The transition of money from poor to rich has ruined America

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What spin. SPIN SPIN SPIN I like how you dance around the fact that American corporations hire illegal workers because they are cheaper than Americans workers and Canadian companies just don't do it.

Trust me, they've love to go to Canada. In Canada they have free government healthcare to go with those jobs. Oh wait! I forgot. An illegal probably can't use their free heathcare. I wonder how that works. Let's ask Dragon Lady. What if an illegal goes to a Canadian hospital?
Facts are not "spin".

Canada's total population is only 38,500,000 so their economy cannot absorb many illegals and their system will not provide free health care to illegals.
Oh so Reagan SAVED the program? LOL.

How about if Bush didn't invade Iraq, we could have saved the program? How about instead of Bush's tax breaks he gave the rich because of the Clinton Surplus, he put that surplus in the social security lock box?

And by the way. I've always said one day Republicans will cut all of our social security payments by 20% and tell us they did it to "save" the program.

Fuck you.

Then stop with that shit about people without degrees being smarter. You just like the unedicated because they vote for Trump. For different reasons than you of course but whatever. You don't care about that.
You are either horribly ignorant or horribly dishonest.

I never said not having a degree means you are smarter.,

You'd be well advised to stop talking out of your ass.
Drugs are a symptom of your problem, not the problem itself. Drugs and alcohol are the "diseases of despair". Your "for profit" medical system is a HUGE part of your drug problem. Drug addicts are the best customers, and your pharmaceutical industry made billions addicting the nation. The drugs are coming from Merck, not the open border.

There is no "open border" when Democrats are in office. That's just another Republican lie that you continue to promote. Republicans are all in favour of the open border. It's a political thing they get huge mileage on from fools like you.

Illegal immigration goes down under Democrats because Democrats prosecute the employers. You always ignore the employers - the Republicans who keep hiring illegals with impunity when a Republican is in office.

All of the problems you keep blaming the Democrats for, are lies Republicans have told you.
Dumb, dumb, the Democrats passed a bill to allow themselves to hire illegals legally. When you get done blowing smoke let us know.
he gave the rich because of the Clinton Surplus,
There was never a Clinton Surplus. We never reduced the debt by a single dollar during his administration.

He fought the balanced budget tooth and nail including two gov't shutdowns before Gingrich and crew finally forced him into signing it.
What passes for poor in the US is middle class or upper MC in about 90% of the world.

US median income is about six times that of Russia for example which is several thousand dollars below the US Poverty line.

Poor people in the US get free or subsidized housing, health care, food, transportation, telephone and internet services. Most of the world's population will never hope to have all of those things.

You're just a parrot for ALL of the Republican lies, aren't you. You and Ray from Cleveland have drunk all of the Republican Kool Aid they hand you.

Poverty and malnutrition are rampant in the richest country in the world. In fact, you have the highest rate of poverty of all of the First World countries, so while you're patting yourself on the back because your poor people are fat instead of skinny, both are suffering from malnutrition and a lack of quality food available.

And instead of increasing the spending on education and helping people get out of poverty, you cut their funding, making it more difficult to improve their situations. Only two first world countries spend less money on education poor children than middle class or rich children: The USA and Turkey. Norway spends MORE money on educating poor children than rich children.

You have all these programs to help rich white kids get an education: legacy admissions to Ivy League universities, more scholarship athletics programs in rich neighbourhoods, like fencing, rowing, tennis, that aren't available in inner city schools. tutoring for SAT's, things like that. But "affirmative action" to ensure black kids get a chance - that's bridge too far. Some deserving white kids won't get in. Never mind all of the deserving people who don't get in because of legacy admissions.

George W Bush went to Yale and Harvard because his daddy went to Yale and Harvard, and his daddy was Speaker of the House. Even though, by his own admission, he wasn't a great student, and barely passed. But Obama, who was an exception student, and graduated "cum laude", you dubbed the "Affirmative Action" President.

You right wing clowns are so stupid and gullible that you ignore the facts, every single time, and go with the Republican lies.
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There you go making a fool of yourself again. I personally have 3 degrees, two BS and one MS.
Let's focus on this

The CEOs of the top 50 U.S. companies that sent service jobs overseas pulled down far more pay than their counterparts at other large companies last year

This is 2003 we are talking about. So under the Bush regime, when all those jobs were going overseas, the CEO's who sent the most jobs overseas made the most. That's a perfect example of how the rich waged war on the American middle class. Or how the rich got richer at the middle class' expense. This is exactly how America was ruined.

But notice it wasn't ruined for the rich. Republicans talk about make America great again? For who? Because for them, America is great now. If you are talking about making America great again for the middle class, that will not benefit the rich. Because America got better for them when it got worse for the middle class. The workers got fucked but the owners did even better. They showed their shareholders how much money they saved firing American workers and sending their jobs overseas.
Here is an article from 2004 when you guys said George Bush was doing a heck of a job.
I don't care what your 18 year old article says and I never claimed Bush was doing "a heck of a job". Your straw man is DOA.
There was never a Clinton Surplus. We never reduced the debt by a single dollar during his administration.

He fought the balanced budget tooth and nail including two gov't shutdowns before Gingrich and crew finally forced him into signing it.
Then why did Bush say the reason he was giving the rich tax breaks was because that surplus was their money and he was just giving it back to them?

We certainly didn't have a surplus after Bush bankrupted us in Iraq.
You're just a parrot for ALL of the Republican lies, aren't you. You and Ray from Cleveland have drunk all of the Republican Kool Aid they hand you.

Poverty and malnutrition are rampant in the richest country in the world. In fact, you have the highest rate of poverty of all of the First World countries, so while you're patting yourself on the back because your poor people are fat instead of skinny, both are suffering from malnutrition and a lack of quality food available.

And instead of increasing the spending on education and helping people get out of poverty, you cut their funding, making it more difficult to improve their situations. Only two first world countries spend less money on education poor children than middle class or rich children: The USA and Turkey. Norway spends MORE money on educating poor children than rich children.

You have all these programs to help rich white kids get an education: legacy admissions to Ivy League universities, more scholarship athletics programs in rich neighbourhoods, like fencing, rowing, tennis, that aren't available in inner city schools. tutoring for SAT's, things like that. But "affirmative action" to ensure black kids get a chance - that's bridge too far. Some deserving white kids won't get in. Never mind all of the deserving people who don't get in because of legacy admissions.

George W Bush went to Yale and Harvard because his daddy went to Yale and Harvard, and his daddy was Speaker of the House. Even though, by his own admission, he wasn't a great student, and barely passed. But Obama, who was an exception student, and graduated "cum laude", you dubbed the "Affirmative Action" President.

You right wing clowns are so stupid and gullible that you ignore the facts, every single time, and go with the Republican lies.
Obama got into prep school and Harvard because his grandparents were wealthy bankers. He admitted to also being a poor student who spent much of his college time using illegal drugs.

Not the kind of guy I'd want my kids to emulate.
Here is an article from 2004 when you guys said George Bush was doing a heck of a job.

The top executives at the firms that use outsourcing the most got a 46 percent pay increase.

The CEOs of the top 50 U.S. companies that sent service jobs overseas pulled down far more pay than their counterparts at other large companies last year, according to a study released Tuesday.

And you blame us Democrats for the wealth gap widening? Wake up.
Do you really think an opinion article by a democrat buttresses your argument?

Let's focus on this

The CEOs of the top 50 U.S. companies that sent service jobs overseas pulled down far more pay than their counterparts at other large companies last year

This is 2003 we are talking about. So under the Bush regime, when all those jobs were going overseas, the CEO's who sent the most jobs overseas made the most. That's a perfect example of how the rich waged war on the American middle class. Or how the rich got richer at the middle class' expense. This is exactly how America was ruined.

But notice it wasn't ruined for the rich. Republicans talk about make America great again? For who? Because for them, America is great now. If you are talking about making America great again for the middle class, that will not benefit the rich. Because America got better for them when it got worse for the middle class. The workers got fucked but the owners did even better. They showed their shareholders how much money they saved firing American workers and sending their jobs overseas.

Isn't that the job of a CEO, to make the company more profitable? And if not, then what is their job?
Dumb, dumb, the Democrats passed a bill to allow themselves to hire illegals legally. When you get done blowing smoke let us know.

And in response, you quote a bullshit article from FOX News. That Bill, which doesn't do what you claim it does, just passed the House. So how has that bill lead to the current situation, since it's not even signed into law yet? for the past 40 years of Republican immigration policy?

And DACA recipients are not "illegal immigrants".
Then why did Bush say the reason he was giving the rich tax breaks was because that surplus was their money and he was just giving it back to them?

We certainly didn't have a surplus after Bush bankrupted us in Iraq.
Provide a quote of that statement in context.
I don't care what your 18 year old article says and I never claimed Bush was doing "a heck of a job". Your straw man is DOA.
I'm just showing you how Republican policies don't help the middle class. They help the rich. And I'm showing you how the middle class got poorer and the rich got richer. They shipped our jobs overseas. And the CEO's made more money than ever because profits went through the roof. Then shareholders got dividends. You see? More money going to the guys at the top. I'm just showing you how the transition of money from the middle class to the rich has ruined America.
I'm just showing you how Republican policies don't help the middle class. They help the rich. And I'm showing you how the middle class got poorer and the rich got richer. They shipped our jobs overseas. And the CEO's made more money than ever because profits went through the roof. Then shareholders got dividends. You see? More money going to the guys at the top. I'm just showing you how the transition of money from the middle class to the rich has ruined America.

So what did Republicans have to do with company decisions?
And in response, you quote a bullshit article from FOX News. That Bill, which doesn't do what you claim it does, just passed the House. So how has that bill lead to the current situation, since it's not even signed into law yet? for the past 40 years of Republican immigration policy?

And DACA recipients are not "illegal immigrants".
Yes they are, by definition they entered the country illegally.
And in response, you quote a bullshit article from FOX News. That Bill, which doesn't do what you claim it does, just passed the House. So how has that bill lead to the current situation, since it's not even signed into law yet? for the past 40 years of Republican immigration policy?

And DACA recipients are not "illegal immigrants".
Republicans are going to see suddenly our politicians are going to be opening the doors to all kinds of legal hispanic, arabic, asian, black and ukranian immigrants. We need them. All the companies say they can't find help. And we are dying faster than we are having kids.

I love our population going down but corporate America does not.
Do you really think an opinion article by a democrat buttresses your argument?


Once again, denial is not just a river in Egypt. It's not an opinion piece at all. It's a report on a study which was carried by all major mews outlets, including right wing sources.


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