The transition of money from poor to rich has ruined America

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Everything you just posted is the Republican justification for inequity and bad social policy. When every other country in the world is doing it differently that your system - which by your own admission is a bad system, you should be looking at what is working better in other countries.

In the USA, you punish poor people for being poor. It's not a choice, it's a system that keeps one class of people "in their place". Republicans started dumbing down education in the 1980's, because the black middle class was growing through education. End affirmative action, end the War on Poverty, end the growth of the middle class.

The American middle class has been declining in wealth and influence since 1980, when Reagan came into office, and ended the War on Poverty, affirmative action, and tried to end all social programs for the poor.

Your entire post is an indictment of your nation and your own stupidity in accepting this status quo.

The only thing you said correct in your reply is every other country does it differently. That's why people are coming to this country instead of those others. Our Border Patrol is reporting they are capturing illegals crossing our border from over 110 different countries, not just those from our south. They are flying or taking boats to Mexico just for a chance to get into the United States. I would say we must be doing something right to be so desirable.

Yes, being poor in our country is a choice. The government doesn't decide where you can work, if you can work, or how much you can make. Every American makes that decision for themselves. And when did we end Affirmative Action? What year was that? When did Republicans dumb down education? Please post an example. When did the war on poverty end? What social programs have Republicans ever try to end?

All these lies about what Republicans did, yet since the 80s, we had two Democrat Presidents each serving 8 years; each with an all commie Congress for two years. This will be the third one since the 80's. So what did they reverse in the 17.5 years of power?
A guy who lost his job running coal mines because his piss poor safety record led to a terrible mine explosion? Interesting.
Trump withheld money from people that worked for him, conned people out of money for Trump U, and you voted for him? Interesting.
The only thing you said correct in your reply is every other country does it differently. That's why people are coming to this country instead of those others. Our Border Patrol is reporting they are capturing illegals crossing our border from over 110 different countries, not just those from our south. They are flying or taking boats to Mexico just for a chance to get into the United States. I would say we must be doing something right to be so desirable.

Yes, being poor in our country is a choice. The government doesn't decide where you can work, if you can work, or how much you can make. Every American makes that decision for themselves. And when did we end Affirmative Action? What year was that? When did Republicans dumb down education? Please post an example. When did the war on poverty end? What social programs have Republicans ever try to end?

All these lies about what Republicans did, yet since the 80s, we had two Democrat Presidents each serving 8 years; each with an all commie Congress for two years. This will be the third one since the 80's. So what did they reverse in the 17.5 years of power?

Do you see people flocking to KKKanada Dragonlady
I have to go but I'll do one now and maybe the rest later.

Prices have gone up a lot more than just because of inflation stupid. So let's say the cost of beef went up 20 cents. The supermarket is fucking you stupid. They raised prices 40 cents and told you they did it because of inflation. Are you fucking stupid?

This is just another example of corporations gouging you. Walmart doesn't care about you stupid! Are you stupid?

Maybe they don't want Biden re elected? They sure seem to be raising prices on you're a fucking idiot. And you know what? They are smart to do so. You don't even blame them. you blame BIDEN! If I were them I'd raise your prices too you're so fucking stupid.

You are so FOS. Companies compete against each other like they always have. Their price increases are due to having to pay labor much more money, increased transportation costs thanks to anti-energy Dementia, and utility bills that have doubled since Trump left the White House.

Those costs (like always) get transferred to the consumer.
Unless the Democrat is handed a Great Recession or Pandemic the previous administration botched. Then it may take a few years to get us out of the hold Bush/Trump put us in.

"The best thing about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault."
You have to remember the money we're saving is for our retirement and isnt endless.
We worked for those raises and we made ourselves valuable to the companies we worked for.
It's really not that complicated. Work hard make more money,if you feel you're underpaid get a new job.
It's not about being a dem or a Republican it's about work ethic. You either have it or you dont,which is a choice.

Republicans have always denigrated those seeking to come to the USA, because no one wants a right wing country. The only people who vote Republican are those who don't know any better, and people coming in from outside the USA, all know better than to vote for Republican.

This is especially true now that Republicans are so opposed to democracy and free and fair elections.

Apparently you are ignorant of the Communists Voter Reform act. Most of it is unconstitutional, but if passed, it would take us past the elections to go through all the court proceedings so they can once again steal the election.

The only people that vote Republican don't know any better? Well I guess the people that did know better won, huh? Inflation the worst it's been in 40 years, the border the biggest problem it's been in 20 years. Gasoline doubled in price, natural gas and all other fuels not far behind it. We have a labor shortage which led to a supply chain shortage. The only thing that Dementia built back better was the Taliban with 83 billion dollars of US military gear. Ukraine got invaded by Russia, and this is the first time we received a nuclear threat since the cold war. China is observing this vegetable and his response to Ukraine, so they are flying their military jets into Taiwan air space. Un started experimenting with test rockets once again. Interest rates the highest they've been in over 10 years.

If this is what you consider informed voters voting, let's hope and pray the uninformed win out the following elections before this country is completely destroyed.
Obama care provides health care to millions who otherwise could not afford it, dumbass.

Obamacare provides no health insurance to anyone. It is an alternative you can purchase that is limited, expensive, has high deductibles and co-pays. It also eliminated the plans for millions of Americans, despite Barry promising it wouldn't

Oh, and Barry said everyone would have insurance. 44 millions still don't.

2.The uninsured rate in the country in 2019 ticked up to 10.9% from 10.4% the previous year. It has been found that health insurance is not owned by around 44 million adults in the US, while 38 million do not have adequate health coverage.

We have more than our share of SANP's card users. You should see what's in their carts.
And because you don't approve of what's in their carts, means what?

Are they breaking the law?

Are they violating SNAP guidelines?

And why do you care about what people are eating?
Obama had EVERYTHING to do with it. You were shedding 900,000 jobs a month when he took office, and he stopped the freefall, within 6 months of taking office. You just can't deal with the fact that a black man was smarter than Bush or Trump.

You said you had investments and were doing well. Now you say you lost money under Obama. How would you ever do that?????

Everything you said in the past, you're denying now. What little credibility you had has just been destroyed by your own lies.

The market was fine, but a President has nothing to do with the market. It's everything else such as being one of the millions that lost my employer sponsored healthcare insurance. That costs me tens of thousands thanks to Commie Care. Prior to him Fn around with the banking industry, I never paid any transfer fees or interest. After he Fd that all up trying to cater to his lowlife voters, the banks had to recoup the money they lost from not being allowed to raise interest rates and issue fines to lowlife Democrat voters, so they went after us responsible Republican borrowers and placed transfer fees no matter how good your credit was.

I see you avoided my question of what DumBama did that was responsible for job growth. Was it more regulations on businesses? Was it more environmental costs? Was it increasing business taxes? What?

Jobs didn't come back because of anything Ears did, they came back in spite of him.
I'm just showing you how Republican policies don't help the middle class. They help the rich. And I'm showing you how the middle class got poorer and the rich got richer. They shipped our jobs overseas. And the CEO's made more money than ever because profits went through the roof. Then shareholders got dividends. You see? More money going to the guys at the top. I'm just showing you how the transition of money from the middle class to the rich has ruined America.
You’re delusional.
Apparently you are ignorant of the Communists Voter Reform act. Most of it is unconstitutional, but if passed, it would take us past the elections to go through all the court proceedings so they can once again steal the election.

The only people that vote Republican don't know any better? Well I guess the people that did know better won, huh? Inflation the worst it's been in 40 years, the border the biggest problem it's been in 20 years. Gasoline doubled in price, natural gas and all other fuels not far behind it. We have a labor shortage which led to a supply chain shortage. The only thing that Dementia built back better was the Taliban with 83 billion dollars of US military gear. Ukraine got invaded by Russia, and this is the first time we received a nuclear threat since the cold war. China is observing this vegetable and his response to Ukraine, so they are flying their military jets into Taiwan air space. Un started experimenting with test rockets once again. Interest rates the highest they've been in over 10 years.

If this is what you consider informed voters voting, let's hope and pray the uninformed win out the following elections before this country is completely destroyed.
How many goddam times do you pissants have to told that the election wasen't stolen? Do you need it in crayon?

You clowns can't get it thru your thick skulls that Trump & his lackeys & asseaters are using you & making fools out of you with that stolen election lie.

Trump & his asseater's M.O. is this:

Repeat the same lie over & over again & sooner or later the herd will believe it.

The have you right where they want you.
Biden has done A LOT for the poor and middle class. He won't get the credit he deserves. The corporate media has you all convinced he has to go and Trump needs to come back.

Oh, is that what happened?

How many goddam times do you pissants have to told that the election wasen't stolen? Do you need it in crayon?

You clowns can't get it thru your thick skulls that Trump & his lackeys & asseaters are using you & making fools out of you with that stolen election lie.

Trump & his asseater's M.O. is this:

Repeat the same lie over & over again & sooner or later the herd will believe it.

The have you right where they want you.

Of course they stole the election. When you promote more mail-in voting, you get more stupid people voting. The more stupid people voting, the better chance at Democrats winning elections.
Read the links. They go into great detail.

Oh please stop blaming Biden.

Elevated inflation has been driven by supply chain disruptions and pent-up consumer demand for goods as the Covid-19 pandemic wanes.
If you want to give Biden credit for the stock market, the growth over last year, the lowering of unemployment then you need to give him credit for the supply chain disruptions, inflation and wages not keeping up with inflation.

He had about as much to do with good and now the bad. Go ahead, we can give credit and blame. Can't have one without the other.
And because you don't approve of what's in their carts, means what?

Are they breaking the law?

Are they violating SNAP guidelines?

And why do you care about what people are eating?

Why should I care? Because I'm the one paying for their food, that's why. This discussion was about malnutrition of the poor, not the criteria of food stamps.

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