The transition of money from poor to rich has ruined America

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Because lowering taxes on the rich caused the wealth gap.

Same reason i want to go after illegal employers. They are robbing the middle class of a trillion dollars every year.

how is allowing people to keep more of what they earned somehow the problem? That's not the problem.

I don't disagree we should go after people that knowingly hire illegal aliens.
It has less with compromising than it does personal opinion. My state just passed Constitutional Carry, and I, as a pro-gun righty Republican don't support it. In fact none of my Republican friends or family do. It has nothing to do with siding with the left, it has to do removing precautions that keep assholes that don't know how to use a gun from taking one in public without training, experience, or the understanding of our laws.
AGREE, Pro gun, independent, social liberal. There is always a middle ground worth exploring.
I don't mean fuck the poor. What I'm saying is, you can't fix the poor. There will always be poor. But how poor? Today poor people aren't as poor as poor people were in the 1930's. Not with social safety nets, thanks to us liberals. We can't raise the minumum wage to fix the poor. A lot of small business owners rely on paying minimum wage and they can't provide healthcare. So us liberals got them Obamacare. Did these stupid fucks show up and vote? No. In fact a lot of them voted for Trump.

Point is, there will always be poor. Capitalism needs ditch diggers. My goal as a politician would be to fix the middle class. That fixes the poor and helps the rich. The rich sell us their shit and if there is a huge big successful middle class, the only people who are poor are the people who deserve to be poor.
What passes for poor in the US is middle class or upper MC in about 90% of the world.

US median income is about six times that of Russia for example which is several thousand dollars below the US Poverty line.

Poor people in the US get free or subsidized housing, health care, food, transportation, telephone and internet services. Most of the world's population will never hope to have all of those things.
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Define "wealthy".

That old lie again? Dementia has said the most racist comments in our lifetime as a candidate for President. Trump said none.

Trump clamped down on illegal immigration and it led to higher wages (naturally, not manufactured) a thriving economy, and less wage depression for American workers. However we still kept our legal immigration in place, and that is allow a million outsiders to become Americans every year. This on top of our generous green cards and Visa's we pass out annually.

Working people don't need handouts by government. All handouts do is encourage people to work less hours. There are plenty of good paying jobs for people to work if they take the initiative to get them. Walmart is offering high five digit pay to six digit pay for truck drivers. We are very short postal workers, a job at one time many people would have loved to have. In our city the bricklayers union is paying any retiree $500.00 if they can find a younger person to join the trade. It pays in the $50.00 an hour range when you include all benefits. Plenty of work, plenty of overtime, and you get unemployment during the winter months when bricks can't be laid.

The problem in our country are drugs. Better paying jobs often require drug tests that people can't pass. Now that we have this buffoon in office with a virtual open border, we are getting more dope smuggled in by the month hooking more people on the stuff.

Drugs are a symptom of your problem, not the problem itself. Drugs and alcohol are the "diseases of despair". Your "for profit" medical system is a HUGE part of your drug problem. Drug addicts are the best customers, and your pharmaceutical industry made billions addicting the nation. The drugs are coming from Merck, not the open border.

There is no "open border" when Democrats are in office. That's just another Republican lie that you continue to promote. Republicans are all in favour of the open border. It's a political thing they get huge mileage on from fools like you.

Illegal immigration goes down under Democrats because Democrats prosecute the employers. You always ignore the employers - the Republicans who keep hiring illegals with impunity when a Republican is in office.

All of the problems you keep blaming the Democrats for, are lies Republicans have told you.
Funny you say that

Democracy is supposed to enact the will of the people. But what if the people have no clue what they’re doing?​

OK, so that just happened. Donald Trump always enjoyed massive support from uneducated, low-information white people. As Bloomberg Politics reported back in August, Hillary Clinton was enjoying a giant 25 percentage-point lead among college-educated voters going into the election. (Whether that trend held up remains to be seen.) In contrast, in the 2012 election, college-educated voters just barely favored Barack Obama over Mitt Romney. Last night we saw something historic: the dance of the dunces. Never have educated voters so uniformly rejected a candidate. But never before have the lesser-educated so uniformly supported a candidate.

Trump owes his victory to the uninformed. But it’s not just Trump. Political scientists have been studying what voters know and how they think for well over 65 years. The results are frightening. Voters generally know who the president is but not much else. They don’t know which party controls Congress, what Congress has done recently, whether the economy is getting better or worse (or by how much). In the 2000 U.S. presidential election, most voters knew Al Gore was more liberal than George W. Bush, but significantly less than half knew that Gore was more supportive of abortion rights, more supportive of welfare-state programs, favored a higher degree of aid to blacks, or was more supportive of environmental regulation.
That's why the founders gave us a Republic with democratically elected legislators and a president elected by the electoral college and a constitution to protect our individual and state's rights.

They recognized democracy for what it is, mob rule.
There is no "open border" when Democrats are in office. That's just another Republican lie that you continue to promote. Republicans are all in favour of the open border. It's a political thing they get huge mileage on from fools like you.
If that's true how did 2 million illegals sneak into the country last year?
Dimtards claim the poor don’t have anything, and yet all the mega-rich got that way by taking shit from the poor. Dimtard logic. :laughing0301: :cuckoo:
I'm saying the rich are fucking us middle class people not poor people. In the 1980's for example Reagan raised our retirment ages. That mother fucker tacked on 2 more years that I would have to work before I got full social security. It's 67 now. Was 65 when I was growing up. Think about that. What other president has cost you 2 more years of your life and your income? I can't believe you forgive him for that. Imagine you finally reach your destination and someone says sorry you have to keep going for 2 more years. What a cock sucker huh?

The poor people got it great in this country. You rich people tried to take healthcare from their kids but John McCain saved them. And they don't pay taxes. You're fucking the middle class with your policies.
If that's true how did 2 million illegals sneak into the country last year?
How come 2 million didn't go to Canada? Because Canada doesn't have an illegal employer problem. Their corporations wouldn't dare hire illegal immigrants. American corporations used to not too but since Reagan they stopped caring. And under Bush 2, they really stopped caring. He stopped even raiding illegal employers. I think Clinton raided like 300 companies a year. Bush 2 raided like 4 the entire time he was President. Piece of shit.
Having a college degree isn't necessarily a mark of intelligence.

I've known PhaD's that couldn't change a flat tire and engineers that couldn't build a bird house much less a house to live in.

Intellect is simply the ability to learn and that include people who develop technical and blue collar skills and those who own and operate all sorts of small businesses.
Turns out yes, people who have a high school degree are smarter than people who don't. And people who have a college degree are smarter than people who don't. Don't kid yourself stupid.
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I'm saying the rich are fucking us middle class people not poor people. In the 1980's for example Reagan raised our retirment ages. That mother fucker tacked on 2 more years that I would have to work before I got full social security. It's 67 now. Was 65 when I was growing up. Think about that. What other president has cost you 2 more years of your life and your income? I can't believe you forgive him for that. Imagine you finally reach your destination and someone says sorry you have to keep going for 2 more years. What a cock sucker huh?

The poor people got it great in this country. You rich people tried to take healthcare from their kids but John McCain saved them. And they don't pay taxes. You're fucking the middle class with your policies.
Boo Hoo for you having to work two whole years extra before retirement.

The only choices were to significantly increase Social Security Taxes, increase retirement age, or get people to stop living so much longer after retirement than they did in 1935 when it was created.

If Social Security is all you have to retire on you fucked up. Regan also gave us such things as 401k's and other private retirement accounts that allow for smart and frugal people to retire with more income than they had during their working years in many cases.

It isn't Reagans' fault you failed to plan for your retirement.
Lol, good one! It's you faggy libtards that keep people in poverty by providing adults a taxpayer funded hammock.

Here is an article from 2004 when you guys said George Bush was doing a heck of a job.

The top executives at the firms that use outsourcing the most got a 46 percent pay increase.

The CEOs of the top 50 U.S. companies that sent service jobs overseas pulled down far more pay than their counterparts at other large companies last year, according to a study released Tuesday.

And you blame us Democrats for the wealth gap widening? Wake up.
How come 2 million didn't go to Canada? Because Canada doesn't have an illegal employer problem. Their corporations wouldn't dare hire illegal immigrants. American corporations used to not too but since Reagan they stopped caring. And under Bush 2, they really stopped caring. He stopped even raiding illegal employers. I think Clinton raided like 300 companies a year. Bush 2 raided like 4 the entire time he was President. Piece of shit.
You are of course making shit up now. They don't go to Canada because they don't want to and that is largely because there are so few opportunities in Canada along with the fact the gov't isn't both welcoming and providing for them.

There's a multi billion dollar market in providing false documents to illegals operating on both sides of the border and as long as they provide the required documents employers are stuck. If they refuse to hire or choose to fire them on the basis they are believed to actually be illegals the employers are liable under both civil and criminal statutes for discrimination and civil rights violations.
Boo Hoo for you having to work two whole years extra before retirement.

The only choices were to significantly increase Social Security Taxes, increase retirement age, or get people to stop living so much longer after retirement than they did in 1935 when it was created.

If Social Security is all you have to retire on you fucked up. Regan also gave us such things as 401k's and other private retirement accounts that allow for smart and frugal people to retire with more income than they had during their working years in many cases.

It isn't Reagans' fault you failed to plan for your retirement.
Oh so Reagan SAVED the program? LOL.

How about if Bush didn't invade Iraq, we could have saved the program? How about instead of Bush's tax breaks he gave the rich because of the Clinton Surplus, he put that surplus in the social security lock box?

And by the way. I've always said one day Republicans will cut all of our social security payments by 20% and tell us they did it to "save" the program.

Fuck you.
Turns out yes, people who have a high school degree are smarter than people who don't. And people who have a college degree are smarter than people who don't. Don't kid yourself stupid.
There you go making a fool of yourself again. I personally have 3 degrees, two BS and one MS.
You are of course making shit up now. They don't go to Canada because they don't want to and that is largely because there are so few opportunities in Canada along with the fact the gov't isn't both welcoming and providing for them.

There's a multi billion dollar market in providing false documents to illegals operating on both sides of the border and as long as they provide the required documents employers are stuck. If they refuse to hire or choose to fire them on the basis they are believed to actually be illegals the employers are liable under both civil and criminal statutes for discrimination and civil rights violations.
What spin. SPIN SPIN SPIN I like how you dance around the fact that American corporations hire illegal workers because they are cheaper than Americans workers and Canadian companies just don't do it.

Trust me, they've love to go to Canada. In Canada they have free government healthcare to go with those jobs. Oh wait! I forgot. An illegal probably can't use their free heathcare. I wonder how that works. Let's ask Dragon Lady. What if an illegal goes to a Canadian hospital?
Oh so Reagan SAVED the program? LOL.

How about if Bush didn't invade Iraq, we could have saved the program? How about instead of Bush's tax breaks he gave the rich because of the Clinton Surplus, he put that surplus in the social security lock box?

And by the way. I've always said one day Republicans will cut all of our social security payments by 20% and tell us they did it to "save" the program.

Fuck you.
You've lost your fucking mind. Social security isn't paying for military operations.

There has never been an actual social security lock box, it exists nowhere but on paper.

There has never been a proposal to cut social security payments by republicans so "fuck you".
There you go making a fool of yourself again. I personally have 3 degrees, two BS and one MS.
Then stop with that shit about people without degrees being smarter. You just like the unedicated because they vote for Trump. For different reasons than you of course but whatever. You don't care about that.
You've lost your fucking mind. Social security isn't paying for military operations.

There has never been an actual social security lock box, it exists nowhere but on paper.

There has never been a proposal to cut social security payments by republicans so "fuck you".
What? You mean making us all work 2 more years isn't a cut to the program? Fuck you!

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