The "teachers" who stomped American flag, Jesus are FIRED!

Two Thumbs

Platinum Member
Sep 27, 2010
Where ever I go, there I am.
It's always nice to hear about when good wins and evil loses.

Teachers who stomped American flag, Jesus are officially no longer teaching

The Florida Atlantic University instructor who asked students to step on the word “Jesus” has been placed on administrative leave on the same day that the high school teacher in South Carolina who stomped on an American flag in front of his students way back in December finally resigned.
What happened to freedom of speech?

I fully support free speech.

I do not support vile filth abusing their positions of authority to abuse those under them.

The Jesus stomping twats actually went after the student that refused.

What kind of HS class teaches that the Flag is a useless symbol?

hope you understand, this kind of conduct is unacceptable in a classroom setting.
It's always nice to hear about when good wins and evil loses.

Teachers who stomped American flag, Jesus are officially no longer teaching

The Florida Atlantic University instructor who asked students to step on the word “Jesus” has been placed on administrative leave on the same day that the high school teacher in South Carolina who stomped on an American flag in front of his students way back in December finally resigned.
According to the news here they were not fired for the incident. They were put on administrative leave for THEIR safety.. WTF
What happened to freedom of speech?

I fully support free speech.

I do not support vile filth abusing their positions of authority to abuse those under them.

The Jesus stomping twats actually went after the student that refused.

What kind of HS class teaches that the Flag is a useless symbol?

hope you understand, this kind of conduct is unacceptable in a classroom setting.

What you're saying is, freedom of speech is fine but not when you disagree with it.
You either have it, or you don't.

I believe both actions were unwise but they used their right of freedom of speech and should sue the schools in question for breaching their constitutional rights.
What you're saying is, freedom of speech is fine but not when you disagree with it.
You either have it, or you don't.

I believe both actions were unwise but they used their right of freedom of speech and should sue the schools in question for breaching their constitutional rights.

For you and the rest of the Libtards, here's what the First Amendment is =

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Please note the emphasis. It DOES NOT declare that idiots are permitted to say whatever they want if it is detrimental to others - especially children. As usual, you've taken a simple matter and turned it into something it isn't. :puke3:
It's always nice to hear about when good wins and evil loses.

Teachers who stomped American flag, Jesus are officially no longer teaching

The Florida Atlantic University instructor who asked students to step on the word “Jesus” has been placed on administrative leave on the same day that the high school teacher in South Carolina who stomped on an American flag in front of his students way back in December finally resigned.

Can we say JUSTICE?!?!?!!? :clap2:

Justice for what? Are you Christian?
What happened to freedom of speech?

Progressives squashed it when they become butthurt over anything said by someone who disagrees with them.

Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.

That being said your freedom of speech does not extend to your workplace, when you are acting as an agent of said workplace, in particular a public school setting.

If he did it after school to a volunteer group of students, then he couldn't be touched. In the classroom you have certain standards of decorum, and he squashed those.
It's always nice to hear about when good wins and evil loses.

Teachers who stomped American flag, Jesus are officially no longer teaching

The Florida Atlantic University instructor who asked students to step on the word “Jesus” has been placed on administrative leave on the same day that the high school teacher in South Carolina who stomped on an American flag in front of his students way back in December finally resigned.

Administrative leave? What that means is he's on a paid vacation until this blows over. The chances of a black professor being fired these days are slim and none...and slim just left town.
It's always nice to hear about when good wins and evil loses.

Teachers who stomped American flag, Jesus are officially no longer teaching

The Florida Atlantic University instructor who asked students to step on the word “Jesus” has been placed on administrative leave on the same day that the high school teacher in South Carolina who stomped on an American flag in front of his students way back in December finally resigned.

Administrative leave? What that means is he's on a paid vacation until this blows over. The chances of a black professor being fired these days are slim and none...and slim just left town.

So you are glad he lost his job because he is black? Cool.

These teachers were trying to make the point to their students not to worship 'symbols.' It is critical thinking. The fact that they were, essentially, run out of town for doing so, is not an example of good over evil; it is an example of evil over good. It is an example of narrow mindedness over open mindedness. It is an example of theocratic and totalitarian rule over thought: basically, these teachers committed 'thought crime' as depicted in George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984. They had ideas that are not approved by a bullying minority in this country, and so they were punished for having those thoughts--the thoughts I am referring to are not about religion or patriotism, but blind worship of symbols rather than thinking for oneself. I'm pretty sure a lot of people on here won't get the distinction, which is why a teacher and a college professor were trying to teach these concepts by using dramatic illustration.
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It's always nice to hear about when good wins and evil loses.

Teachers who stomped American flag, Jesus are officially no longer teaching

The Florida Atlantic University instructor who asked students to step on the word “Jesus” has been placed on administrative leave on the same day that the high school teacher in South Carolina who stomped on an American flag in front of his students way back in December finally resigned.

Administrative leave? What that means is he's on a paid vacation until this blows over. The chances of a black professor being fired these days are slim and none...and slim just left town.

So you are glad he lost his job because he is black? Cool.

These teachers were trying to make the point to their students not to worship 'symbols.' It is critical thinking. The fact that they were, essentially, run out of town for doing so, is not an example of good over evil; it is an example of evil over good. It is an example of narrow mindedness over open mindedness. It is an example of theocratic and totalitarian rule over thought: basically, these teachers committed 'thought crime' as depicted in George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984. They had ideas that are not approved by a bullying minority in this country, and so they were punished for having those thoughts--the thoughts I am referring to are not about religion or patriotism, but blind worship of symbols rather than thinking for oneself. I'm pretty sure a lot of people on here won't get the distinction, which is why a teacher and a college professor were trying to teach these concepts by using dramatic illustration.

Pretty sure you can teach critical thinking without stomping on Jesus or the American flag.
When the teachers went after the students who refused to participate,that showed the true agenda. It was all about the teachers getting Christens to defile something that they hold in high regard and getting some kind of perverse pleasure out of it.
I'm not particularly religious but I would have refused as well.But in an effort to be honest...... if you wanted me to stomp on the koran I would. But I wouldnt feel comfortable while doing it.

Will you look at that...critical thinking and I didnt have to defile someones religion. From either side.
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The teacher didn't ask for the name of mohammed to be stomped on. He'd be fired and have a fatwa if he did that.
It's always nice to hear about when good wins and evil loses.

Teachers who stomped American flag, Jesus are officially no longer teaching

The Florida Atlantic University instructor who asked students to step on the word “Jesus” has been placed on administrative leave on the same day that the high school teacher in South Carolina who stomped on an American flag in front of his students way back in December finally resigned.

Time to get all the communists out of our education system. Time to expose these people far and wide and let the students know they have the power to remove communists from the classroom. - Jeremiah
Trashing the US flag and trashing religious symbols from positions of public trust with children are probably judgment issues more than they are free speech issues.

Given that there are hundreds of national symbols and probably a similar number of religious symbols these government workers might have picked less popular symbols to make their points. What they did as a matter of fact is prove the opposite point of view to the lesson they were trying to teach. In other words, there are plenty of reasons to fire these two that are not related to free speech.

Not to mention that free speech also has legal limits that are most frequently proved by employees being fired for representing their organizations poorly. The thing to remember about free speech is that as an individual one has fewer limits on what one can say and do than one does representing an employer.
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Simple answer. The number one enemy of Communists is Jesus Christ. That is why the Obama administration has waged war against evangelicals in America.
It's always nice to hear about when good wins and evil loses.

Teachers who stomped American flag, Jesus are officially no longer teaching

The Florida Atlantic University instructor who asked students to step on the word “Jesus” has been placed on administrative leave on the same day that the high school teacher in South Carolina who stomped on an American flag in front of his students way back in December finally resigned.

Time to get all the communists out of our education system. Time to expose these people far and wide and let the students know they have the power to remove communists from the classroom. - Jeremiah

This has absolutely nothing to do with communism.

It isn't about teaching a political viewpoint or teaching politics at all. It isn't about teaching a religious viewpoint or teaching religion at all. It is about teaching people to think for themselves rather than being bullied into thinking one way or another by anyone, be it the state, a religion, or anyone else. These teachers were using examples and using dramatic methods to try to get the idea across, the concept of free thinking and free will; unfortunately, those who do not want people to think for themselves shut them down and metaphorically ran them out of town. If you want to be the kind of country that issues death warrants for people who insult your flag or your religion, then carry on
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It's always nice to hear about when good wins and evil loses.

Teachers who stomped American flag, Jesus are officially no longer teaching

The Florida Atlantic University instructor who asked students to step on the word “Jesus” has been placed on administrative leave on the same day that the high school teacher in South Carolina who stomped on an American flag in front of his students way back in December finally resigned.

Time to get all the communists out of our education system. Time to expose these people far and wide and let the students know they have the power to remove communists from the classroom. - Jeremiah

This has absolutely nothing to do with communism.

It isn't about teaching a political viewpoint or teaching politics at all. It isn't about teaching a religious viewpoint or teaching religion at all. It is about teaching people to think for themselves rather than being bullied into thinking one way or another by anyone, be it the state, a religion, or anyone else. These teachers were using examples and using dramatic methods to try to get the idea across; unfortunately, those who do not want people to think for themselves shut them down and metaphorically ran them out of town. If you want to be the kind of country that issues death warrants for people who insult your flag or your religion, then carry on

Marxist professors do not encourage students to think on their own. They indoctrinate to agree with them or suffer a failing grade. The only solution is to out these professors - get their names - photographs - identity out there in the public and let everyone know what they are up to. Enough of them end up without jobs and they will get the idea. You have to teach people have to treat you and that includes Marxist professors. Time to school these idiots. -Jeremiah

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