The True Cure for the Virus is to End Open Borders


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
Open borders = No Wall = Infection spreads free. It's like turning off your fire-wall on a computer.
No open borders nonsense = Anti-Virus.

Russia has 3 deaths from Corona virus. If only democrats were not calling everyone a racist when Trump bravely shut the Chinese border, we would not even have the virus.
The epicenter in the Northeast is at least partly the result of a jewish individual who flew into JFK, and out after infecting dozens of people in Westport, Connecticut. So there need to be serious screening at airports...not the insane TSA bullshit that suggests White folks are Muslim terrrorists...all non-Western people. Sounds racist, but survival is about being racist. Every non-White group is racist, mainly against Whites. Time to wake up maybe?
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The epicenter in the Northeast is at least partly the result of a jewish individual who flew into JFK, and out after infecting dozens of people in Westport, Connecticut. So there need to be serious screening at airports...not the insane TSA bullshit that suggests White folks are Muslim terrrorists...all non-Western people. Sounds racist, but survival is about being racist.

Reminds me of the saying "If Europe actually was racist they would still be Europe in 50 years."

It is too late now that we have fallen to the open borders cult. What should have happened is that we should have completely shut down the border until successful screening mechanism was found.
Open borders = No Wall = Infection spreads free. It's like turning off your fire-wall on a computer.
No open borders nonsense = Anti-Virus.

Russia has 3 deaths from Corona virus. If only democrats were not calling everyone a racist when Trump bravely shut the Chinese border, we would not even have the virus.

Oh by the way: Congrats. You are great again. "USA first." Highest # of Corona infections worldwide. And I'm sure not any self-made wall is able to solve the self-made problems of the USA.

For a virus a wall is invisible and not very important. Our bodies are the "crititical mass" for the explosion of the reproductions of a virus. So: Keep distance. Your absolute and extremly stupid US-American super nationalism (="everyone is an enemy - no one a friend") will kill your nation sooner or later. Try "later"! Learn from others - and don't waste your time any longer. You wasted to much time - not only in the last few weeks, but in the last years too. Again: Keep distance to others - but help each other! Minimize the critical mass of ways for the virus: This gives you and your people more time to react and to help the people with heavy symptoms - and this will minimize the number of death victims.

God bless your nation. And restart again to fight the good fight, idiot!

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.
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Open borders = No Wall = Infection spreads free. It's like turning off your fire-wall on a computer.
No open borders nonsense = Anti-Virus.

Russia has 3 deaths from Corona virus. If only democrats were not calling everyone a racist when Trump bravely shut the Chinese border, we would not even have the virus.

Oh by the way: Congrats. You are great again. "USA first." And I'm sure not any self-made wall is able to solve the self-made problems of the USA.

For a virus a wall is invisible and not very important. Our bodies are the "crititical mass" for the explosion of the reproductions of a virus. So. Keep distance. Your absolute and extremly stupid US-American super nationalisimk will kill your nation sooner or later. Try "later"! Again: Keep distance! The minimizes the critical mass of ways for the virus - and this gives more time to react and to help the people with heavy symptoms - and this will minimize the # of death victims.

^^ His nation is dying as it keeps following open borders lunatics. Predictable.

That was the dumbest post for today. Everyone knows walls stop viruses.
There is no defense against pandemics except reserve capacity in our medical system and the ability to quickly mobilize resources to isolate and treat infected people. This pandemic will force many to confront a lot of hard truths. We no longer have the luxury to live within our own little disinformation bubbles.
There is no defense against pandemics except reserve capacity in our medical system and the ability to quickly mobilize resources to isolate and treat infected people. This pandemic will force many to confront a lot of hard truths. We no longer have the luxury to live within our own little disinformation bubbles.

Did you fail to read?

Not having open borders IS the cure, as proved by every country that practiced them. The irony of this post is breath-taking. Revisit the beliefs about open borders is my advice.
"I'm scared of coronavirus. Not everyone has money to buy sanitisers, not everyone can carry a sanitiser. There should be some provision for this, taps should be put everywhere, soap, sanitizers.” - Dharam Singh Rajput, Indian railway worker⁠

we need to help folks all over the world, my friends
There is no defense against pandemics except reserve capacity in our medical system and the ability to quickly mobilize resources to isolate and treat infected people. This pandemic will force many to confront a lot of hard truths. We no longer have the luxury to live within our own little disinformation bubbles.

Did you fail to read?

Not having open borders IS the cure, as proved by every country that practiced them. The irony of this post is breath-taking. Revisit the beliefs about open borders is my advice.
It is simply not possible to stop international travel and trade. That is a hard truth you must confront.
There is no defense against pandemics except reserve capacity in our medical system and the ability to quickly mobilize resources to isolate and treat infected people. This pandemic will force many to confront a lot of hard truths. We no longer have the luxury to live within our own little disinformation bubbles.

Did you fail to read?

Not having open borders IS the cure, as proved by every country that practiced them. The irony of this post is breath-taking. Revisit the beliefs about open borders is my advice.
It is simply not possible to stop international travel and trade. That is a hard truth you must confront.

Except... if you are Russia.

The borders must be pretty magical... you can sure lock your entire country down, but just not the borders. That would be impossible...

You should indeed study your positions more and make changes where appropriate, the positions are ludicrous.
Open borders = No Wall = Infection spreads free. It's like turning off your fire-wall on a computer.
No open borders nonsense = Anti-Virus.

Russia has 3 deaths from Corona virus. If only democrats were not calling everyone a racist when Trump bravely shut the Chinese border, we would not even have the virus.

Russia is an economic backwater...

We don't have a border with China, and the disease got here despite his breaking off travel. We now have MORE cases than China.
The cure to it is going to be to prosecute those who are responsible for creating it and it isn't going to be who y'all think it is.
Open borders = No Wall = Infection spreads free. It's like turning off your fire-wall on a computer.
No open borders nonsense = Anti-Virus.

Russia has 3 deaths from Corona virus. If only democrats were not calling everyone a racist when Trump bravely shut the Chinese border, we would not even have the virus.

Oh by the way: Congrats. You are great again. "USA first." And I'm sure not any self-made wall is able to solve the self-made problems of the USA.

For a virus a wall is invisible and not very important. Our bodies are the "crititical mass" for the explosion of the reproductions of a virus. So. Keep distance. Your absolute and extremly stupid US-American super nationalisimk will kill your nation sooner or later. Try "later"! Again: Keep distance! The minimizes the critical mass of ways for the virus - and this gives more time to react and to help the people with heavy symptoms - and this will minimize the # of death victims.

^^ His nation is dying as it keeps following open borders lunatics. Predictable.

That was the dumbest post for today. Everyone knows walls stop viruses.

Good luck on board of Captain Trumps Titanic.

Open borders = No Wall = Infection spreads free. It's like turning off your fire-wall on a computer.
No open borders nonsense = Anti-Virus.

Russia has 3 deaths from Corona virus. If only democrats were not calling everyone a racist when Trump bravely shut the Chinese border, we would not even have the virus.

Russia is an economic backwater...

We don't have a border with China, and the disease got here despite his breaking off travel. We now have MORE cases than China.

We don't have a border?

Good, then it is even EASIER to stop travel. Of course, in this case that's what we did, which is why the virus arrived to Europe far sooner. However, then the virus came here from Europe.

Only now they are listening to sound advice, but it is too late.
There is no defense against pandemics except reserve capacity in our medical system and the ability to quickly mobilize resources to isolate and treat infected people. This pandemic will force many to confront a lot of hard truths. We no longer have the luxury to live within our own little disinformation bubbles.

Did you fail to read?

Not having open borders IS the cure, as proved by every country that practiced them. The irony of this post is breath-taking. Revisit the beliefs about open borders is my advice.
It is simply not possible to stop international travel and trade. That is a hard truth you must confront.

Except... if you are Russia.

The borders must be pretty magical... you can sure lock your entire country down, but just not the borders. That would be impossible...

You should indeed study your positions more and make changes where appropriate, the positions are ludicrous.
You want to be more like Russia? They are certainly under-reporting their numbers and probably letting the worst cases die without treatment. Dictatorships always handle things like this with lies and cruelty.
There is no defense against pandemics except reserve capacity in our medical system and the ability to quickly mobilize resources to isolate and treat infected people. This pandemic will force many to confront a lot of hard truths. We no longer have the luxury to live within our own little disinformation bubbles.

Did you fail to read?

Not having open borders IS the cure, as proved by every country that practiced them. The irony of this post is breath-taking. Revisit the beliefs about open borders is my advice.
It is simply not possible to stop international travel and trade. That is a hard truth you must confront.

Except... if you are Russia.

The borders must be pretty magical... you can sure lock your entire country down, but just not the borders. That would be impossible...

You should indeed study your positions more and make changes where appropriate, the positions are ludicrous.
You want to be more like Russia? They are certainly under-reporting their numbers and probably letting the worst cases die without treatment. Dictatorships always handle things like this with lies and cruelty.

No, I do not want to end up in an authoritarian hell hole. That's exactly why you shut down the damned border.

You have no arguments, only hot air. Open borders are a crazy far-left fringe view which will never work anywhere, and you know it.
Open borders = No Wall = Infection spreads free. It's like turning off your fire-wall on a computer.
No open borders nonsense = Anti-Virus.

Russia has 3 deaths from Corona virus. If only democrats were not calling everyone a racist when Trump bravely shut the Chinese border, we would not even have the virus.

And Russia does not even have a wall...there goes your theory that no wall = open borders.

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