow-over again...

Actually it was built so strongly that it took a once every century event ( aided by political enemies) to cause it to temporarily slow down.

Pretty impressive actually.
...Actually it was built so strongly that it took a once every century event ( aided by political enemies) to cause it to temporarily slow down. Pretty impressive actually.

And I'm sure that the numbers for Pottersville looked pretty good, too, from a macro-level perspective.

But when you get right down to where the bear $hit$ in the woods... most folks would rather live in Bedford Falls, eh?

A balance of economic health and looking out for the other guy as well as yourself.

The phrase "It's the economy, stupid" carries important and historic lessons, but...

Like all one-trick-pony bumper-sticker slogans, it only tells part of the story...

It omits diplomacy, alliances, consistency, empathy, vision, leadership, grace, credibility, trustworthiness and care for the other guy.,,

None of which come easily - or at all - to the Orange Baboon-God...

The Teflon Don will be judged by all those things... not just the economy... and, with less than two months to go, he's coming-up short in most areas.
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Trump didn't build this economy, he just managed to run it into the ground.

Factually False

Really? Then back up your claim that it is factually false with links and facts. Only problem is, you can't.

Look Fuck Stick

Before Covid - Spectacular
During Covid - Less than spectacular.

If you can't comprehend that no fucking pie chart is going to knock you into consciousness. can't provide anything to back up your bullshit. Sorry, but insults do not count as providing proof you sperm burping gutter slut. (See? I can do insults as well.)
...Actually it was built so strongly that it took a once every century event ( aided by political enemies) to cause it to temporarily slow down. Pretty impressive actually.

And I'm sure that the numbers for Pottersville looked pretty good, too, from a macro-level perspective.

But when you get right down to where the bear $hit$ in the woods... most folks would rather live in Bedford Falls, eh?

A balance of economic health and looking out for the other guy as well as yourself.

The phrase "It's the economy, stupid" carries important and historic lessons, but...

Like all one-trick-pony bumper-sticker slogans, it only tells part of the story...

It omits diplomacy, alliances, consistency, empathy, vision, leadership, grace, credibility, trustworthiness and care for the other guy.,,

None of which come easily - or at all - to the Orange Baboon-God...

The Teflon Don will be judged by all those things... not just the economy... and, with less than two months to go, he's coming-up short in most areas.

diplomacy, alliances, consistency, empathy, vision, leadership, grace, credibility, trustworthiness and care for the other guy.,,

Yep, The President excels at all of those.
You have made a substantial case for 4 more years.
An explanation of how strong the Trump economy is............this is why we need Trump to win in November.

Yep. At its height, almost 20% unemployment. Now down to 8.4%. Hippie Stink is correct, that's staggering. Now we're just recovering what was lost during Trump's epic blunder of a response to the virus. Most of it didn't have to happen.
Sorry, that's why Trump needs to go in November...along with as many of his Republican enablers as possible.

Trump was great on the Chinese flu......the one unleashed by the government that paid joe bidens son 1.5 billion dollars in a business deal he made while flying with his dad on Air Force know, our tax payer funded aircraft........

Trump made sure the governors and mayors had all the resources they needed, from ventilators, to hospitals and bed space......then the democrat governors put the sick into nursing homes and caused the deaths of 10s of thousands of elderly Americans....

You won't blame the democrats for actually killing those people.......but lie about Trump.

Many thanks to Trump administration for the incredibly bad communication so that10 states were making that mistake following guidelines from the chaotic national administration.
Trump didn't build this economy, he just managed to run it into the ground.

Factually False

Really? Then back up your claim that it is factually false with links and facts. Only problem is, you can't.

Look Fuck Stick

Before Covid - Spectacular
During Covid - Less than spectacular.

If you can't comprehend that no fucking pie chart is going to knock you into consciousness. can't provide anything to back up your bullshit. Sorry, but insults do not count as providing proof you sperm burping gutter slut. (See? I can do insults as well.)

So you are, or you are not comprehending?
Trump didn't build this economy, he just managed to run it into the ground.

Factually False

Really? Then back up your claim that it is factually false with links and facts. Only problem is, you can't.

Look Fuck Stick

Before Covid - Spectacular
During Covid - Less than spectacular.

If you can't comprehend that no fucking pie chart is going to knock you into consciousness. can't provide anything to back up your bullshit. Sorry, but insults do not count as providing proof you sperm burping gutter slut. (See? I can do insults as well.)

So you are, or you are not comprehending?

What the hell does that mean? Is English your second or third language? Sorry, but I don't speak moron.
I gave the video around 90 seconds to insult my intelligence until I went to his accompanying website (available through watching the video on YouTube). Here is the chart he references giving us reason to celebrate Trump's great economic performance.

Compare how fast the unemployment is going down to Obama's. That's a miracle... and keep in mind, that is despite democrats doing everything they can to keep Americans out of jobs.
Obama was fixing a republican mess. Trump is dealing with his own mess.

Obama's mess was largely caused by idiotic leftists who believed everyone is as good paying back his mortgage, and therefore should have one. Naturally the banking scammers were all over taking advantage of such idiocy.
Actually, it was capitalists trying to profit off of a fake real estate boom
The economy is down along with the rest of the world. Thanks to Trump's policies, at least we aren't still shut down, companies(leading to more layoffs and offshoring) and individuals aren't being over-taxed. Just imagine the economic state we would be in with a liberal in office. Total disaster, just like they want. More control over their minions.


Along with the rest of the civilized world. Maybe their economic troubles are Trump's fault too. You guys will believe anything you are told.

The rest of the civilized world had universal health care and national health teams that responded... So that's why Japan has had 1377 deaths and we have 194,000.
Trump isn't even that smart. He thinks that if he says something often enough, people will believe it. And, unfortunately, his followers are that stupid as well.
I think it's more of a willful ignorance. Information that is not provided to them within their sub-reality is immediately dismissed as fake news. So you can't "prove" anything to them, regardless of how much factual information is readily available, if it's from outside their sphere.

Far worse, talk radio has been wildly successful in removing any intellectual curiosity they may have once had, so they refuse to venture out and expose themselves to contrary information.

I don't know about you, but I've concluded that trying to convince most of them of anything is largely pointless.
The majority of voters don't pay attention enough to know the truth...that is why cuomo in New York with 32,000 deaths, over 11,000 killed because of his order to put infected patients in nursing considered a hero, while Desantis in Florida with 5,000 deaths....with a similar population but with even more senior getting savaged by liars like you...

Florida has had 12,000 deaths. It's actually a pretty pathetic performance.
...Yep, The President excels at all of those. You have made a substantial case for 4 more years.
Must be fun, living in your Alternative Delusional Universe... :auiqs.jpg:

The morning of November 4, 2020, will tell us which one of us was right...

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