The time has finally come to tell the left to go fuck themselves.

Straight from Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals....

3. “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.
You far righties tried that and failed.

They did, is that why TARGET is....

Target's total value has dropped $20B. That should scare the shit out of any copycat companies following suit. Hear that Wal-Mart? Kohl's? Republicans?
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President Obama's demand that public schools force little girls to share their bathrooms with confused boys is the final straw. The time has finally come to tell the left to go fuck themselves.

We should no longer attempt to peacefully work out our differences with the left, or engage them in debate, or try to persuade them.

We must realize now that the left disrespects the democratic process, and cheats to win its victories, as they did with abortion in 1973, and same-sex marriage last year.

What we need to do now is figure out who's on our side, and meet with them in private homes and in churches and town halls and work out some sort of a plan to wrest power from the left. We need to purge their influence from the public schools, academia, media, and the government. It is not sufficient to win elections, we need to take away all their power to influence the public, especially children.

The right have a problem with this, but didn't have a problem with slavery or segregation. Hmm....
Guess you didn't know democrats started the KKK, supported Jim Crowe laws, opposed Civil Rights. Btw. Democrats are on the Left side of the political spectrum.
President Obama's demand that public schools force little girls to share their bathrooms with confused boys is the final straw. The time has finally come to tell the left to go fuck themselves.

We should no longer attempt to peacefully work out our differences with the left, or engage them in debate, or try to persuade them.

We must realize now that the left disrespects the democratic process, and cheats to win its victories, as they did with abortion in 1973, and same-sex marriage last year.

What we need to do now is figure out who's on our side, and meet with them in private homes and in churches and town halls and work out some sort of a plan to wrest power from the left. We need to purge their influence from the public schools, academia, media, and the government. It is not sufficient to win elections, we need to take away all their power to influence the public, especially children.

The right have a problem with this, but didn't have a problem with slavery or segregation. Hmm....
Guess you didn't know democrats started the KKK, supported Jim Crowe laws, opposed Civil Rights. Btw. Democrats are on the Left side of the political spectrum.

Fucking hell, this stupid argument again? Are you seriously coming up with this AGAIN? I really can't believe people with brains would actually bother coming out with something so ridiculous.
3. Go to church and listen to a Preacher, Priest or some other Cleric tell them how Gays are destroying our society and they ( the religious nuts ) must
Maybe you should attend church and see if you can prove that stupid assertion yourself.
Fucking hell, this stupid argument again? Are you seriously coming up with this AGAIN? I really can't believe people with brains would actually bother coming out with something so ridiculous.
Prove me wrong. You democrats have always had the same goal of controlling people on the plantation and elsewhere. You haven't changed, only your methods have changed. Pretending you're on the side of the black man. Hah! Minorities have continued to suffer under democrat control. Witness the last 7 years as prime proof.
Guess you didn't know democrats started the KKK, supported Jim Crowe laws, opposed Civil Rights. Btw. Democrats are on the Left side of the political spectrum.

Southern Democrats of yesterday are not the Democrats of today. They're neocon whackjobs.
Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?
Yes. And you didn't win this issue democratically, you forced it with the courts, just like abortion. So it's not legitimate, and never will be.

And that's their plan for guns too

Certainly not my plan. I am a proud supporter of the 2nd Amendment and a gun owner myself.

And had Obama appointed Garland to SCOTUS you can kiss your guns goodbye
Fucking hell, this stupid argument again? Are you seriously coming up with this AGAIN? I really can't believe people with brains would actually bother coming out with something so ridiculous.
Prove me wrong. You democrats have always had the same goal of controlling people on the plantation and elsewhere. You haven't changed, only your methods have changed. Pretending you're on the side of the black man. Hah! Minorities have continued to suffer under democrat control. Witness the last 7 years as prime proof.

"You democrats", I'm not a democrat.

Also, everyone knows that democrats back then were the right.

So, coming up with a ridiculous argument, and then trying to stand by your ridiculous argument.... I mean, come off it.

People suffered under the Nazis, that doesn't mean that everyone who suffers suffers because of the Nazis. Jeez, and ever worse argument than the one before, who'd have thought it?

I'm waiting for an even worse argument to try and back up your previously ridiculous arguments from before.
Prove me wrong. You democrats have always had the same goal of controlling people on the plantation and elsewhere. You haven't changed, only your methods have changed. Pretending you're on the side of the black man. Hah! Minorities have continued to suffer under democrat control. Witness the last 7 years as prime proof.

Controlling people? Like not allowing blacks to vote? Like not allowing women to have abortions? Like not allowing gays to marry? That kind of control?
Sure, just like Stalin's USSR, Mao's China and Hitler's Germany, how else would Progressives be able to murder their own citizens

Or let's have a tonne of guns on the street like Pakistan, the Congo and Iraq. We can all take things to the nth degree. Don't want to take your guns away, just have a few rules around them. Owning a gun should be a privilege in a civilised society, not a right.
Both left and right have been living the OP on this Board as long as I have been posting here.
The time has finally come to tell the left to go fuck themselves.

And when we laugh in your crybaby faces, what then? Will you cry at us even harder? Ooh, scary.

You've lost. The nation thinks that your pervy immoral opinions suck. Your can now choose between being a classy loser and a sore loser. If you go the sore loser route, everyone will keep laughing at you even harder.

No, you have no idea what you have unleashed with this bathroom issue. You will finally reap the whirlwind you have created with your constant demands that we accommodate more and more perversion and efforts to recruit children into perverse lifestyles. You think we will continue to roll over us, but that day is done. Since you seek to destroy us, and everything we hold dear, we have no choice but to fight you with every fiber of our being.

You are having delusions of grandeur.
The time has finally come to tell the left to go fuck themselves.

And when we laugh in your crybaby faces, what then? Will you cry at us even harder? Ooh, scary.

You've lost. The nation thinks that your pervy immoral opinions suck. Your can now choose between being a classy loser and a sore loser. If you go the sore loser route, everyone will keep laughing at you even harder.

No, you have no idea what you have unleashed with this bathroom issue. You will finally reap the whirlwind you have created with your constant demands that we accommodate more and more perversion and efforts to recruit children into perverse lifestyles. You think we will continue to roll over us, but that day is done. Since you seek to destroy us, and everything we hold dear, we have no choice but to fight you with every fiber of our being.

You are having delusions of grandeur.
You are going to lose.

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