The Taliban car bombed an all girls school just 3 months ago, but now they are the "nice" Terrorists we can trust.

why did xiden wirh draw them all and leave our civilians and allies hostage to these people?

You missed one. Not only are American citizens and Afghans being held hostage, the President of this country is now a virtual hostage of the Taliban. That would be Joseph Robinette Biden. He has neither the necessary courage, the intelligence, the presence of mind the stamina, nor the leadership abilities required to deal with the enemies who would like nothing more then to see this country destroyed.
Trump brought them to the bargaining table while all the time, holding the upper hand and not revealing the cards he was playing.

That's what true leaders do: They speak and act from positions of great authority.

Trump released 5,000 terrorist prisoners, couldn’t make them stop attacking Afghans, bombing girls schools, or holding a ceasefire.

That is a true leader?

Biden on the other hand, gave the Taliban a peek at his cards, folded, and let the bastards run off with the pot.

Actually sounds like they already had the pot since the agreement gave them everything they wanted without much in return. And, ISIS was allowed to take root.

That's what idiots who have never made a good decision in their entire political career do. In case you haven't noticed, this country is currently being "led" by the same delusional elitist mindset that gave us Benghazi, the "Arab Spring", ISIS, Fast & Furious, the IRS Scandal, massive bailouts for political cronies, the 2020 riots, and even dare I say, set us up for the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, as did Bill Clinton.

I‘ve noticed....for over four years now: dysfunctional, delusiinal, incompetent, corrupt...massive bailouts and pardons of political cronies, extortion, attempting to overturn an election, January 6th Insurrection, Ukraine, trading foreign policy favors for trademarks, nepotism....
Trump released 5,000 terrorist prisoners, couldn’t make them stop attacking Afghans, bombing girls schools, or holding a ceasefire.

That is a true leader?

Actually sounds like they already had the pot since the agreement gave them everything they wanted without much in return. And, ISIS was allowed to take root.

I‘ve noticed....for over four years now: dysfunctional, delusiinal, incompetent, corrupt...massive bailouts and pardons of political cronies, extortion, attempting to overturn an election, January 6th Insurrection, Ukraine, trading foreign policy favors for trademarks, nepotism....
actually the Afghan Govt released them , i. exchange for 1000 of their own

but why let facts stop you at this point? xiden lied people died
This has nothing to do with "Trump's deal"...Trump's deal stated that if the Taliban does not abide by this agreement the USA doesn't have to leave and will not leave...Biden didn't honor that deal and of course the Taliban didn't either...stop bringing up Trump...he has nothing to do with this tragedy...

ITS YOU!! all of YOU that voted for a senile old fool YOU are have blood on your hands fools that were made to hate a president purely because the greedy corporate media did this....not Trump.....
"This has nothing to do with 'trump's deal'".................. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Trump brought them to the bargaining table while all the time, holding the upper hand and not revealing the cards he was playing.

That's what true leaders do: They speak and act from positions of great authority.

Biden on the other hand, gave the Taliban a peek at his cards, folded, and let the bastards run off with the pot.

That's what idiots who have never made a good decision in their entire political career do. In case you haven't noticed, this country is currently being "led" by the same delusional elitist mindset that gave us Benghazi, the "Arab Spring", ISIS, Fast & Furious, the IRS Scandal, massive bailouts for political cronies, the 2020 riots, and even dare I say, set us up for the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, as did Bill Clinton.

Now you can jump under the wheels of the "But Trump" bandwagon if you really want to. But know this: We would not have lost those 13 American lives, the unknown number of Afghan civilian's lives, or whatever subsequent number of American and Afghan lives, had President Trump been conducting this withdrawal the way he planned it. And that, you can take to the bank.
What cards was trump holding/playing?
yep and Xiden still turned the country and our civilians over to them.

We are in this horrible place because Xiden and the dems were elected. We must never forget…xiden lied people died
You want forever war in Afghanistan. Are you profiting?
Trump released 5,000 terrorist prisoners, couldn’t make them stop attacking Afghans, bombing girls schools, or holding a ceasefire.

That is a true leader?

Actually sounds like they already had the pot since the agreement gave them everything they wanted without much in return. And, ISIS was allowed to take root.

I‘ve noticed....for over four years now: dysfunctional, delusiinal, incompetent, corrupt...massive bailouts and pardons of political cronies, extortion, attempting to overturn an election, January 6th Insurrection, Ukraine, trading foreign policy favors for trademarks, nepotism....

What would you rather have him do? Execute those 5,000 prisoners? Do you want us to stay in Afghanistan for another 20 years or something?

Even President Trump knew that no matter what, the Taliban was eventually going to overtake the entire country. All he wanted was to get us out of that quagmire without losing more lives, or throwing away more money. And if arranging for the release of war prisoners was an act of good faith and would help us get the hell out of there, I have no problem with that.

In every war, prisoners on both sides are set free. And whatever happens in that shithole called "Afghanistan" after we leave with dignity, is their problem, not ours.

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