The three main goals of libertarianism

I'll toss in my two cents worth.

Politicians are in the public eye and can't get away with as much bald faced greed as private corporate execs. They're a more benign form of the same shitty kind of person. Of course, the ambitions of many of them compel them to take the lobbyist or 'consultant' role where they can screw the system without as much scrutiny but by that time, they're not politicians any longer.

But you support the system of screwing the taxpayers when its done by liberals and democrats--------Huh?

I'm pragmatic enough to recognize that people will get screwed by someone - either corporations or the government. Of the two, I'd say the government screws more gently. And why do you think that liberals and democrats are more heinous in that regard than conservatives and republicans. Look at what happened during GWB's era. Yeah, I know, GWB wasn't a conservative. Yada yada.

Corporations cannot send you to prison if you don't pay them.

Corporations cannot kill you if you do not pay them.

Corporations cannot send you to reeducation camps if you disagree with them.

Government can do all of the above, and more.

Only a masochist, or an idiot, would rather be screwed by the government than a corporation. You aren't smart enough to be a masochist.
I'm pragmatic enough to recognize that people will get screwed by someone - either corporations or the government. Of the two, I'd say the government screws more gently. And why do you think that liberals and democrats are more heinous in that regard than conservatives and republicans. Look at what happened during GWB's era. Yeah, I know, GWB wasn't a conservative. Yada yada.

1) You're obviously not a business owner

2) The government screws with guns and force. You can screw a company by not dealing with them. Government removes their competition.

That's gentle? If you're not doing anything with your life to know how ridiculous what you are saying is, you're not doing much with your life.

Ok, let's take the oil companies for example. They produce a commodity that's sold on the global market. Who do I boycott to affect BP?

I've had my own business and the government was the least of my worries.

They have an app for people that are too stupid to figure out how not to buy things from BP all by themselves.
your premise that all corporations are inherently evil is just idiotic and ignorant.

For about the fifth time in this thread, I didn't say that all corporations are inherently evil. Granted I might have painted with a bit of a broad brush for simplicity's sake but please tell me you aren't really that much of a black-and-white thinker.

You said that corporations lobby the government to be able to rape the environment and mistreat their workers. You said that for profit corporations only care about profit. Now you want to argue you didn't mean that all corporations are evil, and blame others who won't let you get away with it.
If your employees can't find work elsewhere, you customers can't find your product elsewhere, and the chances of getting caught by an environmental regulation are low enough - a corporation will do all three. Its whatever is most profitable. It doesn't matter who it helps or hurts so long as it helps shareholder profit.

What, do you suppose, is the most effective means for corporations to limit employee options, product availability (competition) and environmental liability?

Anybody else?

1) Get as big as possible
2) destroy the unions
3) destroy the EPA

That is certainly one way to do it. I think GE took the smarter route when they got the government to mandate that no one be able to buy incandescent bulbs at the same time they got a patent on the only existing non incandescent bulb made in the world. That gave them a government mandated monopoly on a product, and a government mandated market for the product, and they didn't upset the idiots who think unions are the best thing ever.
Corporations are not living things. Corporations are groups of humans. Some humans would do the dumping you describe others would not. Just as some humans would demand redistribution checks funded through theft of their neighbors income. Some people are just plain scum of the earth, some a little better, some better than most.

"Corporations are people my friend." - Mitt Romney

Since he was making the point that raising taxes on corporations means raising taxes on people, he was right. Do you think corporate taxes are paid out of magic money?

To be fair some corporations have been granted monopolies or are members of an oligopoly, so if you raise taxes on them they can probably get away with raising the price of their product to compensate for the difference, esp. when all the companies raise the price at the same time. Thus in those cases the tax hurts the consumer. In other cases the owners receive less profit on their investments, so the tax hurts them. That said since corporations can avoid profit the issue is fairly moot. Many corporations see profit as stupidity on their part. Why pay taxes twice, once as a corporate tax then again as a capital gains or income tax? Nah a corporation is better off to avoid profits at all cost, such as by moving the profits to a country that has more favorable taxes.
That provides a deterrent to crime. In public, they can also intervene immediately.
That's funny. if they intervened immediately they wouldn't have to analyze the blood spatter.

Cops do not prevent crime. Period.

As the old and true saying goes: When seconds count the cops are only minutes away.

In my case it's more like 30 minutes.

Dude, use your imagination a little. When I say they can intervene immediately in public, I mean if you're being accosted by some gang bangers in a public place, they can use deadly force if neccessary to protect you.

Like the police in NY that used deadly force to stop the guy that wasn't shooting anyone, and managed to send 9 people to the hospital because they missed the guy?
"Corporations are people my friend." - Mitt Romney

Since he was making the point that raising taxes on corporations means raising taxes on people, he was right. Do you think corporate taxes are paid out of magic money?

To be fair some corporations have been granted monopolies or are members of an oligopoly, so if you raise taxes on them they can probably get away with raising the price of their product to compensate for the difference, esp. when all the companies raise the price at the same time. Thus in those cases the tax hurts the consumer. In other cases the owners receive less profit on their investments, so the tax hurts them. That said since corporations can avoid profit the issue is fairly moot. Many corporations see profit as stupidity on their part. Why pay taxes twice, once as a corporate tax then again as a capital gains or income tax? Nah a corporation is better off to avoid profits at all cost, such as by moving the profits to a country that has more favorable taxes.

To be completely honest, all taxes are paid by people.
Corporations cannot send you to prison if you don't pay them.
Uhm, the people who work for corporations most certainly can put you in prison.

Corporations cannot kill you if you do not pay them.
Uhm, the people who work for corporations most certainly can kill you.

Corporations cannot send you to reeducation camps if you disagree with them.
Uhm, the people who work for corporations most certainly do have and do send people to re-education camps.

Government can do all of the above, and more.
Government hatchet men are no more or less able to do these things than corporate hatchet men.

Only a masochist, or an idiot, would rather be screwed by the government than a corporation. You aren't smart enough to be a masochist.

We hire government to do our bidding, they work for us. Corporation employees work for the corporation's line of command. You're not as smart as you think you are.
Since he was making the point that raising taxes on corporations means raising taxes on people, he was right. Do you think corporate taxes are paid out of magic money?

To be fair some corporations have been granted monopolies or are members of an oligopoly, so if you raise taxes on them they can probably get away with raising the price of their product to compensate for the difference, esp. when all the companies raise the price at the same time. Thus in those cases the tax hurts the consumer. In other cases the owners receive less profit on their investments, so the tax hurts them. That said since corporations can avoid profit the issue is fairly moot. Many corporations see profit as stupidity on their part. Why pay taxes twice, once as a corporate tax then again as a capital gains or income tax? Nah a corporation is better off to avoid profits at all cost, such as by moving the profits to a country that has more favorable taxes.

To be completely honest, all taxes are paid by people.

Yeah, but not all people pay all taxes, and even when two people do pay taxes it is the rare type of tax that results in both people paying the same amount of tax for the same amount of service provided by the tax.
Businesses are people.

Businesses are owned by people. Big difference.

come on opie, you can't be that dumb. you get all tangled up with the legal definition of a corporation as a legal "person" and make the stupid conclusion that others think that corporations are people.

as I have tried to teach you, corporations are considered legal persons in order to protect the employees and shareholders from personal liability for the acts of the corporation AND to be able to hold the corporation liable for those same acts.

Its the right thing to do. Your ignorant spin just verifies your ignorance.

No... it is not the 'right' thing to do. Why shouldn't shareholders(owners) and employees (managers/executives) be liable for their action or inaction if harm is caused and they are negligent.
Businesses are owned by people. Big difference.

come on opie, you can't be that dumb. you get all tangled up with the legal definition of a corporation as a legal "person" and make the stupid conclusion that others think that corporations are people.

as I have tried to teach you, corporations are considered legal persons in order to protect the employees and shareholders from personal liability for the acts of the corporation AND to be able to hold the corporation liable for those same acts.

Its the right thing to do. Your ignorant spin just verifies your ignorance.

No... it is not the 'right' thing to do. Why shouldn't shareholders(owners) and employees (managers/executives) be liable for their action or inaction if harm is caused and they are negligent.

Which of their "actions" should shareholders be held responsible for, buying a share of stock? If there are 10,000,000 outstanding shares, how responsible am I if I own one share? How many days to I have to spend in jail if the company defrauds a customer?
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Corporations cannot send you to prison if you don't pay them.
Uhm, the people who work for corporations most certainly can put you in prison.

What color is the sky in your world? The only people that can put you in prison work for the government in the real world.

Corporations cannot kill you if you do not pay them.
Uhm, the people who work for corporations most certainly can kill you.

The people who work for the government can do it without having to worry about going to prison themselves.

Uhm, the people who work for corporations most certainly do have and do send people to re-education camps.

Do you have examples of this, or am I supposed to bow to your superior stupidity?

Government can do all of the above, and more.
Government hatchet men are no more or less able to do these things than corporate hatchet men.

That explains why CEOs routinely kill people and then get off because they were following procedure, just like cops.

Only a masochist, or an idiot, would rather be screwed by the government than a corporation. You aren't smart enough to be a masochist.

We hire government to do our bidding, they work for us. Corporation employees work for the corporation's line of command. You're not as smart as you think you are.

Another person who isn't smart enough to be a masochist, what a surprise.

By the way, what gave you the idea that I think I am smart?
The three main goals of libertarianism

1) Decrease wages salaries and benefits for the poor and middle class as much as possible. Lower wages salaries and benefits for those who labor means those who own can profit more.

2) Decrease taxes on the wealthy as much as possible. No explanation needed.

3) Remove all regulations that make it harder for the wealthy to herd the poor like cattle - and remove all regulations that make it possible for a healthy middle class to exist. Regulation is the enemy of profit and profit is the only thing that matters.

That about sums it up!

Sorry, can not post on this topic. No link to a source has been given. If this is the opinion of OohPooPahDoo, how can it be debated without facts? I am distrustful of anyone who describes the views of someone else without supportive facts.

However, good chance to read and judge the level of fellow posters in USMB. I hate to waste my time on "empty wagons."

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To be fair some corporations have been granted monopolies or are members of an oligopoly, so if you raise taxes on them they can probably get away with raising the price of their product to compensate for the difference, esp. when all the companies raise the price at the same time. Thus in those cases the tax hurts the consumer. In other cases the owners receive less profit on their investments, so the tax hurts them. That said since corporations can avoid profit the issue is fairly moot. Many corporations see profit as stupidity on their part. Why pay taxes twice, once as a corporate tax then again as a capital gains or income tax? Nah a corporation is better off to avoid profits at all cost, such as by moving the profits to a country that has more favorable taxes.

To be completely honest, all taxes are paid by people.

Yeah, but not all people pay all taxes, and even when two people do pay taxes it is the rare type of tax that results in both people paying the same amount of tax for the same amount of service provided by the tax.

Do you have a point there?

By the way, do you have a list of people who have never paid taxes? My guess is that, if you actually did, it would contain absolutely no names.
come on opie, you can't be that dumb. you get all tangled up with the legal definition of a corporation as a legal "person" and make the stupid conclusion that others think that corporations are people.

as I have tried to teach you, corporations are considered legal persons in order to protect the employees and shareholders from personal liability for the acts of the corporation AND to be able to hold the corporation liable for those same acts.

Its the right thing to do. Your ignorant spin just verifies your ignorance.

No... it is not the 'right' thing to do. Why shouldn't shareholders(owners) and employees (managers/executives) be liable for their action or inaction if harm is caused and they are negligent.

Which of their "actions" should shareholders be held responsible for, buy a share of stock? If there are 10,000,000 outstanding shares, how responsible am I if I own one share? How many days to I have to spend in jail if the company defrauds a customer?

I think you are getting to the root of the problem. Corporations are an invention of government and probably wouldn't exist in their current form without the help of government. A person should be accountable for their actions including the actions of their business (even a partnership) but government allows this immunity which has turned respectable business into soulless immoral profit making entities.

An owner wants to make a profit but they also want to sleep at night.

It should be hard for them to fire a long term employee to save money.

It should be hard for them to dump pollution into their neighbor's air and water.

It should be hard for them to run someone else out of business using dirty (but legal) tactics.

and on and on.

Corporations suck.
To be completely honest, all taxes are paid by people.

Yeah, but not all people pay all taxes, and even when two people do pay taxes it is the rare type of tax that results in both people paying the same amount of tax for the same amount of service provided by the tax.

Do you have a point there?

By the way, do you have a list of people who have never paid taxes? My guess is that, if you actually did, it would contain absolutely no names.

What part of "not all people pay all taxes" triggered the fart in your brain to ask me for a list of people who have never paid taxes?

People who have no income pay no income tax. The list of people who have no income is counted as the people who are not working in our workforce. Clue: Our workforce, the people working and collecting income, is less than the number of people in this country. Even discounting the people that are not even collecting income so have no income tax, the number of people who have income but pay no income tax is roughly 50% right now.
Yeah, but not all people pay all taxes, and even when two people do pay taxes it is the rare type of tax that results in both people paying the same amount of tax for the same amount of service provided by the tax.

Do you have a point there?

By the way, do you have a list of people who have never paid taxes? My guess is that, if you actually did, it would contain absolutely no names.

What part of "not all people pay all taxes" triggered the fart in your brain to ask me for a list of people who have never paid taxes?

People who have no income pay no income tax. The list of people who have no income is counted as the people who are not working in our workforce. Clue: Our workforce, the people working and collecting income, is less than the number of people in this country. Even discounting the people that are not even collecting income so have no income tax, the number of people who have income but pay no income tax is roughly 50% right now.

There are hundreds of taxes in this country that are not based on income. Everyone pays taxes, this is a inescapable fact of life. This fact leads me to mock anyone who tries to argue that anyone does not pay taxes, that mocking manifested in me asking for actual examples from you. If you actually intended to argue that not everyone pays income taxes you should have restricted your argument to that claim.
Do you have a point there?

By the way, do you have a list of people who have never paid taxes? My guess is that, if you actually did, it would contain absolutely no names.

What part of "not all people pay all taxes" triggered the fart in your brain to ask me for a list of people who have never paid taxes?

People who have no income pay no income tax. The list of people who have no income is counted as the people who are not working in our workforce. Clue: Our workforce, the people working and collecting income, is less than the number of people in this country. Even discounting the people that are not even collecting income so have no income tax, the number of people who have income but pay no income tax is roughly 50% right now.

There are hundreds of taxes in this country that are not based on income. Everyone pays taxes, this is a inescapable fact of life. This fact leads me to mock anyone who tries to argue that anyone does not pay taxes, that mocking manifested in me asking for actual examples from you. If you actually intended to argue that not everyone pays income taxes you should have restricted your argument to that claim.

What part of "not all people pay all taxes" is confusing you?
What part of "not all people pay all taxes" triggered the fart in your brain to ask me for a list of people who have never paid taxes?

People who have no income pay no income tax. The list of people who have no income is counted as the people who are not working in our workforce. Clue: Our workforce, the people working and collecting income, is less than the number of people in this country. Even discounting the people that are not even collecting income so have no income tax, the number of people who have income but pay no income tax is roughly 50% right now.

There are hundreds of taxes in this country that are not based on income. Everyone pays taxes, this is a inescapable fact of life. This fact leads me to mock anyone who tries to argue that anyone does not pay taxes, that mocking manifested in me asking for actual examples from you. If you actually intended to argue that not everyone pays income taxes you should have restricted your argument to that claim.

What part of "not all people pay all taxes" is confusing you?

The part where you think that there is anyone in this country that does not pay taxes.
That provides a deterrent to crime. In public, they can also intervene immediately.
That's funny. if they intervened immediately they wouldn't have to analyze the blood spatter.

Cops do not prevent crime. Period.

As the old and true saying goes: When seconds count the cops are only minutes away.

In my case it's more like 30 minutes.

Dude, use your imagination a little. When I say they can intervene immediately in public, I mean if you're being accosted by some gang bangers in a public place, they can use deadly force if neccessary to protect you.

Tell that to all the people who get mugged every year.

The fucking cops cannot and do not protect you from crime.

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