The three main goals of libertarianism

given the fascism is libertarianism taken to an obvious extreme, i would say you are much closer to fascism than almost anyone else on this board. You've already complained about the perils of democracy and freedom once today.

(and yes, i am sure you still don't understand that statism can be both right and left wing.)

fascism has little to do with libertarianism.

fascism has nothing to do with libertarianism.



In the sense that they're polar opposites it does. Google the Nolan Chart.
Contumacious -

Fascism is to Libertarianism what Communism is to the Democrats.

We see a lot of people calling Obama a commie and a socialist on this board, hence I imagine describing Libertarianism as Fascism with a PR agency must be acceptable.
Oopie, the root of libertarianism is you leave me to do what I want and I'll leave you to do what you want. I won't harm you and you won't harm me.

That may be the the word means - but libertarianism in America has become something else. Its main purpose is to protect and enrich the wealthy at the expense of the poor and middle class.
Can't they unionize and negotiate?
No, not anymore, not really. In about half the states in the union, the "libertarians" have stripped the unions of the ability to freely negotiate a union shop agreement with business .This renders them more or less moot.
Haven't you been paying attention?

Actually, if you'd do a bit of research on the news, you'd see that it's not the libertarians who are busting the unions, it's actually the GOP.

Interesting how the conservatives keep blaming what they do on other people.
First's SAILOR, not "soldier". Never been a ground pounder or a bullet sponge (Army and Marines) nor do I ever wish to become one. When I first joined in 1982, I thought camping as a hobby was fine, but as a lifestyle left much to be desired (which is why I didn't join the Army).

I also thought that being on the front lines and getting fired at was not exactly what I wanted as well, which is why I joined the Navy.

Being on the front lines (like Beruit, Desert Storm for both Pt. 1 and 2, as well as Kosovo) was exciting enough, but in addition to going to battle stations, I could get a decent hot meal later.

Want to know what's killing capitalism? It's idiots like Mittens RobMe and his ilk. They don't care about the workers or what they produce or how well it's done, they just want to fortify their bottom line and make more cash.

And yeah..................Mittens RobMe isn't a slash about his failed campaign, it's about the people who think like him.

Odd that your love for workers doesn't extend to soldiers. Now everyone know why navy pukes are pretty much considered light in the loafers.

What you consider about Navy pukes is not even high on the "Who gives a shit?" list.

The only thing killing capitalism is gross ignorance, combined with a desire to get something for nothing. Unless you are doing business withe Mitt Romney, or working for him, nothing he does concerning making money affects you in any way. The simple fact that he makes money is what irks many of the ignorant and envious.

Wrong. If I'm working for MittensRobMe, and drawing a paycheck from him, I'd be pretty fucking concerned if the jobs he was going to ship overseas (like he's done several times) and those job losses affected those in my family, I'd quit.

But then again................................MittensRobMe has no honor to anything other than the almighty dollar.

I guess he missed the point where the Bible says you can worship God, or you can worship Mammon (money), but you can't worship both.

Me? I put my trust in God.
Contumacious -

Fascism is to Libertarianism what Communism is to the Democrats.

We see a lot of people calling Obama a commie and a socialist on this board, hence I imagine describing Libertarianism as Fascism with a PR agency must be acceptable.

Obama is not a communist and is probably not a socialist.
Obama is neither.

He still gets money from corporations.

And yet...............even in spite of that, he still wants to help out the small people and the environment.

Obama is pretty much right centrist.
Contumacious -

Fascism is to Libertarianism what Communism is to the Democrats.

We see a lot of people calling Obama a commie and a socialist on this board, hence I imagine describing Libertarianism as Fascism with a PR agency must be acceptable.

Obama is not a communist and is probably not a socialist.

I couldn't agree more.

But if a great many of our members see a link between moderate left-wing policy and left-wing extremism, they should also be able to see the link between right-wing poliies (Liberatarianism) and right-wing extremism (Fascism).

The fact that Libertarianism favours small government over fascism's large government does nothing to change that.
The three main goals of libertarianism

1) Decrease wages salaries and benefits for the poor and middle class as much as possible. Lower wages salaries and benefits for those who labor means those who own can profit more.

2) Decrease taxes on the wealthy as much as possible. No explanation needed.

3) Remove all regulations that make it harder for the wealthy to herd the poor like cattle - and remove all regulations that make it possible for a healthy middle class to exist. Regulation is the enemy of profit and profit is the only thing that matters.

That about sums it up!


Although they keep going on and on about "small" government.
The three main goals of libertarianism

1) Decrease wages salaries and benefits for the poor and middle class as much as possible. Lower wages salaries and benefits for those who labor means those who own can profit more.

2) Decrease taxes on the wealthy as much as possible. No explanation needed.

3) Remove all regulations that make it harder for the wealthy to herd the poor like cattle - and remove all regulations that make it possible for a healthy middle class to exist. Regulation is the enemy of profit and profit is the only thing that matters.

That about sums it up!
A superb set of lies. Well done.

In practice that's what winds up happening.
If they're really interested in "small government", then why are there so many restrictions (as well as people to check on them) about abortion, gay marriage, and the many (about 37) times they've tried to get rid of Obamacare?

Thought Boehner, Cantor, and McConnell were running on jobs for the American people, not what marriage means, or getting rid of an existing law (Obamacare), or even making it harder for Planned Parenthood and abortions? If you get rid of birth control and abortions, don't you make it harder for those who can't afford it, which results in more welfare?

If you can't support a family, and you know you can't (because of your earnings), does it make it really fair to be forced into it by some idiot in DC who knows nothing of your situation?
Contumacious -

Fascism is to Libertarianism what Communism is to the Democrats.

We see a lot of people calling Obama a commie and a socialist on this board, hence I imagine describing Libertarianism as Fascism with a PR agency must be acceptable.

Obama is not a communist and is probably not a socialist.

I couldn't agree more.

But if a great many of our members see a link between moderate left-wing policy and left-wing extremism, they should also be able to see the link between right-wing poliies (Liberatarianism) and right-wing extremism (Fascism).

The fact that Libertarianism favours small government over fascism's large government does nothing to change that.

In the American context, the proper false analogy to fascism is not libertarianism but social conservatism.
If they're really interested in "small government", then why are there so many restrictions (as well as people to check on them) about abortion, gay marriage, and the many (about 37) times they've tried to get rid of Obamacare?

You're talking about Republicans, not Libertarians.
LOL.. exactly. Libertarians really lined up behind Mitt, didn't they... :cuckoo:

True dat. I voted for him. First time I'd voted for a major party candidate for President since 1988. Though to say I "lined up" behind him would be incorrect. I voted against the guy who delivered on his threat to rule as a Marxist. However, most libertarians didn't. Made no sense to me. Yeah, the two parties suck. But there's a point where when the Devil has a gun pointed to your head and you have the chance to ally with Satan to stop him from pulling the trigger, you take it.

You got the bolded part right.

But lesser-of-two-evils in the sad sellout killing our nation.

When the level of evil is relatively equal, that is true. Obamacare along with Social Security/Medicare are the greatest evils every perpetrated on the American people by our government because they are the programs that make EVERY American dependent on government for their basic needs.

I'm in libertarianism to actually maximize my liberty, not to pursue an intellectual exercise that would maximize it in theory. Most libertarians in not trying to oust a Marxist demonstrated the second is a large part of their quest. And since I didn't vote Republican between 1988 until 2012, give me more than a platitude how a cancer to our liberty like Obama was an evil, as was Romney, ergo they are the same. Evil isn't binary. Romney while assuring nothing was at least a capitalist, something else we haven't seen in a while, and libertarians passed on that too.
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True dat. I voted for him. First time I'd voted for a major party candidate for President since 1988. Though to say I "lined up" behind him would be incorrect. I voted against the guy who delivered on his threat to rule as a Marxist. However, most libertarians didn't. Made no sense to me. Yeah, the two parties suck. But there's a point where when the Devil has a gun pointed to your head and you have the chance to ally with Satan to stop him from pulling the trigger, you take it.

You got the bolded part right.

But lesser-of-two-evils in the sad sellout killing our nation.

When the level of evil is relatively equal, that is true. Obamacare along with Social Security/Medicare are the greatest evils every perpetrated on the American people by our government because they are the programs that make EVERY American dependent on government for their basic needs.

I'm in libertarianism to actually maximize my liberty, not to pursue an intellectual exercise that would maximize it in theory. Most libertarians in not trying to oust a Marxist demonstrated the second is a large part of their quest. And since I didn't vote Republican between 1988 until 2012, give me more than a platitude how a cancer to our liberty like Obama was an evil, as was Romney, ergo they are the same. Evil isn't binary. Romney while assuring nothing was at least a capitalist, something else we haven't seen in a while, and libertarians passed on that too.

Your argument assumes Romney opposed PPACA, when in fact - up until it Obama took up the cause, Romney did more to advance the cause of government controlled health care than anyone else in the nation. Arguably, PPACA would never have become law without his 'success' in Massachusetts. It's utter insanity to elect him as the champion to repeal it.
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Contumacious -

Fascism is to Libertarianism what Communism is to the Democrats.

We see a lot of people calling Obama a commie and a socialist on this board, hence I imagine describing Libertarianism as Fascism with a PR agency must be acceptable.

Obama is not a communist and is probably not a socialist.

I couldn't agree more.

But if a great many of our members see a link between moderate left-wing policy and left-wing extremism, they should also be able to see the link between right-wing poliies (Liberatarianism) and right-wing extremism (Fascism).

The fact that Libertarianism favours small government over fascism's large government does nothing to change that.

Yeah, it kind of does. Nor are libertarians "right-wing."
Can you please explain this post in more detail? Why are we your enemy?

They are his enemy, not my enemy. He's a bootlicking fascist worshiper of the almighty state who wants to sell us all into slavery, so naturally he hates libertarians.

On the other hand, I am a libertarian.

Oh. Thanks for clearing that up. My apologies for accusing you falsely. Glad you are a part of the cause, bripat! :)

Let me ask you libertarians this question. If we get government out of the way, will the corporatocracy be any less likely to quash your freedoms?
Govt. is one the fostering corporatism by creating favoritism in sectors of the economy that gives certain players upperhands over others. So, if the corps have to stand on their own merit without governemnt involvement, they have to beat competition by providing a superior product or service without thrid party intervention.
in other words, yes. Yes they will be far less likely to squash freedoms. in fact, it would be impossible for them to do so.
They are his enemy, not my enemy. He's a bootlicking fascist worshiper of the almighty state who wants to sell us all into slavery, so naturally he hates libertarians.

On the other hand, I am a libertarian.

Oh. Thanks for clearing that up. My apologies for accusing you falsely. Glad you are a part of the cause, bripat! :)

Let me ask you libertarians this question. If we get government out of the way, will the corporatocracy be any less likely to quash your freedoms?

They'd have none at all. Corporations squash our freedoms via government. Unless you're imagining them creating private police and military - something libertarians would obviously oppose - they'd have no power over us at all with out government cooperation.
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