*The Traitor ; Mike Pence*

Demanding that pence throw the 2020 election to the House is an unconstitutional act.

Insurrection is an unconstitutional act.
It would be. Good thing there was no insurrection.

And the President didn’t demand. He requested something, but not what you claim. When the only way you can make a point is to lie as you do, the point isn’t worth making, Odd0.
Mike pence. Stoic, even keeled. Doesn't name call. Doesn't brag. Displays what makes America great. Good Christian man. A leader.
It would be. Good thing there was no insurrection.

And the President didn’t demand. He requested something, but not what you claim. When the only way you can make a point is to lie as you do, the point isn’t worth making, Odd0.
What do you think the former 1-term president asked pence to do?
No, stupid. I just refute the bullshit you spew because of yours.
I'm not kissing the ring, you are.

What have you refuted? That J6 didn't happen?

The former president didn't attempt a coup?

What do you think the former 1-term president asked pence to do?
The once and future President Trump asked VP Pence to decline to certify the election— as per the Constitutional provision in relation to elections. Vice PresidentPence, in turn, refused, believing, as I do, that his duty required him to deny that request.
I'm not kissing the ring, you are.

What have you refuted? That J6 didn't happen?

The former president didn't attempt a coup?

Damn, but you’re a dullard. January 6 was a date. That date did come. It has since passed. Some bad conduct occurred on that date. That fact is so well known that even you seem to know it. But, you don’t appear to understand what it was and what it wasn’t.

The once and future President obviously did NOT commit or attempt to commit a coup.

The once and future President Trump asked VP Pence to decline to certify the election— as per the Constitutional provision in relation to elections. Vice PresidentPence, in turn, refused, believing, as I do, that his duty required him to deny that request.
What provision are you referring too?

We’re can one find that?
What provision are you referring too?

We’re can one find that?
The provision of the Constitution that tells the world that the VP does that function?

Seriously? You’ve been in the discussion this long and you still don’t even know the Constitutional issue involved?

You’re hopeless:

The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted; -- The person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President.--
The Constitution of the United States of America, 12th Amendment.
The provision of the Constitution that tells the world that the VP does that function?

Seriously? You’ve been in the discussion this long and you still don’t even know the Constitutional issue involved?

You’re hopeless:

The Constitution of the United States of America, 12th Amendment.
What provision covers the EC vote recording and what does it state?
What provision covers the EC vote recording and what does it state?
Let’s pretend I’m your errand boy.

Nah. Let’s not.

If you imagine that your have a point to make (( LOL )) then go ahead and do your own research and then get an intelligent adult to help you cobble together a few sentences.
Sorry bout that,

1. He Mikey Pence will fail soon.
2. You and he just don't know it yet.
3. He will run upon the sword thats being extended towards him.
4. Such foolishness.
5. READ:

Peter Navarro...Peter Navarro...Peter Navarro...

Oh yeah! He's the fringe lunatic Jared found on Amazon.com to be Trump's economic advisor. :lol:

I wonder if Jared used a coupon.

"I hire the best people."
Let’s pretend I’m your errand boy.

Nah. Let’s not.

If you imagine that your have a point to make (( LOL )) then go ahead and do your own research and then get an intelligent adult to help you cobble together a few sentences.
Again, the 12th Amendment doesn’t cover the actions of the EC vote recording that happened in J6.

There are rules which cover the function and I’m asking you if you’re aware of them? Because they cover what can and cannot be done.
The once and future President Trump asked VP Pence to decline to certify the election— as per the Constitutional provision in relation to elections. Vice PresidentPence, in turn, refused, believing, as I do, that his duty required him to deny that request.
There is no such provision which allows the VP to not certify the election.

That's why you are unable to cite it.

Your head is chock full of bullshit, son.
Again, the 12th Amendment doesn’t cover the actions of the EC vote recording that happened in J6.

There are rules which cover the function and I’m asking you if you’re aware of them? Because they cover what can and cannot be done.
Are you familiar with them? Can you cite them and link them? Or are you seeking to use me to do the research FOR you?
Are you familiar with them? Can you cite them and link them? Or are you seeking to use me to do the research FOR you?
No, I’m just pointing out your lazy ill informed opinion and sycophancy.

You keep reinforcing it.
You made the claim. The burden of proof is on YOU.
Thanks for jumping in, in the middle. Please see if you can retrace them steps now, you schmuck. Tell us all what claim I made allegedly that requires support? What exactly do you imagine that burden would be if I had made such a claim?

Until then, as always, gfy.

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