The Thrill Is Gone....

This european visit has certainly turned out to be a disaster of epic proportion. Not a single country was friendly. The notable quote came from Putin and it was more than a rebuke. It was a slap heard round the world. I hope that something could penetrate obama's armor of delusion and he realizes how bad it really is.

He does, he doesn't care. Whats sad is all of his little sycophants running around carrying his water. That's just pathetic.
The Democrats are going to keep the White House in 2016...and do so by BLAMING BUSH.

Bush was that bad. And laughable attempts like this post to try and rewrite history are flopping as bad Bush's Iraq Democracy Project, that trillion dollar blood-soaked waste.

The economy is slowly coming back from the GOP-caused Bush Recession, and Obama has also slowly brought to an end Bush's other mistakes, the Iraq War and the de facto pardon of Osama bin Laden.

If Bush were a better President, then the GOP may have had a chance to keep the White House after him. But he was a failtard. Conservatives have no one to blame but yourselves.
Barack is in over his head it looks like

Most of us thinking people knew this 4 1/2 years ago....or more. But many die hard liberals are finally starting to wake up to the fact. But it's happened too late, we have him another 3 1/2 years :(

The tyrannical leftists want us to think it's too late. It is not too late. Mark Levin has been reading some transcripts of his father's book: "George Washington: The Crossing", by Jack E. Levin.

Some of it mentioned how Washington was out of ideas, money and more. troops short on food, going through snow in worn out shoes and bare feet and worse. Yet somehow Washington won. We will not face he adverse and harsh conditions our Founders did, we will face different types of it. We can do this, it is never too late.

Caroljo, think about this, the Democrats are desperate to pass the amnesty bill because they know they will need to replace the millions of voters they will lose once they, their family and friends suffer under Obamacare. We block amnesty...after a few years of Obamacare...the dems are in real trouble.

I am going to order Levin's book, "George Washington: The Crossing", it sounds very inspirational from what has been read on the radio. Order, see what you think.
Too late? naaaa - but every day we sink into the socialist pit a little further and you know that it is twice as hard to climb up. That means we better start climbing!!!

If you know any dems capable of thinking for themselves (I know they are in short commodity right now), give them the facts so they can hopefully become part of the solution rather than continue to be part of the liberal assault on America!
Yet again, nobody is leaving...

You're all talk folks. Just leave if things are as bad as you perceive. The truth is that it is nowhere near as desperate as you have tried to make it out...every day or so for 5 years.

If you're that depressed, maybe you should really consider doing the world a favor and end it all.

Believe as CC or die.


The country has had plenty of problems for quite a while now. It should be instructive that when we did face actual serious threats during the last 50 years, we never caved, surrendered.

Not saying you should believe "as me" (giggle) but if you're going to be as depressed as the OP is for another 3 years (minimum) you see an upside?
Yet again, nobody is leaving...

You're all talk folks. Just leave if things are as bad as you perceive. The truth is that it is nowhere near as desperate as you have tried to make it out...every day or so for 5 years.

If you're that depressed, maybe you should really consider doing the world a favor and end it all.
What kind of fool suggest that any with an opposing viewpoint kill themselves?

How the heck were you brought up?
BTW....the indictment of Obama was from the voice of the Left, the New York Times.
Read it and weep.

Must have been that "liberal" media you guys always complain about.

Look, the suggestion was actually made several weeks ago during yet another Armageddon thread.
"In a Gallup tracking poll released Tuesday, former-President George W. Bush currently stands with a favorability rating of 49%, compared to 46% who see the 43rd president unfavorably. Meanwhile, another Gallup poll shows President Obama with only a 47% approval rating, with 44% disapproving."
Bush More Popular than Obama

People must have very short memories. Bush's last days in office had him at an approval rating in the 20's. The guy allowed this country to teeter on the verge of bankruptcy! Sorry...but no way can I overlook that. That, nor the war in Iraq.
This european visit has certainly turned out to be a disaster of epic proportion. Not a single country was friendly. The notable quote came from Putin and it was more than a rebuke. It was a slap heard round the world. I hope that something could penetrate obama's armor of delusion and he realizes how bad it really is.

He does, he doesn't care. Whats sad is all of his little sycophants running around carrying his water. That's just pathetic.

LOL. Your bunch damned near put this nation into the Second Great Republican Depression. And put us in two wars that were unneccessary. Instead of going in and getting the miscreant that masterminded the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil, you folks bought into the Project for the New American Century pipedream of an American Empire in the Middle East and got over 5000 of our sons and daughters killed for less than no gain. And let Bin Laden go until we had a President that had the balls to serve justice on him.

When President Obama took office, we were losing over 500,000 jobs a month. And the market was headed straight downhill. Now, after 4 and 1/2 years of his Presidency, the market is in record territory, and the jobs are slowly coming back. In spite of every effort on the part of the "Conservatives" to destroy the economy out of spite for the fact that the American Voter rejected their insanity.

And look at what the "Conservative" continues to endorse. Lower wages, no taxes for the very wealthy, destroying Social Security and Medicare. They wish a nation from the 19th century. And you fools will continue to lose. Anyone can see the policies you continue to push are against the interest of the vast majority of the citizens of this nation, and against the interests of the nation, itself.
Yet again, nobody is leaving...

You're all talk folks. Just leave if things are as bad as you perceive. The truth is that it is nowhere near as desperate as you have tried to make it out...every day or so for 5 years.

If you're that depressed, maybe you should really consider doing the world a favor and end it all.

This from the people of the party who bitched everyday for eight straight years about the last president many who swore they would leave the country if he was reelected yet didn't and sadly none of them as far as I know did the world a favor and ended it all pretty dam funny if you ask me.

I would have given the same advice to those folks. If you're that unhappy it's fine--some people are not happy unless they are p-o'd at someone or something. You think its healthy in either regard to sit and recite all the ways your life sucks nearly every day?
The Democrats are going to keep the White House in 2016...and do so by BLAMING BUSH.

Bush was that bad. And laughable attempts like this post to try and rewrite history are flopping as bad Bush's Iraq Democracy Project, that trillion dollar blood-soaked waste.

The economy is slowly coming back from the GOP-caused Bush Recession, and Obama has also slowly brought to an end Bush's other mistakes, the Iraq War and the de facto pardon of Osama bin Laden.

If Bush were a better President, then the GOP may have had a chance to keep the White House after him. But he was a failtard. Conservatives have no one to blame but yourselves.

Americans have a perplexing history of getting party fatigue even though the candidates are the first to tell you that they don't embrace their party platform in its entirety.

I'm pretty sure that the GOP will get the Oval in 2016. They're not doing themselves any favors in the lead up though although the 2014 elections should be good for them too.

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