The True Cure for the Virus is to End Open Borders

haha...The ole...”I know this ONE GUY”story huh?
Do you really think anybody gives two fucks about those here from Germany? Come on man, I think we both know our founders invited Germans...we both know who’s fucking the place up and it isn’t Germans.
You’d trade the life of Mollie Tibbetts for food recipes and music any day wouldn’t you you sick fuck.

There is far more to multiculturalism than just the brown people that scare you shitless.
Well ought to be a simple task for you...tell us why we shouldn’t be “scared shitless” of brown people...Tell us how they enhance and improve our country....Unless you can’t of course...Simple
As tempting as it might be to rely on racism to fight this pandemic -- it is a bit hard to get all of the non-whites out of the country at this point...

Maybe later after Trump has saved America -- perhaps he can sign and executive order to make it illegal to be non-white or something

You laugh at such a thing but this guy has said that non-whites should not be allowed to be citizens...and he was dead serious.

I simply agree with our founders and their intent for America. You don’t?
Tell us how we’ve become BETTER as we’ve deviated from their wishes and gone ‘dark’.
You are exactly right.....I don't know why so many republicans get so triggered when some nonwhite complains about how this country was racist and founded for whites was....but it was righteous racism....

Conservatives need to embrace this and return back the original intent of the founders and kick these darkies out of the country...if they refuse to stand up to these darkies, they are simply conceding that our founders were wrong..and they were not....this is should be whites only country...

Candace Owens is the key to turning this whole thing around....that message will sound better coming from an appropriate darkie instead of a white..that way it wont be so racist sounding...


There is no such thing as "righteous racism". Racism is a cancer.

Yeah, it's working terrible for Japan.
Meanwhile nations are coming apart at the seams all over the globe because FORCED multiculturalism doesn't fucking work.

It's not working in Japan. The country has one of the lowest birth rates on the planet, way below the replacement rate. Japan is going to be in the position of either encouraging or allowing immigration, or watching their country die.

The USA doesn't have a replacement rate of birth either. And white people are NOT emigrating to the world's worst shithole of a first nation. Although I expect that things in the USA are going to be quite different after the corona virus is done with you.

Is that what CNN has told you as they shove multiculturalism / globalism down your throat?
A government for the people would put the quality of life of the citizenry first...well ahead of GDP / population
They would expect expansion and contraction in fertility rates...A legit government would never encourage thirdworld illiterates to overrun it's native populous. See Los Angeles for proof of what happens when they do....Now extrapolate your findings and....TA-DA!
Open borders = No Wall = Infection spreads free. It's like turning off your fire-wall on a computer.
No open borders nonsense = Anti-Virus.

Russia has 3 deaths from Corona virus. If only democrats were not calling everyone a racist when Trump bravely shut the Chinese border, we would not even have the virus.

So your suggestion is that we restructure ourselves in the mold of the country formerly known as the Soviet Union.

Don't tread on me!! Oh, except the police state! You're okay!
Open borders = No Wall = Infection spreads free. It's like turning off your fire-wall on a computer.
No open borders nonsense = Anti-Virus.

Russia has 3 deaths from Corona virus. If only democrats were not calling everyone a racist when Trump bravely shut the Chinese border, we would not even have the virus.

So your suggestion is that we restructure ourselves in the mold of the country formerly known as the Soviet Union.

Don't tread on me!! Oh, except the police state! You're okay!


Had we closed the border early we would NOT have had to close the country down and become like Soviet Union.

... and close the border as well. Are you feeling that we live in Soviet Union now that Trump banned the Europeans?

The IQ of these people...
So, are you saying that the solution is to stop all international trade, stop business people from travelling overseas or coming from overseas, and to cease tourism to and from America? That we need to build a wall all around that country that not only keeps possibly infected people and goods out of the US, but also keeps people in so that they cannot be exposed to the rest of the world. And that if we do this to totally isolate ourselves from the world, then we'll only have to worry about diseases that originate from within our borders. Accurate assessment of your beliefs? If not, then what am I getting wrong?

Are you saying we need to lock down the entire country?

Why would we need to stop all trade?

Funny, we sure can isolate ourselves from each other, but when it comes to other countries, that would be impossible... impossible.

You want to see the economy really tank?

Stop all international trade.

You want to ensure that the economy doesn't recover in the future?

Stop all international travel into and out of the United States- tourism is a huge part of our economy.

You want to ensure that the United States is like Cuba and North Korea

Forbid Americans to travel outside the United States.

All of which you are advocating.

You want to see a non-argument?

Read your post. International trade is nowhere mentioned in the OP. Being reliant on communist countries is not a good idea is everything I will say on that topic for now.
Oh by the way: I guess I found out what's wrong with Donald Trump. He's a coward, who is not able to overtake responsibilty, because he has not any serios plan about anything. His only plan is to get votes. This explains his ignorance in case of serios problems and this explains all of his "stunts" in completely harmless (or solved) international problems, which he was stylizing to "existential" problems, where everyone is his enemy and the enemy of the USA, except someone is his own personal spitlicker. But the real enemy of the USA is the bloody incompetence of Trump and from all spitlickers around him. He's to old to educate him - fire him! Yesterday!

Your governors will have to make a lot of decisions in the next months - which will be for sure sometimes not very nice for you, if you like to save as many lifes as possible. Try to help them and coordinate their important work with all other states of the USA.

And don't forget: Who believes in god is never alone. God is always with you in every moment of joy and in every moment of sadness too. Trust in god. Fight, fight, fight against this damned bloody virus - you will win - fight for your people - and don't care for Trumps money.

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WHO stated that the virus will be contained in China and will never spread.

Very trust worthy agency...

They didn't think The US would ignore the problem for three months... Silly them.

I also don't think they said "it would never spread", but never mind.
We should be thankful we have a president like Trump who is keeping us safe with the travel ban and the additions to the border wall.

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