The True Story Behind Obama's Fundimental Change Of America


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Obama essentially wants to take away the power of your vote and give it to foreigners.

That is the fundamental change he talked about.

If you're not willing to buy into his bullshit, he'll go outside of the country and find millions who will.

It's as simple as that.

How did the Democrats completely change the demographics of California?

By flooding the state with refugees from other countries.

Start a few wars, declare those countries humanitarian disasters, and ship em to the border.


This has been his plan all along, and the rest of the Democrats almost to a man are in on it.

This is a Syrian refugee camp in Jordan.

Obama and Harry Reid see a whole camp full of new Democrat voters. The trick is getting them here without drawing attention to them.


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I'm no fan of the immigration policies of Obama or the Democratic Party, but you're playing with fire here. Surely you realize that Bush, Reagan, and other Republicans are, in general, just as bad?
I'm no fan of the immigration policies of Obama or the Democratic Party, but you're playing with fire here. Surely you realize that Bush, Reagan, and other Republicans are, in general, just as bad?

How so?

And if so, in what way does that excuse Obama?

You cannot defend this simply by saying you think someone else did it before him.

That is like beating a dead horse. It's been tried too many times.
Simple mudwhistle:
1. Require the Democrat Party to pay for all its programs and members
and management of leaders, representation, structure and policy to govern them.
2. Require Republicans to pay for their own policies INCLUDING paying back taxpayers for environmental damage and corrupt war contracts due to Republican policies deregulating corporations and giving them unchecked freedom to do business without redressing grievances.
3. Only hold taxpayers responsible for laws and taxes that concern

Anything else that was partisan, corrupt or abusive that we the people did not authorize or consent to, hold the RESPECTIVE party leaders corporations and their party affiliation
responsible for paying back taxpayers restitution and correcting the problem they caused.

We only pay for things charged on our credit card that we approved as keeping with laws.
Everything else is charged back to whoever was responsible for unauthorized charges.
The Fed can be used to keep track of credit, holding wrongdoers to pay back over time.

We can reinvent the legal system to pay lawyers to collect on behalf of taxpayers,
and charge the wrongdoers for legal costs, not live off conflicts at taxpayer expense!

Obama essentially wants to take away the power of your vote and give it to foreigners.

That is the fundamental change he talked about.

If you're not willing to buy into his bullshit, he'll go outside of the country and find millions who will.

It's as simple as that.

How did the Democrats completely change the demographics of California?

By flooding the state with refugees from other countries.

Start a few wars, declare those countries humanitarian disasters, and ship em to the border.


This has been his plan all along, and the rest of the Democrats almost to a man are in on it.

This is a Syrian refugee camp in Jordan.

Obama and Harry Reid see a whole camp full of new Democrat voters. The trick is getting them here without drawing attention to them.


It's clear that Democrats aren't going to pay for their programs themselves, but that would be a deterrent.
Gawd but I do get tired of this bullshit from the low info RWs.
[MENTION=20102]mudwhistle[/MENTION], grow a brain, grow some balls, grow up.
I'm no fan of the immigration policies of Obama or the Democratic Party, but you're playing with fire here. Surely you realize that Bush, Reagan, and other Republicans are, in general, just as bad?

How so?

And if so, in what way does that excuse Obama?

You cannot defend this simply by saying you think someone else did it before him.

That is like beating a dead horse. It's been tried too many times.
Of the 135,000 Syrians to apply for asylum in the US, the Obama administration has approved 31 of them.
I'm no fan of the immigration policies of Obama or the Democratic Party, but you're playing with fire here. Surely you realize that Bush, Reagan, and other Republicans are, in general, just as bad?

How so?

And if so, in what way does that excuse Obama?

You cannot defend this simply by saying you think someone else did it before him.

That is like beating a dead horse. It's been tried too many times.
Of the 135,000 Syrians to apply for asylum in the US, the Obama administration has approved 31 of them.

They're doing it the legal way.

He would rather they break in and then they would be granted asylum.

That way he cannot be blamed.
No one is going to hold your dear leader, Mud, anymore accountable than presidents who have come before him. You are beating a dead hourse.

A comprehensive reform bill is the ONLY way you will get a 100 foot high fence built and posse comitatus lifted so governors can deply the NG to the border for training.
I'm no fan of the immigration policies of Obama or the Democratic Party, but you're playing with fire here. Surely you realize that Bush, Reagan, and other Republicans are, in general, just as bad?

How so?

And if so, in what way does that excuse Obama?

You cannot defend this simply by saying you think someone else did it before him.

That is like beating a dead horse. It's been tried too many times.
Of the 135,000 Syrians to apply for asylum in the US, the Obama administration has approved 31 of them.


The end is nigh.

[MENTION=20102]mudwhistle[/MENTION] -

grow a brain, grow some balls, grow up.
How so?

And if so, in what way does that excuse Obama?

You cannot defend this simply by saying you think someone else did it before him.

That is like beating a dead horse. It's been tried too many times.
Of the 135,000 Syrians to apply for asylum in the US, the Obama administration has approved 31 of them.

They're doing it the legal way.

He would rather they break in and then they would be granted asylum.

That way he cannot be blamed.
And you know
No one is going to hold your dear leader, Mud, anymore accountable than presidents who have come before him. You are beating a dead hourse.

A comprehensive reform bill is the ONLY way you will get a 100 foot high fence built and posse comitatus lifted so governors can deply the NG to the border for training.

Immigration reform of any kind is a scam by the left and establishment Republicans.

Democrat presidents have established this precedent that they will only follow the laws they like, and ignore the ones they don't like. Total lawlessness.

Immigration was supposed to be a compromise. Secure the borders at the same time we grant immunity to illegals.

Problem is granting immunity to illegals will be the only portion of the law that will be followed. Sealing the borders will not.

So what we'll get is another flood of foreign invaders like we're experiencing today. I wonder if you guys even know it's going on. If you watch the networks I suppose they're not even covering it. It would kind of explain your attitude.

Either that, or you're just stupid.

Go back to watching wall to wall coverage of missing flight 370 on CNN.
I'm no fan of the immigration policies of Obama or the Democratic Party, but you're playing with fire here. Surely you realize that Bush, Reagan, and other Republicans are, in general, just as bad?

How so?

Consider these two questions:

1. Has mass amnesty ever been granted before, and if so, by whom?

2. When did illegal immigration occur--did the entire illegal population of the U.S. suddenly come into being only after Obama assumed office?

And if so, in what way does that excuse Obama?

You cannot defend this simply by saying you think someone else did it before him.

That is like beating a dead horse. It's been tried too many times.

It doesn't excuse him, nor am I trying to. I'm not defending Obama, as he is part of the problem--just like many presidents of both parties before him. You, however, appear to be holding Obama to an entirely different standard than his predecessors, as well as the Democrats to a different standard than the Republicans. Both parties support illegal immigration, both parties have failed to address the issue, and the voters supporting both parties continue to enable it.
Of the 135,000 Syrians to apply for asylum in the US, the Obama administration has approved 31 of them.

They're doing it the legal way.

He would rather they break in and then they would be granted asylum.

That way he cannot be blamed.
And you know

By listening to their speeches and watching them.

Last week Obama did a few high-fives with immigration advocates in the White House. Now why would they be doing that when it has become clear we are being invaded?

As far back as during the Bush Administration Ted Kennedy, better known as "Senior Ted", had been giving speeches welcoming illegals into America. Joe Biden has said they are already Americans. What he meant was they were already Democrats.

Democrats are losing support, so they have to bring more into this country to make up for all of the folks they lose. They ship em off to Texas, Arizona, Tennessee, and other Red States so they can turn them Blue. It worked in New York, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and California, and is currently working in Florida. Wisconsin swung back to the GOP, so it was only temporary there. Must be the Winters that chased them out.
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California OKs giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants - CBS News

California OKs giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

LOS ANGELES Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill Thursday adding California to the growing list of states allowing immigrants living in the country illegally to obtain driver's licenses.

Immigrant advocates have long lobbied for the change in the nation's most populous state. The licenses would carry a distinction on the front of the card that states the document may be used for driving, not as federal identification.

Several immigrant advocates initially raised concerns that the marker will contribute to racial profiling. The bill includes protections against discrimination.

Brown predicted that California's endorsement of driver's licenses for immigrants will mean more states will follow.

Play Video
California to issue driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

"This is only the first step," he told a cheering crowd at the signing ceremony outside City Hall in Los Angeles. "When a million people without their documents drive legally and with respect in the state of California, the rest of this country will have to stand up and take notice. No longer are undocumented people in the shadows."

Brown was scheduled to repeat the signing later in Fresno, the heart of the vast Central Valley agricultural region.

State and local officials touted the importance of getting immigrants properly trained and tested so they know how to drive and know traffic rules in California.

"That's what this bill is about, making the streets of this state safer," Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck told the crowd.

Give an illegal a driver's license and the next step is getting them registered to vote.
I'm no fan of the immigration policies of Obama or the Democratic Party, but you're playing with fire here. Surely you realize that Bush, Reagan, and other Republicans are, in general, just as bad?

How so?

Consider these two questions:

1. Has mass amnesty ever been granted before, and if so, by whom?

2. When did illegal immigration occur--did the entire illegal population of the U.S. suddenly come into being only after Obama assumed office?

And if so, in what way does that excuse Obama?

You cannot defend this simply by saying you think someone else did it before him.

That is like beating a dead horse. It's been tried too many times.

It doesn't excuse him, nor am I trying to. I'm not defending Obama, as he is part of the problem--just like many presidents of both parties before him. You, however, appear to be holding Obama to an entirely different standard than his predecessors, as well as the Democrats to a different standard than the Republicans. Both parties support illegal immigration, both parties have failed to address the issue, and the voters supporting both parties continue to enable it.

Reagan signed the Democratic sponsored amnesty Bill, but later said it was the biggest mistake he ever made.

Now Obama's not only wants to do the same thing, but he goes to Hispanic countries telling them to come to America. He announced his unilateral EO granting immunity to millions of illegals and then fails to secure the borders. What do you think he expected would happen?

No, I'm not holding him to a different standard. He already knows that what he's doing will only make the problem worse, yet he does it anyway. That is the essence of corruption. A president that refuses to defend this country and undermines it's laws simply for political purposes.
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I'm no fan of the immigration policies of Obama or the Democratic Party, but you're playing with fire here. Surely you realize that Bush, Reagan, and other Republicans are, in general, just as bad?

Using misconduct/corruption from the past to justify misconduct/corruption today is a ridiculous and transparent "tactic"...
I'm no fan of the immigration policies of Obama or the Democratic Party, but you're playing with fire here. Surely you realize that Bush, Reagan, and other Republicans are, in general, just as bad?

Using misconduct/corruption from the past to justify misconduct/corruption today is a ridiculous and transparent "tactic"...

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me.

Problem with Obama is he isn't the one being fooled. Liberals that support him are

What is the end result? The whole country depending on the government for everything and not having the choices they used to have. The American Dream is history and this country with it's corruption won't even be as good as Europe.

This is a liberals dream....

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