The Transphobic Left Refuse to Support Jenner

It’s as if they stand for nothing.
Though Caitlyn Jenner is one of the most famous transgender people in America, the announcement of her candidacy for California governor was greeted hostilely by one of the state’s largest LGBTQ-rights groups and by many trans activists around the country.

Yeah, just what California needs: Yet another unqualified, inexperienced reality TV star to run the state into the ground.

There is no obligation for the left to support a candidate because they're trans, especially one who is running as a Republican, but I know you'll support her and give your vote. She's for Trump!!!
All that’s required to get the partisans on the left to get behind Jenner’s candidacy is to stick a “D” behind Jenner’s name, at which point they’d gushing over her for no other reason than (s)he is a transgender and the fact that (s)he came out against Donny’s treatment of transgenders.

All many on the partisan left need are slogans and bumper stickers, they have demonstrated that they don’t really care about substance. Of course much of the partisan right is no different..

Not even that would do it. She's a Kardashian. Let him run for Mayor of some little town and see how she does. Governor isn't an entry level job.
Hilarious. A dude with a penis is a she.
You support her for her run for CA governor, don't you?
Are you kidding? I’m supporting the Democrats efforts to destroy California.
That's ran away from California with your tail between your legs because you couldn't make it there. I remember now.
The left pretend they accept everyone unless you aren't in their voting party and then bye-bye.

What you posted is ridiculous and a lie.

The left does accept her. It has not been the left attacking her for being transexual.

The right has been doing that.

The left can and does accept her but doesn't have to support her in an election.

Why would you expect a liberal to vote for a conservative republican?

Liberals don't vote based on what is between a person's legs. They vote for someone because they agree with that politician's views and platform.

Accepting someone isn't based on whether someone will vote for them. What you're saying is ridiculous and a lie.

The real question here is why aren't republicans and conservatives accepting her and supporting her. They believe the same things she does. What's the problem?

Why aren't conservatives and republicans accepting her and supporting her?
It’s as if they stand for nothing.
Though Caitlyn Jenner is one of the most famous transgender people in America, the announcement of her candidacy for California governor was greeted hostilely by one of the state’s largest LGBTQ-rights groups and by many trans activists around the country.
Isn't Jenner the human embodiment of everything your political tribe hates?
It’s as if they stand for nothing.
Though Caitlyn Jenner is one of the most famous transgender people in America, the announcement of her candidacy for California governor was greeted hostilely by one of the state’s largest LGBTQ-rights groups and by many trans activists around the country.

Yeah, just what California needs: Yet another unqualified, inexperienced reality TV star to run the state into the ground.

There is no obligation for the left to support a candidate because they're trans, especially one who is running as a Republican, but I know you'll support her and give your vote. She's for Trump!!!
All that’s required to get the partisans on the left to get behind Jenner’s candidacy is to stick a “D” behind Jenner’s name, at which point they’d gushing over her for no other reason than (s)he is a transgender and the fact that (s)he came out against Donny’s treatment of transgenders.

All many on the partisan left need are slogans and bumper stickers, they have demonstrated that they don’t really care about substance. Of course much of the partisan right is no different..

Not even that would do it. She's a Kardashian. Let him run for Mayor of some little town and see how she does. Governor isn't an entry level job.
Hilarious. A dude with a penis is a she.

Kaitlyn doesn't have a penis. She had the full gender re-assignment surgery. So now that she is fully transitioned you will vote for her because she has an R after her name. Party above all.

Sex isn’t a haircut. A pair of scissors changes nothing.
It's hilarious when these instances crop up.

They're so full of hate that sooner or later they will clash with each other and eventually eat each other up because one's not extreme enough for the other or something mental.

My only concern is the (irreversible) damaged that's caused before that point happens.
Why do YOU support Jenner?
Why are you going around asking everyone if they support Jenner? especially folk that think he's a freak and needs his head zapped whilst biting down on a little bit of wood
It’s as if they stand for nothing.
Though Caitlyn Jenner is one of the most famous transgender people in America, the announcement of her candidacy for California governor was greeted hostilely by one of the state’s largest LGBTQ-rights groups and by many trans activists around the country.
The thread premise is a lie.

Liberals have long defended the rights and protected liberties of gay and transgender Americans from attack by the hateful, bigoted right.
Just what a homophobe would say.
So, does it like men or women?
So if I put on a dress and have sex with a woman, am I a lesbian?
"Weather MAN"?

Likely not, now if you had sex with a man, with a dress on that would make you gay.
So you don’t support Jenner because of your homophobic tendencies.
No, got no issues with homo's, I like mayor Pete.
I got an issue with Jenner's stupidity AND anything Kardashian, ALL of them.
You have major issues with males in women’s clothing.
I don't know, not my thing, they must be good because I never noticed their 5 o'clock shadow.
Why would that matter, it's a moron, the entire family is.
I never got the attraction, what have they done, it has to be a woman thing because I DON'T GET IT.

I'm a woman. I've never watched their show. I could careless about all of that family.

I actually have a life so I don't need to live vicariously through some tacky people in a so called "reality" show.

I have nothing but disgust for that family.
Good for you, the highlights, of them sometimes makes it into the news, they're on commercials for ET sometimes.

SOMEONE has to following them, some women don't like soap opera's either but mostly women do, their family reminds me of a soap opera.
It’s as if they stand for nothing.
Though Caitlyn Jenner is one of the most famous transgender people in America, the announcement of her candidacy for California governor was greeted hostilely by one of the state’s largest LGBTQ-rights groups and by many trans activists around the country.
The thread premise is a lie.

Liberals have long defended the rights and protected liberties of gay and transgender Americans from attack by the hateful, bigoted right.
Just what a homophobe would say.
So, does it like men or women?
So if I put on a dress and have sex with a woman, am I a lesbian?
"Weather MAN"?

Likely not, now if you had sex with a man, with a dress on that would make you gay.
So you don’t support Jenner because of your homophobic tendencies.
No, got no issues with homo's, I like mayor Pete.
I got an issue with Jenner's stupidity AND anything Kardashian, ALL of them.
You have major issues with males in women’s clothing.
I don't know, not my thing, they must be good because I never noticed their 5 o'clock shadow.
Why would that matter, it's a moron, the entire family is.
I never got the attraction, what have they done, it has to be a woman thing because I DON'T GET IT.

I'm a woman. I've never watched their show. I could careless about all of that family.

I actually have a life so I don't need to live vicariously through some tacky people in a so called "reality" show.

I have nothing but disgust for that family.
Good for you, the highlights, of them sometimes makes it into the news, they're on commercials for ET sometimes.

SOMEONE has to following them, some women don't like soap opera's either but mostly women do, their family reminds me of a soap opera.

Yes someone is following them but I'm not one of them. The people who follow them don't have lives. So they live vicariously through people acting in a reality show.

Yes it's acting. Most if not all of it is fake. How do I know this? I've worked on a couple reality shows. I have watched and photographed the executive producer, director and main characters in meetings discussing script for the next show. Discussing creating conflict and other things to make the boring lives of those in those reality shows more interesting so people will watch.

I find them tacky and lacking any talent.
SOMEONE has to following them, some women don't like soap opera's either but mostly women do, their family reminds me of a soap opera.
I realize that most laws on sexual offenses, etc., by established precedent are enforced only against men and trans women, but other women really cannot be allowed to stalk people with a sexual motivation.
Assholes and bitches at the D.O.J. who think calling 911 does anything but give the victim's location away to the stalkers.
People aren't just fans who show up at a coffee shop.

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