The transition of money from poor to rich has ruined America

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Biden has done A LOT for the poor and middle class. He won't get the credit he deserves. The corporate media has you all convinced he has to go and Trump needs to come back.

Yes, inflation has hurt us all.

President Joe Biden took office one year ago amid one of the worst economies in generations, but the U.S. economy has since made tremendous progress toward recovery, and workers are benefiting.

Calling the white house's website a fact sheet is laughable as hell.

Everyone in America is poorer today than the day Biden took office due to inflation and the exploding CPI and rising interest rates.
And Obamacare has stopped health care premiums from going up as much as they would if there were no Obamacare.

When Obama passed Obamacare, the lobbyists and health care giants said they needed a couple/few years before the new rules get put in. So for the first couple years, they continued to jack up prices. Today, they can't. Why? Obamacare has regulated them.
Obmacare passed a decade ago and prices continue to rise.

The biggest increases of course came after the passage of Obamacare, not before it's passage.

YearNational Health Spending (Billions)Percent GrowthCost Per PersonEvent
1961$29.17.1%$154Recession ended
1964$38.411.0%$194LBJ started Medicare and Medicaid
1965$41.99.0%$209LBJ started Medicare and Medicaid
1966$46.110.1%$228Vietnam War
1971$82.711.0%$389Wage-price controls
1973$102.811.0%$474Gold standard ended. HMO Act
1974$116.513.4%$534ERISA / Wage-price controls ended
1975$133.314.4%$605Inflation at 6.9%
1976$152.714.6%$688Inflation at 4.9%
1977$173.913.8%$777Inflation at 6.7%
1978$195.312.4%$865Inflation at 9%
1979$221.513.4%$971Inflation at 13.3%
1980$255.315.3%$1,108Inflation at 12.5%
1981$296.216.0%$1,273Fed raised rates
1982$334.012.8%$1,422Recession ended
1983$367.810.1%$1,550Tax hike and higher defense spending
1984$405.010.1%$1,692Tax hike and higher defense spending
1986$474.77.2%$1,947Tax cut
1987$516.58.8%$2,099Black Monday
1988$579.312.2%$2,332Fed raised rate
1989$644.811.3%$2,571S&L crisis
1990$721.411.9%$2,843Recession. Inflation at 6.1%
1995$1,021.65.6%$3,806Fed raised rate
1996$1,074.45.2%$3,964Welfare reform
1997$1,135.55.7%$4,147Balanced Budget Act
1998$1,202.05.8%$4,345LTCM crisis
2001$1,486.88.5%$5,2209/11 attacks
2002$1,629.29.6%$5,668War on Terror
2003$1,768.28.5%$6,098Medicare Modernization Act
2005$2,024.26.7%$6,855Bankruptcy Act
2007$2,295.76.5%$7,628Inflation at 4.1%
2008$2,399.14.5%$7,897Recession slowed spending.
2009$ 2,495.44.0%$8,143n/a
2010$2,598.84.1%$8,412ACA signed
2011$2,689.33.5%$8,644Debt crisis
2012$2,797.34.0%$8,924Fiscal cliff
2013$2,879.02.9%$9,121ACA taxes
2014$3,026.25.1%$9,515Exchanges opened
2017$3,492.13.9%$10,739Drug costs rose just 0.4%.
2018 3,649.4 4.8%$11,172n/a

Sources: "Inflation Rate by Year." National Health Spending. Percent Growth. Cost Per Person.32 California Health Care Foundation.33

History of course shows that to be entirely incorrect. Whether you like the changes or not there were dramatic changes under both Trump and now with Biden.
yep, and historically with Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, and Reagan
History of course shows that to be entirely incorrect. Whether you like the changes or not there were dramatic changes under both Trump and now with Biden.
lol! Believe what you want and I will continue to push for third party candidates. I would never vote for the Democratic or Republican candidates that we have been given over the last several election cycles.

BTW, when I vote third party, Democrats claim my vote is voting for a Republican and now you claim my vote is voting for a Democrat, pretty funny stuff.

In reality my vote is against a corrupt two party system.
lol! Believe what you want and I will continue to push for third party candidates. I would never vote for the Democratic or Republican candidates that we have been given over the last several election cycles.

BTW, when I vote third party, Democrats claim my vote is voting for a Republican and now you claim my vote is voting for a Democrat, pretty funny stuff.

In reality my vote is against a corrupt two party system.
who are some you have voted for?
Next time you need a Doctor, make sure you pick one that's enrolled as a provider in your plan. If you don't you'll be slammed with a deductible. Insurance companies have been steering patients to enrolled providers for decades.

So spare me the whine about keeping your own Doctor.
O'care outlawed a lot of existing plans which then broke up patient doctor relationships when people had to buy new policies with gov't approved plans.

Regardless he promised we could keep both our doctors and our plans both of which were lies.
And Obamacare has stopped health care premiums from going up as much as they would if there were no Obamacare.

When Obama passed Obamacare, the lobbyists and health care giants said they needed a couple/few years before the new rules get put in. So for the first couple years, they continued to jack up prices. Today, they can't. Why? Obamacare has regulated them.
Insurance rose at 5.2% just this year. Please give me an accurate cost if there was no Obamacare?
Republicans have always denigrated those seeking to come to the USA, because no one wants a right wing country. The only people who vote Republican are those who don't know any better, and people coming in from outside the USA, all know better than to vote for Republican.

This is especially true now that Republicans are so opposed to democracy and free and fair elections.
Another baseless lie you can't possibly support with any actual fact.
Next time you need a Doctor, make sure you pick one that's enrolled as a provider in your plan. If you don't you'll be slammed with a deductible. Insurance companies have been steering patients to enrolled providers for decades.

So spare me the whine about keeping your own Doctor.

So you get one that's covered by your insurance company. Commie Care is a host of companies, not one offering coverage for my provider. Bottom line is what he told us it would be was a complete lie.
O'care outlawed a lot of existing plans which then broke up patient doctor relationships when people had to buy new policies with gov't approved plans.

Regardless he promised we could keep both our doctors and our plans both of which were lies.
obama lied, the people lost their doctors
Because of Obamacare, only 4% of children in Blue states are uninsured. In Red states it's more than double that.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act offered the option for states to expand Medicaid eligibility to those living below 138% of poverty. As of Jan. 1, 2020, 35 states and the District of Columbia had expanded Medicaid, while 15 did not.

In 2020, the uninsured rate was lower for children living in expansion states (4.0%) than for children living in nonexpansion states (8.5%)

There's a fact for you.
O'care only temporarily covered the cost of expanding medicaid then then dumped it onto the states.

Gowing the welfare class doesn't spread prosperity or improve people's lives it just makes them dependent on gov't for the most basic things in life.

Here's an idea, don't produce kids you can't support.
"Malnutrition" in the US isn't a lack of food either in virtually all cases, it's just eating crap because your mom is too lazy to cook and/or too lazy to say, "no" when the kids want to eat candy instead of a balanced meal.

We have more than our share of SANP's card users. You should see what's in their carts.
Because of Obamacare, only 4% of children in Blue states are uninsured. In Red states it's more than double that.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act offered the option for states to expand Medicaid eligibility to those living below 138% of poverty. As of Jan. 1, 2020, 35 states and the District of Columbia had expanded Medicaid, while 15 did not.

In 2020, the uninsured rate was lower for children living in expansion states (4.0%) than for children living in nonexpansion states (8.5%)

There's a fact for you.
The difference in insured/uninsured between red and blue states is only about 1.2%.


Don't make babies you can't support and that isn't a problem.

If the red states could somehow get rid of their blue cities we could solve a lot of these problems.
Obama tripled the stock market.

DOW the day Barry took office: 7949
DOW the day Barry left office: 19,732

7949 X 3 = 23,847

Once again you are proven to by a lying sack of KKKanadian shit.
It was at about 13,000 the day he took office and 24,.000 the day he left so no, he didn't even double it much less triple it.
Yet, the economy historically does better when democrats are in power.

That's because economic policies usually take time to start showing increased growth.

You can't give a 2% tax break today and expect explosive growth tomorrow.

There's also that nasty problem of Republican Presidents usually being stuck with democratic majorities in one or both houses of congress who work against them.
So you get one that's covered by your insurance company. Commie Care is a host of companies, not one offering coverage for my provider. Bottom line is what he told us it would be was a complete lie.
And people getting insurance through their employers get no choice in the company and are very limited when it comes to plans so if you are forced to change there's a good chance you lose your doctor and your plan especially if you change employers.

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