The threat being made against our religious liberties

So you've moved the goalposts on that story.
Your goal posts? I've never moved your goal posts; just ignored your construct of them as they are outside and beside the points of the story. Why not remove your goal posts and focus instead on the story.
So you've moved the goalposts on that story.
Your goal posts? I've never moved your goal posts; just ignored your construct of them as they are outside and beside the points of the story. Why not remove your goal posts and focus instead on the story.
God drowns nearly everyone except one family that reproduces by incest. That story? What do you see there?
So you've moved the goalposts on that story.
Your goal posts? I've never moved your goal posts; just ignored your construct of them as they are outside and beside the points of the story. Why not remove your goal posts and focus instead on the story.
God drowns nearly everyone except one family that reproduces by incest. That story? What do you see there?


The Hebrews borrowed the story of Gilgamesh.

This may help.

Quartz Hill School of Theology
The Ugaritic alphabet and the text of the tablets from Ugarit, with their mythological and historical texts, have now opened the back door to the Hebrew Scriptures. ... The mythology concerning Baal was the substance of faith for many in ancient Ugarit; as one scholar has put it, the Baal ltablets constitute the "Canaanite Bible." Fundamental ...
God drowns nearly everyone except one family that reproduces by incest. That story? What do you see there?
The lessons. Some may want to read more carefully. Not all were drowned, which is quite obvious given past and future settings. What else can't be readily seen?
The Hebrews borrowed the story of Gilgamesh.
Just as likely, the Hebrews borrowed the setting to use as background for one of their own ancestors and their own culture.

Well, most scholars think the Hebrews emerged from the Northcoast Canaanites of Syria. That's why I included a link to the Ugrit tablets.

Quartz Hill School of Theology
As in the Ugaritic myth, the purpose of Yahweh s enthronement is to re-enact creation. That is, Yahweh overcomes death by his recurring creative acts. The major difference between the Ugaritic myth and the Biblical hymns is that Yahweh s kingship is eternal and uninterrupted while Baal s is interrupted every year by his death (in the Fall).

The Gilgamesh story is found in Ras Shamra, Sumer and Dilmun. It predates the Genesis account of Noah's flood.
The Gilgamesh story is found in Ras Shamra, Sumer and Dilmun. It predates the Genesis account of Noah's flood.
I understand, but it is like saying Gone With the Wind predates Meade at Gettysburg. The settings may be the same, but the purposes of the two accounts differ. Same with Noah and Gilgamesh.
The Gilgamesh story is found in Ras Shamra, Sumer and Dilmun. It predates the Genesis account of Noah's flood.
I understand, but it is like saying Gone With the Wind predates Meade at Gettysburg. The settings may be the same, but the purposes of the two accounts differ. Same with Noah and Gilgamesh.

I see what you are saying but most civilizations had some sort of back story .. foundation myths and rich teaching narratives.. I can't think of one that doesn't.
God drowns nearly everyone except one family that reproduces by incest. That story? What do you see there?
The lessons. Some may want to read more carefully. Not all were drowned, which is quite obvious given past and future settings. What else can't be readily seen?

Christians are taught everyone except Noah's immediate family drowned.
The right-wing "Christians" themselves pose the biggest threat to the American People's religious liberty. The right to religious liberty is a right held on an individual basis. We, as individuals, can switch from the religion (if any) that our parents/culture brought us up in to anything (or nothing) as we please. My late father worked for the Ford Motor Co. for most of his life. He used to joke that Henry Ford thought that anyone could have whatever color car they wanted, as long as they wanted a black one. This reflects the concept held by right today's right-wing "Christians": you can adopt any religious beliefs that you want to adopt, as long as you adopt our beliefs.
You are full of it... If you want to destroy your life, there ain't nothing stopping your dumb ace from doing so in America, but just don't try to destroy the Christian's because they won't go along with your idiocy (whatever that idiocy might be).

What an incredibly stupid comment. You are such a drama queen. I have no reason to want to "destroy" my life or anyone else's. Nobody is destroying any Christian's life regardless of what denomination or sect they are in. You people's problem is your failure to mind your own business and your overarching desire to mind everybody else's, which lead to your endless stream of childish whining when somebody tells you to stay in your own lane. All people are entitled to the freedom to choose their own beliefs and there are a whole lot of beliefs out there besides yours.
When "Christians" start bitching about religious liberties they are usually bitching that Americans are allowed to push back against their narrow political agenda.
Such as...?
Think of everything "Christians" would ban tomorrow if they had their way. Their PG 13 vision of what the world should be like is as realistic as a Hallmark channel movie and almost entirely unconstitutional.
Conservative Christians – fundamentalists and the like, yes.

The authoritarianism of the Christian right is infamous; if given the power they would indeed create a Christian totalitarian state.
Hilarious. The only people trying to create a totalitarian state is the left.
Bullshit. You'd have us living in a theocracy in a heartbeat of you could.
You'd have us living in a theocracy in a heartbeat of you could.
Rest assured, that is not the intent. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, and people of faith do not wish spiritual leaders to be bogged down in national politics. This failed the faithful once and it would fail them again. The better path is to keep politics out of spiritual matters.

The issue between people of faith and those who are purely secular are ideals. The secular realm seems happy enough with "Anything goes" while the spiritual realm is immersed in living the ideal. This is the reason God called Jews to be a people set apart, to not be drawn into the secular, but to maintain a spiritual life. That is the aim for all who simply want to be a person of faith. Please don't drag us into your secular existence. Let us freely remain a people set apart.
When "Christians" start bitching about religious liberties they are usually bitching that Americans are allowed to push back against their narrow political agenda.
Such as...?
Think of everything "Christians" would ban tomorrow if they had their way. Their PG 13 vision of what the world should be like is as realistic as a Hallmark channel movie and almost entirely unconstitutional.
Like what? Child pornography maybe? Is the world a better place for that?
Don't be ridiculous. Just to be able to buy booze on Sunday or anywhere was a hard-fought battle across the South. Practically everything adults do for fun is heavily taxed and regulated for no other reason than "Christian" types demand there be some kind of legal or financial disincentive to sin.
You're not living in 2021?
So you feel it would be ridiculous to end child pornography? You probably want prostitution legalized because it's such a healthy, wholesome activity. I mean, doesn't everyone want their kid to grow up and become a prostitute?
You're mad because cigarettes are heavily taxed? It's not a "sin" tax. Tobacco and alcohol related health issues are a big cost to the nation, not to mention the drunk driving accidents and fatalities.
So just how are Christians spoiling your fun?
Christians and porno go hand in hand.
Weak retort, as it shows that you lose it when you begin losing the debate. Answer his question - How are Christian's spoiling your fun ? It's funny how you play the victim here, and ohhhhhh those bad ole Christian's are going to put you back or in chains.... Pffft.
The right-wing "Christians" themselves pose the biggest threat to the American People's religious liberty. The right to religious liberty is a right held on an individual basis. We, as individuals, can switch from the religion (if any) that our parents/culture brought us up in to anything (or nothing) as we please. My late father worked for the Ford Motor Co. for most of his life. He used to joke that Henry Ford thought that anyone could have whatever color car they wanted, as long as they wanted a black one. This reflects the concept held by right today's right-wing "Christians": you can adopt any religious beliefs that you want to adopt, as long as you adopt our beliefs.
You are full of it... If you want to destroy your life, there ain't nothing stopping your dumb ace from doing so in America, but just don't try to destroy the Christian's because they won't go along with your idiocy (whatever that idiocy might be).

Grow up.. No one is trying to destroy the Christian. You have the same rights as everyone else.
Listen to MalcolmX talk about the liberals in this message. I don't agree with his support for the Muslim leader Farrakhan or his calling the black's who don't need a collective to think for them "uncle Tom's", but listen to his take on white liberals.

Listen to MalcolmX talk about the liberals in this message. I don't agree with his support for the Muslim leader Farrakhan or his calling the black's who don't need a collective to think for them "uncle Tom's", but listen to his take on white liberals.

MalcomX changed his views after making the haj.
The right-wing "Christians" themselves pose the biggest threat to the American People's religious liberty. The right to religious liberty is a right held on an individual basis. We, as individuals, can switch from the religion (if any) that our parents/culture brought us up in to anything (or nothing) as we please. My late father worked for the Ford Motor Co. for most of his life. He used to joke that Henry Ford thought that anyone could have whatever color car they wanted, as long as they wanted a black one. This reflects the concept held by right today's right-wing "Christians": you can adopt any religious beliefs that you want to adopt, as long as you adopt our beliefs.
You are full of it... If you want to destroy your life, there ain't nothing stopping your dumb ace from doing so in America, but just don't try to destroy the Christian's because they won't go along with your idiocy (whatever that idiocy might be).

Grow up.. No one is trying to destroy the Christian. You have the same rights as everyone else.
You are wrong there. You will be hearing "Christian Privilege" very soon if you have not already have. Christians have a target on their backs.
The right-wing "Christians" themselves pose the biggest threat to the American People's religious liberty. The right to religious liberty is a right held on an individual basis. We, as individuals, can switch from the religion (if any) that our parents/culture brought us up in to anything (or nothing) as we please. My late father worked for the Ford Motor Co. for most of his life. He used to joke that Henry Ford thought that anyone could have whatever color car they wanted, as long as they wanted a black one. This reflects the concept held by right today's right-wing "Christians": you can adopt any religious beliefs that you want to adopt, as long as you adopt our beliefs.
You are full of it... If you want to destroy your life, there ain't nothing stopping your dumb ace from doing so in America, but just don't try to destroy the Christian's because they won't go along with your idiocy (whatever that idiocy might be).

Grow up.. No one is trying to destroy the Christian. You have the same rights as everyone else.
You are wrong there. You will be hearing "Christian Privilege" very soon if you have not already have. Christians have a target on their backs.

I have noticed that some Christians have been competing for victim status over the past 5 years.. Have you ever been discriminated against or persecuted for your faith? I haven't and I lived in the Middle East for 2 decades.
The right-wing "Christians" themselves pose the biggest threat to the American People's religious liberty. The right to religious liberty is a right held on an individual basis. We, as individuals, can switch from the religion (if any) that our parents/culture brought us up in to anything (or nothing) as we please. My late father worked for the Ford Motor Co. for most of his life. He used to joke that Henry Ford thought that anyone could have whatever color car they wanted, as long as they wanted a black one. This reflects the concept held by right today's right-wing "Christians": you can adopt any religious beliefs that you want to adopt, as long as you adopt our beliefs.
You are full of it... If you want to destroy your life, there ain't nothing stopping your dumb ace from doing so in America, but just don't try to destroy the Christian's because they won't go along with your idiocy (whatever that idiocy might be).

Grow up.. No one is trying to destroy the Christian. You have the same rights as everyone else.
You are wrong there. You will be hearing "Christian Privilege" very soon if you have not already have. Christians have a target on their backs.

I have noticed that some Christians have been competing for victim status over the past 5 years.. Have you ever been discriminated against or persecuted for your faith? I haven't and I lived in the Middle East for 2 decades.
I do not care where you lived. I am concerned with America.

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