The time has finally come to tell the left to go fuck themselves.

Civil rights are civil rights and they are what the courts defines as civil right.

Yes, it is the same narrative for interracial and LGBT marriages as segregation or suffrage.

When are you going to cross over and become a democrat like I did? The republicans have lost their ever loving minds. We could use some more votes this nov!
The Left will always claim they did all the good things in the World, but the truth is they can not back up those claims.

Typically the left will state the opposite of what they have done.

They will ignore history and right a new history.
Yes, the debate is over. The leftists are out for power and they will do anything to attain power. Everything the Democrats do, is bad for people, not just Americans, but all people of the entire World.

Sure it is. Like medical care, human rights, things like that, you know, liberal things.

As opposed to the good things on the right, war, poverty, religion etc.
Liberals did not create medical care, Liberals fight against human rights, Liberals destroy, in history, in the present, and in the future.

Yeah, sure, and you're going to back this up? No you're not, are you?
Which part? How about proving your comments? Or is it liberals simply dictate.

See, I told you that you wouldn't back anything up.
Liberals created most of modern day rights and the tech that has made our lives trillions of times better.
-5 day, 40 hour work weeks
-Ended slavery and child labor
-Formed unions and bargaining rights for the workers.
-Cleaned our air, water and food with smart regulations!
-Advanced science and paved our highways.

All liberal ideas.
Prove it.

Always asking others to prove things, but you'll never prove anything you say. .
Always asking others to prove things, but you'll never prove anything you say. .
Right, he said it, he should prove it. But like all things Liberal, you dictate and expect your word to stand as the law.

My threads all contain fact, I have yet to see you dispute any fact in any of my threads. I reply to all who question my posts. Maybe I miss one or two from time to time, that is inevitable.
Do you not have a Klan meeting to go to?
Hah! You're not aware the KKK was started by Democrats? That's your heritage, not ours. Controlling people is what slavers did and is what democrats do best. All those regulations that control people's lives stem from democrats.

Like I say , you guys haven't changed, only your methods.f
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I don't harbor any ill will towards the LGBTQ community but I resent the idea of big goverment greatly. Whether the administration of our government is run by Republicans, Democrats or Independents, my feeling is the same - don't dictate to the citizens how to live their lives when the affairs of the nation as a.whole and our role in international affairs is in such obvious disarray.

We've got problems with national debt, unemployment, drugs, guns, mental health, national security and a growing war with terrorism. But you want us to come together and alter our lifestyle and put our kids at risk for trauma so children who aren't really sure about their sex can use whichever bathroom suits them? GO FUCK YOURSELF!
Always asking others to prove things, but you'll never prove anything you say. .
Right, he said it, he should prove it. But like all things Liberal, you dictate and expect your word to stand as the law.

My threads all contain fact, I have yet to see you dispute any fact in any of my threads. I reply to all who question my posts. Maybe I miss one or two from time to time, that is inevitable.

It's funny. I asked you to prove it, and all you've done since is go and ask others to prove things for you.
Only, you made claims too. It wasn't until AFTER i asked you to prove YOUR claims that you started to ask others. I knew this would happen. I just proved my theory right.
Telling you that you are full of shit is not a claim, it is fact.
The good news is, Obama will be gone just months from now.

The bad news is, the left will always be here.
Obama destroyed America as we knew her. The one Obama made resembles a smoldering mound of whale dung

President Obama's demand that public schools force little girls to share their bathrooms with confused boys is the final straw. The time has finally come to tell the left to go fuck themselves.

We should no longer attempt to peacefully work out our differences with the left, or engage them in debate, or try to persuade them.

We must realize now that the left disrespects the democratic process, and cheats to win its victories, as they did with abortion in 1973, and same-sex marriage last year.

What we need to do now is figure out who's on our side, and meet with them in private homes and in churches and town halls and work out some sort of a plan to wrest power from the left. We need to purge their influence from the public schools, academia, media, and the government. It is not sufficient to win elections, we need to take away all their power to influence the public, especially children.
We already told the right to go fuck themselves. Jeb kasich carson rubio Cruz huckabee Christie Paul santorum fiorino
Obama destroyed America as we knew her. The one Obama made resembles a smoldering mound of whale dung


How? How did Obama get so much power he could destroy the US?

I mean, he took over one third of the government in 2009 and it was in the worst recession since the Great Depression. There were so many problems with race, with ghettos, with poverty, with all sorts. What has changed in the last 8 years?

Not much at all. The US is still on the downward spiral is was on in 2008.

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