The Supreme Court nomination mess

I'm sure she is talking about a valid INCIDENT.
So maybe with the help of others, a consistent time place and NAMES can be confirmed.

Otherwise, is there anyone on this board, anyone on any side of this issue
who would AGREE to be accused, judged convicted and punished
on the basis of one person's account without naming the time or place the incident occurred?

How can the FBI or anyone be asked to 'investigate' if there are no details to go on
such as TIME and PLACE.

Does anyone here really agree that if you were in this man's shoes you would
want to be subject to accusations without any such confirmation of what incident is being referred to???

I know if I were the woman, and I had some complaint like this,
I would want it RESOLVED. Regardless who the people were, such
an incident should not be something anyone lies about and covers up.

So whoever it was, I would want this resolved.
not to punish anyone but to correct and make amends.
The goal should be to restore healthy relationships
and address any and all abuses by whichever parties did what.

Either fix it between you or resolve it publicly if necessary,
but don't abuse issues to punish people further without solving the real problems.

Exactly Emily this is very dangerous ANYONE could accuse ANYONE of sexual harrassment without ANY actual evidence and DESTROY that persons life, this is a very dangerous Pandora's Box and it should be NOT opened. Period.
What do you mean by “Not opened” like she should never have gone public with her story? Even if it is true, would you stand behind that statement?
Maybe when people making such accusations are totally aware of the fact that they have NO EVIDENCE whatsoever to substantiate their claim, and that it will be IMPOSSIBLE for the accused to prove a negative 38yrs later, they should just STFU? Otherwise it looks a lot like trying to DESTROY someone’s life, and that of their families too. Just a thought.
Ok, but that’s not what’s happening here. She described the situation and named 4 people. She accused Kav and his friend of being in the room and said two other teens were at the party. She has spoken about the incident in the past and taken a polygraph. So there is standing and substance behind her story. There are also a few avenues to go down for investigators to to question and explore to see what can be uncovered.

Link please.
I'm sure she is talking about a valid INCIDENT.
So maybe with the help of others, a consistent time place and NAMES can be confirmed.

Otherwise, is there anyone on this board, anyone on any side of this issue
who would AGREE to be accused, judged convicted and punished
on the basis of one person's account without naming the time or place the incident occurred?

How can the FBI or anyone be asked to 'investigate' if there are no details to go on
such as TIME and PLACE.

Does anyone here really agree that if you were in this man's shoes you would
want to be subject to accusations without any such confirmation of what incident is being referred to???

I know if I were the woman, and I had some complaint like this,
I would want it RESOLVED. Regardless who the people were, such
an incident should not be something anyone lies about and covers up.

So whoever it was, I would want this resolved.
not to punish anyone but to correct and make amends.
The goal should be to restore healthy relationships
and address any and all abuses by whichever parties did what.

Either fix it between you or resolve it publicly if necessary,
but don't abuse issues to punish people further without solving the real problems.

Exactly Emily this is very dangerous ANYONE could accuse ANYONE of sexual harrassment without ANY actual evidence and DESTROY that persons life, this is a very dangerous Pandora's Box and it should be NOT opened. Period.
What do you mean by “Not opened” like she should never have gone public with her story? Even if it is true, would you stand behind that statement?
Maybe when people making such accusations are totally aware of the fact that they have NO EVIDENCE whatsoever to substantiate their claim, and that it will be IMPOSSIBLE for the accused to prove a negative 38yrs later, they should just STFU? Otherwise it looks a lot like trying to DESTROY someone’s life, and that of their families too. Just a thought.
Ok, but that’s not what’s happening here. She described the situation and named 4 people. She accused Kav and his friend of being in the room and said two other teens were at the party. She has spoken about the incident in the past and taken a polygraph. So there is standing and substance behind her story. There are also a few avenues to go down for investigators to to question and explore to see what can be uncovered.

Link please.
Link to what? What are you disputing?

Here is her letter to Feinstein
Read the letter Christine Blasey Ford sent accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct - CNNPolitics
Republicans simply don't care.

These are people who strip parents of their babies.

These are people who said Obama wasn't an American.

These are people who, like Trump, feel some Nazi's are "very fine people".

These are people who believe needy billionaires need tax cuts and poor people are awful.

Wasn't there someone on the USMB who was mocking poor people earlier?

This is who Republicans are. A sick and demented people who believe God is on their side.


Democrats have lost this time. Republicans have a herd mentality. They don't care what the majority of Americans want. If we want to change things, we have to fight back and crush these awful people at the voting booth.

These are people who strip parents of their babies.
* You all didn't bitch when Obama did it...

These are people who said Obama wasn't an American.

*Wonder where it originated form :eusa_think:

These are people who believe needy billionaires need tax cuts and poor people are awful.
*Not sure if it helped you but I'm making more money now than I did 2 years ago.

Wasn't there someone on the USMB who was mocking poor people earlier?
*So a few on a message board equates the entire Republican party?

As for your stupid politically inspired cartoon;

In 2014 Religious Organizations received about $114.68 billion in donations(source).

If you are just looking for program expenses targeted at the poor, the number will be quite low. But if you include the services provided by churches that are used by poor individuals the number becomes much higher. Churches provide everything from meals, tangible goods, child care, lodging, counseling, courses, career services, and more. All of those services would not show up on a balance sheet as outreach/service to poor individuals because they tend to just be a part of the life of the community.
I'm sure she is talking about a valid INCIDENT.
So maybe with the help of others, a consistent time place and NAMES can be confirmed.

Otherwise, is there anyone on this board, anyone on any side of this issue
who would AGREE to be accused, judged convicted and punished
on the basis of one person's account without naming the time or place the incident occurred?

How can the FBI or anyone be asked to 'investigate' if there are no details to go on
such as TIME and PLACE.

Does anyone here really agree that if you were in this man's shoes you would
want to be subject to accusations without any such confirmation of what incident is being referred to???

I know if I were the woman, and I had some complaint like this,
I would want it RESOLVED. Regardless who the people were, such
an incident should not be something anyone lies about and covers up.

So whoever it was, I would want this resolved.
not to punish anyone but to correct and make amends.
The goal should be to restore healthy relationships
and address any and all abuses by whichever parties did what.

Either fix it between you or resolve it publicly if necessary,
but don't abuse issues to punish people further without solving the real problems.

Exactly Emily this is very dangerous ANYONE could accuse ANYONE of sexual harrassment without ANY actual evidence and DESTROY that persons life, this is a very dangerous Pandora's Box and it should be NOT opened. Period.
What do you mean by “Not opened” like she should never have gone public with her story? Even if it is true, would you stand behind that statement?
Maybe when people making such accusations are totally aware of the fact that they have NO EVIDENCE whatsoever to substantiate their claim, and that it will be IMPOSSIBLE for the accused to prove a negative 38yrs later, they should just STFU? Otherwise it looks a lot like trying to DESTROY someone’s life, and that of their families too. Just a thought.
Ok, but that’s not what’s happening here. She described the situation and named 4 people. She accused Kav and his friend of being in the room and said two other teens were at the party. She has spoken about the incident in the past and taken a polygraph. So there is standing and substance behind her story. There are also a few avenues to go down for investigators to to question and explore to see what can be uncovered.
And changed her story several times. Her witnesses say it never happened. She won’t testify and polygraph test are not submissable in most courts. She can’t remember day, place, what the party was . Come on, if you asked your kid where the car got the dent and he came up with that you would ground him.
I'm sure she is talking about a valid INCIDENT.
So maybe with the help of others, a consistent time place and NAMES can be confirmed.

Otherwise, is there anyone on this board, anyone on any side of this issue
who would AGREE to be accused, judged convicted and punished
on the basis of one person's account without naming the time or place the incident occurred?

How can the FBI or anyone be asked to 'investigate' if there are no details to go on
such as TIME and PLACE.

Does anyone here really agree that if you were in this man's shoes you would
want to be subject to accusations without any such confirmation of what incident is being referred to???

I know if I were the woman, and I had some complaint like this,
I would want it RESOLVED. Regardless who the people were, such
an incident should not be something anyone lies about and covers up.

So whoever it was, I would want this resolved.
not to punish anyone but to correct and make amends.
The goal should be to restore healthy relationships
and address any and all abuses by whichever parties did what.

Either fix it between you or resolve it publicly if necessary,
but don't abuse issues to punish people further without solving the real problems.

Exactly Emily this is very dangerous ANYONE could accuse ANYONE of sexual harrassment without ANY actual evidence and DESTROY that persons life, this is a very dangerous Pandora's Box and it should be NOT opened. Period.
What do you mean by “Not opened” like she should never have gone public with her story? Even if it is true, would you stand behind that statement?
Maybe when people making such accusations are totally aware of the fact that they have NO EVIDENCE whatsoever to substantiate their claim, and that it will be IMPOSSIBLE for the accused to prove a negative 38yrs later, they should just STFU? Otherwise it looks a lot like trying to DESTROY someone’s life, and that of their families too. Just a thought.
Ok, but that’s not what’s happening here. She described the situation and named 4 people. She accused Kav and his friend of being in the room and said two other teens were at the party. She has spoken about the incident in the past and taken a polygraph. So there is standing and substance behind her story. There are also a few avenues to go down for investigators to to question and explore to see what can be uncovered.
‘Described the situation’ is nothing more than making an unsubstantiated allegation. She also keeps changing her story - 4 people/2 people.
A lie detector test has no credence whatsoever.

She did not speak about the incident for decades after it allegedly happened. One of the 2-4 other people allegedly present has said he has no recollection whatsoever of the ‘event’.

So, what we have here is a he said/she said situation, an expired SOL, and an almost 40 year gap between when the alleged thing happened and when she decided to make an issue of it.

Tell me exaclty how you’d investigate this further?

(Oh, and she can’t be sure when it happened, nor exaclty where it happened)
Sean Hannity for one!

Sean Hannity vows legal action after accusation ...
The Hill › homenews › media

Apr 24, 2017 · Sean Hannity has vowed to sue a former guest of his program with ... lawyers in the country" after she accused the Fox News host of ..
You think Sean Hannity has been ruined? That’s funny cause I still hear him on the air speaking to millions of people for 4 hours every day while making millions.

Want to try again?
It was an example of a man who BEAT the #metoo bastards, isn't that what you asked for?
Perhaps you should read slower... I asked how many innocent people have been ruined by the Me too movement?
--------------------------------------- how would anyone know the answer ?? i think that your question makes no sense Slade .
It’s pretty simple and straight forward. The claim was made the innocent people can be ruined by he said she said accusations. I asked how many times that has happened since #metoo and for a few examples. What don’t you understand?
--------------------------- sounds dumb to me , news reporting doesn't report on the millions or majority of innocents that weren't ruined TODAY . And , looks like an innocent by USA Law Standards named Brett Kavanaugh may be ruined by USA not following established legal procedure Slade .
I'm sure she is talking about a valid INCIDENT.
So maybe with the help of others, a consistent time place and NAMES can be confirmed.

Otherwise, is there anyone on this board, anyone on any side of this issue
who would AGREE to be accused, judged convicted and punished
on the basis of one person's account without naming the time or place the incident occurred?

How can the FBI or anyone be asked to 'investigate' if there are no details to go on
such as TIME and PLACE.

Does anyone here really agree that if you were in this man's shoes you would
want to be subject to accusations without any such confirmation of what incident is being referred to???

I know if I were the woman, and I had some complaint like this,
I would want it RESOLVED. Regardless who the people were, such
an incident should not be something anyone lies about and covers up.

So whoever it was, I would want this resolved.
not to punish anyone but to correct and make amends.
The goal should be to restore healthy relationships
and address any and all abuses by whichever parties did what.

Either fix it between you or resolve it publicly if necessary,
but don't abuse issues to punish people further without solving the real problems.

Exactly Emily this is very dangerous ANYONE could accuse ANYONE of sexual harrassment without ANY actual evidence and DESTROY that persons life, this is a very dangerous Pandora's Box and it should be NOT opened. Period.
What do you mean by “Not opened” like she should never have gone public with her story? Even if it is true, would you stand behind that statement?
Maybe when people making such accusations are totally aware of the fact that they have NO EVIDENCE whatsoever to substantiate their claim, and that it will be IMPOSSIBLE for the accused to prove a negative 38yrs later, they should just STFU? Otherwise it looks a lot like trying to DESTROY someone’s life, and that of their families too. Just a thought.
Ok, but that’s not what’s happening here. She described the situation and named 4 people. She accused Kav and his friend of being in the room and said two other teens were at the party. She has spoken about the incident in the past and taken a polygraph. So there is standing and substance behind her story. There are also a few avenues to go down for investigators to to question and explore to see what can be uncovered.
And changed her story several times. Her witnesses say it never happened. She won’t testify and polygraph test are not submissable in most courts. She can’t remember day, place, what the party was . Come on, if you asked your kid where the car got the dent and he came up with that you would ground him.
You’re not making a convincing argument. The two witnesses you’re talking about are the accused and they haven’t been questioned under oath. Also, if she was making up this story why would she name two boys who are friends. Why wouldn’t she just name Kavanaugh? Why would she even take a polygraph? And why would she be asking the FBI to investigate? Give an honest and direct answer please.
I'm sure she is talking about a valid INCIDENT.
So maybe with the help of others, a consistent time place and NAMES can be confirmed.

Otherwise, is there anyone on this board, anyone on any side of this issue
who would AGREE to be accused, judged convicted and punished
on the basis of one person's account without naming the time or place the incident occurred?

How can the FBI or anyone be asked to 'investigate' if there are no details to go on
such as TIME and PLACE.

Does anyone here really agree that if you were in this man's shoes you would
want to be subject to accusations without any such confirmation of what incident is being referred to???

I know if I were the woman, and I had some complaint like this,
I would want it RESOLVED. Regardless who the people were, such
an incident should not be something anyone lies about and covers up.

So whoever it was, I would want this resolved.
not to punish anyone but to correct and make amends.
The goal should be to restore healthy relationships
and address any and all abuses by whichever parties did what.

Either fix it between you or resolve it publicly if necessary,
but don't abuse issues to punish people further without solving the real problems.

Exactly Emily this is very dangerous ANYONE could accuse ANYONE of sexual harrassment without ANY actual evidence and DESTROY that persons life, this is a very dangerous Pandora's Box and it should be NOT opened. Period.
What do you mean by “Not opened” like she should never have gone public with her story? Even if it is true, would you stand behind that statement?
Maybe when people making such accusations are totally aware of the fact that they have NO EVIDENCE whatsoever to substantiate their claim, and that it will be IMPOSSIBLE for the accused to prove a negative 38yrs later, they should just STFU? Otherwise it looks a lot like trying to DESTROY someone’s life, and that of their families too. Just a thought.
Ok, but that’s not what’s happening here. She described the situation and named 4 people. She accused Kav and his friend of being in the room and said two other teens were at the party. She has spoken about the incident in the past and taken a polygraph. So there is standing and substance behind her story. There are also a few avenues to go down for investigators to to question and explore to see what can be uncovered.
It IS exaclty what’s happening here.
I'm sure she is talking about a valid INCIDENT.
So maybe with the help of others, a consistent time place and NAMES can be confirmed.

Otherwise, is there anyone on this board, anyone on any side of this issue
who would AGREE to be accused, judged convicted and punished
on the basis of one person's account without naming the time or place the incident occurred?

How can the FBI or anyone be asked to 'investigate' if there are no details to go on
such as TIME and PLACE.

Does anyone here really agree that if you were in this man's shoes you would
want to be subject to accusations without any such confirmation of what incident is being referred to???

I know if I were the woman, and I had some complaint like this,
I would want it RESOLVED. Regardless who the people were, such
an incident should not be something anyone lies about and covers up.

So whoever it was, I would want this resolved.
not to punish anyone but to correct and make amends.
The goal should be to restore healthy relationships
and address any and all abuses by whichever parties did what.

Either fix it between you or resolve it publicly if necessary,
but don't abuse issues to punish people further without solving the real problems.

Exactly Emily this is very dangerous ANYONE could accuse ANYONE of sexual harrassment without ANY actual evidence and DESTROY that persons life, this is a very dangerous Pandora's Box and it should be NOT opened. Period.
What do you mean by “Not opened” like she should never have gone public with her story? Even if it is true, would you stand behind that statement?
Maybe when people making such accusations are totally aware of the fact that they have NO EVIDENCE whatsoever to substantiate their claim, and that it will be IMPOSSIBLE for the accused to prove a negative 38yrs later, they should just STFU? Otherwise it looks a lot like trying to DESTROY someone’s life, and that of their families too. Just a thought.
Ok, but that’s not what’s happening here. She described the situation and named 4 people. She accused Kav and his friend of being in the room and said two other teens were at the party. She has spoken about the incident in the past and taken a polygraph. So there is standing and substance behind her story. There are also a few avenues to go down for investigators to to question and explore to see what can be uncovered.
‘Described the situation’ is nothing more than making an unsubstantiated allegation. She also keeps changing her story - 4 people/2 people.
A lie detector test has no credence whatsoever.

She did not speak about the incident for decades after it allegedly happened. One of the 2-4 other people allegedly present has said he has no recollection whatsoever of the ‘event’.

So, what we have here is a he said/she said situation, an expired SOL, and an almost 40 year gap between when the alleged thing happened and when she decided to make an issue of it.

Tell me exaclty how you’d investigate this further?

(Oh, and she can’t be sure when it happened, nor exaclty where it happened)
How would I investigate? I’d interview Ford, Kavanaugh and Judge... I’dask for the names of the other two teens who were at the party and interview them. Id try and get as many details from talking to those 5 individuals and see where it goes. It might go nowhere or it might go somewhere. Never know till you try.
Exactly Emily this is very dangerous ANYONE could accuse ANYONE of sexual harrassment without ANY actual evidence and DESTROY that persons life, this is a very dangerous Pandora's Box and it should be NOT opened. Period.
What do you mean by “Not opened” like she should never have gone public with her story? Even if it is true, would you stand behind that statement?
Maybe when people making such accusations are totally aware of the fact that they have NO EVIDENCE whatsoever to substantiate their claim, and that it will be IMPOSSIBLE for the accused to prove a negative 38yrs later, they should just STFU? Otherwise it looks a lot like trying to DESTROY someone’s life, and that of their families too. Just a thought.
Ok, but that’s not what’s happening here. She described the situation and named 4 people. She accused Kav and his friend of being in the room and said two other teens were at the party. She has spoken about the incident in the past and taken a polygraph. So there is standing and substance behind her story. There are also a few avenues to go down for investigators to to question and explore to see what can be uncovered.
And changed her story several times. Her witnesses say it never happened. She won’t testify and polygraph test are not submissable in most courts. She can’t remember day, place, what the party was . Come on, if you asked your kid where the car got the dent and he came up with that you would ground him.
You’re not making a convincing argument. The two witnesses you’re talking about are the accused and they haven’t been questioned under oath. Also, if she was making up this story why would she name two boys who are friends. Why wouldn’t she just name Kavanaugh? Why would she even take a polygraph? And why would she be asking the FBI to investigate? Give an honest and direct answer please.
I already have . Her star witness, not the accused said it didn’t happen. Do you understand the false readings of polygraphs. It sounds great but means nothing. Why wouldn’t she name Kavanaugh? She isn’t asking the FBI to investigate. The lawyer said any investigation would be fine. They know it won’t be conclusive and won’t be damming. That way they can carry on their narrative.
You think Sean Hannity has been ruined? That’s funny cause I still hear him on the air speaking to millions of people for 4 hours every day while making millions.

Want to try again?
It was an example of a man who BEAT the #metoo bastards, isn't that what you asked for?
Perhaps you should read slower... I asked how many innocent people have been ruined by the Me too movement?
--------------------------------------- how would anyone know the answer ?? i think that your question makes no sense Slade .
It’s pretty simple and straight forward. The claim was made the innocent people can be ruined by he said she said accusations. I asked how many times that has happened since #metoo and for a few examples. What don’t you understand?
--------------------------- sounds dumb to me , news reporting doesn't report on the millions or majority of innocents that weren't ruined TODAY . And , looks like an innocent by USA Law Standards named Brett Kavanaugh may be ruined by USA not following established legal procedure Slade .
You’re not having a very good day are you?

I didn’t t ask about who wasn’t ruined... I asked for which innocent people have been ruined. You answer seems to be “maybe Kavanaugh”, who as of now is still likely to sit on the Supreme Court. Not a very strong case you’re making
I'm sure she is talking about a valid INCIDENT.
So maybe with the help of others, a consistent time place and NAMES can be confirmed.

Otherwise, is there anyone on this board, anyone on any side of this issue
who would AGREE to be accused, judged convicted and punished
on the basis of one person's account without naming the time or place the incident occurred?

How can the FBI or anyone be asked to 'investigate' if there are no details to go on
such as TIME and PLACE.

Does anyone here really agree that if you were in this man's shoes you would
want to be subject to accusations without any such confirmation of what incident is being referred to???

I know if I were the woman, and I had some complaint like this,
I would want it RESOLVED. Regardless who the people were, such
an incident should not be something anyone lies about and covers up.

So whoever it was, I would want this resolved.
not to punish anyone but to correct and make amends.
The goal should be to restore healthy relationships
and address any and all abuses by whichever parties did what.

Either fix it between you or resolve it publicly if necessary,
but don't abuse issues to punish people further without solving the real problems.

Exactly Emily this is very dangerous ANYONE could accuse ANYONE of sexual harrassment without ANY actual evidence and DESTROY that persons life, this is a very dangerous Pandora's Box and it should be NOT opened. Period.
What do you mean by “Not opened” like she should never have gone public with her story? Even if it is true, would you stand behind that statement?
Maybe when people making such accusations are totally aware of the fact that they have NO EVIDENCE whatsoever to substantiate their claim, and that it will be IMPOSSIBLE for the accused to prove a negative 38yrs later, they should just STFU? Otherwise it looks a lot like trying to DESTROY someone’s life, and that of their families too. Just a thought.
Ok, but that’s not what’s happening here. She described the situation and named 4 people. She accused Kav and his friend of being in the room and said two other teens were at the party. She has spoken about the incident in the past and taken a polygraph. So there is standing and substance behind her story. There are also a few avenues to go down for investigators to to question and explore to see what can be uncovered.
It IS exaclty what’s happening here.
There is no conclusive evidence like a photo or video... but there is plenty of evidence that shows credibility and substance as I’ve laid out
I'm sure she is talking about a valid INCIDENT.
So maybe with the help of others, a consistent time place and NAMES can be confirmed.

Otherwise, is there anyone on this board, anyone on any side of this issue
who would AGREE to be accused, judged convicted and punished
on the basis of one person's account without naming the time or place the incident occurred?

How can the FBI or anyone be asked to 'investigate' if there are no details to go on
such as TIME and PLACE.

Does anyone here really agree that if you were in this man's shoes you would
want to be subject to accusations without any such confirmation of what incident is being referred to???

I know if I were the woman, and I had some complaint like this,
I would want it RESOLVED. Regardless who the people were, such
an incident should not be something anyone lies about and covers up.

So whoever it was, I would want this resolved.
not to punish anyone but to correct and make amends.
The goal should be to restore healthy relationships
and address any and all abuses by whichever parties did what.

Either fix it between you or resolve it publicly if necessary,
but don't abuse issues to punish people further without solving the real problems.

Exactly Emily this is very dangerous ANYONE could accuse ANYONE of sexual harrassment without ANY actual evidence and DESTROY that persons life, this is a very dangerous Pandora's Box and it should be NOT opened. Period.
This is not an accusation of sexual's an accusation of sexual assault.
Hey, nothing like she recalls hearing, BUT has no first hand info or even KNEW BALSY to speak to her....Desperation is an awesome thing to watch!

A former schoolmate of Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser wrote a Facebook post saying she recalls hearing about the alleged assault involving Kavanaugh, though she says she has no first-hand information to corroborate the accuser’s claims.

"Christine Blasey Ford was a year or so behind me," wrote the woman, Cristina Miranda King, who now works as a performing arts curator in Mexico City. "I did not know her personally but I remember her. This incident did happen."

She added, "Many of us heard a buzz about it indirectly with few specific details. However Christine's vivid recollection should be more than enough for us to truly, deeply know that the accusation is true."

The assertion that other people heard about and discussed an incident between Ford and Kavanaugh at the time it is alleged to have happened could loom as an important factor in any investigation of the claim.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Some salient thoughts....

She already pulled the post down.

Seem she said it was all the buzz at school when the supposed incident happened during the summertime.

Oh gosh, all of the sudden out of the clear blue - another “corroborating” story. I just knew that someone out there (a leftist bimbo) would suddenly “remember” what Christine Ford said years ago.

So predictable. And it was predicted. More will be coming.
Somebody is looking for a Soros payday

How much does he pay?

Disqualifying assertion: “However Christine’s vivid recollection should be more than enough for us to truly, deeply know that the accusation is true.”


Cristina King Miranda.....where is her PINK PUSSY HAT???

So let's see. On the off chance that SOMEDAY Ford's attacker would become a SUPREME COURT JUDGE, she told her friend in real time about the attack to 'attack' him with 36 years later. That's logical. Sure, because that's women DO! Just ask Orrin Hatch---women get confused.

The accuser didn't tell her, she said she recalls hearing about an alleged incident

Read, comprehend and then comment

“She later posted on Facebook: "To all media, I will not be doing anymore interviews. No more circus for me. To clarify my post: I do not have first hand knowledge of the incident that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford mentions, and I stand by my support for Christine. That's it. I don't have more to say on the subject. Please don't contact me further."

Ummmmm, oops.
What do you mean by “Not opened” like she should never have gone public with her story? Even if it is true, would you stand behind that statement?
Maybe when people making such accusations are totally aware of the fact that they have NO EVIDENCE whatsoever to substantiate their claim, and that it will be IMPOSSIBLE for the accused to prove a negative 38yrs later, they should just STFU? Otherwise it looks a lot like trying to DESTROY someone’s life, and that of their families too. Just a thought.
Ok, but that’s not what’s happening here. She described the situation and named 4 people. She accused Kav and his friend of being in the room and said two other teens were at the party. She has spoken about the incident in the past and taken a polygraph. So there is standing and substance behind her story. There are also a few avenues to go down for investigators to to question and explore to see what can be uncovered.
And changed her story several times. Her witnesses say it never happened. She won’t testify and polygraph test are not submissable in most courts. She can’t remember day, place, what the party was . Come on, if you asked your kid where the car got the dent and he came up with that you would ground him.
You’re not making a convincing argument. The two witnesses you’re talking about are the accused and they haven’t been questioned under oath. Also, if she was making up this story why would she name two boys who are friends. Why wouldn’t she just name Kavanaugh? Why would she even take a polygraph? And why would she be asking the FBI to investigate? Give an honest and direct answer please.
I already have . Her star witness, not the accused said it didn’t happen. Do you understand the false readings of polygraphs. It sounds great but means nothing. Why wouldn’t she name Kavanaugh? She isn’t asking the FBI to investigate. The lawyer said any investigation would be fine. They know it won’t be conclusive and won’t be damming. That way they can carry on their narrative.
You are dodging around answering my questions. Let’s start simple. If she was fabricating a story why would she name two boys and not just the one she is targeting?

Why even take a polygraph? Why even ask for an FBI investigation like her lawyer has requested.

None of those add up to actions that a false accuser would take
Exactly Emily this is very dangerous ANYONE could accuse ANYONE of sexual harrassment without ANY actual evidence and DESTROY that persons life, this is a very dangerous Pandora's Box and it should be NOT opened. Period.
What do you mean by “Not opened” like she should never have gone public with her story? Even if it is true, would you stand behind that statement?
Maybe when people making such accusations are totally aware of the fact that they have NO EVIDENCE whatsoever to substantiate their claim, and that it will be IMPOSSIBLE for the accused to prove a negative 38yrs later, they should just STFU? Otherwise it looks a lot like trying to DESTROY someone’s life, and that of their families too. Just a thought.
Ok, but that’s not what’s happening here. She described the situation and named 4 people. She accused Kav and his friend of being in the room and said two other teens were at the party. She has spoken about the incident in the past and taken a polygraph. So there is standing and substance behind her story. There are also a few avenues to go down for investigators to to question and explore to see what can be uncovered.
‘Described the situation’ is nothing more than making an unsubstantiated allegation. She also keeps changing her story - 4 people/2 people.
A lie detector test has no credence whatsoever.

She did not speak about the incident for decades after it allegedly happened. One of the 2-4 other people allegedly present has said he has no recollection whatsoever of the ‘event’.

So, what we have here is a he said/she said situation, an expired SOL, and an almost 40 year gap between when the alleged thing happened and when she decided to make an issue of it.

Tell me exaclty how you’d investigate this further?

(Oh, and she can’t be sure when it happened, nor exaclty where it happened)
How would I investigate? I’d interview Ford, Kavanaugh and Judge... I’dask for the names of the other two teens who were at the party and interview them. Id try and get as many details from talking to those 5 individuals and see where it goes. It might go nowhere or it might go somewhere. Never know till you try.
She’s already named the two teens. And She’s already said the claim of 4 teens is wrong - an error. She doesn’t know exaclty when or where it (allegedly) happened - nearly 40 years ago FFS!
Hey, nothing like she recalls hearing, BUT has no first hand info or even KNEW BALSY to speak to her....Desperation is an awesome thing to watch!

A former schoolmate of Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser wrote a Facebook post saying she recalls hearing about the alleged assault involving Kavanaugh, though she says she has no first-hand information to corroborate the accuser’s claims.

"Christine Blasey Ford was a year or so behind me," wrote the woman, Cristina Miranda King, who now works as a performing arts curator in Mexico City. "I did not know her personally but I remember her. This incident did happen."

She added, "Many of us heard a buzz about it indirectly with few specific details. However Christine's vivid recollection should be more than enough for us to truly, deeply know that the accusation is true."

The assertion that other people heard about and discussed an incident between Ford and Kavanaugh at the time it is alleged to have happened could loom as an important factor in any investigation of the claim.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Some salient thoughts....

She already pulled the post down.

Seem she said it was all the buzz at school when the supposed incident happened during the summertime.

Oh gosh, all of the sudden out of the clear blue - another “corroborating” story. I just knew that someone out there (a leftist bimbo) would suddenly “remember” what Christine Ford said years ago.

So predictable. And it was predicted. More will be coming.
Somebody is looking for a Soros payday

How much does he pay?

Disqualifying assertion: “However Christine’s vivid recollection should be more than enough for us to truly, deeply know that the accusation is true.”


Cristina King Miranda.....where is her PINK PUSSY HAT???

So let's see. On the off chance that SOMEDAY Ford's attacker would become a SUPREME COURT JUDGE, she told her friend in real time about the attack to 'attack' him with 36 years later. That's logical. Sure, because that's women DO! Just ask Orrin Hatch---women get confused.

The accuser didn't tell her, she said she recalls hearing about an alleged incident

Read, comprehend and then comment

“She later posted on Facebook: "To all media, I will not be doing anymore interviews. No more circus for me. To clarify my post: I do not have first hand knowledge of the incident that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford mentions, and I stand by my support for Christine. That's it. I don't have more to say on the subject. Please don't contact me further."

Ummmmm, oops.

Dealing with left loons is frustrating, they don't even understand what's going on and jump in feet first
Maybe when people making such accusations are totally aware of the fact that they have NO EVIDENCE whatsoever to substantiate their claim, and that it will be IMPOSSIBLE for the accused to prove a negative 38yrs later, they should just STFU? Otherwise it looks a lot like trying to DESTROY someone’s life, and that of their families too. Just a thought.
Ok, but that’s not what’s happening here. She described the situation and named 4 people. She accused Kav and his friend of being in the room and said two other teens were at the party. She has spoken about the incident in the past and taken a polygraph. So there is standing and substance behind her story. There are also a few avenues to go down for investigators to to question and explore to see what can be uncovered.
And changed her story several times. Her witnesses say it never happened. She won’t testify and polygraph test are not submissable in most courts. She can’t remember day, place, what the party was . Come on, if you asked your kid where the car got the dent and he came up with that you would ground him.
You’re not making a convincing argument. The two witnesses you’re talking about are the accused and they haven’t been questioned under oath. Also, if she was making up this story why would she name two boys who are friends. Why wouldn’t she just name Kavanaugh? Why would she even take a polygraph? And why would she be asking the FBI to investigate? Give an honest and direct answer please.
I already have . Her star witness, not the accused said it didn’t happen. Do you understand the false readings of polygraphs. It sounds great but means nothing. Why wouldn’t she name Kavanaugh? She isn’t asking the FBI to investigate. The lawyer said any investigation would be fine. They know it won’t be conclusive and won’t be damming. That way they can carry on their narrative.
You are dodging around answering my questions. Let’s start simple. If she was fabricating a story why would she name two boys and not just the one she is targeting?

Why even take a polygraph? Why even ask for an FBI investigation like her lawyer has requested.

None of those add up to actions that a false accuser would take
I dodged nothing. After reading all there is about this. I have concluded that she is lying. You may have a different view, that is your right. I don’t have to explain any further why I feel this way. I have answered. You didn’t like the answeres. That fine. I don’t accept yours. That’s fine too.
What do you mean by “Not opened” like she should never have gone public with her story? Even if it is true, would you stand behind that statement?
Maybe when people making such accusations are totally aware of the fact that they have NO EVIDENCE whatsoever to substantiate their claim, and that it will be IMPOSSIBLE for the accused to prove a negative 38yrs later, they should just STFU? Otherwise it looks a lot like trying to DESTROY someone’s life, and that of their families too. Just a thought.
Ok, but that’s not what’s happening here. She described the situation and named 4 people. She accused Kav and his friend of being in the room and said two other teens were at the party. She has spoken about the incident in the past and taken a polygraph. So there is standing and substance behind her story. There are also a few avenues to go down for investigators to to question and explore to see what can be uncovered.
‘Described the situation’ is nothing more than making an unsubstantiated allegation. She also keeps changing her story - 4 people/2 people.
A lie detector test has no credence whatsoever.

She did not speak about the incident for decades after it allegedly happened. One of the 2-4 other people allegedly present has said he has no recollection whatsoever of the ‘event’.

So, what we have here is a he said/she said situation, an expired SOL, and an almost 40 year gap between when the alleged thing happened and when she decided to make an issue of it.

Tell me exaclty how you’d investigate this further?

(Oh, and she can’t be sure when it happened, nor exaclty where it happened)
How would I investigate? I’d interview Ford, Kavanaugh and Judge... I’dask for the names of the other two teens who were at the party and interview them. Id try and get as many details from talking to those 5 individuals and see where it goes. It might go nowhere or it might go somewhere. Never know till you try.
She’s already named the two teens. And She’s already said the claim of 4 teens is wrong - an error. She doesn’t know exaclty when or where it (allegedly) happened - nearly 40 years ago FFS!
There were 5 teens at the party. Ford, Kav, Judge and two others. There were only 3 in the room during the incident, Ford, Kav and Judge. The therapy notes incorrectly said the other two teens were in the room during the incident and she clarified. Get it?

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