The threat being made against our religious liberties

The right-wing "Christians" themselves pose the biggest threat to the American People's religious liberty. The right to religious liberty is a right held on an individual basis. We, as individuals, can switch from the religion (if any) that our parents/culture brought us up in to anything (or nothing) as we please. My late father worked for the Ford Motor Co. for most of his life. He used to joke that Henry Ford thought that anyone could have whatever color car they wanted, as long as they wanted a black one. This reflects the concept held by right today's right-wing "Christians": you can adopt any religious beliefs that you want to adopt, as long as you adopt our beliefs.
You are full of it... If you want to destroy your life, there ain't nothing stopping your dumb ace from doing so in America, but just don't try to destroy the Christian's because they won't go along with your idiocy (whatever that idiocy might be).

Grow up.. No one is trying to destroy the Christian. You have the same rights as everyone else.
You are wrong there. You will be hearing "Christian Privilege" very soon if you have not already have. Christians have a target on their backs.

I have noticed that some Christians have been competing for victim status over the past 5 years.. Have you ever been discriminated against or persecuted for your faith? I haven't and I lived in the Middle East for 2 decades.
I do not care where you lived. I am concerned with America.

Have you been discriminated against or persecuted for your religion in America?
The right-wing "Christians" themselves pose the biggest threat to the American People's religious liberty. The right to religious liberty is a right held on an individual basis. We, as individuals, can switch from the religion (if any) that our parents/culture brought us up in to anything (or nothing) as we please. My late father worked for the Ford Motor Co. for most of his life. He used to joke that Henry Ford thought that anyone could have whatever color car they wanted, as long as they wanted a black one. This reflects the concept held by right today's right-wing "Christians": you can adopt any religious beliefs that you want to adopt, as long as you adopt our beliefs.
You are full of it... If you want to destroy your life, there ain't nothing stopping your dumb ace from doing so in America, but just don't try to destroy the Christian's because they won't go along with your idiocy (whatever that idiocy might be).

Grow up.. No one is trying to destroy the Christian. You have the same rights as everyone else.
You are wrong there. You will be hearing "Christian Privilege" very soon if you have not already have. Christians have a target on their backs.

Absolute bullshit. There are millions of Christians in the U.S. Nobody is doing anything to Christians. There are some phony "Christians" of some sects who are trying to elbow their way to political power and into other Americans' personal lives who need to be told that they have no more rights than anyone else does, but this is not targeting all people who adhere to the Christian faith. The fact is that we just elected a Christian to the Presidency and Georgia just sent a Christian minister to the Senate. This does not indicate that Christians are being persecuted in the U.S.

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