The true living God

If God exists I certainly lack complete information but I don't believe anyone has any more information than I do. If my positions seem illogical it may be your ignorance to blame.

God may exist but I don't believe he has shared any information other than the world we live in, so my ignorance is on Him.
But your arguments imply that you do know better than God. Are you changing your answer?

Your position doesn’t seem illogical. It is illogical. You do not have complete information and yet you have judged everything as a 99% failure. That’s illogical and incorrect.

Quite a lot can be learned about God from studying the world we live in. So if you are ignorant about God, that’s on you.
You can learn a lot about god by checking out all the people with cancer, and all the deformed or retarded babies.

Mortals chose this system of things. Gods kingdom will end all suffering.
We didn't choose this. Some guy ate an apple. Why is that my problem?

You are alive--God set this before all because of the rebellion in Eden- Deut 30:19-- If God didn't let the issues be resolved once and for all time, it would have just kept occurring over and over. This way it occurs once.
That’s dumb, s9me guy does someth8ng wrong thousands of years ago and I have to pay for it. God must be a real loser.
99% are in satans illusion, he poses as every other god--there is but one true living God-YHVH(Jehovah) Few know him-John 15:20-21
So God created a world knowing that 99% of his creation was doomed to suffer on earth and then suffer in hell for all eternity. Either He is a sadist or a really poor creator.
So let’s explore your position that God is a sadist. Why would a sadist allow us to have any happiness at all?
Mortals chose this system==Gods kingdom will end this system. There is no literal eternal suffering( Deut 30:19)--Those living in darkness teach that lie against God.
This is God's offer to the Jewish people, believe & obey = prosperity, disobey = ruin, not to individuals. I see no mention of any afterlife, not surprising since the Jews are not big on it at this time. That will come later.
In my understanding, Jesus didn't start any religions, he was born a Jew and died a Jew, his followers started Christianity. And there were ALWAYS multiple Christian religions. IMHO
Acts 24:5-- a single religion Jesus started--The rest claiming to be Christian are in reality a part of this-2Thess 2:3--the great apostasy. They became a house divided-they will not stand-Mark 3:24-26
Not buying it.

Paul was roaming the Roman world trying to keep his churches in line because others were traveling with different theologies. The main conflict being, did one have convert to Judaism before becoming a Christian. Some said yes and that was the Jerusalem faction. Others, like Paul, believed you didn't and circumcision was unnecessary. Paul's faction won by default when the Romans burned Jerusalem. If Paul had lost, Christianity today would be a tiny sect in a minor religion. Paul opened up the possibility of mass conversions of gentiles.

Pagan Rome was as much responsible for Christianity as anyone or anything.

They don't teach what Jesus actually taught. In fact they teach a non existent false God.
Yes satans#1 job attack Jesus seed relentless. False teachings started getting in in Peters letters. Titus had to be left behind to correct error teachings that got in. The important thing--they are corrected. To this day are being corrected. In front of the whole world.
How do you know this while 99% of (Christian?) people do not?
Jesus is not with religions that teac

Because those 99% are not in reality Christian.
In my understanding, Jesus didn't start any religions, he was born a Jew and died a Jew, his followers started Christianity. And there were ALWAYS multiple Christian religions. IMHO
Acts 24:5-- a single religion Jesus started--The rest claiming to be Christian are in reality a part of this-2Thess 2:3--the great apostasy. They became a house divided-they will not stand-Mark 3:24-26
Not buying it.

Paul was roaming the Roman world trying to keep his churches in line because others were traveling with different theologies. The main conflict being, did one have convert to Judaism before becoming a Christian. Some said yes and that was the Jerusalem faction. Others, like Paul, believed you didn't and circumcision was unnecessary. Paul's faction won by default when the Romans burned Jerusalem. If Paul had lost, Christianity today would be a tiny sect in a minor religion. Paul opened up the possibility of mass conversions of gentiles.

Pagan Rome was as much responsible for Christianity as anyone or anything.

They don't teach what Jesus actually taught. In fact they teach a non existent false God.
Yes satans#1 job attack Jesus seed relentless. False teachings started getting in in Peters letters. Titus had to be left behind to correct error teachings that got in. The important thing--they are corrected. To this day are being corrected. In front of the whole world.
How do you know this while 99% of (Christian?) people do not?

Jesus is not with any religion teaching a false god like the trinity god, it does not exist. Thus they are not Christian like they are told.
You sound like a gnostic with this secret information. Is that true?
But your arguments imply that you do know better than God. Are you changing your answer?

Your position doesn’t seem illogical. It is illogical. You do not have complete information and yet you have judged everything as a 99% failure. That’s illogical and incorrect.

Quite a lot can be learned about God from studying the world we live in. So if you are ignorant about God, that’s on you.
You can learn a lot about god by checking out all the people with cancer, and all the deformed or retarded babies.

Mortals chose this system of things. Gods kingdom will end all suffering.
We didn't choose this. Some guy ate an apple. Why is that my problem?

You are alive--God set this before all because of the rebellion in Eden- Deut 30:19-- If God didn't let the issues be resolved once and for all time, it would have just kept occurring over and over. This way it occurs once.
That’s dumb, s9me guy does someth8ng wrong thousands of years ago and I have to pay for it. God must be a real loser.

You pay for your own sins. Not his. God had no choice but to let the issues raised against him be proved false in front of all creation.
99% are in satans illusion, he poses as every other god--there is but one true living God-YHVH(Jehovah) Few know him-John 15:20-21
So God created a world knowing that 99% of his creation was doomed to suffer on earth and then suffer in hell for all eternity. Either He is a sadist or a really poor creator.
So let’s explore your position that God is a sadist. Why would a sadist allow us to have any happiness at all?
Mortals chose this system==Gods kingdom will end this system. There is no literal eternal suffering( Deut 30:19)--Those living in darkness teach that lie against God.
This is God's offer to the Jewish people, believe & obey = prosperity, disobey = ruin, not to individuals. I see no mention of any afterlife, not surprising since the Jews are not big on it at this time. That will come later.

It mentions--LIFE or DEATH is the choices given to all mankind.
Acts 24:5-- a single religion Jesus started--The rest claiming to be Christian are in reality a part of this-2Thess 2:3--the great apostasy. They became a house divided-they will not stand-Mark 3:24-26
Not buying it.

Paul was roaming the Roman world trying to keep his churches in line because others were traveling with different theologies. The main conflict being, did one have convert to Judaism before becoming a Christian. Some said yes and that was the Jerusalem faction. Others, like Paul, believed you didn't and circumcision was unnecessary. Paul's faction won by default when the Romans burned Jerusalem. If Paul had lost, Christianity today would be a tiny sect in a minor religion. Paul opened up the possibility of mass conversions of gentiles.

Pagan Rome was as much responsible for Christianity as anyone or anything.

They don't teach what Jesus actually taught. In fact they teach a non existent false God.
Yes satans#1 job attack Jesus seed relentless. False teachings started getting in in Peters letters. Titus had to be left behind to correct error teachings that got in. The important thing--they are corrected. To this day are being corrected. In front of the whole world.
How do you know this while 99% of (Christian?) people do not?
Jesus is not with religions that teac

Because those 99% are not in reality Christian.
Acts 24:5-- a single religion Jesus started--The rest claiming to be Christian are in reality a part of this-2Thess 2:3--the great apostasy. They became a house divided-they will not stand-Mark 3:24-26
Not buying it.

Paul was roaming the Roman world trying to keep his churches in line because others were traveling with different theologies. The main conflict being, did one have convert to Judaism before becoming a Christian. Some said yes and that was the Jerusalem faction. Others, like Paul, believed you didn't and circumcision was unnecessary. Paul's faction won by default when the Romans burned Jerusalem. If Paul had lost, Christianity today would be a tiny sect in a minor religion. Paul opened up the possibility of mass conversions of gentiles.

Pagan Rome was as much responsible for Christianity as anyone or anything.

They don't teach what Jesus actually taught. In fact they teach a non existent false God.
Yes satans#1 job attack Jesus seed relentless. False teachings started getting in in Peters letters. Titus had to be left behind to correct error teachings that got in. The important thing--they are corrected. To this day are being corrected. In front of the whole world.
How do you know this while 99% of (Christian?) people do not?

Jesus is not with any religion teaching a false god like the trinity god, it does not exist. Thus they are not Christian like they are told.
You sound like a gnostic with this secret information. Is that true?

Its not secret, any one who knows what Jesus teaches know its facts. They don't teach what Jesus actually taught in any building on earth called a church. They are being mislead.
You can learn a lot about god by checking out all the people with cancer, and all the deformed or retarded babies.

Mortals chose this system of things. Gods kingdom will end all suffering.
We didn't choose this. Some guy ate an apple. Why is that my problem?

You are alive--God set this before all because of the rebellion in Eden- Deut 30:19-- If God didn't let the issues be resolved once and for all time, it would have just kept occurring over and over. This way it occurs once.
That’s dumb, s9me guy does someth8ng wrong thousands of years ago and I have to pay for it. God must be a real loser.

You pay for your own sins. Not his. God had no choice but to let the issues raised against him be proved false in front of all creation.
So then why am I not in Eden?
Mortals chose this system of things. Gods kingdom will end all suffering.
We didn't choose this. Some guy ate an apple. Why is that my problem?

You are alive--God set this before all because of the rebellion in Eden- Deut 30:19-- If God didn't let the issues be resolved once and for all time, it would have just kept occurring over and over. This way it occurs once.
That’s dumb, s9me guy does someth8ng wrong thousands of years ago and I have to pay for it. God must be a real loser.

You pay for your own sins. Not his. God had no choice but to let the issues raised against him be proved false in front of all creation.
So then why am I not in Eden?

No one is in Eden. God hid it from the world. This sick satan ruled system is in control. 99% have lost to it throughout history. They need to listen to Jesus.
Its not secret, any one who knows what Jesus teaches know its facts. They don't teach what Jesus actually taught in any building on earth called a church. They are being mislead.
It's not secret but 99% of Christians don't know it. How do you know what Jesus actually taught since it was a church that compiled, edited, and repeatedly copied everything we have today?
We didn't choose this. Some guy ate an apple. Why is that my problem?

You are alive--God set this before all because of the rebellion in Eden- Deut 30:19-- If God didn't let the issues be resolved once and for all time, it would have just kept occurring over and over. This way it occurs once.
That’s dumb, s9me guy does someth8ng wrong thousands of years ago and I have to pay for it. God must be a real loser.

You pay for your own sins. Not his. God had no choice but to let the issues raised against him be proved false in front of all creation.
So then why am I not in Eden?

No one is in Eden. God hid it from the world. This sick satan ruled system is in control. 99% have lost to it throughout history. They need to listen to Jesus.
So why does god let satan rule? And hide Eden?
Its not secret, any one who knows what Jesus teaches know its facts. They don't teach what Jesus actually taught in any building on earth called a church. They are being mislead.
It's not secret but 99% of Christians don't know it. How do you know what Jesus actually taught since it was a church that compiled, edited, and repeatedly copied everything we have today?

I studied with different trinity based religions. I studied with the JW,s. I carefully looked at Mormonism, I studied what Jesus taught. Not in 1 single church were the teachings of Jesus taught correctly. The JW,s do however teach every single teaching he gave to us and every utterance from God as well, since Jesus taught--MAN MUST live by every utterance( no pick and choose)-- Its pretty easy to see who is correct if one knows what Jesus actually teaches. They are the same in every translation on earth. Yet when I share 7 super important ones that expose their religions as false--EVERY single trinitarian rejects those teachings, even though those 7 teachings are in their bibles as well--WHY? Because they are never taught correctly.
You are alive--God set this before all because of the rebellion in Eden- Deut 30:19-- If God didn't let the issues be resolved once and for all time, it would have just kept occurring over and over. This way it occurs once.
That’s dumb, s9me guy does someth8ng wrong thousands of years ago and I have to pay for it. God must be a real loser.

You pay for your own sins. Not his. God had no choice but to let the issues raised against him be proved false in front of all creation.
So then why am I not in Eden?

No one is in Eden. God hid it from the world. This sick satan ruled system is in control. 99% have lost to it throughout history. They need to listen to Jesus.
So why does god let satan rule? And hide Eden?

To let the issues raised against him be resolved once and for all time. Mortals chose this for us.
That’s dumb, s9me guy does someth8ng wrong thousands of years ago and I have to pay for it. God must be a real loser.

You pay for your own sins. Not his. God had no choice but to let the issues raised against him be proved false in front of all creation.
So then why am I not in Eden?

No one is in Eden. God hid it from the world. This sick satan ruled system is in control. 99% have lost to it throughout history. They need to listen to Jesus.
So why does god let satan rule? And hide Eden?

To let the issues raised against him be resolved once and for all time. Mortals chose this for us.
God can't resolve the issues with satan by himself? After all, god created satan.

Like I said before, some other guy chooses to eat an apple and I'M fucked. That's totally bullshit!!
You pay for your own sins. Not his. God had no choice but to let the issues raised against him be proved false in front of all creation.
So then why am I not in Eden?

No one is in Eden. God hid it from the world. This sick satan ruled system is in control. 99% have lost to it throughout history. They need to listen to Jesus.
So why does god let satan rule? And hide Eden?

To let the issues raised against him be resolved once and for all time. Mortals chose this for us.
God can't resolve the issues with satan by himself? After all, god created satan.

Like I said before, some other guy chooses to eat an apple and I'M fucked. That's totally bullshit!!

your reasoning is false
Its not secret, any one who knows what Jesus teaches know its facts. They don't teach what Jesus actually taught in any building on earth called a church. They are being mislead.
It's not secret but 99% of Christians don't know it. How do you know what Jesus actually taught since it was a church that compiled, edited, and repeatedly copied everything we have today?

I studied with different trinity based religions. I studied with the JW,s. I carefully looked at Mormonism, I studied what Jesus taught. Not in 1 single church were the teachings of Jesus taught correctly. The JW,s do however teach every single teaching he gave to us and every utterance from God as well, since Jesus taught--MAN MUST live by every utterance( no pick and choose)-- Its pretty easy to see who is correct if one knows what Jesus actually teaches. They are the same in every translation on earth. Yet when I share 7 super important ones that expose their religions as false--EVERY single trinitarian rejects those teachings, even though those 7 teachings are in their bibles as well--WHY? Because they are never taught correctly.
So God let Christianity teach lies for over 1,000 years? I guess he just didn't care.
So then why am I not in Eden?

No one is in Eden. God hid it from the world. This sick satan ruled system is in control. 99% have lost to it throughout history. They need to listen to Jesus.
So why does god let satan rule? And hide Eden?

To let the issues raised against him be resolved once and for all time. Mortals chose this for us.
God can't resolve the issues with satan by himself? After all, god created satan.

Like I said before, some other guy chooses to eat an apple and I'M fucked. That's totally bullshit!!

your reasoning is false
Your reasoning is bullshit.
Its not secret, any one who knows what Jesus teaches know its facts. They don't teach what Jesus actually taught in any building on earth called a church. They are being mislead.
It's not secret but 99% of Christians don't know it. How do you know what Jesus actually taught since it was a church that compiled, edited, and repeatedly copied everything we have today?

I studied with different trinity based religions. I studied with the JW,s. I carefully looked at Mormonism, I studied what Jesus taught. Not in 1 single church were the teachings of Jesus taught correctly. The JW,s do however teach every single teaching he gave to us and every utterance from God as well, since Jesus taught--MAN MUST live by every utterance( no pick and choose)-- Its pretty easy to see who is correct if one knows what Jesus actually teaches. They are the same in every translation on earth. Yet when I share 7 super important ones that expose their religions as false--EVERY single trinitarian rejects those teachings, even though those 7 teachings are in their bibles as well--WHY? Because they are never taught correctly.
So God let Christianity teach lies for over 1,000 years? I guess he just didn't care.

Many truths were still in place of how one should live their lives. They have died and paid the wages of sin. Promised a resurrection. Truths come out in the last days( well along)Daniel 12:4) otherwise no one could accomplish this-John 4:22-24 a requirement of one to have Gods approval. How many actually listen to Jesus? Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY utterance from God. He wasn't just kidding.
No one is in Eden. God hid it from the world. This sick satan ruled system is in control. 99% have lost to it throughout history. They need to listen to Jesus.
So why does god let satan rule? And hide Eden?

To let the issues raised against him be resolved once and for all time. Mortals chose this for us.
God can't resolve the issues with satan by himself? After all, god created satan.

Like I said before, some other guy chooses to eat an apple and I'M fucked. That's totally bullshit!!

your reasoning is false
Your reasoning is bullshit.

Actually, 1/3 of the spirit beings fell later on as well. They have free will as well. It would have happened over and over, ruining it for all. This system is almost done. We are well along in Revelation.
The issue raised---1) Do we as mortals need to listen to Gods advice to find the path of lasting happiness?2) Or is it better to know both sides ourselves and choose for ourselves? This sick system shows #1 is 100% fact.
So why does god let satan rule? And hide Eden?

To let the issues raised against him be resolved once and for all time. Mortals chose this for us.
God can't resolve the issues with satan by himself? After all, god created satan.

Like I said before, some other guy chooses to eat an apple and I'M fucked. That's totally bullshit!!

your reasoning is false
Your reasoning is bullshit.

Actually, 1/3 of the spirit beings fell later on as well. They have free will as well. It would have happened over and over, ruining it for all. This system is almost done. We are well along in Revelation.
The issue raised---1) Do we as mortals need to listen to Gods advice to find the path of lasting happiness?2) Or is it better to know both sides ourselves and choose for ourselves? This sick system shows #1 is 100% fact.
if god wants us to act a certain way, why did he give us free will.
if god wants us to act a certain way, why did he give us free will.

I have a book called "The Tao is Silent", and it is a collection of essays on Taoist philosophy and thought. Chapter 20 of the book covers that very subject in a very interesting way. The whole chapter is a conversation between a person who doesn't want to sin anymore and asks God to take away his free will so he will no longer sin.

The conversation goes back and forth for a while, covering a lot of different areas, but the bottom line is that God gave mankind free will, because without it we wouldn't be as compassionate.

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