The transition of money from poor to rich has ruined America

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That's a gross exaggeration. Companies off-shored to increase profits, and to break the unions. The USA is still the most polluted country in the first world.
The USA is still the most polluted country in the first world.

More lies and bullshit from you. The table in this link shows the US towards the bottom, with several first world countries ranked more polluted.

Why don't you worry about your own shithole country that locks people up and seizes their property if they disagree with the Govt?

Any one at all notice how life has not gotten better overall for the average American no matter what political party is in power?
Obama tripled the stock market. You've bragged about your investments for years here. How did you NOT make money during the Obama years?

My father-in-law bought $60,000 (Cdn) in General Motors when they went bankrupt, at $9 per share. Today, it's worth $350,000 (Cdn), at $38 US per share. Everyone I know who stayed in the market got rich doing it.

Truck drivers money under Trump:

Either you're lying about being a trucker and having lots of stock, or you're just lying about doing badly under Obama.
Obama tripled the stock market.

DOW the day Barry took office: 7949
DOW the day Barry left office: 19,732

7949 X 3 = 23,847

Once again you are proven to by a lying sack of KKKanadian shit.
Any one at all notice how life has not gotten better overall for the average American no matter what political party is in power?
That is because we keep electing Demcorats and Republicans who have big corporations interest at heart.
Obama care provides health care to millions who otherwise could not afford it, dumbass. And the majority of Americans on both sides support it because it benefits them.

Too bad Trump & his lackeys who ranted about Obama care for 10 fucking years couldn't come up with their own plan such as the plan that Trump raaaaaaaaanted & raved about which would supposedly "cover everyone at less cost".

Which was another one of his fucking scams that you gullible rubes fell for.

Obama care provides health care to millions who otherwise could not afford it, dumbass.

Obamacare provides no health insurance to anyone. It is an alternative you can purchase that is limited, expensive, has high deductibles and co-pays. It also eliminated the plans for millions of Americans, despite Barry promising it wouldn't

Oh, and Barry said everyone would have insurance. 44 millions still don't.

2.The uninsured rate in the country in 2019 ticked up to 10.9% from 10.4% the previous year. It has been found that health insurance is not owned by around 44 million adults in the US, while 38 million do not have adequate health coverage.

Biden has done A LOT for the poor and middle class. He won't get the credit he deserves. The corporate media has you all convinced he has to go and Trump needs to come back.

Yes, inflation has hurt us all.

President Joe Biden took office one year ago amid one of the worst economies in generations, but the U.S. economy has since made tremendous progress toward recovery, and workers are benefiting.

Biden has done A LOT for the poor and middle class.

$5 gas, grocery prices thru the roof, rent skyrocketing...................yeah, he has done a lot.
If you're going to participate in a forum of another country, the very least you can do is understand their systems.

Our federal government doesn't fund schools. They may help out here and there but schools are funded by local taxpayers. The poor fund their schools, the middle-class fund their schools, and the wealthy fund their schools. That's how it works here.

If you live in the suburb next to mine, you may be contributing more towards your schools than we do ours, and we only live a mile away from each other. It's your choice to do that, not the federal or state governments. If I want more funding for our schools, I address our local politicians and ask if they can put a levy on the ballot to increase our property taxes.

Poverty is the circumstance of not having enough money. The solution to poverty is getting a job to bring home more money. After you start bringing home more money, then the next thing is what to do with that money. Having children you can't afford is one way to stay out of poverty.

Poverty in the US for a single person is around 12K a year. For two people around 17K a year. If you get a job at McDonald's full time (40 hours a week) and make $9.00 an hour, that's close to 19K a year. Every McDonald's I've seen has help wanted signs in their windows and even on their serving trays. They can't find enough people to do the job.

If you are poor in the United States, it's not an affliction, it's a choice. If you are hungry in the United States, that's not an affliction either.
"Malnutrition" in the US isn't a lack of food either in virtually all cases, it's just eating crap because your mom is too lazy to cook and/or too lazy to say, "no" when the kids want to eat candy instead of a balanced meal.
Anyone who votes for either party is a sucker as you have stated, the money comes and goes to the rich. Biden has done not one damn thing for the poor or middle class of this nation. He has managed to transfer more wealth to the rich. With his expertise in handing blame off on to others he can claim ignorance and deny responsibility. He is just doing so well for us. How high do you think inflation will hit? 11%? How much more money will he need to print? Do you think he will get another cares type package to give the poor scrapes while he gives more money to the rich?

He seems to know what he is doing, doesn't he?
Well voting third party pretty much guarantees perpetual power for democrats so I'd say voting third part is what is stupid.
DumBama promised all Americans affordable healthcare.
DumBama promised all Americans if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
DumBama promised us if you like your hospital, you can keep your hospital.
DumBama promised us that American families will save $2,500 a year on healthcare costs with his plan.
DumBama promised us that all government plans will be quality and not outrageous out of pocket or deductibles.

All his promises were a complete lie. I'm a patient at the world famous Cleveland Clinic, and I dare you to find a plan under Commie Care that reasonably covers my doctor and hospital yet alone a high quality plan without ridiculous out of pocket expenses.

Trump promised us removal of Commie Care and replacement. Thanks to back stabber RINO's like McCain, he couldn't get that accomplished.
Next time you need a Doctor, make sure you pick one that's enrolled as a provider in your plan. If you don't you'll be slammed with a deductible. Insurance companies have been steering patients to enrolled providers for decades.

So spare me the whine about keeping your own Doctor.
Republicans have always denigrated those seeking to come to the USA, because no one wants a right wing country. The only people who vote Republican are those who don't know any better, and people coming in from outside the USA, all know better than to vote for Republican.

This is especially true now that Republicans are so opposed to democracy and free and fair elections.
ooooook maybe in Canada that’s true…but don’t know if the republican party there is the same as here.

What republicans don’t like here, is folks that come here in violation of the law…because we want a country, and believe in a country ruled by law
Next time you need a Doctor, make sure you pick one that's enrolled as a provider in your plan. If you don't you'll be slammed with a deductible. Insurance companies have been steering patients to enrolled providers for decades.

So spare me the whine about keeping your own Doctor.
Barry promised that if you like your Dr. you can keep your Dr.
Yea, my buddy who owned GM stock loved it when GM went bankrupt. NOT. Then they restructured, and resold their stock to new people really cheap. Those people who bought the new GM stock made a fortune. Unfortunately the people who had GM stock lost everything when GM went bankrupt.

I would have been ok with GM going bankrupt but when you open up the next day and start selling stocks, you need to give the guys who lost their stocks new stocks. Not say sorry you're shit out of luck. We went bankrupt so we don't have to give you anything. It's bullshit.
yep…that bailout was a joke.
That's a gross exaggeration. Companies off-shored to increase profits, and to break the unions. The USA is still the most polluted country in the first world.
Manufacturing companies could no longer operate at a profit because of those regulations and greedy assed unions. We outsourced most of are car manufacturing and just about all of the components manufacturing for the same reasons.

The only reason we still have auto assembly plants left in the US is to avoid import tariffs.
Obama tripled the stock market. You've bragged about your investments for years here. How did you NOT make money during the Obama years?

My father-in-law bought $60,000 (Cdn) in General Motors when they went bankrupt, at $9 per share. Today, it's worth $350,000 (Cdn), at $38 US per share. Everyone I know who stayed in the market got rich doing it.

Truck drivers money under Trump:

Either you're lying about being a trucker and having lots of stock, or you're just lying about doing badly under Obama.
What specific measures did Obama take that tripled the stock market other than propping it up by printing money as fast as the presses could run with his Quantitative Easing?

Your math is way the hell off too. The Dow was at 13,000 when he took office and just over 24,000 when he left.
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What percent does this put you in? Top 10%? So what did 90% of AMERICANS go wrong?

I say they voted for Republicans. Who gave guys like you in the top 10% all the raises and not the workers.

We don't say you should vote Democratic. You should vote Republican.

But why should we?

You have to remember the money we're saving is for our retirement and isnt endless.
We worked for those raises and we made ourselves valuable to the companies we worked for.
It's really not that complicated. Work hard make more money,if you feel you're underpaid get a new job.
It's not about being a dem or a Republican it's about work ethic. You either have it or you dont,which is a choice.
Well voting third party pretty much guarantees perpetual power for democrats so I'd say voting third part is what is stupid.
And? Your vote is no different than mine. I want change, you will never get change voting for a Republican or a Democrat. That to me is stupid.
Biden has done A LOT for the poor and middle class. He won't get the credit he deserves. The corporate media has you all convinced he has to go and Trump needs to come back.

Yes, inflation has hurt us all.

President Joe Biden took office one year ago amid one of the worst economies in generations, but the U.S. economy has since made tremendous progress toward recovery, and workers are benefiting.

Joe took office when the economy was at a temporary low due to the shut downs, not because of any systemic issues.
And? Your vote is no different than mine. I want change, you will never get change voting for a Republican or a Democrat. That to me is stupid.
History of course shows that to be entirely incorrect. Whether you like the changes or not there were dramatic changes under both Trump and now with Biden.

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