the sultan of shari'ah will protest at white house in march..


Jan 22, 2011
Radical Muslim cleric, Anjem Choudary, Plans White House Protest

Here we go, Choudary, who has said some disparaging things about the United States, and pushes for Shari'ah, is planning on a White House Protest, Washington DC. Choudary, who once said “the flag of Islam will fly over the White House,” says he will lead a demonstration rallying Muslims to establish Shari'ah across the United States.

Move over America, multiculturalists and progressives will lay down for Shari'ah. Unfortunately, "the United States faces what is, if anything, an even more insidious ideological threat: the totalitarian socio-political doctrine that Islam calls Shari'ah. Translated as “the path,” shariah is a comprehensive legal and political framework. Though it certainly has spiritual elements, it would be a mistake to think of shariah as a “religious” code in the Western sense because it seeks to regulate all manner of behavior in the secular sphere – economic, social, military, legal and political.

Shari'ah is the crucial fault line of Islam’s internecine struggle. On one side of the divide are Muslim reformers and authentic moderates – figures like Abdurrahman Wahid, the late president of Indonesia and leader of the world’s largest libertarian Muslim organization, Nahdlatul Ulama – whose members embrace the Enlightenment’s veneration of reason and, in particular, its separation of the spiritual and secular realms.

On this side of the divide, Shari'ah is a reference point for a Muslim’s personal conduct, not a corpus to be imposed on the life of a pluralistic society.

By contrast, the other side of the divide is dominated by Muslim supremacists, often called Islamists. Like erstwhile proponents of Communism and Nazism, these supremacists – some terrorists, others employing stealthier means – seek to impose a totalitarian regime: a global totalitarian system cloaked as an Islamic state and called a caliphate. On that side of the divide, which is the focus of the present study, shariah is an immutable, compulsory system that Muslims are obliged to install and the world required to adopt, the failure to do so being deemed a damnable offence against Allah. For these ideologues, Shari'ah is not a private matter. Adherents see the West as an obstacle to be overcome, not a culture and civilization to be embraced, or at least tolerated. It is impossible, they maintain, for alternative legal systems and forms of governments peacefully to coexist with the end-state they seek.
" (1)

(1) SHARI'AH: THE THREAT TO AMERICA AN EXERCISE IN COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS., THE CENTER FOR SECURITY POLICY, 1901 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 201, Washington, DC 20006, undated 2010, The Center for Security Policy, page 37. Center For Security Policy

We got problems folks. AND, no one wants to acknowledge the elephant in the room, or should I say, the camel whose body followed his nose into the tent. The Camels Nose and Shari'ah
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When the SNs wear out their welcome, like in the EU, they'll get Shariah up the ass.
Why is a foreign national permitted to advocate the overthrow of the govt? Aren't there rules about such?
I really wish that Imam Choudary would back off.

Muslims are too small of a demographic to achieve such a lofty goal.

We need to wait at least 20 years before attempting to implement any form of Shari'ah Law.

Because of the high level of Muslim birth rates.

The number of Muslim Americans by then would be 3 to 4 times what it is today.

Then Muslims will be a bona fide political force with real clout.

And will be able to attract politicians to the Muslim agenda. :cool:
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I really wish that Imam Choudary would back off.

Muslims are too small of a demographic to achieve such a lofty goal.

We need to wait at least 20 years before attempting to implement any form of Shari'ah Law.

Because of the high level of Muslim birth rates.

The number of Muslim Americans by then would be 3 to 4 times what it is today.

Then Muslims will be a bona fide political force with real clout.

And will be able to attract politicians to the Muslim agenda. :cool:
Revelations predict that, one world religion, with the antichrist in charge, sound familiar? It is satans religion, islam.
Revelations predict that, one world religion, with the antichrist in charge, sound familiar? It is satans religion, islam.
The Book of the Revelations was supposedly written by a man named John and is based on an alleged dream.

No one knows who this John person is ??

He wasn't the Disciple John who was a contemporary of Jesus.

Yet his imaginative dream book was added to the Bible almost as an after thought.

As it is the last book in the Bible.

So if anything; the Book of the Revelations is satanic in nature and imagery. :doubt:
Another one of Obamy's good buds no doubt. Seriously,why did so many Americans want to turn this Nation over to the Leftist "Community Organizer" Loons? Was it just because Bush had very low poll numbers? Americans better get it together in 2012. This isn't the direction we want our Nation going in. Better make 2012 count America.
I really wish that Imam Choudary would back off.

Muslims are too small of a demographic to achieve such a lofty goal.

We need to wait at least 20 years before attempting to implement any form of Shari'ah Law.

Because of the high level of Muslim birth rates.

The number of Muslim Americans by then would be 3 to 4 times what it is today.

Then Muslims will be a bona fide political force with real clout.

And will be able to attract politicians to the Muslim agenda. :cool:
Revelations predict that, one world religion, with the antichrist in charge, sound familiar? It is satans religion, islam.

Glenn Beck said it first.
Churches in the 1970's and 80's preached that Communism was satanic and it's leaders were the Anti-Christ.

The Christian bookstores were full of books stating Communism's role in the End Times scenario.

Then the Berlin Wall fell and Communism just seemed to dissolve into nothing.

So basically for the next decade most churches and end time preachers were silent on the subject.

Then 9/11 happened and a new satanic boogeyman called Islam took Communism's place.

And the End Time preachers and book sellers were back in business. :cuckoo:
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When the SNs wear out their welcome, like in the EU, they'll get Shariah up the ass.

don't count on it, the left have been busily labeling conservatives Islamaphobes for months.

Think for one instant that we give a fuck what The Left says???? I think you're a few months behind, have you been paying attention to what is happening in the EU? The Left finally concluded that diversity doesn't work.
Burka ban: Angela Merkel's German state risks Muslim anger | Mail Online

Islam in Action: UK:Muslims, we Will not Assimilate
When the SNs wear out their welcome, like in the EU, they'll get Shariah up the ass.

don't count on it, the left have been busily labeling conservatives Islamaphobes for months.

Think for one instant that we give a fuck what The Left says???? I think you're a few months behind, have you been paying attention to what is happening in the EU? The Left finally concluded that diversity doesn't work.
Burka ban: Angela Merkel's German state risks Muslim anger | Mail Online

Islam in Action: UK:Muslims, we Will not Assimilate

It's not the Left who are coming to that conclusion though. It's the Right/Conservatives in Western Europe who have rightfully come to this conclusion. The Left fucked everything up. Now the Right/Conservatives will have to try and clean up their horrifying mess. They are still labelling everyone "Racists & Islamophobes." They don't have a leg left to stand on though. The People know the Left fucked everything up in Western Europe. Time to "right" the Ship.

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