The Texas lawsuit and the possible end of our republic.

But from what I have read and what I have heard, 4 state Governors amended state voting laws without it being approved by the people (referring to their elected state legislators)

Texas Gov. Amended Texas voting this year by expanding dates for mail in votes. The legislature even sued him over it. They lost. Does that mean all Texans votes could be nullified to?
So you want the court to hand over the election to trump correct? Not a redo, no chance for the other side. I am soooooooooooooo happy I don't align myself with either party. It feels soooo patriotic.
I swear, watching this stuff is like watching professional wrestling. How people buy into it is a mystery.

How can these people be so afraid of trump, that they are willing to destroy the country in order to stay off his hit list? How is this possible. BIZARRE!
I disagree. I constitutionally legal vote in one state compared to an unconstitutionally illegal vote in another state IS offset. If State A has 10 electoral votes and their vote is legal and goes yellow and state B has 10 electoral votes and it is unconstitutional and it goes green, then a constitutionally legal voting state has their electoral votes cancelled by an unconstitutional voting state..
The legal votes have the same weight as the illegal votes....making the legal votes a net zero...cancelling their vote.
So legal votes should have gained 10 electoral votes...but instead are cancelled out.
Thus the reason for the suit.
Constitutionally legal vote? The votes of each state are determined by the number of Senators and number of representatives. There are no more or no fewer. Those are the votes they are legally and constitutionally allocated. A vote cannot be considered invalid simply because you don't like who they chose.
WHat makes it unconstitutional has nothing to do with the amount of congresspeople. It has to do with whether or not the voting process follows the state constitutional laws. Which is the point of the law suit. I am not an attorney nor am I a constitutional scholar so I have no idea if the suit has merit. But from what I have read and what I have heard, 4 state Governors amended state voting laws without it being approved by the people (referring to their elected state legislators). Now, sure, you can say "the people would have agreed to it anyway". Are you sure? Should a Governor, for arguments sake, who won by 1% of the vote make decisions as it pertains to changing laws? What of the legislature is green but the governor is yellow? Should the governor have the right to bypass the legislature and change laws?

That is why the suit.

Governors enforce laws. They do not write them.

And every state had 10 months to allow the people (the voted legislature) to amend the law for the it was not like there was an immediate emergency.
But that doesn’t cancel out your vote then. Those are legitimate votes, just you quibble with the manner in which they were cast.

It’s not that these votes were cast by people who could not cast them. They were not cast with any fraud, deceit or malice. They were merely cast in a manner which you think they shouldn’t have been cast.

That doesn’t cancel out anyone’s vote. Texas cannot be harmed by that.

Let’s make it a little simpler. We are both valid voters. You vote for Trump and I vote for Biden. Technically our votes cancel.

Then the governor says we can vote the day of the election or the day before the election. I vote for Biden on Monday and you vote for Trump on Tuesday. Are you now magically harmed because of my vote?
So you want the court to hand over the election to trump correct? Not a redo, no chance for the other side. I am soooooooooooooo happy I don't align myself with either party. It feels soooo patriotic.
I swear, watching this stuff is like watching professional wrestling. How people buy into it is a mystery.

How can these people be so afraid of trump, that they are willing to destroy the country in order to stay off his hit list? How is this possible. BIZARRE!
Priorities. Their political aspirations come before the health and stability of the country.

Worse than them, though, are those who enable them.
So you want the court to hand over the election to trump correct? Not a redo, no chance for the other side. I am soooooooooooooo happy I don't align myself with either party. It feels soooo patriotic.
actually, I want to see SCOTUS listen to the evidence. If they find fraud was an issue, the election should be redone. Period, no mail in balloting to kill the exposure of the demofks cheating tactics. it's really very simple. can't have 50% of americans that feel there was cheating done and their vote didn't count. I thought that was the moto of the demofks.
The actual factual time line that doesn't support your narrative.
Okay, sure. I'd ask you to explain yourself but we both know that's pointless.

- until you learn to comprehend
I comprehend well. You just never really respond.

I suspect because you don’t actually know what you’re talking about, you’re just repeating what you’ve been told to believe.
it's all you do. you have no skin in the updates anyone provides, you pull info from someone else, You know that, right?
no one knows just how few LEGAL votes biden got

I bet even the dem vote stuffers cant say for sure
The actual factual time line that doesn't support your narrative.
Okay, sure. I'd ask you to explain yourself but we both know that's pointless.

- until you learn to comprehend
I comprehend well. You just never really respond.

I suspect because you don’t actually know what you’re talking about, you’re just repeating what you’ve been told to believe.
it's all you do. you have no skin in the updates anyone provides, you pull info from someone else, You know that, right?
The difference between me and some of y’all, I can actually tell who knows what they’re talking about.
I must have hit a nerve. All the usual suspects came stampeding out of the barn like it was on fire.

You did indeed hit a nerve with the demonRats here..... because whenever the truth is told, touches a sore spot, a raw nerve with these people.

Well done OP, great thread!:up:
So you want the court to hand over the election to trump correct? Not a redo, no chance for the other side. I am soooooooooooooo happy I don't align myself with either party. It feels soooo patriotic.
actually, I want to see SCOTUS listen to the evidence. If they find fraud was an issue, the election should be redone. Period, no mail in balloting to kill the exposure of the demofks cheating tactics. it's really very simple. can't have 50% of americans that feel there was cheating done and their vote didn't count. I thought that was the moto of the demofks.

The trump enabler, Barr, said there is no massive fraud. You think a bunch of judges are going to find fraud in cases that have been dismissed over 40 times> You got to be very gullible and simple to boot.
I must have hit a nerve. All the usual suspects came stampeding out of the barn like it was on fire.

You did indeed hit a nerve with the demonRats here..... because whenever the truth is told, touches a sore spot, a raw nerve with these people.

Well done OP, great thread!:up:

I feel sorry for you people. How does it feel to be Human Sheep?
I must have hit a nerve. All the usual suspects came stampeding out of the barn like it was on fire.

You did indeed hit a nerve with the demonRats here..... because whenever the truth is told, touches a sore spot, a raw nerve with these people.

Well done OP, great thread!:up:

I feel sorry for you people. How does it feel to be Human Sheep?

Feel sorry for yourself.....that's a lot to feel sorry about. ;)
I must have hit a nerve. All the usual suspects came stampeding out of the barn like it was on fire.

You did indeed hit a nerve with the demonRats here..... because whenever the truth is told, touches a sore spot, a raw nerve with these people.

Well done OP, great thread!:up:

I feel sorry for you people. How does it feel to be Human Sheep?

Feel sorry for yourself.....that's a lot to feel sorry about. ;)

If the Supreme Court allows election officials to change the rules for the candidates of their choice with impunity then the Republic is dead. Elections will be meaningless.
And to fix this you want the Supreme Court to change the rules for the candidate of their choice AFTER THE ELECTION.

If you guys get your way, elections will definitely be meaningless since you can change the rules after people voted. No one will have any way in knowing if their vote is going to count because it can be taken away after the fact.
No, turd, we want the states to enforce the rules they had before the governor/courts/SOSs changed them.

We also want the courts to strike votes that were manufactured out of thin air.
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I must have hit a nerve. All the usual suspects came stampeding out of the barn like it was on fire.

You did indeed hit a nerve with the demonRats here..... because whenever the truth is told, touches a sore spot, a raw nerve with these people.

Well done OP, great thread!:up:

I feel sorry for you people. How does it feel to be Human Sheep?

Feel sorry for yourself.....that's a lot to feel sorry about. ;)
It's hilarious watching this servile boot-licking asshole calling us "sheep."
If they are going to delay the electors and the electors are set to meet Monday, the court better rule on this today. Today is Friday.

I don't see any thing coming from the court that will stop the electors from meeting and voting on Monday.

Do any of the right wing ever read documents?
It's the supreme court, not a bank. They can rule anytime they want.

But yeah, if they don't stop the electors from meeting on Monday, it would be well outside the bounds of the Constitution for SCOTUS to stop it.

I think it probably already is outside the bounds of federal law for SCOTUS to stop this given we are well past the safe harbor.

There's a constitutional mechanism for challenging electors after they've been made and it has zero to do with SCOTUS. I can't see SCOTUS crafting a whole new extraconstitutional mechanism when there is no need for one.
The date of the EV is set by the Constitution
It is not subject to change
No, Congress set the date of the EV. The SC has all the authority it needs to change it.
Can you believe Republicans who believe that unless the Supreme Court discards the votes of 10 million voters who followed the rules of voting in their state that it is “the end of the republic”?
Honestly, I think 90% of them are just completely cynical. It's just for show to please the Trump rabble.
That's hillarious coming from the defender of a massive swindle.
You are a Bubbleculist - that makes you uninformed which in turn makes you very stupid.

Says the moron who thinks her Orange God is going to be President while going 1-57 in court lol

The only case trump and his lawyers won was a case of where observers can stand to watch the counting of the votes. So the observers stood 6ft away from those counting the votes instead of 10 ft.

It wasn't about fraud, cheating or denying observers to observe.

When it comes those cases, trump has won ZERO of those cases.
And then they moved the counters another 6 feet away. They didn't obey the judge's order, so all those votes should be disallowed according to state law.

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