*The Traitor ; Mike Pence*

Even John Eastman knew the idea of Pence de-certifying the electoral count was illegal as fuck.

But once a parroting rube gets a big lie in their heads, you can never ever dig it out.
Thanks for jumping in, in the middle. Please see if you can retrace them steps now, you schmuck. Tell us all what claim I made allegedly that requires support? What exactly do you imagine that burden would be if I had made such a claim?

Until then, as always, gfy.
You said, "The once and future President Trump asked VP Pence to decline to certify the election— as per the Constitutional provision in relation to elections."

You claimed there is a Constitutional provision which allows Pence to "decline to certify the election".

Prove it.

You can't. Because no such provision exists.
No, I’m just pointing out your lazy ill informed opinion and sycophancy.

You keep reinforcing it.
No. You’re simply asking stupid questions for no purpose, apparently.

The only thing you are reinforcing is the fact that you have nothing intelligent to contribute. Also, of course, you’re a lazy little libtard.

If you can screw down any courage of any kind at all and demonstrate your first sign of gumption, here’s something that could be useful. Stop playing your usual cheesedick games. Stake a claim, bitch.

What is it you think I’m mistaken about? Go ahead. It’s ok. Say it. Then, try to support it.

Go. But, until then, at least stop publicly sucking Brandon’s weenie.
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Even John Eastman knew the idea of Pence de-certifying the electoral count was illegal as fuck.

But once a parroting rube gets a big lie in their heads, you can never ever dig it out.
Oh. So in your presently confused state of severe mental retardation, I gather that you imagine I ever said that Pence could decertify any election? I never did say, suggest, imply or believe any such thing.

You imbecile.
Here is the 12th Amendment:

Here is the Electoral Count Act:

As any fool can see, the Vice President cannot refuse to certify. Under the ECA, he can ask if anyone objects to the count, and any objections must be signed by at least one Senator and one member of the House.

The House and Senate then withdraw to their respective chambers and debate the objections, and then vote on whether or not the electoral votes are lawful.

The lawful electoral votes are then returned to the Vice President who counts them.

ONLY the House and Senate TOGETHER can "de-certify" an electoral count. NOT the Vice President.

That's. It.
You said, "The once and future President Trump asked VP Pence to decline to certify the election— as per the Constitutional provision in relation to elections."

You claimed there is a Constitutional provision which allows Pence to "decline to certify the election".

Prove it.

You can't. Because no such provision exists.
Yea. Good for you in being able to quote something. Trump did ask Pence to decline to certify the election. Pence was correct in saying no. So, moron, what’s your problem?

Do you argue just reflexively? I mean sure. You are retarded and all, but still. Even you shouldn’t express disagreement with me when you actually don’t disagree. You fucking moron. 🤣😂🤣😂
Back Seat Driver Donald J. Trump attempted to coerce his Vice President to violate the law. He attempted a coup.

When Pence refused to go along with the coup, Trump sicced the angry mob on him.
Here is the 12th Amendment:

Here is the Electoral Count Act:

As any fool can see, the Vice President cannot refuse to certify. Under the ECA, he can ask if anyone objects to the count, and any objections must be signed by at least one Senator and one member of the House.

The House and Senate then withdraw to their respective chambers and debate the objections, and then vote on whether or not the electoral votes are lawful.

The lawful electoral votes are then returned to the Vice President who counts them.

ONLY the House and Senate TOGETHER can "de-certify" an electoral count. NOT the Vice President.

That's. It.
Again, I never said he could refuse to certify.

Your inability to comprehend those “word” things is your problem. You fucking imbecile. 🤣😂
Back Seat Driver Donald J. Trump attempted to coerce his Vice President to violate the law. He attempted a coup.

When Pence refused to go along with the coup, Trump sicced the angry mob on him.
No part of your post ^ is truthful.
"Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!" - Traitor Trump tweet, after being informed the insurrectionists had breached the Capitol.
You said, "The once and future President Trump asked VP Pence to decline to certify the election— as per the Constitutional provision in relation to elections."

That ^ I did write
You claimed there is a Constitutional provision which allows Pence to "decline to certify the election".
No. I said no such thing, you dishonest imbecile.
"Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!" - Traitor Trump tweet, after being informed the insurrectionists had breached the Capitol.
So? Trump was wrong. As I’ve said many many times. Pence did only what his oath demanded.
Oh. So in your presently confused state of severe mental retardation, I gather that you imagine I ever said that Pence could decertify any election? I never did say, suggest, imply or believe any such thing.

You imbecile.
You said it quite plainly. Too late to backpedal now!
Your lack of comprehension is on full display. But then, you’ve never been smart or honest.
Again, you said it quite plainly.

"The once and future President Trump asked VP Pence to decline to certify the election— as per the Constitutional provision in relation to elections."
When push came to shove Vice President Pence was the only person to stand up and do his constituional duty, and performed a valuable service to our country, preventing the election to be stolen, against the will of the voters and the attempted trampling of our constitution. I thank him.
As for your OP position, all I can say is:

Sorry bout that,

1. So after the election was stolen the first time, there can not be a second steal once stolen elections should stay stolen.
2. What if the second time steal never was, *never happened*, maybe the President *DJT*, was just trying to un-steal the first theft.
3. Enquiring minds like mine, want to know.

Again, you said it quite plainly.

"The once and future President Trump asked VP Pence to decline to certify the election— as per the Constitutional provision in relation to elections."
Yea. I did. And you still don’t understand it.

Although, even though I find you a twit, I believe I see the nature of the problem. I think it might boil down to a misplaced modifier type thing.

It is the certification that is “per” the Constitutional provision. The request was to decline to do that thing. As I said, I believed then — and I believe now — that Pence was right to DENY the request.

If you weren’t just being a dick head; and if you actually were truly tripped up by my phrasing, then mea culpa. I hope this clarifies it for you and anybody else who didn’t get it.
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Thanks for jumping in, in the middle. Please see if you can retrace them steps now, you schmuck. Tell us all what claim I made allegedly that requires support? What exactly do you imagine that burden would be if I had made such a claim?

Until then, as always, gfy.
You claimed Mike pence could do something, what was that?

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