The Swamp


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
Wanna know the little details about republicans, democrats and how our government is really ran. Along with who runs it.
If after watching this, you're still a republican or democrat, then you're just dumb. <<<That's not meant to be an insult. But a description. Don't take it personal, because this video really exposes just how corrupt both parties are.

There's also some Justin Amash video's that show just how/why messed up things are in DC.
Wanna know the little details about republicans, democrats and how our government is really ran. Along with who runs it.
If after watching this, you're still a republican or democrat, then you're just dumb. <<<That's not meant to be an insult. But a description. Don't take it personal, because this video really exposes just how corrupt both parties are.


I register as a libertarian a long time ago but still believe we need to eliminate political parties altogether. After all there is no mention of political parties in our constitution, so why is our government divided between two of them? We need to be electing the best people for the job, not members of mobs.
Since we can't outlaw political parties, the next best thing would be to restrict the unilateral powers of the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader. These are what allow majorities within majorities (i.e., minorities) to exercise undue influence over our government.
There's soooo much information in these "Swamp" video's. I was shocked to find out that congressmen have to pay for their committee chair. That's just BS. Especially since the lobbyist pay for the chair up front.
This is one of those situations where people who lean left or right won't pay any attention. It's too haaaaarrrrrrrd to watch stuff like this because it's so haaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrd to think for yourselves.
Wanna know the little details about republicans, democrats and how our government is really ran. Along with who runs it.
If after watching this, you're still a republican or democrat, then you're just dumb. <<<That's not meant to be an insult. But a description. Don't take it personal, because this video really exposes just how corrupt both parties are.


Sounds like Nassau County and the Town of bribe, no job.
Wanna know the little details about republicans, democrats and how our government is really ran. Along with who runs it.
If after watching this, you're still a republican or democrat, then you're just dumb. <<<That's not meant to be an insult. But a description. Don't take it personal, because this video really exposes just how corrupt both parties are.


Sounds like Nassau County and the Town of bribe, no job.

There's a lot of the same BS going on from the local PD's, all the way to Trump (or any president for that matter.)
Wanna know the little details about republicans, democrats and how our government is really ran. Along with who runs it.
If after watching this, you're still a republican or democrat, then you're just dumb. <<<That's not meant to be an insult. But a description. Don't take it personal, because this video really exposes just how corrupt both parties are.


Sounds like Nassau County and the Town of bribe, no job.

There's a lot of the same BS going on from the local PD's, all the way to Trump (or any president for that matter.)

The PDs take the cake with nepotism and cronyism.
And they got the guns.
The Nassau County Executives are terrified of them.
Of course this means Bernie Sanders bribed his way into committees.

If you have a seat in a committee, chances are you didn't pay for it yourself. I don't think Sanders was as rich as he is now, when he first got elected.
The MIC, insurance companies and the Rx lobbyist are some of the biggest lobbyist in DC and our state capitals. Without lobbyist, Walmart wouldn't be as big as it is. Microsoft wouldn't be. Dupont wouldn't be. Especially the oil companies.

A good example of this is the EPA: All the right wingers despise the EPA for what they think they do. But the fact is, the oil companies love the EPA. Because of the EPA's regulations, the oil companies don't have to worry about a lot of competition.
Ever wonder why we can't get cheaper drugs from Mexico or Canada? Because of the Rx lobbyist.
Why it's so hard to sue a doctor who almost kills you from negligence? Lobbyist.

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