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The 'Take Care of Me' Society is Wrecking the USA


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004

By MAUREEN MACKEY, The Fiscal Times
January 28, 2012

You’ve played by the rules. Worked hard to put yourself through school. You’ve gotten a decent job and you pay your taxes. You’re faithfully paying down your mortgage and saving money in a 401(k) – all to secure your finances and your future. But now there are a lot more “takers” than “makers” in this country – and the impact is systemic and long-lasting.

A prevalent new “moocher culture” is changing the character of this nation – that’s the core message of A Nation of Moochers: America’s Addiction to Getting Something for Nothing, a new book by Charles J. Sykes, senior fellow at the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute and the author of six previous books.

“This has been the flash point in American politics for the last several years,” Sykes told The Fiscal Times in an interview this week. “In the wake of the Great Recession, we’ve shifted from a culture of celebrating and encouraging those who are productive and hardworking, to a culture where handouts, bailouts, freebies and entitlements dominate. You start to wonder, Why am I paying the freight for those who have been reckless and irresponsible, whether it’s on Wall Street or in Washington or anywhere else in the community? I think we’re becoming a very different nation.”

Excerpts from our conversation with the author follow:

The Fiscal Times (TFT): With so many people out of work and so many suffering – through no fault of their own – how do you draw the line between real need and a so-called “culture of mooching”?
Charles Sykes (CS): That’s obviously the most difficult part, the gray area in the middle. There’s a distinction between needing temporary aid versus using a vast network of dependency as a way of life. Unemployment compensation, for example, is necessary for an amount of time. But when you start getting into 90-plus weeks of unemployment, hasn’t a temporary stopgap now become an excuse for people to avoid taking jobs? A number of economic studies have shown that the longer these benefits are extended, the higher the unemployment rate is. People make a rational calculation that it’s easier to stay on the couch than to get a job that maybe isn’t as great as what they had before.

TFT: Isn’t it a big leap to go from someone on unemployment to a wholesale expansion of dependency?
CS: If we have hungry children, of course we as a compassionate society have an obligation to take care of them. But I think we’re going through a massive concerted effort to expand the number of people who are dependent, who are looking to the government to buy them free breakfast, lunch and dinner, far beyond any reasonable definition of genuine need.

TFT: Is this new learned helplessness, as you describe it, a replacement for the employed-for-life, taken-care-of-for-life notion that many in earlier generations have known?
CS: Maybe. But ultimately the use of other people’s money and the vast expansion of benefits won’t substitute for what used to be provided for by the private sector. You can certainly understand the attraction of the bailouts, the freebies, the handouts, the dependency – for people who are nervous about the economy. But some politicians play upon this anxiety by promising things that are ultimately unaffordable and unsustainable. This endless promise that there’s always enough money in someone else’s pocket won’t work. It’s very seductive in some ways, but it’s not a solution to our economic problems, and it’s changing the culture and character of our society. It’s not the self-reliance and sense of independence and industry that our nation was founded on.

TFT: You worry about the children and the young people coming up.

read it all here.
The 'Take Care of Me' Society is Wrecking the USA
I'm lucky to be old enough to have gotten a decent job when they still existed. So we have a nation of people who want "something for nothing"? When there is "nothing" to get, how can you want for something?

You should be thankful that you didn't graduate from high school (and college?) during a global economy.

Yah, there are some spoiled brats out there, but kids these days do NOT have the same opportunities we had. And anyone who believes that they do have the same opportunities, is sniffing glue; and is out of touch with reality.
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I'm lucky to be old enough to have gotten a decent job when they still existed. So we have a nation of people who want "something for nothing"? When there is "nothing" to get, how can you want for something?

You should be thankful that you didn't graduate from high school (and college?) during a global economy.

Yah, there are some spoiled brats out there, but kids these days do NOT have the same opportunities we had. And anyone who believes that they do have the same opportunities, is sniffing glue; and is out of touch with reality.

That still does not give any of them the right to demand what others have rightfully earned. They need to suck it up and put boots on the ground and look for work regardless of what excuses the left uses to encourage them to do otherwise. There are jobs out there for anyone willing to work, might not pay more than minimum wage but there are jobs. I see help wanted signs all over my town, and then welfare recipients who refuse to take them.
How many?

How many able bodied, adult American citizens are making the decision not to work in favor of taking government handouts for their livlihood.

How many?
I'm lucky to be old enough to have gotten a decent job when they still existed. So we have a nation of people who want "something for nothing"? When there is "nothing" to get, how can you want for something?

You should be thankful that you didn't graduate from high school (and college?) during a global economy.

Yah, there are some spoiled brats out there, but kids these days do NOT have the same opportunities we had. And anyone who believes that they do have the same opportunities, is sniffing glue; and is out of touch with reality.

That still does not give any of them the right to demand what others have rightfully earned. They need to suck it up and put boots on the ground and look for work regardless of what excuses the left uses to encourage them to do otherwise. There are jobs out there for anyone willing to work, might not pay more than minimum wage but there are jobs. I see help wanted signs all over my town, and then welfare recipients who refuse to take them.

Ugh. No one seems to get it. Okay, so there are "help wanted" signs all over your town. That isn't the story in many places in the US. I don't know where you live, but you will not see that in say.....Michigan....Ohio.....Tennessee-hit or miss. Manufacturing is dead.

Man, there are so many things that I could touch on-the price of gas to get back and forth to those jobs.

The point that I'm trying to make, is that we had it a LOT easier...so we don't need to break our arms patting ourselves on the back. I worked two jobs (back when there were jobs) and put myself through college.....due to my less than spectacular high school GPA...therefore not qualifying for any financial assistance (because I would've rather have been playing drums or writing dirty notes in class). And I didn't want or need it.

Raise up your head and look around you. The world that we are living in NOW, is nothing like the world that we set out to "conquer". It would be so easy to label them all as entitlement brats, but it isn't that simple. One of the biggest employers when I graduated high school, and when most of us graduated from high school, was manufacturing. That is GONE! It's in 2nd and 3rd world countries, or computers or robots are doing what humans used to do.

All I'm saying, is that we need to cut them some slack. I encourage many of them to go into healthcare or funeral service (not joking). Both have pretty good job security. People are always going to get sick and people are always going to die.

And in their defense, perhaps my generation and the previous generation have not done a good job as role models. Children learn what they live. If you have an unruly child-unless there is something organic going on with them-you partially have yourself to blame.

I have no children. I'm a generation X'er, and I'm not sure that we have done a very good job setting an example. Now I'm not speaking of EVERY ONE of us; but many of us.
The least among us getting blamed for all that's wrong with this country.

Not very Christian if you ask me.

Gotta love how the left invoke faith when it is convenient to the argument for them. Other than that they scream separation of church and state.
I'm lucky to be old enough to have gotten a decent job when they still existed. So we have a nation of people who want "something for nothing"? When there is "nothing" to get, how can you want for something?

You should be thankful that you didn't graduate from high school (and college?) during a global economy.

Yah, there are some spoiled brats out there, but kids these days do NOT have the same opportunities we had. And anyone who believes that they do have the same opportunities, is sniffing glue; and is out of touch with reality.

What an unfortunate existence you must lead if this is your outlook on life.

How many?

How many able bodied, adult American citizens are making the decision not to work in favor of taking government handouts for their livlihood.

How many?

I would venture to say that it is miniscule. I'm not sure why so many people believe that these YOUNG and ENERGETIC kids want to sit on their asses. NOT SO!

I've asked that question of nutters a hundred times. Never get an answer.
I'm lucky to be old enough to have gotten a decent job when they still existed. So we have a nation of people who want "something for nothing"? When there is "nothing" to get, how can you want for something?

You should be thankful that you didn't graduate from high school (and college?) during a global economy.

Yah, there are some spoiled brats out there, but kids these days do NOT have the same opportunities we had. And anyone who believes that they do have the same opportunities, is sniffing glue; and is out of touch with reality.

That still does not give any of them the right to demand what others have rightfully earned. They need to suck it up and put boots on the ground and look for work regardless of what excuses the left uses to encourage them to do otherwise. There are jobs out there for anyone willing to work, might not pay more than minimum wage but there are jobs. I see help wanted signs all over my town, and then welfare recipients who refuse to take them.

Ugh. No one seems to get it. Okay, so there are "help wanted" signs all over your town. That isn't the story in many places in the US. I don't know where you live, but you will not see that in say.....Michigan....Ohio.....Tennessee-hit or miss. Manufacturing is dead.

Man, there are so many things that I could touch on-the price of gas to get back and forth to those jobs.

The point that I'm trying to make, is that we had it a LOT easier...so we don't need to break our arms patting ourselves on the back. I worked two jobs (back when there were jobs) and put myself through college.....due to my less than spectacular high school GPA...therefore not qualifying for any financial assistance (because I would've rather have been playing drums or writing dirty notes in class). And I didn't want or need it.

Raise up your head and look around you. The world that we are living in NOW, is nothing like the world that we set out to "conquer". It would be so easy to label them all as entitlement brats, but it isn't that simple. One of the biggest employers when I graduated high school, and when most of us graduated from high school, was manufacturing. That is GONE! It's in 2nd and 3rd world countries, or computers or robots are doing what humans used to do.

All I'm saying, is that we need to cut them some slack. I encourage many of them to go into healthcare or funeral service (not joking). Both have pretty good job security. People are always going to get sick and people are always going to die.

And in their defense, perhaps my generation and the previous generation have not done a good job as role models. Children learn what they live. If you have an unruly child-unless there is something organic going on with them-you partially have yourself to blame.

I have no children. I'm a generation X'er, and I'm not sure that we have done a very good job setting an example. Now I'm not speaking of EVERY ONE of us; but many of us.

I live in west virginia now, because it is where I work. And to look at all the people here that are able bodied but choose not to work while there is help wanted signs is ridiculous. I even live in a college town, alot of the college kids refuse to work, not all of them, but a good bit of them. When I grew up I started working at age 13 and I am 38 now and I cannot remember not ever having a job in some form or other.
Kinda hard to find a job when you wont get off your ass to go look for one.
I know someone. Lost his six figure sales job last year and refuses to take anything for less. Owns 2 homes and a boat. Should we help pay his mortgages? His kids' tuition? And if so, for how long? Infinitely?
I know someone. Lost his six figure sales job last year and refuses to take anything for less. Owns 2 homes and a boat. Should we help pay his mortgages? His kids' tuition? And if so, for how long? Infinitely?

So....is your answer......1?

While your anecdotal example seems entirely contrived......I don't think this guy is the demon outlined in the OP.
I know a lady who lost her pharmaceutical sales job and opted to collect unemployment and just be a stay at home mom until the gravy train ends.

It's a lot more prevalent than you think.
How many?

How many able bodied, adult American citizens are making the decision not to work in favor of taking government handouts for their livlihood.

How many?

I would venture to say that it is miniscule. I'm not sure why so many people believe that these YOUNG and ENERGETIC kids want to sit on their asses. NOT SO!

I've asked that question of nutters a hundred times. Never get an answer.

They think they are above flipping burgers or busing tables...........it's not that they don't want to work, they want to make big bucks. If they can't get their way, then they won't do anything.

Even with a college degree you have to start at the bottom, you have to take what's available even if it means picking cotton. They are too good for that, they have degrees!! :rollseyes:
I'm lucky to be old enough to have gotten a decent job when they still existed. So we have a nation of people who want "something for nothing"? When there is "nothing" to get, how can you want for something?

You should be thankful that you didn't graduate from high school (and college?) during a global economy.

Yah, there are some spoiled brats out there, but kids these days do NOT have the same opportunities we had. And anyone who believes that they do have the same opportunities, is sniffing glue; and is out of touch with reality.

That still does not give any of them the right to demand what others have rightfully earned. They need to suck it up and put boots on the ground and look for work regardless of what excuses the left uses to encourage them to do otherwise.
Yeah......just like those.....


I'm lucky to be old enough to have gotten a decent job when they still existed. So we have a nation of people who want "something for nothing"? When there is "nothing" to get, how can you want for something?

You should be thankful that you didn't graduate from high school (and college?) during a global economy.

Yah, there are some spoiled brats out there, but kids these days do NOT have the same opportunities we had. And anyone who believes that they do have the same opportunities, is sniffing glue; and is out of touch with reality.

What an unfortunate existence you must lead if this is your outlook on life.


Well soggy...what do you see? I see FEW opportunities, unless you have an advanced degree. And even some law school graduates are having difficulty finding jobs.

This is a totally different country than it was 20 years ago. I'm not sure what you do for a living, or your age, but I've seen a pretty grim job market in recent years. My fiance lost a job, due to the contract ending. Is a pharmacist. Has a DOCTOR of pharmacy degree. It took him 2 months to find a job. Was actually a pharmacy instructor at Tulane University years ago. Has an immaculate reputation. What does that tell you?

I pray that things get better....but it's going to take a few years.
I'm lucky to be old enough to have gotten a decent job when they still existed. So we have a nation of people who want "something for nothing"? When there is "nothing" to get, how can you want for something?

You should be thankful that you didn't graduate from high school (and college?) during a global economy.

Yah, there are some spoiled brats out there, but kids these days do NOT have the same opportunities we had. And anyone who believes that they do have the same opportunities, is sniffing glue; and is out of touch with reality.

That still does not give any of them the right to demand what others have rightfully earned. They need to suck it up and put boots on the ground and look for work regardless of what excuses the left uses to encourage them to do otherwise.
Yeah......just like those.....



Clinton/Warren-that would be AWESOME!!!

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