The transition of money from poor to rich has ruined America

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I'm just showing you how Republican policies don't help the middle class. They help the rich. And I'm showing you how the middle class got poorer and the rich got richer. They shipped our jobs overseas. And the CEO's made more money than ever because profits went through the roof. Then shareholders got dividends. You see? More money going to the guys at the top. I'm just showing you how the transition of money from the middle class to the rich has ruined America.
You apparently don't understand that millions of those holders are working folks with 401k's who benefit when stocks go up and/or pay dividends. That's how they get to retire comfortably without having to rely on Social Security to keep them from having to live out of dumpsters and eat dog food.
And in response, you quote a bullshit article from FOX News. That Bill, which doesn't do what you claim it does, just passed the House. So how has that bill lead to the current situation, since it's not even signed into law yet? for the past 40 years of Republican immigration policy?

And DACA recipients are not "illegal immigrants".
Republican policies like, "Stay in Mexico" and expedited depurations which both Obama and Biden canceled shortly after taking office?

Or like Title 42 which Biden has sworn to cancel?
You apparently don't understand that millions of those holders are working folks with 401k's who benefit when stocks go up and/or pay dividends. That's how they get to retire comfortably without having to rely on Social Security to keep them from having to live out of dumpsters and eat dog food.
Oh I knew that one liner was coming. Trust me, your 401K aint shit.

And 401K's were never meant to replace pensions. They were supposed to be in addition to pensions. What happened?
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Then stop with that shit about people without degrees being smarter. You just like the unedicated because they vote for Trump. For different reasons than you of course but whatever. You don't care about that.
More money you make more likely you are to vote Republican. Are people who make more money smarter than those who make less or does that Art History degree imply higher intelligence despite less pay?
So you just want to play word games. I did not have sex with that woman!!! It didn't work for Clinton, and it sure isn't working for you.
And I didn't tell Trump to impose Marshall Law. Even though it's Martial Law.
The GOP works very close with the Chamber of Commerce. You don't know that?

And not the local chamber of commerce. The one that sends jobs to Mexico and China.

NAFTA sent millions of American Jobs to Mexico and MFN status along with environmental regs sent millions more to China.
You apparently don't understand that millions of those holders are working folks with 401k's who benefit when stocks go up and/or pay dividends. That's how they get to retire comfortably without having to rely on Social Security to keep them from having to live out of dumpsters and eat dog food.

So you want your retirees to be live off the work of others, while not working, but when the government does the same thing for poor people, it's wrong.

I want working people to be able to live off their wages, not to be forced give it to retirees who have savings.
And in response, you quote a bullshit article from FOX News. That Bill, which doesn't do what you claim it does, just passed the House. So how has that bill lead to the current situation, since it's not even signed into law yet? for the past 40 years of Republican immigration policy?

And DACA recipients are not "illegal immigrants".
I am talking about illegal immigrants, not DACA, please try to keep up skippy.
More money you make more likely you are to vote Republican. Are people who make more money smarter than those who make less or does that Art History degree imply higher intelligence despite less pay?
Well college educated people are smarter than people who come from money. Self made men compared to old money.

And college educated people vote Democratic. Yes, if/when they become more investor class they start seeing things more from a conservative standpoint. I do too.

But how many of them are there compared to us? So if people voted for the party that best represents their financial interests, Republicans would only get 20 maybe 30% of the vote. How do Republican sucker more votes? Social wedge issues. Guns, god, gays, racism,
And in response, you quote a bullshit article from FOX News. That Bill, which doesn't do what you claim it does, just passed the House. So how has that bill lead to the current situation, since it's not even signed into law yet? for the past 40 years of Republican immigration policy?

And DACA recipients are not "illegal immigrants".
DACA folks did enter the US illegally, and are in fact illegal immigrats...literally DACA means Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals....meaning it's the policy to defer deportation action on them.

The Xiden Admin, who is in charge of enforcing federal law, including immigration law, has made it their policy to not enforce or even attempt to catch employers that knowing hire illegals: Biden Dismantles the Ban on Hiring Illegal Immigrants
Then why did Bush say the reason he was giving the rich tax breaks was because that surplus was their money and he was just giving it back to them?

We certainly didn't have a surplus after Bush bankrupted us in Iraq.
That's already been shown to be a lie so why are you repeating it?

There's supposed to be a surplus in Social Security, when there isn't it rapidly starts approaching insolvency which is what we're headed for now.

Because Social Security has been so abused and expanded without a corresponding hike in Social Security taxes it's operating in the red.

That's mainly a result of millions of people getting social security disability who never paid a dime into it or who at least never paid in for the average forty years or so of expected working lifetimes.
NAFTA sent millions of American Jobs to Mexico and MFN status along with environmental regs sent millions more to China.

The environmental regulations thing is yet another Republican lie. Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush negotiated and signed NAFTA. Reagan said Mexicans wouldn't come to the USA if they had jobs at home.

Republicans sold Americans like you on Global free trade. Democrats opposed it bitterly, and you shit on them for it. Clinton insisted on changes to NAFTA to try to protect American jobs, really didn't want the deal at all, but went along with the changes.

Now you blame the Democrats for the problems Republican free trade has caused. There are no people as gullible as Republican voters.
So you want your retirees to be live off the work of others, while not working, but when the government does the same thing for poor people, it's wrong.

I want working people to be able to live off their wages, not to be forced give it to retirees who have savings.
If you had a valid argument to make you'd not need to lie so much.
That's why the founders gave us a Republic with democratically elected legislators and a president elected by the electoral college and a constitution to protect our individual and state's rights.

They recognized democracy for what it is, mob rule.
That's why they set up an electoral college. Just in case "they" don't like who we vote for. So 90% of Michiganders could vote for Biden but the electoral college could give our 16 electoral votes to Trump and there isn't a god damn thing we can do about it.
DACA folks did enter the US illegally, and are in fact illegal immigrats...literally DACA means Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals....meaning it's the policy to defer deportation action on them.

The Xiden Admin, who is in charge of enforcing federal law, including immigration law, has made it their policy to not enforce or even attempt to catch employers that knowing hire illegals: Biden Dismantles the Ban on Hiring Illegal Immigrants

The DACA kids were brought to the USA by their parents. The are undocumented, not illegal. The whole term "illegal immigrants" is a fallacy, and ignores human migration since the dawn of time.
NAFTA sent millions of American Jobs to Mexico and MFN status along with environmental regs sent millions more to China.
I like environmental regulations. If we can't do it clean here, do it in china.

We do need to bring vital manufacturing back to the USA but not all of it. Let Mexico and China destroy their environment.

But we need to make chips and vaccines in the USA.

The environmental regulations thing is yet another Republican lie. Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush negotiated and signed NAFTA. Reagan said Mexicans wouldn't come to the USA if they had jobs at home.

Republicans sold Americans like you on Global free trade. Democrats opposed it bitterly, and you shit on them for it. Clinton insisted on changes to NAFTA to try to protect American jobs, really didn't want the deal at all, but went along with the changes.

Now you blame the Democrats for the problems Republican free trade has caused. There are no people as gullible as Republican voters.
The EPA, Clean Air and Clean water acts drove most of our heavy industry overseas. We can't even process our own ores to make steel and other metals in the US today, we have to send them overseas for processing and then have to pay a substantial markup on the refined products to get them back into the US to manufacture with.

Republicans don't have clean hands either especially in respect to NAFTA which passed both houses overwhelmingly.

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