The Taliban car bombed an all girls school just 3 months ago, but now they are the "nice" Terrorists we can trust.

Where is the part where Trump arms them and says we can trust them? How about this one isis and the taliban hate each other. It's okay to put the good taliban in charge of security.
Both Taliban and ISIS are pricks... Taliban aren't killing US troops now, ISIS are...

Biden didn't arm the Taliban... Ex Afghan Army did... It was Afghan Army...
Did you really think the Afghan government was going to stand on its own, and those prisoners would remain incarcerated? The Taliban would have released them by now anyway, except we don't have the infrastructure in place to deal with them.
No one believed it would. But again, why release the prisoners then? They just reinforced the Taliban attacks on Afghan forces and we got no concessions in return,

I bet you also believe in unicorns, rock candy mountains, and pots of gold at the end of a rainbow, right?
No. You sound delusional.
yep and Xiden still turned the country and our civilians over to them.

We are in this horrible place because Xiden and the dems were elected. We must never forget…xiden lied people died
Only democrats here are still trying to put lipstick on Biden's pig face. Many other democrats know this is a failing regime. How failing is it? Chaos Biden and Kumquat Harris are afraid of showing up for the failing California governor. That's failure all the way around.
The only difference between the Taliban and Isis is the Taliban lie about their true intentions. Isis is at least honest about their barbarism.

The Taliban has never hidden how odious they are. They've been very open about it. Your problem is that you think that because Joe Biden is now forced to rely upon the Taliban to keep their word, in order to get Americans safely out of Kabul, you think that liberals are now defending the Taliban, because you're just that stupid.

The ignorance and stupidity of American conservatives knows no bounds.
Both Taliban and ISIS are pricks... Taliban aren't killing US troops now, ISIS are...

Biden didn't arm the Taliban... Ex Afghan Army did... It was Afghan Army...
The personnel in isis and the taliban are interchangeable. They are interchangeable with al quaeda and al hekani. The fighters go to whoever offers money this week.
Did you really think the Afghan government was going to stand on its own, and those prisoners would remain incarcerated? The Taliban would have released them by now anyway, except we don't have the infrastructure in place to deal with them.

I bet you also believe in unicorns, rock candy mountains, and pots of gold at the end of a rainbow, right?

Did YOU? Donald Trump signed the unicorns, rock candy mountains and pots of gold agreement with the Taliban. Why don't you ask him what he was thinking.
No one believed it would. But again, why release the prisoners then? They just reinforced the Taliban attacks on Afghan forces and we got no concessions in return,

No. You sound delusional.

No. Actually, "delusional" is defined as someone attempting to make the argument that our current situation in Afghanistan has something to do with the policies of President Trump.

Just woman up and admit it: Joe Biden and his Sesame Street administration has really screwed the pooch, bigly.

I would respect your honesty.
Did YOU? Donald Trump signed the unicorns, rock candy mountains and pots of gold agreement with the Taliban. Why don't you ask him what he was thinking.

I should feel flattered because after all, imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.

But I don't. You need to come up with something more original, instead of plagiarizing my lines and making it a "... But Trump..." response.

So come on, you're a smart girl. You can do it. I have faith in you, baby. :11:
Correction. They are they people we have to trust now due to Drumpfs fucked up agreement he made with them.
So your boy Biden has nothing to do with the catastrophe in Afghanistan? Is that what you are saying? Yes or no?
Correction. They are they people we have to trust now due to Drumpfs fucked up agreement he made with them.

No. This is Biden's fuck up. Had he followed the agreement that Trump signed he'd have bombed the shit out of them when they attacked a school. You can keep trying to make Trump responsible but Biden owns this and every death that comes from it. People who try to cover for him need to own it too.
yes that was part of the agreement he brokered in a quest for peace between the Govt and the Taliban

sadly xiden won and ignored the agreement and here we are…xiden lied people died
Let's not forget that the Taliban, in direct violation of the agreement released thousands of Isis prisoners in recent months and Biden did nothing.
Trump Taliban.png
Both Taliban and ISIS are pricks... Taliban aren't killing US troops now, ISIS are...

Biden didn't arm the Taliban... Ex Afghan Army did... It was Afghan Army...
No, A piss poor excuse that won't wash. Biden said he KNEW the Afghan army would fall and then he left the equipment anyway. Biden knew that the equipment would fall into enemy hands and did NOTHING!!
The only difference between the Taliban and Isis is the Taliban lie about their true intentions. Isis is at least honest about their barbarism.

Trump thinks that the Taliban are great negotiators because they used "big words" to him with more then one syllable.

The "Art of the Deal" screwball couldn't work out a deal to sell ice cubes in the middle of Death Vally in August.
Trump Wine
Trump Steaks
Trump Airline
Clipper Biden had all options on the table, you know it's complete bullshit to blame Trump. But that's what you do because that is what you have been trained to do.
Who could have imagined invading Afghanistan would be a bad idea?

It's always gone so well for other countries in the past...
Clipper Biden had all options on the table, you know it's complete bullshit to blame Trump. But that's what you do because that is what you have been trained to do.
Trump didn't have options? You mean like involving the Afghan govt. when negotiating with the Taliban instead of cutting them off at the fucking knees?

And you idiots wonder why the Afghanis dropped their weapons. Be slaughtered for what? It was a done deal that the Taliban would be taking over no matter what. Trump fucked the Afghanis on behalf of the Taliban so he could run his ignorant mouth about ending the war.
Two things are certain -

Firstly, Americans and it's allies should have pulled out of Afghanistan.

Secondly, everyone in the world knows Biden fucked up the withdrawal procedure costing lives, but a certain political side in America won't show face and admit that.
No. Actually, "delusional" is defined as someone attempting to make the argument that our current situation in Afghanistan has something to do with the policies of President Trump.

Just woman up and admit it: Joe Biden and his Sesame Street administration has really screwed the pooch, bigly.

I would respect your honesty.
You can't respect honesty when you don't GIVE honesty, and pretending that the current situation occurred in a vacuum and the previous 20 years of policy had no bearing on it is either dishonest or naive, or maybe it is TDS (Trump Defense System), deployed whenever Trump is criticized.

The Art of the Deal: The US conceded everything. The Taliban ultimately conceded nothing. That set the stage for what happened. No plan in place for getting people out. Incompetence.

Biden: Badly botched withdrawal, piss poor planning, no plan in place for expiditing getting Afghans who helped us out (American citizens had plenty of warning we were leaving, don't understand why they waited.) Biden had 7 months to prepare. Incompetence.

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