The time has finally come to tell the left to go fuck themselves.

Niether did interracial marriages and segregation. Why are you not whining about those issues forced by the courts? Doesn't fit the narrtive?

No it doesn't!!
But nobody expects you to agree even if you were capable of understanding the differences.

Nobody really cares if you think gay marriage is legitimate or not.

"Nobody" describes you and yours perfectly.

God knows we tried. So has He.

Funny how that standard of Rook's about the courts usurping the democratic process doesn't apply in those instances.

I wish I could muster the fucks to give about what you think of me and mine, but I just cannot. Sorry.
Civil rights are civil rights and they are what the courts defines as civil right.

Yes, it is the same narrative for interracial and LGBT marriages as segregation or suffrage.
President Obama's demand that public schools force little girls to share their bathrooms with confused boys is the final straw. The time has finally come to tell the left to go fuck themselves.

We should no longer attempt to peacefully work out our differences with the left, or engage them in debate, or try to persuade them.

We must realize now that the left disrespects the democratic process, and cheats to win its victories, as they did with abortion in 1973, and same-sex marriage last year.

What we need to do now is figure out who's on our side, and meet with them in private homes and in churches and town halls and work out some sort of a plan to wrest power from the left. We need to purge their influence from the public schools, academia, media, and the government. It is not sufficient to win elections, we need to take away all their power to influence the public, especially children.
I have to agree about not allowing the new push to get transgender's into ladies bathrooms because it endangers women and children. That is not to say Transgenders will be the problem, but it is to point out that perverts and sex offenders will abuse the system claiming to be transgenders. I have to say fuck the left on the bathroom issue. It's not worth a woman getting raped or a child getting abused. It's not worth having some perv film your mother,sister,wife,daughter in the bathroom and downloading it to the internet as porn. This is where the line has to be drawn. Transgenders will have to go in single stall bathrooms if they don't want to use the ones of the gender they were born with. Either that or all bathrooms will have to become single stall bathrooms, take your pick.
Yes, the debate is over. The leftists are out for power and they will do anything to attain power. Everything the Democrats do, is bad for people, not just Americans, but all people of the entire World.
President Obama's demand that public schools force little girls to share their bathrooms with confused boys is the final straw. The time has finally come to tell the left to go fuck themselves.

We should no longer attempt to peacefully work out our differences with the left, or engage them in debate, or try to persuade them.

We must realize now that the left disrespects the democratic process, and cheats to win its victories, as they did with abortion in 1973, and same-sex marriage last year.

What we need to do now is figure out who's on our side, and meet with them in private homes and in churches and town halls and work out some sort of a plan to wrest power from the left. We need to purge their influence from the public schools, academia, media, and the government. It is not sufficient to win elections, we need to take away all their power to influence the public, especially children.

You have been doing that for years.

How do you 'wrest power from the left'?

Convince more people to live their lives in hate like you do........
Yes, the debate is over. The leftists are out for power and they will do anything to attain power. Everything the Democrats do, is bad for people, not just Americans, but all people of the entire World.

Yes we will 'do anything' for power- and by 'anything'- I mean vote.

The Conservatives will do what they do best- whine and whine and whine......
Yes, the debate is over. The leftists are out for power and they will do anything to attain power. Everything the Democrats do, is bad for people, not just Americans, but all people of the entire World.

Sure it is. Like medical care, human rights, things like that, you know, liberal things.

As opposed to the good things on the right, war, poverty, religion etc.
Yes, the debate is over. The leftists are out for power and they will do anything to attain power. Everything the Democrats do, is bad for people, not just Americans, but all people of the entire World.

Sure it is. Like medical care, human rights, things like that, you know, liberal things.

As opposed to the good things on the right, war, poverty, religion etc.
Liberals did not create medical care, Liberals fight against human rights, Liberals destroy, in history, in the present, and in the future.
Yes, the debate is over. The leftists are out for power and they will do anything to attain power. Everything the Democrats do, is bad for people, not just Americans, but all people of the entire World.

Sure it is. Like medical care, human rights, things like that, you know, liberal things.

As opposed to the good things on the right, war, poverty, religion etc.
Liberals did not create medical care, Liberals fight against human rights, Liberals destroy, in history, in the present, and in the future.

Yeah, sure, and you're going to back this up? No you're not, are you?
The mother fucker TRIES to make this shit a CIVIL IS NOT!!!!


it a movement alright- one big brown smelly one.
Yes, the debate is over. The leftists are out for power and they will do anything to attain power. Everything the Democrats do, is bad for people, not just Americans, but all people of the entire World.

Sure it is. Like medical care, human rights, things like that, you know, liberal things.

As opposed to the good things on the right, war, poverty, religion etc.
Liberals did not create medical care, Liberals fight against human rights, Liberals destroy, in history, in the present, and in the future.

So what are you suggesting the solution should be? Thinking about a "final solution"?
Yes, the debate is over. The leftists are out for power and they will do anything to attain power. Everything the Democrats do, is bad for people, not just Americans, but all people of the entire World.

Sure it is. Like medical care, human rights, things like that, you know, liberal things.

As opposed to the good things on the right, war, poverty, religion etc.
Liberals did not create medical care, Liberals fight against human rights, Liberals destroy, in history, in the present, and in the future.

Yeah, sure, and you're going to back this up? No you're not, are you?
Which part? How about proving your comments? Or is it liberals simply dictate.
Yes, the debate is over. The leftists are out for power and they will do anything to attain power. Everything the Democrats do, is bad for people, not just Americans, but all people of the entire World.

Sure it is. Like medical care, human rights, things like that, you know, liberal things.

As opposed to the good things on the right, war, poverty, religion etc.
Liberals did not create medical care, Liberals fight against human rights, Liberals destroy, in history, in the present, and in the future.

So what are you suggesting the solution should be? Thinking about a "final solution"?
That is a big leap, on your part.
Yes, the debate is over. The leftists are out for power and they will do anything to attain power. Everything the Democrats do, is bad for people, not just Americans, but all people of the entire World.

Sure it is. Like medical care, human rights, things like that, you know, liberal things.

As opposed to the good things on the right, war, poverty, religion etc.
Liberals did not create medical care, Liberals fight against human rights, Liberals destroy, in history, in the present, and in the future.

Liberals created most of modern day rights and the tech that has made our lives trillions of times better.
-5 day, 40 hour work weeks
-Ended slavery and child labor
-Formed unions and bargaining rights for the workers.
-Cleaned our air, water and food with smart regulations!
-Advanced science and paved our highways.

All liberal ideas.
Liberals created most of modern day rights and the tech that has made our lives trillions of times better.
-5 day, 40 hour work weeks
-Ended slavery and child labor
-Formed unions and bargaining rights for the workers.
-Cleaned our air, water and food with smart regulations!
-Advanced science and paved our highways.

All liberal ideas.
Prove it.

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