The time has finally come to tell the left to go fuck themselves.

Glad to see you lame brains finally posting some evidence instead of talking through your asses.

But . . . the weather and petitions mean nothing unless you have hard dollar numbers. Do you?
Why would anyone boycotting Target need to do anything besides take their money elsewhere? What? You think if they don't spend it at Faget the money isn't being spent somewhere else?
So "no I don't" is your answer.
See Fakey this is how you prove what you post....try it and you won't look like a fool.

In a recent Wall Street Journal interview, Target CEO Brian Cornell pegged the downturn in the company’s fortunes to the cold weather as opposed to anything the company itself is doing or not doing.

“It’s been a very wet and cold start to the year and it’s reflected in our sales,” Cornell told the paper. “We haven’t seen anything from a structural standpoint that gives us pause.”
He's got to cover his ass somehow, those stockholder lawsuits are gonna start rolling's just a matter of time..
See Fakey this is how you prove what you post....try it and you won't look like a fool.

In a recent Wall Street Journal interview, Target CEO Brian Cornell pegged the downturn in the company’s fortunes to the cold weather as opposed to anything the company itself is doing or not doing.

“It’s been a very wet and cold start to the year and it’s reflected in our sales,” Cornell told the paper. “We haven’t seen anything from a structural standpoint that gives us pause.”
He's got to cover his ass somehow, those stockholder lawsuits are gonna start rolling's just a matter of time..

I suspect he's finished....the stockholders don't give a shit about bathrooms, transgenders or political correctness....they want results
See Fakey this is how you prove what you post....try it and you won't look like a fool.

In a recent Wall Street Journal interview, Target CEO Brian Cornell pegged the downturn in the company’s fortunes to the cold weather as opposed to anything the company itself is doing or not doing.

“It’s been a very wet and cold start to the year and it’s reflected in our sales,” Cornell told the paper. “We haven’t seen anything from a structural standpoint that gives us pause.”
He's got to cover his ass somehow, those stockholder lawsuits are gonna start rolling's just a matter of time..

I suspect he's finished....the stockholders don't give a shit about bathrooms, transgenders or political correctness....they want results
Yes, but the point is...other companies are watching Target's self-inflicted wounds bleed out and thinking twice about how many people actually support the Church of LGBT and their crybullies' endless tantrums and escalatingly-bizarre demands.
The downturn was clearly weather and not a buncha far right clowns upset about bathrooms.
The downturn was clearly weather and not a buncha far right clowns upset about bathrooms.
And the spin begins....but don't think for a minute Jakey that other companies watching the death kicks of Target are going to make the mistake of believing your cult's lies again...they know why Target is dying. It's their business to sift through the bullshit and get down to brass tacks. The bottom line demands that level of filtering.
The downturn was clearly weather and not a buncha far right clowns upset about bathrooms.
And the spin begins....but don't think for a minute Jakey that other companies watching the death kicks of Target are going to make the mistake of believing your cult's lies again...they know why Target is dying. It's their business to sift through the bullshit and get down to brass tacks. The bottom line demands that level of filtering.
You are merely spinning a non-issue, Sil. Doesn't matter. There is no cult, except the Cul of Sil.
You right winged nuts, you hopeless slabs of shit, all of you have got to find things to do with your free time than stress over this non fuckin many gotdamned transgender teens do you nuts think attend our public schools? 5 maybe? My God you people make a retarded 1 year old look smarter....please for the sake of humanity, move on with your sorry lives.....the clock is tickin!!:blahblah:

IF that is the case, then why did Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama chose to make a grand, national incident about the non-issue?

Does President Obama NOT have enough to do?

Due to policies of this President, the Middle East is on fire, we are returning troops to Iraq, China, Russia, and North Korea are aggressively making fools of us. Iran is pursuing their nuclear and rocket ambitions. The nation is split racially more than it has ever been in modern times. The economy is stagnant at best with not a single year above 3.0 percent the entire President Obama administration. The first president in HISTORY to earn that distinction.
So what does President Obama do? Play golf and tell us our gender is whatever we think it is.... Disgusting!

Whether people believe my marriage is real or not is of little consequence to me.

I am beginning to wonder if I am made of stone. lol
Niether did interracial marriages and segregation. Why are you not whining about those issues forced by the courts? Doesn't fit the narrtive?

No it doesn't!!
But nobody expects you to agree even if you were capable of understanding the differences.

Nobody really cares if you think gay marriage is legitimate or not.

"Nobody" describes you and yours perfectly.

God knows we tried. So has He.

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