The Supreme Court nomination mess

It's a dang big deal because it takes time............and elections are around the corner..........

Which is exactly why they did this at the last minute............she wants to accuse him..........then show the hell up Monday......if not .....

Ramming speed.

i do agree with you there. This is obviously a delay tactic and it is being politicized by the Left to the extreme. That doesn’t automatically disqualify the validity of her claims though. The hill investigation lasted three days. This one doesn’t seem to be more than a few interviews. What’s the big deal?

She can show up and do the's been offered.........if she refuses..........then no deal.

Their whole purpose is to delay this.........hoping to push it into elections.....

They have offered........she must decide..........and the Accused have the right to face their accusers..............

I agree. She is pushing for as much as she can get before the hearings, it is smart lawyering. It’s curious that she would demand an FBI investigation if she was lying though, don’t you think? But I agree if she doesn’t show then the vote should go and Kavanaugh will be seated and she will be discredited.

Pushing for that investigation ensures it would take some time............and the FBI is refusing to investigate because it's not a Federal Crime and not part of the standard background checks......Age 18 and later...........

Couldn't ask for a better stall tactic............The Dems can then demand a background check on this and try to force the delay........make it take as long as possible and then try him in the Media...................which is their goal............

You know they have done these tactics before.......and they are doing them's a play that they rehearsed...........she needs to show up......and if it's her word versus is nothing..........but the circus will have a field day with the accusations..........Just like Clairance Thomas.

The only way I see this as a lie is if she had this experience when she was 15, has been struggling with it her entire life, spoke about it in therapy 6 years ago, and is now inserting Kavanaugh into it to bring him down. It still makes me ask why implicate Judge as well? It makes the battle twice as hard... it also makes discrediting it twice as likely. Now just one of the boys could prove that they didn’t spend that summer in that area and her story goes to shit. Plus there are the other two teens at the party, why mention them? Those are two more loose ends. The whole thing is very sloppy to be a lie in my opinion. You think this is really what they planned and rehearsed? It just doesn’t make sense.

What doesn't make sense is waiting til the last possible moment to come forward.........then was leaked now she needs to come forward but doesn't want to come forward...........had no intention to come forward but got a lawyer in August.........and got a lie detector test done...........

That stinks to the high heavens.............and Feinstein should go before a ethics committee for holding this information this long. Once she got the letter her wanting to be unknown was out the window...........she came forward the minute she sent the letter......

Now she has accused him of a crime back in the day..........she should be obligated to come forward now...........she has used this to character assassinate a man.
i do agree with you there. This is obviously a delay tactic and it is being politicized by the Left to the extreme. That doesn’t automatically disqualify the validity of her claims though. The hill investigation lasted three days. This one doesn’t seem to be more than a few interviews. What’s the big deal?
She can show up and do the's been offered.........if she refuses..........then no deal.

Their whole purpose is to delay this.........hoping to push it into elections.....

They have offered........she must decide..........and the Accused have the right to face their accusers..............
I agree. She is pushing for as much as she can get before the hearings, it is smart lawyering. It’s curious that she would demand an FBI investigation if she was lying though, don’t you think? But I agree if she doesn’t show then the vote should go and Kavanaugh will be seated and she will be discredited.
Pushing for that investigation ensures it would take some time............and the FBI is refusing to investigate because it's not a Federal Crime and not part of the standard background checks......Age 18 and later...........

Couldn't ask for a better stall tactic............The Dems can then demand a background check on this and try to force the delay........make it take as long as possible and then try him in the Media...................which is their goal............

You know they have done these tactics before.......and they are doing them's a play that they rehearsed...........she needs to show up......and if it's her word versus is nothing..........but the circus will have a field day with the accusations..........Just like Clairance Thomas.
The only way I see this as a lie is if she had this experience when she was 15, has been struggling with it her entire life, spoke about it in therapy 6 years ago, and is now inserting Kavanaugh into it to bring him down. It still makes me ask why implicate Judge as well? It makes the battle twice as hard... it also makes discrediting it twice as likely. Now just one of the boys could prove that they didn’t spend that summer in that area and her story goes to shit. Plus there are the other two teens at the party, why mention them? Those are two more loose ends. The whole thing is very sloppy to be a lie in my opinion. You think this is really what they planned and rehearsed? It just doesn’t make sense.
What doesn't make sense is waiting til the last possible moment to come forward.........then was leaked now she needs to come forward but doesn't want to come forward...........had no intention to come forward but got a lawyer in August.........and got a lie detector test done...........

That stinks to the high heavens.............and Feinstein should go before a ethics committee for holding this information this long. Once she got the letter her wanting to be unknown was out the window...........she came forward the minute she sent the letter......

Now she has accused him of a crime back in the day..........she should be obligated to come forward now...........she has used this to character assassinate a man.
How does that not make sense to you? That’s politics. That’s trying to delay and block the nomination. I’m not denying that politics is in play. Delay and block is the obvious intent. But my point is that there is still credibility around the story. Just because it is being used as a political tool doesn’t mean it is a complete lie.
She can show up and do the's been offered.........if she refuses..........then no deal.

Their whole purpose is to delay this.........hoping to push it into elections.....

They have offered........she must decide..........and the Accused have the right to face their accusers..............
I agree. She is pushing for as much as she can get before the hearings, it is smart lawyering. It’s curious that she would demand an FBI investigation if she was lying though, don’t you think? But I agree if she doesn’t show then the vote should go and Kavanaugh will be seated and she will be discredited.
Pushing for that investigation ensures it would take some time............and the FBI is refusing to investigate because it's not a Federal Crime and not part of the standard background checks......Age 18 and later...........

Couldn't ask for a better stall tactic............The Dems can then demand a background check on this and try to force the delay........make it take as long as possible and then try him in the Media...................which is their goal............

You know they have done these tactics before.......and they are doing them's a play that they rehearsed...........she needs to show up......and if it's her word versus is nothing..........but the circus will have a field day with the accusations..........Just like Clairance Thomas.
The only way I see this as a lie is if she had this experience when she was 15, has been struggling with it her entire life, spoke about it in therapy 6 years ago, and is now inserting Kavanaugh into it to bring him down. It still makes me ask why implicate Judge as well? It makes the battle twice as hard... it also makes discrediting it twice as likely. Now just one of the boys could prove that they didn’t spend that summer in that area and her story goes to shit. Plus there are the other two teens at the party, why mention them? Those are two more loose ends. The whole thing is very sloppy to be a lie in my opinion. You think this is really what they planned and rehearsed? It just doesn’t make sense.
What doesn't make sense is waiting til the last possible moment to come forward.........then was leaked now she needs to come forward but doesn't want to come forward...........had no intention to come forward but got a lawyer in August.........and got a lie detector test done...........

That stinks to the high heavens.............and Feinstein should go before a ethics committee for holding this information this long. Once she got the letter her wanting to be unknown was out the window...........she came forward the minute she sent the letter......

Now she has accused him of a crime back in the day..........she should be obligated to come forward now...........she has used this to character assassinate a man.
How does that not make sense to you? That’s politics. That’s trying to delay and block the nomination. I’m not denying that politics is in play. Delay and block is the obvious intent. But my point is that there is still credibility around the story. Just because it is being used as a political tool doesn’t mean it is a complete lie.
I have seen nothing credible.................only her saying that he did it.............and another saying she might have heard about it in school.............that doesn't make it credible...........

Need the's up to her to prove that............and even if she can't be charged....
Hey, nothing like she recalls hearing, BUT has no first hand info or even KNEW BALSY to speak to her....Desperation is an awesome thing to watch!

A former schoolmate of Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser wrote a Facebook post saying she recalls hearing about the alleged assault involving Kavanaugh, though she says she has no first-hand information to corroborate the accuser’s claims.

"Christine Blasey Ford was a year or so behind me," wrote the woman, Cristina Miranda King, who now works as a performing arts curator in Mexico City. "I did not know her personally but I remember her. This incident did happen."

She added, "Many of us heard a buzz about it indirectly with few specific details. However Christine's vivid recollection should be more than enough for us to truly, deeply know that the accusation is true."

The assertion that other people heard about and discussed an incident between Ford and Kavanaugh at the time it is alleged to have happened could loom as an important factor in any investigation of the claim.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Some salient thoughts....

She already pulled the post down.

Seem she said it was all the buzz at school when the supposed incident happened during the summertime.

Oh gosh, all of the sudden out of the clear blue - another “corroborating” story. I just knew that someone out there (a leftist bimbo) would suddenly “remember” what Christine Ford said years ago.

So predictable. And it was predicted. More will be coming.
Somebody is looking for a Soros payday

How much does he pay?

Disqualifying assertion: “However Christine’s vivid recollection should be more than enough for us to truly, deeply know that the accusation is true.”


Cristina King Miranda.....where is her PINK PUSSY HAT???

They dig them up out of no where. and how many people can remember conversations back in high school give me a break. This is such made up bs.

As Alex Jones said there are more liars lining up they're being paid off to lie just like they did to Trump.
I agree. She is pushing for as much as she can get before the hearings, it is smart lawyering. It’s curious that she would demand an FBI investigation if she was lying though, don’t you think? But I agree if she doesn’t show then the vote should go and Kavanaugh will be seated and she will be discredited.
Pushing for that investigation ensures it would take some time............and the FBI is refusing to investigate because it's not a Federal Crime and not part of the standard background checks......Age 18 and later...........

Couldn't ask for a better stall tactic............The Dems can then demand a background check on this and try to force the delay........make it take as long as possible and then try him in the Media...................which is their goal............

You know they have done these tactics before.......and they are doing them's a play that they rehearsed...........she needs to show up......and if it's her word versus is nothing..........but the circus will have a field day with the accusations..........Just like Clairance Thomas.
The only way I see this as a lie is if she had this experience when she was 15, has been struggling with it her entire life, spoke about it in therapy 6 years ago, and is now inserting Kavanaugh into it to bring him down. It still makes me ask why implicate Judge as well? It makes the battle twice as hard... it also makes discrediting it twice as likely. Now just one of the boys could prove that they didn’t spend that summer in that area and her story goes to shit. Plus there are the other two teens at the party, why mention them? Those are two more loose ends. The whole thing is very sloppy to be a lie in my opinion. You think this is really what they planned and rehearsed? It just doesn’t make sense.
What doesn't make sense is waiting til the last possible moment to come forward.........then was leaked now she needs to come forward but doesn't want to come forward...........had no intention to come forward but got a lawyer in August.........and got a lie detector test done...........

That stinks to the high heavens.............and Feinstein should go before a ethics committee for holding this information this long. Once she got the letter her wanting to be unknown was out the window...........she came forward the minute she sent the letter......

Now she has accused him of a crime back in the day..........she should be obligated to come forward now...........she has used this to character assassinate a man.
How does that not make sense to you? That’s politics. That’s trying to delay and block the nomination. I’m not denying that politics is in play. Delay and block is the obvious intent. But my point is that there is still credibility around the story. Just because it is being used as a political tool doesn’t mean it is a complete lie.
I have seen nothing credible.................only her saying that he did it.............and another saying she might have heard about it in school.............that doesn't make it credible...........

Need the's up to her to prove that............and even if she can't be charged....
All of Fords the other actions, motives, and story details make a difference. Like I said, it isn’t conclusive but it makes the “fabrication” argument hard to swallow. A woman fabricating a story would not likely tell the story she did with so many holes... she wouldn’t have implicated two boys, she wouldn’t have talked about it in therapy 6 years ago, she wouldn’t have taken a polygraph and she wouldn’t be insisting on a FBI investigation. For her to be capable of making this thing up and then doing all that I listed she would have to be completely nuts... and if she was completely nuts then she likely wouldn’t have had over 200 character testimonies come out in support of her. Whether you like it or not all that stuff means something. You can’t just yell No Evidence and then ignore all that I’ve just posted.
Pushing for that investigation ensures it would take some time............and the FBI is refusing to investigate because it's not a Federal Crime and not part of the standard background checks......Age 18 and later...........

Couldn't ask for a better stall tactic............The Dems can then demand a background check on this and try to force the delay........make it take as long as possible and then try him in the Media...................which is their goal............

You know they have done these tactics before.......and they are doing them's a play that they rehearsed...........she needs to show up......and if it's her word versus is nothing..........but the circus will have a field day with the accusations..........Just like Clairance Thomas.
The only way I see this as a lie is if she had this experience when she was 15, has been struggling with it her entire life, spoke about it in therapy 6 years ago, and is now inserting Kavanaugh into it to bring him down. It still makes me ask why implicate Judge as well? It makes the battle twice as hard... it also makes discrediting it twice as likely. Now just one of the boys could prove that they didn’t spend that summer in that area and her story goes to shit. Plus there are the other two teens at the party, why mention them? Those are two more loose ends. The whole thing is very sloppy to be a lie in my opinion. You think this is really what they planned and rehearsed? It just doesn’t make sense.
What doesn't make sense is waiting til the last possible moment to come forward.........then was leaked now she needs to come forward but doesn't want to come forward...........had no intention to come forward but got a lawyer in August.........and got a lie detector test done...........

That stinks to the high heavens.............and Feinstein should go before a ethics committee for holding this information this long. Once she got the letter her wanting to be unknown was out the window...........she came forward the minute she sent the letter......

Now she has accused him of a crime back in the day..........she should be obligated to come forward now...........she has used this to character assassinate a man.
How does that not make sense to you? That’s politics. That’s trying to delay and block the nomination. I’m not denying that politics is in play. Delay and block is the obvious intent. But my point is that there is still credibility around the story. Just because it is being used as a political tool doesn’t mean it is a complete lie.
I have seen nothing credible.................only her saying that he did it.............and another saying she might have heard about it in school.............that doesn't make it credible...........

Need the's up to her to prove that............and even if she can't be charged....
All of Fords the other actions, motives, and story details make a difference. Like I said, it isn’t conclusive but it makes the “fabrication” argument hard to swallow. A woman fabricating a story would not likely tell the story she did with so many holes... she wouldn’t have implicated two boys, she wouldn’t have talked about it in therapy 6 years ago, she wouldn’t have taken a polygraph and she wouldn’t be insisting on a FBI investigation. For her to be capable of making this thing up and then doing all that I listed she would have to be completely nuts... and if she was completely nuts then she likely wouldn’t have had over 200 character testimonies come out in support of her. Whether you like it or not all that stuff means something. You can’t just yell No Evidence and then ignore all that I’ve just posted. 10 days, nobody is going to care about this!:113:

The bozo blew it when she decided to pass on testifying Monday! Everything else now is noise!:hello77:
The only way I see this as a lie is if she had this experience when she was 15, has been struggling with it her entire life, spoke about it in therapy 6 years ago, and is now inserting Kavanaugh into it to bring him down. It still makes me ask why implicate Judge as well? It makes the battle twice as hard... it also makes discrediting it twice as likely. Now just one of the boys could prove that they didn’t spend that summer in that area and her story goes to shit. Plus there are the other two teens at the party, why mention them? Those are two more loose ends. The whole thing is very sloppy to be a lie in my opinion. You think this is really what they planned and rehearsed? It just doesn’t make sense.
What doesn't make sense is waiting til the last possible moment to come forward.........then was leaked now she needs to come forward but doesn't want to come forward...........had no intention to come forward but got a lawyer in August.........and got a lie detector test done...........

That stinks to the high heavens.............and Feinstein should go before a ethics committee for holding this information this long. Once she got the letter her wanting to be unknown was out the window...........she came forward the minute she sent the letter......

Now she has accused him of a crime back in the day..........she should be obligated to come forward now...........she has used this to character assassinate a man.
How does that not make sense to you? That’s politics. That’s trying to delay and block the nomination. I’m not denying that politics is in play. Delay and block is the obvious intent. But my point is that there is still credibility around the story. Just because it is being used as a political tool doesn’t mean it is a complete lie.
I have seen nothing credible.................only her saying that he did it.............and another saying she might have heard about it in school.............that doesn't make it credible...........

Need the's up to her to prove that............and even if she can't be charged....
All of Fords the other actions, motives, and story details make a difference. Like I said, it isn’t conclusive but it makes the “fabrication” argument hard to swallow. A woman fabricating a story would not likely tell the story she did with so many holes... she wouldn’t have implicated two boys, she wouldn’t have talked about it in therapy 6 years ago, she wouldn’t have taken a polygraph and she wouldn’t be insisting on a FBI investigation. For her to be capable of making this thing up and then doing all that I listed she would have to be completely nuts... and if she was completely nuts then she likely wouldn’t have had over 200 character testimonies come out in support of her. Whether you like it or not all that stuff means something. You can’t just yell No Evidence and then ignore all that I’ve just posted. 10 days, nobody is going to care about this!:113:

The bozo blew it when she decided to pass on testifying Monday! Everything else now is noise!:hello77:
It’s not Monday yet!
Too Funny;

Now both of the males that Ford has named have given written statements, under oath, that they have never been at a 'party' of that type and both state that Kavanaugh has never acted in the manner described by Ford as long as they have known him going back 43 years.

Both of Fords so called 'witnesses' have now called her out a liar..

The narrative is now falling apart...
I already have . Her star witness, not the accused said it didn’t happen. Do you understand the false readings of polygraphs. It sounds great but means nothing. Why wouldn’t she name Kavanaugh? She isn’t asking the FBI to investigate. The lawyer said any investigation would be fine. They know it won’t be conclusive and won’t be damming. That way they can carry on their narrative.
You are dodging around answering my questions. Let’s start simple. If she was fabricating a story why would she name two boys and not just the one she is targeting?

Why even take a polygraph? Why even ask for an FBI investigation like her lawyer has requested.

None of those add up to actions that a false accuser would take
I dodged nothing. After reading all there is about this. I have concluded that she is lying. You may have a different view, that is your right. I don’t have to explain any further why I feel this way. I have answered. You didn’t like the answeres. That fine. I don’t accept yours. That’s fine too.
You have every right to have a different opinion. For the record I’m not saying she is telling the truth. I need to hear more to make a solid conclusion. But when I ask why she would name two boys when fabricating a story, you didn’t answer. When I asked why should would take a polygraph, you say that polygraphs are not conclusive, that doesn’t answer my question about why she would take one. When I ask why she would call for the FBI to investigate, something that could expose her lie (if she was lying) you say she isn’t asking for that... but she is through her attorney!

So yeah, you are dodging my questions
She originally told a therapist that there were four boys in the room others were in the house and more were outside. Since the letter came out she bows claims that the notes taken by the therapist are wrong.

She claims she does not know who was responsible for the party.
She claims she does not know how she got there.
She claims she does not know where the party was.
She claims she does not know on what date it happened.
She claims she does not know how she got home.
She claims she told no one until 2012 when she told a therapist.

Both of the boys say they have never seen anything or done anything even similar.
She has a reason to hate Kavanaugh in that his mother was involved as the judge in her parents foreclosure. Considering the foreclosure one can assume that the Kavanaugh's had more money.
She hates Trump and wrote a letter against his policies.

Suddenly another woman who was not in her circle of friends says that she heard about it but does not know any particulars. How did she hear about it if the accussor did not tell anyone?

The FBI did six background checks on the guy and found nothing. Now suddenly all the people that claimed they should be believed are saying that they missed things.

There are so many holes in her story that you could fly a 747 through it and not hurt the paint.
You got some serious fluff in there. First off the foreclosure story is unsubstantiated right wing propaganda being used to support a motive of her lying. Show me one credible network reporting that story. I don’t think you can. I can show you Fox refuting it if you don’t believe me.

Also all the holes you pointed out aren’t evidence that she is lying. She either didn’t remember those details or she didn’t want to disclose them to a reporter. Perhaps if she was interviewed under oath by an FBI agent there would be more details.
I would be willing to bet if you went to a party and someone shot you in the foot you would have perfect recall of every thing that you saw and did. If it was half as traumatic as she claimed then she should have better recall. Have never heard of anyone that has been molested that could not describe every detail down to smells.
She told the therapist the same story except there were four guys in the room. I could see her not saying much to a reporter but there was no need to withhold anything from the therapist. She also gave no particulars in her letter.

Could it be that she had a run in with someone and she is blaming Kavanaugh? Is it possible a drunk Kavanaugh was knocked into her and while trying to get up she got touched? I am trying to find something that points to her telling the truth but considering all the holes it does not look very likely.

Considering the past of certain other allegations on others one has to consider who and how this was brought into the open.

She supposedly said that she would testify. Now wants an investigation before she will. Knowing that it will take months or longer and if she decides to she can not testify and not be held accountable. But the chances are good that she will have done the best to block Kavanaugh's appointment and perhaps ruined his reputation.
She’s already named the two teens. And She’s already said the claim of 4 teens is wrong - an error. She doesn’t know exaclty when or where it (allegedly) happened - nearly 40 years ago FFS!
There were 5 teens at the party. Ford, Kav, Judge and two others. There were only 3 in the room during the incident, Ford, Kav and Judge. The therapy notes incorrectly said the other two teens were in the room during the incident and she clarified. Get it?

Then the therapy notes are of no use as even the “victims” dispute them.

So, what else you got?
The therapy notes simply show that this incident was being talked about before Kavanaugh was ever nominated for SCOTUS. Simple as that

They do no such thing. Her letter states two boys were in the room when the assault happened. The therapist note states four. It’s obvious she is describing a completely different time.

Now try getting THAT placed into evidence.
She said those therapy notes were incorrect. I believe there are two sets of notes from two different therapists.

Good God, you might as well call the therapist a moron. Oh wait, you just did.
You are dodging around answering my questions. Let’s start simple. If she was fabricating a story why would she name two boys and not just the one she is targeting?

Why even take a polygraph? Why even ask for an FBI investigation like her lawyer has requested.

None of those add up to actions that a false accuser would take
I dodged nothing. After reading all there is about this. I have concluded that she is lying. You may have a different view, that is your right. I don’t have to explain any further why I feel this way. I have answered. You didn’t like the answeres. That fine. I don’t accept yours. That’s fine too.
You have every right to have a different opinion. For the record I’m not saying she is telling the truth. I need to hear more to make a solid conclusion. But when I ask why she would name two boys when fabricating a story, you didn’t answer. When I asked why should would take a polygraph, you say that polygraphs are not conclusive, that doesn’t answer my question about why she would take one. When I ask why she would call for the FBI to investigate, something that could expose her lie (if she was lying) you say she isn’t asking for that... but she is through her attorney!

So yeah, you are dodging my questions
She originally told a therapist that there were four boys in the room others were in the house and more were outside. Since the letter came out she bows claims that the notes taken by the therapist are wrong.

She claims she does not know who was responsible for the party.
She claims she does not know how she got there.
She claims she does not know where the party was.
She claims she does not know on what date it happened.
She claims she does not know how she got home.
She claims she told no one until 2012 when she told a therapist.

Both of the boys say they have never seen anything or done anything even similar.
She has a reason to hate Kavanaugh in that his mother was involved as the judge in her parents foreclosure. Considering the foreclosure one can assume that the Kavanaugh's had more money.
She hates Trump and wrote a letter against his policies.

Suddenly another woman who was not in her circle of friends says that she heard about it but does not know any particulars. How did she hear about it if the accussor did not tell anyone?

The FBI did six background checks on the guy and found nothing. Now suddenly all the people that claimed they should be believed are saying that they missed things.

There are so many holes in her story that you could fly a 747 through it and not hurt the paint.
You got some serious fluff in there. First off the foreclosure story is unsubstantiated right wing propaganda being used to support a motive of her lying. Show me one credible network reporting that story. I don’t think you can. I can show you Fox refuting it if you don’t believe me.

Also all the holes you pointed out aren’t evidence that she is lying. She either didn’t remember those details or she didn’t want to disclose them to a reporter. Perhaps if she was interviewed under oath by an FBI agent there would be more details.
I would be willing to bet if you went to a party and someone shot you in the foot you would have perfect recall of every thing that you saw and did. If it was half as traumatic as she claimed then she should have better recall. Have never heard of anyone that has been molested that could not describe every detail down to smells.
She told the therapist the same story except there were four guys in the room. I could see her not saying much to a reporter but there was no need to withhold anything from the therapist. She also gave no particulars in her letter.

Could it be that she had a run in with someone and she is blaming Kavanaugh? Is it possible a drunk Kavanaugh was knocked into her and while trying to get up she got touched? I am trying to find something that points to her telling the truth but considering all the holes it does not look very likely.

Considering the past of certain other allegations on others one has to consider who and how this was brought into the open.

She supposedly said that she would testify. Now wants an investigation before she will. Knowing that it will take months or longer and if she decides to she can not testify and not be held accountable. But the chances are good that she will have done the best to block Kavanaugh's appointment and perhaps ruined his reputation.
If I got shot in the foot at a party I’d remember who shot me. If I wasn’t paying attention when somebody gave me a ride to the party then I might not remember where exactly it was at... I’d be a little worried about the hole in my foot to take note of the street signs on the way out. So I don’t think knowing directions and the identities of the assaulters is related.

Also Kavanaugh denies ever being at the party so this is an all or nothing thing, can’t be a misunderstanding in the bedroom or an accidental grab with a lie being exposed.

Also if she is lying, why does she want the FBI to investigate so bad? Why would she implicate two people in the assault instead of just one? How does that make any sense?

Lastly. It doesn’t take months to do an expanded background check on this intel. They did it in 3 days with Anitra Hill. They could wrap this one with a few interviews.
Like I said....once this idiot demanded the FBI thing after stating she couldnt remember what or where, the politics grenaded for the nutters on the left.

She shows Monday or by this time next week, nobody will care about Dr Ford.:bye1::bye1:
I'm sure she is talking about a valid INCIDENT.
So maybe with the help of others, a consistent time place and NAMES can be confirmed.

Otherwise, is there anyone on this board, anyone on any side of this issue
who would AGREE to be accused, judged convicted and punished
on the basis of one person's account without naming the time or place the incident occurred?

How can the FBI or anyone be asked to 'investigate' if there are no details to go on
such as TIME and PLACE.

Does anyone here really agree that if you were in this man's shoes you would
want to be subject to accusations without any such confirmation of what incident is being referred to???

I know if I were the woman, and I had some complaint like this,
I would want it RESOLVED. Regardless who the people were, such
an incident should not be something anyone lies about and covers up.

So whoever it was, I would want this resolved.
not to punish anyone but to correct and make amends.
The goal should be to restore healthy relationships
and address any and all abuses by whichever parties did what.

Either fix it between you or resolve it publicly if necessary,
but don't abuse issues to punish people further without solving the real problems.

Exactly Emily this is very dangerous ANYONE could accuse ANYONE of sexual harrassment without ANY actual evidence and DESTROY that persons life, this is a very dangerous Pandora's Box and it should be NOT opened. Period.

I posted long ago they were opening Pandora's it's opened and all someone has to do is allege something. Got a beef with someone? Accuse them of sexual assault. Don't like their politics? Accuse them. Want someone out of the way? Accuse them.

It's BS and innocent people can be ruined.
There have been many people ruined by accusations since me too... but how many innocent people have been ruined? Can you name a few?

Oh I see the dumbass limits it to “since me too”. Well dumbass, sometimes we don’t know that answer for DECADES.

Like this:

'Every district attorney’s nightmare': Two men exonerated in 1991 rape claim

My God you have become pathetic.

The FBI cannot investigate this incident. It is out of the jurisdiction of the FBI. It could have happened yesterday and the FBI couldn't do anything about it.
The FBI cannot investigate this incident. It is out of the jurisdiction of the FBI. It could have happened yesterday and the FBI couldn't do anything about it.
--------------------------------------------- i think that you are correct AIRMECH .
The FBI cannot investigate this incident. It is out of the jurisdiction of the FBI. It could have happened yesterday and the FBI couldn't do anything about it.

This crime is not federal and must be investigated by local authorities. Given the lack of verifiable facts they would not investigate this. I know because I did this for many years.

Now that there are two "witnesses" who she named, that discount her story, she is left with an empty bag, no evidence. This is why she will not testify, two sworn statements of fact that discredit her.
I dodged nothing. After reading all there is about this. I have concluded that she is lying. You may have a different view, that is your right. I don’t have to explain any further why I feel this way. I have answered. You didn’t like the answeres. That fine. I don’t accept yours. That’s fine too.
You have every right to have a different opinion. For the record I’m not saying she is telling the truth. I need to hear more to make a solid conclusion. But when I ask why she would name two boys when fabricating a story, you didn’t answer. When I asked why should would take a polygraph, you say that polygraphs are not conclusive, that doesn’t answer my question about why she would take one. When I ask why she would call for the FBI to investigate, something that could expose her lie (if she was lying) you say she isn’t asking for that... but she is through her attorney!

So yeah, you are dodging my questions
She originally told a therapist that there were four boys in the room others were in the house and more were outside. Since the letter came out she bows claims that the notes taken by the therapist are wrong.

She claims she does not know who was responsible for the party.
She claims she does not know how she got there.
She claims she does not know where the party was.
She claims she does not know on what date it happened.
She claims she does not know how she got home.
She claims she told no one until 2012 when she told a therapist.

Both of the boys say they have never seen anything or done anything even similar.
She has a reason to hate Kavanaugh in that his mother was involved as the judge in her parents foreclosure. Considering the foreclosure one can assume that the Kavanaugh's had more money.
She hates Trump and wrote a letter against his policies.

Suddenly another woman who was not in her circle of friends says that she heard about it but does not know any particulars. How did she hear about it if the accussor did not tell anyone?

The FBI did six background checks on the guy and found nothing. Now suddenly all the people that claimed they should be believed are saying that they missed things.

There are so many holes in her story that you could fly a 747 through it and not hurt the paint.
You got some serious fluff in there. First off the foreclosure story is unsubstantiated right wing propaganda being used to support a motive of her lying. Show me one credible network reporting that story. I don’t think you can. I can show you Fox refuting it if you don’t believe me.

Also all the holes you pointed out aren’t evidence that she is lying. She either didn’t remember those details or she didn’t want to disclose them to a reporter. Perhaps if she was interviewed under oath by an FBI agent there would be more details.
I would be willing to bet if you went to a party and someone shot you in the foot you would have perfect recall of every thing that you saw and did. If it was half as traumatic as she claimed then she should have better recall. Have never heard of anyone that has been molested that could not describe every detail down to smells.
She told the therapist the same story except there were four guys in the room. I could see her not saying much to a reporter but there was no need to withhold anything from the therapist. She also gave no particulars in her letter.

Could it be that she had a run in with someone and she is blaming Kavanaugh? Is it possible a drunk Kavanaugh was knocked into her and while trying to get up she got touched? I am trying to find something that points to her telling the truth but considering all the holes it does not look very likely.

Considering the past of certain other allegations on others one has to consider who and how this was brought into the open.

She supposedly said that she would testify. Now wants an investigation before she will. Knowing that it will take months or longer and if she decides to she can not testify and not be held accountable. But the chances are good that she will have done the best to block Kavanaugh's appointment and perhaps ruined his reputation.
If I got shot in the foot at a party I’d remember who shot me. If I wasn’t paying attention when somebody gave me a ride to the party then I might not remember where exactly it was at... I’d be a little worried about the hole in my foot to take note of the street signs on the way out. So I don’t think knowing directions and the identities of the assaulters is related.

Also Kavanaugh denies ever being at the party so this is an all or nothing thing, can’t be a misunderstanding in the bedroom or an accidental grab with a lie being exposed.

Also if she is lying, why does she want the FBI to investigate so bad? Why would she implicate two people in the assault instead of just one? How does that make any sense?

Lastly. It doesn’t take months to do an expanded background check on this intel. They did it in 3 days with Anitra Hill. They could wrap this one with a few interviews.
Well I hope for your sake nothing bad ever happens to you since you would have such a bad memory.

I know a number of women who were raped or were assaulted. My wife was molested at six. They can all tell you exacltly what happened where and when. The smallest detail is still very vivid in their minds.

The main difference here is there is nothing. No date, no location, no names of anyone else, not even a house color. At least Hill gave enough details they had something to work with.

As I stated I was hoping there might be some way to try and believe her but as you at least got that right it is either yes or no.

As I stated she can try and have the thing investigated then decide to back out as she has done. She would be safe even though she has done her damage.

There is over a hundred thousand go fund me page for her right now. So she will get paid very well.

Guess we will see what happens at 10:00 on Friday. It may not even matter after that.

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