The transition of money from poor to rich has ruined America

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It helped a lot of poor people bro. How many kids would not have insurance if not for Obamacare?

Who does the Affordable Care Act help the most? Two categories of individuals will benefit the most from the exchanges: those who don't have health insurance right now and those who buy insurance on the individual market.

I have great insurance through my work. I don't even know how much is taken out of my paycheck every 2 weeks. It's not a lot. And my co-pays and deductables are pretty low. I don't recall ever getting a bill that shocked me.
So you don't have Obamacare, you are through a private medical insurance through your work, yet you claim it is good and working well for you? lol!

Give me a break and quit playing stupid.

"Undocumented" is the revised democratic version of Illegal. If you enter the US without the proper documentation you entered illegally. Even if you have proper documentation butt entered through anywhere other than an authorized port of entry you also entered illegally.

Republicans have always denigrated those seeking to come to the USA, because no one wants a right wing country. The only people who vote Republican are those who don't know any better, and people coming in from outside the USA, all know better than to vote for Republican.

This is especially true now that Republicans are so opposed to democracy and free and fair elections.
Op-eds are now facts? lol! That is funny and you claim I just throw out talking points? lol! Thanks for the laughs, I can see you aren't interested in anything other than pushing lies.
Because of Obamacare, only 4% of children in Blue states are uninsured. In Red states it's more than double that.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act offered the option for states to expand Medicaid eligibility to those living below 138% of poverty. As of Jan. 1, 2020, 35 states and the District of Columbia had expanded Medicaid, while 15 did not.

In 2020, the uninsured rate was lower for children living in expansion states (4.0%) than for children living in nonexpansion states (8.5%)

There's a fact for you.
So you don't have Obamacare, you are through a private medical insurance through your work, yet you claim it is good and working well for you? lol!

Give me a break and quit playing stupid.
If I lost my job I'm glad I have Obamacare to fall back on.
Well I believe it was Republican policies. Papageorgoi thinks it was democrats. You want my list? Ok.

How the rich got richer at our expense.

1. they’ve gouged us during covid.

2. Illegal employers aka the rich Republican small business owners hire illegal workers. Saves the rich billions and so costs us billions every year.

3. Broke unions, sent manufacturing overseas, jobs coming back at $15 hr. No healthcare or pensions.

4. Buying cheap shit from China. Walmart kills middle class. Republicans love Walmart and cheap shit from China.

5. Trump tax breaks widened the gap between rich and poor.

6. Out of control ceo pay and republicans defend it. But don’t want to raise minimum wage.

7. Reagan raised my retirement age to 67. That’s two additional years I have to work. How about you? How old are you? Did reaganomics cos5vyou two extra years of work too?

How the rich got richer at our expense.

1. they’ve gouged us during covid. Be specific. Bring examples with links.

2. Illegal employers aka the rich Republican small business owners hire illegal workers. Saves the rich billions and so costs us billions every year. Too funny. Your Vegetable Messiah invited illegals in, and is importing them by the millions.

3. Broke unions, sent manufacturing overseas, jobs coming back at $15 hr. No healthcare or pensions. Liberal regulations and high taxes are the driving force for jobs going overseas.

4. Buying cheap shit from China. Walmart kills middle class. Republicans love Walmart and cheap shit from China. All I see shopping at Walmart appears to be the Dimtard base.

5. Trump tax breaks widened the gap between rich and poor. The rich pay a higher percentage of the total tax bill AFTER the Trump across the board tax cuts than they did before.

6. Out of control ceo pay and republicans defend it. But don’t want to raise minimum wage. How does CEO pay take anything from the poor? Minimum wage jobs are for entry level jobs. If you are trying to raise a family of 4 on a minimum wage job you shouldn't be having kids.

7. Reagan raised my retirement age to 67. That’s two additional years I have to work. How about you? How old are you? Did reaganomics cos5vyou two extra years of work too? You can draw SS starting at 62, but the legislation you are talking about was passed by a DEMOCRAT Congress.
So you want your retirees to be live off the work of others, while not working, but when the government does the same thing for poor people, it's wrong.

I want working people to be able to live off their wages, not to be forced give it to retirees who have savings.
So you want your retirees to be live off the work of others, while not working,

That's how SS was set up from the beginning, Dumbass. It's a ponzi scheme destined to go broke, but Dimtards howl when anyone suggest transitioning to a private system that would benefit younger people, and the country as a whole.
How the rich got richer at our expense.

1. they’ve gouged us during covid. Be specific. Bring examples with links.

2. Illegal employers aka the rich Republican small business owners hire illegal workers. Saves the rich billions and so costs us billions every year. Too funny. Your Vegetable Messiah invited illegals in, and is importing them by the millions.

3. Broke unions, sent manufacturing overseas, jobs coming back at $15 hr. No healthcare or pensions. Liberal regulations and high taxes are the driving force for jobs going overseas.

4. Buying cheap shit from China. Walmart kills middle class. Republicans love Walmart and cheap shit from China. All I see shopping at Walmart appears to be the Dimtard base.

5. Trump tax breaks widened the gap between rich and poor. The rich pay a higher percentage of the total tax bill AFTER the Trump across the board tax cuts than they did before.

6. Out of control ceo pay and republicans defend it. But don’t want to raise minimum wage. How does CEO pay take anything from the poor? Minimum wage jobs are for entry level jobs. If you are trying to raise a family of 4 on a minimum wage job you shouldn't be having kids.

7. Reagan raised my retirement age to 67. That’s two additional years I have to work. How about you? How old are you? Did reaganomics cos5vyou two extra years of work too? You can draw SS starting at 62, but the legislation you are talking about was passed by a DEMOCRAT Congress.
I have to go but I'll do one now and maybe the rest later.

Prices have gone up a lot more than just because of inflation stupid. So let's say the cost of beef went up 20 cents. The supermarket is fucking you stupid. They raised prices 40 cents and told you they did it because of inflation. Are you fucking stupid?

This is just another example of corporations gouging you. Walmart doesn't care about you stupid! Are you stupid?

Maybe they don't want Biden re elected? They sure seem to be raising prices on you're a fucking idiot. And you know what? They are smart to do so. You don't even blame them. you blame BIDEN! If I were them I'd raise your prices too you're so fucking stupid.
So you want your retirees to be live off the work of others, while not working,

That's how SS was set up from the beginning, Dumbass. It's a ponzi scheme destined to go broke, but Dimtards howl when anyone suggest transitioning to a private system that would benefit younger people, and the country as a whole.
If you die before you collect one penny, you pay for the person who lives to be 100. So it's not a ponzi scheme.
The environmental regulations thing is yet another Republican lie. Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush negotiated and signed NAFTA. Reagan said Mexicans wouldn't come to the USA if they had jobs at home.

Republicans sold Americans like you on Global free trade. Democrats opposed it bitterly, and you shit on them for it. Clinton insisted on changes to NAFTA to try to protect American jobs, really didn't want the deal at all, but went along with the changes.

Now you blame the Democrats for the problems Republican free trade has caused. There are no people as gullible as Republican voters.
Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush negotiated and signed NAFTA.

Bill Clinton signed NAFTA into law, you lying sack of shit.

Have you ever been right about anything regarding the USA Dragonlady

Nope, you have not.
Obama had EVERYTHING to do with it. You were shedding 900,000 jobs a month when he took office, and he stopped the freefall, within 6 months of taking office. You just can't deal with the fact that a black man was smarter than Bush or Trump.

You said you had investments and were doing well. Now you say you lost money under Obama. How would you ever do that?????

Everything you said in the past, you're denying now. What little credibility you had has just been destroyed by your own lies.
Obama was the single biggest factor on transferring wealth poor to rich. So, he helped who he really wanted to help, the rich. He is no different than Trudeau, who loves his rich buds and tries to silence those that disagree with him.
I have to go but I'll do one now and maybe the rest later.

Prices have gone up a lot more than just because of inflation stupid. So let's say the cost of beef went up 20 cents. The supermarket is fucking you stupid. They raised prices 40 cents and told you they did it because of inflation. Are you fucking stupid?

This is just another example of corporations gouging you. Walmart doesn't care about you stupid! Are you stupid?

Maybe they don't want Biden re elected? They sure seem to be raising prices on you're a fucking idiot. And you know what? They are smart to do so. You don't even blame them. you blame BIDEN! If I were them I'd raise your prices too you're so fucking stupid.
So you have no links to back up your insane rant.

Got it.
Our federal government doesn't fund schools. They may help out here and there but schools are funded by local taxpayers. The poor fund their schools, the middle-class fund their schools, and the wealthy fund their schools. That's how it works here.

If you live in the suburb next to mine, you may be contributing more towards your schools than we do ours, and we only live a mile away from each other. It's your choice to do that, not the federal or state governments. If I want more funding for our schools, I address our local politicians and ask if they can put a levy on the ballot to increase our property taxes.

Poverty is the circumstance of not having enough money. The solution to poverty is getting a job to bring home more money. After you start bringing home more money, then the next thing is what to do with that money. Having children you can't afford is one way to stay out of poverty.

Poverty in the US for a single person is around 12K a year. For two people around 17K a year. If you get a job at McDonald's full time (40 hours a week) and make $9.00 an hour, that's close to 19K a year. Every McDonald's I've seen has help wanted signs in their windows and even on their serving trays. They can't find enough people to do the job.

If you are poor in the United States, it's not an affliction, it's a choice. If you are hungry in the United States, that's not an affliction either.

Everything you just posted is the Republican justification for inequity and bad social policy. When every other country in the world is doing it differently that your system - which by your own admission is a bad system, you should be looking at what is working better in other countries.

In the USA, you punish poor people for being poor. It's not a choice, it's a system that keeps one class of people "in their place". Republicans started dumbing down education in the 1980's, because the black middle class was growing through education. End affirmative action, end the War on Poverty, end the growth of the middle class.

The American middle class has been declining in wealth and influence since 1980, when Reagan came into office, and ended the War on Poverty, affirmative action, and tried to end all social programs for the poor.

Your entire post is an indictment of your nation and your own stupidity in accepting this status quo.
I don't really know anyone who has a problem with garbage collectors, it's honest middle class blue collar work.
Then why do you berate them for not trying to become rich? What is that about? Sure I resent that AMAZON made over 35 billion dollars last year, & still raised the prices on everything. Thats after paying BOUT SIX %
Obama got into prep school and Harvard because his grandparents were wealthy bankers. He admitted to also being a poor student who spent much of his college time using illegal drugs.

Not the kind of guy I'd want my kids to emulate.
This is not acuracrate Obama information.
If you die before you collect one penny, you pay for the person who lives to be 100. So it's not a ponzi scheme.
Huh? Current contributors are paying for current retirees, Dumbass. That is the very definition of a Ponzi scheme.

And since you are pissing and moaning about retirement age, did you know when SS was set up the life expectancy in the US was below the retirement age for SS? If that were true to day you wouldn't get to start taking SS until you turned 79 years old.
Everything you just posted is the Republican justification for inequity and bad social policy. When every other country in the world is doing it differently that your system - which by your own admission is a bad system, you should be looking at what is working better in other countries.

In the USA, you punish poor people for being poor. It's not a choice, it's a system that keeps one class of people "in their place". Republicans started dumbing down education in the 1980's, because the black middle class was growing through education. End affirmative action, end the War on Poverty, end the growth of the middle class.

The American middle class has been declining in wealth and influence since 1980, when Reagan came into office, and ended the War on Poverty, affirmative action, and tried to end all social programs for the poor.

Your entire post is an indictment of your nation and your own stupidity in accepting this status quo.
You sure can pack a shit-ton of lies in one post. Bring some links backing up all this bullshit.
The environmental regulations thing is yet another Republican lie. Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush negotiated and signed NAFTA. Reagan said Mexicans wouldn't come to the USA if they had jobs at home.

Republicans sold Americans like you on Global free trade. Democrats opposed it bitterly, and you shit on them for it. Clinton insisted on changes to NAFTA to try to protect American jobs, really didn't want the deal at all, but went along with the changes.

Now you blame the Democrats for the problems Republican free trade has caused. There are no people as gullible as Republican voters.
NAFTA was signed by Clinton and was passed by a bipartisan vote. NAFTA was a bad piece of legislation but the rich Dems and rich GOP were all for it.
I saw where someone tried to start a conspiracy theory that you had a brain, but it didn't get an traction. Too unbelievable.
"An traction". Didn't do too well in that GED English final, right Clown?:abgg2q.jpg:
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