The transition of money from poor to rich has ruined America

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If you had a valid argument to make you'd not need to lie so much.

I'm not lying at all. You have no responses, so you resort to insults.

You're one of the dumbest, most gullible and ill informed posters I've seen in years. You simply parrot FOX News lies about everything. You have no responses for the facts. You post no links, and when cornered you insult people.
The DACA kids were brought to the USA by their parents. The are undocumented, not illegal. The whole term "illegal immigrants" is a fallacy, and ignores human migration since the dawn of time.
Good point. Someone at the border asking to come in isn't automatically an illegal immigrant. They are coming here for asylum maybe. Or just coming to visit. Or just coming do to migrant work.

It would be like if I went to Mexico to party they called me an illegal immigrant while I was in line to get in.
The DACA kids were brought to the USA by their parents. The are undocumented, not illegal. The whole term "illegal immigrants" is a fallacy, and ignores human migration since the dawn of time.
"Undocumented" is the revised democratic version of Illegal. If you enter the US without the proper documentation you entered illegally. Even if you have proper documentation butt entered through anywhere other than an authorized port of entry you also entered illegally.
I'm not lying at all. You have no responses, so you resort to insults.

You're one of the dumbest, most gullible and ill informed posters I've seen in years. You simply parrot FOX News lies about everything. You have no responses for the facts. You post no links, and when cornered you insult people.
The lies you keep posting are not, "Facts" as has been shown over and over and over.
You're just a parrot for ALL of the Republican lies, aren't you. You and Ray from Cleveland have drunk all of the Republican Kool Aid they hand you.

Poverty and malnutrition are rampant in the richest country in the world. In fact, you have the highest rate of poverty of all of the First World countries, so while you're patting yourself on the back because your poor people are fat instead of skinny, both are suffering from malnutrition and a lack of quality food available.

And instead of increasing the spending on education and helping people get out of poverty, you cut their funding, making it more difficult to improve their situations. Only two first world countries spend less money on education poor children than middle class or rich children: The USA and Turkey. Norway spends MORE money on educating poor children than rich children.

You have all these programs to help rich white kids get an education: legacy admissions to Ivy League universities, more scholarship athletics programs in rich neighbourhoods, like fencing, rowing, tennis, that aren't available in inner city schools. tutoring for SAT's, things like that. But "affirmative action" to ensure black kids get a chance - that's bridge too far. Some deserving white kids won't get in. Never mind all of the deserving people who don't get in because of legacy admissions.

George W Bush went to Yale and Harvard because his daddy went to Yale and Harvard, and his daddy was Speaker of the House. Even though, by his own admission, he wasn't a great student, and barely passed. But Obama, who was an exception student, and graduated "cum laude", you dubbed the "Affirmative Action" President.

You right wing clowns are so stupid and gullible that you ignore the facts, every single time, and go with the Republican lies.

If you're going to participate in a forum of another country, the very least you can do is understand their systems.

Our federal government doesn't fund schools. They may help out here and there but schools are funded by local taxpayers. The poor fund their schools, the middle-class fund their schools, and the wealthy fund their schools. That's how it works here.

If you live in the suburb next to mine, you may be contributing more towards your schools than we do ours, and we only live a mile away from each other. It's your choice to do that, not the federal or state governments. If I want more funding for our schools, I address our local politicians and ask if they can put a levy on the ballot to increase our property taxes.

Poverty is the circumstance of not having enough money. The solution to poverty is getting a job to bring home more money. After you start bringing home more money, then the next thing is what to do with that money. Having children you can't afford is one way to stay out of poverty.

Poverty in the US for a single person is around 12K a year. For two people around 17K a year. If you get a job at McDonald's full time (40 hours a week) and make $9.00 an hour, that's close to 19K a year. Every McDonald's I've seen has help wanted signs in their windows and even on their serving trays. They can't find enough people to do the job.

If you are poor in the United States, it's not an affliction, it's a choice. If you are hungry in the United States, that's not an affliction either.
China had nothing resembling a middle class at all until they went to a quasi capitalistic economic model. The gov't still owns a majority stake in all Chinese businesses but the 49% are starting to do pretty well.

Of course they are all getting richer off of slave labor.
Agreed. A lot of these radical Leftists are still married to Socialist theories that have long since failed; not the least of which is Socialism’s necessity to eliminate a middle class and lock in a true 1 percent.
Well college educated people are smarter than people who come from money. Self made men compared to old money.

And college educated people vote Democratic. Yes, if/when they become more investor class they start seeing things more from a conservative standpoint. I do too.

But how many of them are there compared to us? So if people voted for the party that best represents their financial interests, Republicans would only get 20 maybe 30% of the vote. How do Republican sucker more votes? Social wedge issues. Guns, god, gays, racism,
Anyone who votes for either party is a sucker as you have stated, the money comes and goes to the rich. Biden has done not one damn thing for the poor or middle class of this nation. He has managed to transfer more wealth to the rich. With his expertise in handing blame off on to others he can claim ignorance and deny responsibility. He is just doing so well for us. How high do you think inflation will hit? 11%? How much more money will he need to print? Do you think he will get another cares type package to give the poor scrapes while he gives more money to the rich?

He seems to know what he is doing, doesn't he?
The DACA kids were brought to the USA by their parents. The are undocumented, not illegal. The whole term "illegal immigrants" is a fallacy, and ignores human migration since the dawn of time.
I know who brought them here....and that's a great reason to defer action....but if they are undocumented, they are illegal.

No, the term is the correct term, they aren't legal immigrants, since they do not have proper documents to be in this country legally.

Maybe before the dawn of time there wasn't, countries with borders...but since then we have can be illegal in every country
Well college educated people are smarter than people who come from money. Self made men compared to old money.

And college educated people vote Democratic. Yes, if/when they become more investor class they start seeing things more from a conservative standpoint. I do too.

But how many of them are there compared to us? So if people voted for the party that best represents their financial interests, Republicans would only get 20 maybe 30% of the vote. How do Republican sucker more votes? Social wedge issues. Guns, god, gays, racism,

DumBama cost me more money than all other Presidents combined in my lifetime. At least with Trump I got a tax break as well as my employer who provided me with work which I made money from.
Republicans are going to see suddenly our politicians are going to be opening the doors to all kinds of legal hispanic, arabic, asian, black and ukranian immigrants. We need them. All the companies say they can't find help. And we are dying faster than we are having kids.

I love our population going down but corporate America does not.

So what happens when things slow down, and they will? Right now our warehouses are barely keeping up with demand. Once those warehouses are full again, those jobs are going to disappear.

Thanks to our out of control inflation rate, the worst in 40 years, it's leading to interest rate hikes, and we all know what interest rate hikes do to jobs. So what do we do with all these illegals then?
The EPA, Clean Air and Clean water acts drove most of our heavy industry overseas. We can't even process our own ores to make steel and other metals in the US today, we have to send them overseas for processing and then have to pay a substantial markup on the refined products to get them back into the US to manufacture with.

Republicans don't have clean hands either especially in respect to NAFTA which passed both houses overwhelmingly.

That's a gross exaggeration. Companies off-shored to increase profits, and to break the unions. The USA is still the most polluted country in the first world.
DumBama cost me more money than all other Presidents combined in my lifetime. At least with Trump I got a tax break as well as my employer who provided me with work which I made money from.

Obama tripled the stock market. You've bragged about your investments for years here. How did you NOT make money during the Obama years?

My father-in-law bought $60,000 (Cdn) in General Motors when they went bankrupt, at $9 per share. Today, it's worth $350,000 (Cdn), at $38 US per share. Everyone I know who stayed in the market got rich doing it.

Truck drivers money under Trump:

Either you're lying about being a trucker and having lots of stock, or you're just lying about doing badly under Obama.
The ones that destroy the economy would be the Left that have disastrous Libtard policies. Policies that feed the Left's greedy special interest groups but makes it difficult for Americans to succeed. That is why under the Obama and Biden's administration family income has decreased.

There are numerous examples like Obamacare that gave subsidized health care to the Illegals and welfare queens but caused premiums, co payments and deductibles to go up for tens of millions of Americans. A great example with this Biden clown kissing the ass of the Environmental Wackos by artificially causing the price of fossil fuel to go up significantly, putting a burden on most working families.

How about that filthy ass CRA that was designed to make credit more accessible to the Democrat's minority special interest but wound up almost tanking the economy? Or any Democrat increase in taxes that takes money out of the productive economy and puts it in the hands of corrupt government bureaucrats? The list goes on and on.
Obama care provides health care to millions who otherwise could not afford it, dumbass. And the majority of Americans on both sides support it because it benefits them.

Too bad Trump & his lackeys who ranted about Obama care for 10 fucking years couldn't come up with their own plan such as the plan that Trump raaaaaaaaanted & raved about which would supposedly "cover everyone at less cost".

Which was another one of his fucking scams that you gullible rubes fell for.
Drugs are a symptom of your problem, not the problem itself. Drugs and alcohol are the "diseases of despair". Your "for profit" medical system is a HUGE part of your drug problem. Drug addicts are the best customers, and your pharmaceutical industry made billions addicting the nation. The drugs are coming from Merck, not the open border.

There is no "open border" when Democrats are in office. That's just another Republican lie that you continue to promote. Republicans are all in favour of the open border. It's a political thing they get huge mileage on from fools like you.

Illegal immigration goes down under Democrats because Democrats prosecute the employers. You always ignore the employers - the Republicans who keep hiring illegals with impunity when a Republican is in office.

All of the problems you keep blaming the Democrats for, are lies Republicans have told you.

So what you are saying is that all employers are Republicans? Illegals come here for more than just work, so placing the onus on them is just a leftist lie.

It's the Communist cities and states that call themselves Sanctuary cities and states for a reason. It's the Communists that alerted businesses and illegals alike when ICE conducts workplace raids. It's the Communists who passed laws to allow illegals to vote for their local elections. It's the Communists that passed laws to allow illegals to obtain drivers licenses so they can legally drive to their jobs they're not supposed to have in the first place. It's the Communists like in California that give them free medical care. It's the Communists that passed policy of restricting their police from contacting the federal government when they have an illegal in custody.

But oh, it's the employers that are attracting illegals to this country. :aug08_031:
Obama tripled the stock market. You've bragged about your investments for years here. How did you NOT make money during the Obama years?

My father-in-law bought $60,000 (Cdn) in General Motors when they went bankrupt, at $9 per share. Today, it's worth $350,000 (Cdn), at $38 US per share. Everyone I know who stayed in the market got rich doing it.

Truck drivers money under Trump:

Either you're lying about being a trucker and having lots of stock, or you're just lying about doing badly under Obama.

No, he did not triple the stock market. The fed pumped and inflated the corpse with money, 8 trillion, and wall street and the banks hoarded it.
Obama care provides health care to millions who otherwise could not afford it, dumbass. And the majority of Americans on both sides support it because it benefits them.

Too bad Trump & his lackeys who ranted about Obama care for 10 fucking years couldn't come up with their own plan such as the plan that Trump raaaaaaaaanted & raved about which would supposedly "cover everyone at less cost".

Which was another one of his fucking scams that you gullible rubes fell for.

DumBama promised all Americans affordable healthcare.
DumBama promised all Americans if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
DumBama promised us if you like your hospital, you can keep your hospital.
DumBama promised us that American families will save $2,500 a year on healthcare costs with his plan.
DumBama promised us that all government plans will be quality and not outrageous out of pocket or deductibles.

All his promises were a complete lie. I'm a patient at the world famous Cleveland Clinic, and I dare you to find a plan under Commie Care that reasonably covers my doctor and hospital yet alone a high quality plan without ridiculous out of pocket expenses.

Trump promised us removal of Commie Care and replacement. Thanks to back stabber RINO's like McCain, he couldn't get that accomplished.
Obama care provides health care to millions who otherwise could not afford it, dumbass. And the majority of Americans on both sides support it because it benefits them.

Too bad Trump & his lackeys who ranted about Obama care for 10 fucking years couldn't come up with their own plan such as the plan that Trump raaaaaaaaanted & raved about which would supposedly "cover everyone at less cost".

Which was another one of his fucking scams that you gullible rubes fell for.
Obamacare was a disaster that really fucked Americans that paid for their insurance. It ran up the cost of deductibles, premiums and co payments so the welfare queens and Illegals could get their free or reduced cost health care. Despicable! Typical Democrats fucking things up.
Obamacare was a disaster that really fucked Americans that paid for their insurance. It ran up the cost of deductibles, premiums and co payments so the welfare queens and Illegals could get their free or reduced cost health care. Despicable! Typical Democrats fucking things up.
When the hell did health care premiums go down for ANYONE before Obama Care was even thought of?
Obama tripled the stock market. You've bragged about your investments for years here. How did you NOT make money during the Obama years?

My father-in-law bought $60,000 (Cdn) in General Motors when they went bankrupt, at $9 per share. Today, it's worth $350,000 (Cdn), at $38 US per share. Everyone I know who stayed in the market got rich doing it.

Truck drivers money under Trump:

Either you're lying about being a trucker and having lots of stock, or you're just lying about doing badly under Obama.

I never said people didn't do well on investments under DumBama. But he had nothing to do with it. That was private industry that created those profits. Truck drivers are doing fine. It's the bureaucracies that Fs us over all the time, and I am disappointed that Trump never addressed that, not only in transportation, but all bureaucracies which 80% should be eliminated.

Now that we are so short of drivers, the bureaucracies once again are making it harder for drivers to get into the field. In the past you went to school or were trained by your employer, and went to pass the test to get your CDL. In spite of this shortage, now you have to attend a government class on top of the training you already had to get your CDL, or to upgrade your drivers from Class B to Class A. This started under Dementia last February.
Anyone who votes for either party is a sucker as you have stated, the money comes and goes to the rich. Biden has done not one damn thing for the poor or middle class of this nation. He has managed to transfer more wealth to the rich. With his expertise in handing blame off on to others he can claim ignorance and deny responsibility. He is just doing so well for us. How high do you think inflation will hit? 11%? How much more money will he need to print? Do you think he will get another cares type package to give the poor scrapes while he gives more money to the rich?

He seems to know what he is doing, doesn't he?
Biden has done A LOT for the poor and middle class. He won't get the credit he deserves. The corporate media has you all convinced he has to go and Trump needs to come back.

Yes, inflation has hurt us all.

President Joe Biden took office one year ago amid one of the worst economies in generations, but the U.S. economy has since made tremendous progress toward recovery, and workers are benefiting.


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