The three main goals of libertarianism

Govt. is one the fostering corporatism by creating favoritism in sectors of the economy that gives certain players upperhands over others. So, if the corps have to stand on their own merit without governemnt involvement, they have to beat competition by providing a superior product or service without thrid party intervention.

I think large corporations have tools at their disposal that you might not have considered. Large corporations can undercut the competition for as long as it takes to drive the competition out of business even if it means selling at a loss. Japanese corporations were doing it to us in the 80's.
I think large corporations have tools at their disposal that you might not have considered. Large corporations can undercut the competition for as long as it takes to drive the competition out of business even if it means selling at a loss. Japanese corporations were doing it to us in the 80's.

Joe, I hope you are normal and understand that REPUTATION is an asset.

So give me an example of a company that engaged in that type of behavior.

Oh. Thanks for clearing that up. My apologies for accusing you falsely. Glad you are a part of the cause, bripat! :)

Let me ask you libertarians this question. If we get government out of the way, will the corporatocracy be any less likely to quash your freedoms?

They'd have none at all. Corporations squash our freedoms via government. Unless you're imagining them creating private police and military - something libertarians would obviously oppose - they'd have no power over us at all with out government cooperation.

I don't know what kind of a lifestyle you live but unless you have a farm of your own or live like an Amish, you're probably way more dependent on corporations than you would like to believe.
I think large corporations have tools at their disposal that you might not have considered. Large corporations can undercut the competition for as long as it takes to drive the competition out of business even if it means selling at a loss. Japanese corporations were doing it to us in the 80's.

Joe, I hope you are normal and understand that REPUTATION is an asset.

So give me an example of a company that engaged in that type of behavior.


The East India Company had the largest military force in the world at their peak. Government manipulation is just the convenient way for corporations to control our world. If it didn't exist, they'd create their own methods.
I think large corporations have tools at their disposal that you might not have considered. Large corporations can undercut the competition for as long as it takes to drive the competition out of business even if it means selling at a loss. Japanese corporations were doing it to us in the 80's.

Joe, I hope you are normal and understand that REPUTATION is an asset.

So give me an example of a company that engaged in that type of behavior.


Sorry, misread your post. Flatscreen technology was invented in the USA but Japanese manufacturers undercut us for long enough to drive US companies out of business. Last I heard, there were no US TV manufacturers left.

Then there's Monsanto. They're creating whole new ecological systems with a combination of GMO's and herbicides. It's not inconceivable that they'll have a monopoly on the food supply at some point.
I think large corporations have tools at their disposal that you might not have considered. Large corporations can undercut the competition for as long as it takes to drive the competition out of business even if it means selling at a loss. Japanese corporations were doing it to us in the 80's.

Joe, I hope you are normal and understand that REPUTATION is an asset.

So give me an example of a company that engaged in that type of behavior.


Sorry, misread your post. Flatscreen technology was invented in the USA but Japanese manufacturers undercut us for long enough to drive US companies out of business. Last I heard, there were no US TV manufacturers left.

Then there's Monsanto. They're creating whole new ecological systems with a combination of GMO's and herbicides. It's not inconceivable that they'll have a monopoly on the food supply at some point.

and why did that technology leave the USA? Unions and taxes, its really not complicated or evil, its just common sense and economics.
My three biggest fears

1) My poor ass having to work to earn a living.

2) Someone else making more money than me.

3) The government stops writing me checks every month.
Ayup, that about sums it up!

One common aspect of the millions of sheep herded by libertarian power elite is their inability to take anything seriously - except of course guns and what they are told is "freedom".
I think large corporations have tools at their disposal that you might not have considered. Large corporations can undercut the competition for as long as it takes to drive the competition out of business even if it means selling at a loss. Japanese corporations were doing it to us in the 80's.

Joe, I hope you are normal and understand that REPUTATION is an asset.

So give me an example of a company that engaged in that type of behavior.


Sorry, misread your post. Flatscreen technology was invented in the USA but Japanese manufacturers undercut us for long enough to drive US companies out of business. Last I heard, there were no US TV manufacturers left.

Then there's Monsanto. They're creating whole new ecological systems with a combination of GMO's and herbicides. It's not inconceivable that they'll have a monopoly on the food supply at some point.

"Undercut"? You mean providing a product at a fraction of the cost than competitors? That's not undercutting anyone, it's competition. FAIL.

Monsanto has these patents through govt. favoritism. FAIL.

And the East India Company was a govt. sanctioned corporation. Double fail.
Joe, I hope you are normal and understand that REPUTATION is an asset.

So give me an example of a company that engaged in that type of behavior.


Sorry, misread your post. Flatscreen technology was invented in the USA but Japanese manufacturers undercut us for long enough to drive US companies out of business. Last I heard, there were no US TV manufacturers left.

Then there's Monsanto. They're creating whole new ecological systems with a combination of GMO's and herbicides. It's not inconceivable that they'll have a monopoly on the food supply at some point.

and why did that technology leave the USA? Unions and taxes, its really not complicated or evil, its just common sense and economics.

If the electronics industry was ever unionized before I became a part of it 30 years ago, I never heard about it. And Japan doesn't have corporate taxes?
I think large corporations have tools at their disposal that you might not have considered. Large corporations can undercut the competition for as long as it takes to drive the competition out of business even if it means selling at a loss. Japanese corporations were doing it to us in the 80's.

Joe, I hope you are normal and understand that REPUTATION is an asset.

So give me an example of a company that engaged in that type of behavior.


Sorry, misread your post. Flatscreen technology was invented in the USA but Japanese manufacturers undercut us for long enough to drive US companies out of business. Last I heard, there were no US TV manufacturers left.


Believe It Or Not: TV Manufacturing Returning To The US

If you remember the history of the TV manufacturing industry, you'll recall what a big scare it was when TV manufacturing completely abandoned the US for Japan (and, later, other parts of Asia). It generated a lot of fear in the US over the Japanese economy. Of course, later, plenty of people realized the nature of comparative advantage and why it actually made sense for TV manufacturing jobs to move overseas, especially as the US focused on other areas, such as the high tech industry.

Then there's Monsanto. They're creating whole new ecological systems with a combination of GMO's and herbicides. It's not inconceivable that they'll have a monopoly on the food supply at some point.

Repost when they have a monopoly.

There are two types of monopolies

1) Coercive which ONLY happens when the state allows it and

2) non coercive - when the MARKETPLACE allows it.

ie, the Standard oil of NJ being an example - even though at one time it controlled 85% of the Kerosene market its prices were competitive.

Joe, I hope you are normal and understand that REPUTATION is an asset.

So give me an example of a company that engaged in that type of behavior.


Sorry, misread your post. Flatscreen technology was invented in the USA but Japanese manufacturers undercut us for long enough to drive US companies out of business. Last I heard, there were no US TV manufacturers left.

Then there's Monsanto. They're creating whole new ecological systems with a combination of GMO's and herbicides. It's not inconceivable that they'll have a monopoly on the food supply at some point.

"Undercut"? You mean providing a product at a fraction of the cost than competitors? That's not undercutting anyone, it's competition. FAIL.

Monsanto has these patents through govt. favoritism. FAIL.

And the East India Company was a govt. sanctioned corporation. Double fail.

When big corp cuts their prices its to drive competitors out of the market so that they can come back and raise the prices later. i.e. Wal Mart

In fact, the way big corp operates is more by eliminating competition than by actually competing. Rather than beat their opponents fair and square they'd rather run them off the track. The end goal is to extract as much profit off the backs of consumers and employees as is humanly possibly without any regard for anything else.
Joe, I hope you are normal and understand that REPUTATION is an asset.

So give me an example of a company that engaged in that type of behavior.


Sorry, misread your post. Flatscreen technology was invented in the USA but Japanese manufacturers undercut us for long enough to drive US companies out of business. Last I heard, there were no US TV manufacturers left.

Then there's Monsanto. They're creating whole new ecological systems with a combination of GMO's and herbicides. It's not inconceivable that they'll have a monopoly on the food supply at some point.

"Undercut"? You mean providing a product at a fraction of the cost than competitors? That's not undercutting anyone, it's competition. FAIL.

Monsanto has these patents through govt. favoritism. FAIL.

And the East India Company was a govt. sanctioned corporation. Double fail.

Oh brother. What kind of a fantasy world do you live in anyway? What is it that you do for a living?
Sorry, misread your post. Flatscreen technology was invented in the USA but Japanese manufacturers undercut us for long enough to drive US companies out of business. Last I heard, there were no US TV manufacturers left.

Then there's Monsanto. They're creating whole new ecological systems with a combination of GMO's and herbicides. It's not inconceivable that they'll have a monopoly on the food supply at some point.

"Undercut"? You mean providing a product at a fraction of the cost than competitors? That's not undercutting anyone, it's competition. FAIL.

Monsanto has these patents through govt. favoritism. FAIL.

And the East India Company was a govt. sanctioned corporation. Double fail.

When big corp cuts their prices its to drive competitors out of the market so that they can come back and raise the prices later. i.e. Wal Mart

In fact, the way big corp operates is more by eliminating competition than by actually competing. Rather than beat their opponents fair and square they'd rather run them off the track. The end goal is to extract as much profit off the backs of consumers and employees as is humanly possibly without any regard for anything else.


When big corporations cut prices, that signals they can operate still by doing so and if other competitors want to stay that way, they will change practice to become so. That's how compeition works, Cork.

As for Walmart, if consumers didn't buy the cheap shit there, it wouldn't be a problem. Thats the market deciding cheap, shit goods are better than quality made items. In some cases the market is correct. On the other hand it is the consumer that made that decision (albeit the govt. favoritism provided to cheap chinese goods)
Sorry, misread your post. Flatscreen technology was invented in the USA but Japanese manufacturers undercut us for long enough to drive US companies out of business. Last I heard, there were no US TV manufacturers left.

Then there's Monsanto. They're creating whole new ecological systems with a combination of GMO's and herbicides. It's not inconceivable that they'll have a monopoly on the food supply at some point.

"Undercut"? You mean providing a product at a fraction of the cost than competitors? That's not undercutting anyone, it's competition. FAIL.

Monsanto has these patents through govt. favoritism. FAIL.

And the East India Company was a govt. sanctioned corporation. Double fail.

Oh brother. What kind of a fantasy world do you live in anyway? What is it that you do for a living?

My profession has nothing to do with your failed argument, Joe Dirt.
My three biggest fears

1) My poor ass having to work to earn a living.

2) Someone else making more money than me.

3) The government stops writing me checks every month.
Ayup, that about sums it up!

One common aspect of the millions of sheep herded by libertarian power elite is their inability to take anything seriously - except of course guns and what they are told is "freedom".

Libertarians are Republicans that want to smoke pot and don't want to pay taxes
Ayup, that about sums it up!

One common aspect of the millions of sheep herded by libertarian power elite is their inability to take anything seriously - except of course guns and what they are told is "freedom".

Libertarians are Republicans that want to smoke pot and don't want to pay taxes

Did all of you retards hold a meeting and agree upon these completely erroneous notions of libertarianism all by yourself, or did you get help?

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