
Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

DEMOCRATS: You won a place at the table, when your little party is over, you would do well to remember you campaigned on healthcare, better care for veterans, and better pay for the working class. Lead with those, and the American people will support you and vote for you. If you go after President Trump too hard and with insufficient evidence, you'll be kicked to the curb again. There is a time for prudence, and that time is now.

REPUBLICANS: Fact folks got pretty cocky and arrogant when you won in 2016, and despite your gains in the Senate, you'll have to work with a left leaning House. The American people have spoken, and you would do well to accept this. If you folks can prove you can reach across the aisle, and get things done, you can build your voter base, but if you continue the name calling, and ugly rhetoric your fearless leader likes to engage in, you'll find yourself out of power altogether.

BOTH: Do something about our national debt!! Neither side has done a damn thing about it, and America stands a real chance of imploding. Our country is swimming in red ink, and the Chinese and Europeans are not going to continue to by our Treasury paper forever. This will mean trimming our spending AND tax increases. Both sides need to deal with the urgency of this situation!!

Those are the facts Jack....Just the facts. :2cents:
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DEMOCRATS: You won a place at the table, when your little party is over, you would do well to remember you campaigned on healthcare, better care for veterans, and better pay for the working class. Lead with those, and the American people will support you and vote for you. If you go after President Trump too hard and with insufficient evidence, you'll be kicked to the curb again. There is a time for prudence, and that time is now.

REPUBLICANS: Fact folks got pretty cocky and arrogant when you won in 2016, and despite your gains in the Senate, you'll have to work with a left leaning House. The American people have spoken, and you would do well to accept this. If you folks can prove you can reach across the aisle, and get things done, you can build your voter base, but if you continue the name calling, and ugly rhetoric your fearless leader likes to engage in, you'll find yourself out of power altogether.

BOTH: Do something about our national debt!! Neither side has done a damn thing about it, and America stands a real chance of imploding. Our country is swimming in red ink, and the Chinese and Europeans are not going to continue to by our Treasury paper forever. This will mean trimming our spending AND tax increases. Both sides need to deal with the urgency of this situation!!

Those are the facts Jack....Just the facts. :2cents:

Thanks for that.

At this point, we can argue over what this means and that means and the old…

“If “ifs” and “buts” were candies and nuts, we’d all have a Merry Christmas”

but it looks like we on this board have at least accepted the election results so far. I guess it’s not over yet and we have this press conference today and I’m sure there will be some bizarre statements out of that but so far so good on at least agreeing on vote tallies.
I agree

The system seemed to work yesterday.
Dems had their victories, Republicans countered with their own
An unprecedented number of women in both parties were elected. Often running against another woman
Gays won, Muslims won, Native Americans, many veterans

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