The Trump Impeachment Countdown

I've heard that one of the reasons Trump was so popular on the campaign trail back in 2015 and 2016 was because he seemed so unscripted compared to the average politician who seems to be so careful about what he says and how he says it. That's even more true in a president as anyone who's ever listened to Obama, or Bush, or Clinton, or Bush 41, or even Reagan speak can attest. They all spoke slowly and deliberately, often pausing, apparently in an effort to think of the right word to use. Of course, there's very good reasons for that, but I can understand the attraction of wanting to listen to someone who seems to speak freely without seeming to measure every word because it can appear to be calculating in a negative sense.

Unfortunately, there's a major downside to what, on the surface at least, appears to be Trump's seemingly more open and less contrived speaking style. It's this: a complete lack of honesty. You see, if Trump was one of those people who was refreshingly forthright, even if what he said was painfully and problematically honest in much the same way a small child says something that embarrasses his or her parents on occasion, it wouldn't be all that big of a deal. But alas, Trump not only lies (tells falsehoods) with such frequency as to astonish the causal liar, he also fabricates stories out of whole cloth.

While it was common knowledge that this was Trump's MO as a private citizen since the 1970s when he was an up and coming real estate entrepreneur as well as a Manhattan bon vivant, I don't think most people expected Trump to carry that personality trait right into the WH. But he has. I guess it's simply too ingrained. This is something that simply cannot continue unabated for four years.

Let me see if I can put it a different way. It's one thing for any president to occasionally speak obliquely in such a way as to sidestep the truth. And everyone knows that because some facts are open to interpretation, all politicians can and do put a more positive (or negative) spin on those set of facts. But both of these things are completely different than constantly and blatantly lying and making up stories day after day. Forget for the moment that people are going to tire of this very soon. It's also going to be highly problematic for governing because even political allies will come to disbelieve what you say. And as for international relations, once our allies and adversaries come to believe that the president's word is meaningless, Trump will have lost that ability to sway people to his point of view. And finally, any president who lies this frequently risks legal problems if and when he ever lies under oath or instructs any of his staff to do the same thing.

I guess what it comes down to is this: I don't expect Trump to change a lifelong habit. In fact, I honestly don't believe he can. And if he can't change, and he continues to lie and make up stories like he does now, I believe he will be removed from office even if it's the Republicans who lead the charge.
At the very least Trump will be out of office in 1420 days but I predict it will be 2880
So when is not having a filter grounds for impeachment?

it's more than "not having a filter". it's about him being incompetent and dangerous and not capable of assessing national good in his relationships with other countries. the fact that he's being "handled" by russia and for russia is simply yet another manifestation of that.

it's amazing what pretend patriots will accept just to screw up this country.

If Russia is so bad why did Hillary and Obama sell them our uranium, and why did Hillary try that "reset" button with Russia? Trump didn't do anything even remotely as ass-kissing as Hillary. Please try to keep at least one foot in reality.
I've heard that one of the reasons Trump was so popular on the campaign trail back in 2015 and 2016 was because he seemed so unscripted compared to the average politician who seems to be so careful about what he says and how he says it. That's even more true in a president as anyone who's ever listened to Obama, or Bush, or Clinton, or Bush 41, or even Reagan speak can attest. They all spoke slowly and deliberately, often pausing apparently in an effort to think of the right word to use. Of course, there's very good reasons for that, but I can understand the attraction of wanting to listen to someone who seems to speak freely without seeming to measure every word because it can appear to be calculating in a negative sense.
Unfortunately, there's a major downside to what, on the surface at least, appears to be Trump's seemingly more open and less contrived speaking style. It's this: a complete lack of honesty. You see, if Trump was one of those people who was refreshingly forthright, even if what he said was painfully and problematically honest in much the same way a small child may say something that embarrasses his or her parents on occasion, it wouldn't be all that big of a deal. But alas, Trump not only lies (tells falsehoods) with such frequency as to astonish the causal liar, he also fabricates stories out of whole cloth. While it was common knowledge that this was Trump's MO as a private citizen since the 1970s when he was an up and coming real estate entrepreneur as well as a Manhattan bon vivant, I don't think most people expected Trump to carry that personality trait right into the WH. But he has. I guess it's simply too ingrained. This is something that simply cannot continue unabated for four years.
Let me see if I can put it a different way. It's one thing for any president to occasionally speak obliquely in such a way as to sidestep the truth. And everyone knows that because some facts are open to interpretation, all politicians can and do put a more positive (or negative) spin on those set of facts. But both of these things are completely different than constantly and blatantly lying and making up stories day after day. Forget for the moment that people are going to tire of this very soon. It's also going to be highly problematic for governing because even allies will come to disbelieve what you say. And for international relations, once our allies and adversaries come to believe that the president's word is meaningless, Trump will have lost that ability to sway people to his point of view. And finally, any president who lies this frequently risks legal problems if he ever lies under oath or instructs any of his staff to do the same thing.
I guess what it comes down to is this: I don't expect Trump to change a lifelong habit. In fact, I honestly don't believe he can. And if he can't change, and he continues to lie and make up stories like he does now, I believe he will be removed from office even if it's the Republicans who lead the charge.


We lost the election!

Yes...we all lost.
Just freeloaders and illegals.
I've heard that one of the reasons Trump was so popular on the campaign trail back in 2015 and 2016 was because he seemed so unscripted compared to the average politician who seems to be so careful about what he says and how he says it. That's even more true in a president as anyone who's ever listened to Obama, or Bush, or Clinton, or Bush 41, or even Reagan speak can attest. They all spoke slowly and deliberately, often pausing, apparently in an effort to think of the right word to use. Of course, there's very good reasons for that, but I can understand the attraction of wanting to listen to someone who seems to speak freely without seeming to measure every word because it can appear to be calculating in a negative sense.

Unfortunately, there's a major downside to what, on the surface at least, appears to be Trump's seemingly more open and less contrived speaking style. It's this: a complete lack of honesty. You see, if Trump was one of those people who was refreshingly forthright, even if what he said was painfully and problematically honest in much the same way a small child says something that embarrasses his or her parents on occasion, it wouldn't be all that big of a deal. But alas, Trump not only lies (tells falsehoods) with such frequency as to astonish the causal liar, he also fabricates stories out of whole cloth.

While it was common knowledge that this was Trump's MO as a private citizen since the 1970s when he was an up and coming real estate entrepreneur as well as a Manhattan bon vivant, I don't think most people expected Trump to carry that personality trait right into the WH. But he has. I guess it's simply too ingrained. This is something that simply cannot continue unabated for four years.

Let me see if I can put it a different way. It's one thing for any president to occasionally speak obliquely in such a way as to sidestep the truth. And everyone knows that because some facts are open to interpretation, all politicians can and do put a more positive (or negative) spin on those set of facts. But both of these things are completely different than constantly and blatantly lying and making up stories day after day. Forget for the moment that people are going to tire of this very soon. It's also going to be highly problematic for governing because even political allies will come to disbelieve what you say. And as for international relations, once our allies and adversaries come to believe that the president's word is meaningless, Trump will have lost that ability to sway people to his point of view. And finally, any president who lies this frequently risks legal problems if and when he ever lies under oath or instructs any of his staff to do the same thing.

I guess what it comes down to is this: I don't expect Trump to change a lifelong habit. In fact, I honestly don't believe he can. And if he can't change, and he continues to lie and make up stories like he does now, I believe he will be removed from office even if it's the Republicans who lead the charge.

Well after what Trump did to his base support tonight his supporters may be willing to impeach him--LOL This is hilarious.

So now Trump is for legalizing millions of illegals? Amazing how this works, if a Democrat would have said that Reich wingers would be shitting a brick right now--LOL

Trump's entire campaign was based on removing every illegal in this country, which is what attracted you and 99% of his supporters to him. His WALL isn't going to get built, congress will not appropriate money for a USELESS 1000 mile wall, that would have a 1000 holes and tunnels underneath it has soon as it's built. The other problem with the WALL is Indian Reservation land and private property rights.
The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels
Border patrol agent explores newly discovered US-Mexico drug tunnel with GoPro camera

As I repeatedly told everyone throughout the primary. He was for a pathway to citizenship 3-1/2 years ago and blasted Mitt Romney for losing, citing the Republican party was too mean spirited toward illegals as the cause. You ignored that, as you have everything else about Trump.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

Not that I am against Immigration reform, but I am wondering how this is sitting with his base. This is the biggest campaign lie I have ever witnessed in my old age. That was his entire platform. Continually campaigning on kicking all illegals out of this country (while his supporters where cheering him on.) And his very first address to the nation he set his supporters butt's on fire--:blowup:

Now let's get into
GOVERNMENT SPENDING: Did we forget about the 20 trillion deficit already? His proposal is to add 10% more in military spending, while cutting foreign aid to pay for it. He's is running head strong into Mitch McConnell and several other Republicans on this who strongly disagree with this plan. I doubt that's going to get through congress.

How do you cut taxes, increase spending and bring down the deficit--Anyone care to answer that?

OBAMACARE: They're not going to repeal and replace it. It's clear they don't even have a plan. The law has to be written & approved by both houses and then delivered to insurers by June 21st (this year) so they can write their policies for next year. Nothing is going to get done. Especially with Republicans getting at good look at their constituents in these town halls that have been kicking their ass's lately.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty


PLANNED PARENTHOOD: Wasn't there a campaign promise to cut funding to Planned Parenthood?--LOL Well after millions of women showed up for the Woman's march the day after the inauguration I guess that changed a few of their minds--LOL
Woman's march pictures


Who knows? Maybe Trump will get that other Obamacare type program passed that he proposed? Child care subsidies. With Democrats taking over both houses in 2018 he may have a real opportunity to get that done.
Details of Trump’s child-care plan
Dumb thread, who will start the process, the GOP?? If I were you I'd worry more about 2018 and losing more senate seats.

Yup. The Dems are their own worst enemies. America is watching and elections are right around the corner.

If I were them I'd be very worried about hanging onto the seats they have.

They will need all the luck they can get.
I believe he will be removed from office even if it's the Republicans who lead the charge.
Maybe instead of wishing for impeachment, the Democrats can spend the next four years working on being a little less repellent to so many Americans.

It's not just the White House, ya know. It's the Senate. The House. The State Governments.

The hardcore Left played a role in putting this guy in office. They need to be honest and start looking in the mirror pretty soon.
Can we start saying president Pence yet? If not, just say when. . .

Show me an intellectually honest liberal and I will show you a Conservative in the making.
Dumb thread, who will start the process, the GOP?? If I were you I'd worry more about 2018 and losing more senate seats.
Does it matter who starts the process?
Not gonna happen. You may want to think about getting a job.
How do you know it isn't going to happen? Trumps popularity is in the toilet
You have to have more than just "he's not popular" to impeach a president.
This is just the dawn of the Trump Presidency. So far, judging by his actions, Trump is a far right extremist.

Once he initiates his policies, the GOP policies or some combination, this country is in for multiple disasters.

I expect that we're in for a BIG war. It's the only way Trump & Co., can possibly maintain the loyalty of his base.

Otherwise, it's going to be good night nurse for Trump and the GOP.

Whatever hell is in store for us, the American people deserve for having elected the sleaziest President and congress in the history of this country!
In your marxist dreams...
It may not happen today or tomorrow, bu Rump will be gone within a year. There comes a point when republicans will have to listen to their constituents
You mean the constituents who voted for Trump in the first place?
Yes the same ones who are trying to ask questions in town halls, only to be ignored or have the events cancelled
You do not seriously believe the disruptors are the same constituents who elected Trump, do you? The point being that there are constituents who support Trump, despite what you hear from the fever swamps, despite the loud angry voices trying to shout down everyone else.
I've heard that one of the reasons Trump was so popular on the campaign trail back in 2015 and 2016 was because he seemed so unscripted compared to the average politician who seems to be so careful about what he says and how he says it. That's even more true in a president as anyone who's ever listened to Obama, or Bush, or Clinton, or Bush 41, or even Reagan speak can attest. They all spoke slowly and deliberately, often pausing, apparently in an effort to think of the right word to use. Of course, there's very good reasons for that, but I can understand the attraction of wanting to listen to someone who seems to speak freely without seeming to measure every word because it can appear to be calculating in a negative sense.

Unfortunately, there's a major downside to what, on the surface at least, appears to be Trump's seemingly more open and less contrived speaking style. It's this: a complete lack of honesty. You see, if Trump was one of those people who was refreshingly forthright, even if what he said was painfully and problematically honest in much the same way a small child says something that embarrasses his or her parents on occasion, it wouldn't be all that big of a deal. But alas, Trump not only lies (tells falsehoods) with such frequency as to astonish the causal liar, he also fabricates stories out of whole cloth.

While it was common knowledge that this was Trump's MO as a private citizen since the 1970s when he was an up and coming real estate entrepreneur as well as a Manhattan bon vivant, I don't think most people expected Trump to carry that personality trait right into the WH. But he has. I guess it's simply too ingrained. This is something that simply cannot continue unabated for four years.

Let me see if I can put it a different way. It's one thing for any president to occasionally speak obliquely in such a way as to sidestep the truth. And everyone knows that because some facts are open to interpretation, all politicians can and do put a more positive (or negative) spin on those set of facts. But both of these things are completely different than constantly and blatantly lying and making up stories day after day. Forget for the moment that people are going to tire of this very soon. It's also going to be highly problematic for governing because even political allies will come to disbelieve what you say. And as for international relations, once our allies and adversaries come to believe that the president's word is meaningless, Trump will have lost that ability to sway people to his point of view. And finally, any president who lies this frequently risks legal problems if and when he ever lies under oath or instructs any of his staff to do the same thing.

I guess what it comes down to is this: I don't expect Trump to change a lifelong habit. In fact, I honestly don't believe he can. And if he can't change, and he continues to lie and make up stories like he does now, I believe he will be removed from office even if it's the Republicans who lead the charge.

Well after what Trump did to his base support tonight his supporters may be willing to impeach him--LOL This is hilarious.

So now Trump is for legalizing millions of illegals? Amazing how this works, if a Democrat would have said that Reich wingers would be shitting a brick right now--LOL

Trump's entire campaign was based on removing every illegal in this country, which is what attracted you and 99% of his supporters to him. His WALL isn't going to get built, congress will not appropriate money for a USELESS 1000 mile wall, that would have a 1000 holes and tunnels underneath it has soon as it's built. The other problem with the WALL is Indian Reservation land and private property rights.
The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels
Border patrol agent explores newly discovered US-Mexico drug tunnel with GoPro camera

As I repeatedly told everyone throughout the primary. He was for a pathway to citizenship 3-1/2 years ago and blasted Mitt Romney for losing, citing the Republican party was too mean spirited toward illegals as the cause. You ignored that, as you have everything else about Trump.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

Not that I am against Immigration reform, but I am wondering how this is sitting with his base. This is the biggest campaign lie I have ever witnessed in my old age. That was his entire platform. Continually campaigning on kicking all illegals out of this country (while his supporters where cheering him on.) And his very first address to the nation he set his supporters butt's on fire--:blowup:

Now let's get into
GOVERNMENT SPENDING: Did we forget about the 20 trillion deficit already? His proposal is to add 10% more in military spending, while cutting foreign aid to pay for it. He's is running head strong into Mitch McConnell and several other Republicans on this who strongly disagree with this plan. I doubt that's going to get through congress.

How do you cut taxes, increase spending and bring down the deficit--Anyone care to answer that?

OBAMACARE: They're not going to repeal and replace it. It's clear they don't even have a plan. The law has to be written & approved by both houses and then delivered to insurers by June 21st (this year) so they can write their policies for next year. Nothing is going to get done. Especially with Republicans getting at good look at their constituents in these town halls that have been kicking their ass's lately.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty


PLANNED PARENTHOOD: Wasn't there a campaign promise to cut funding to Planned Parenthood?--LOL Well after millions of women showed up for the Woman's march the day after the inauguration I guess that changed a few of their minds--LOL
Woman's march pictures


Who knows? Maybe Trump will get that other Obamacare type program passed that he proposed? Child care subsidies. With Democrats taking over both houses in 2018 he may have a real opportunity to get that done.
Details of Trump’s child-care plan

Poor dems. They so hate it when their lies are exposed.
"With democrats taking over both houses in 2018"


Dow closes above 21,000 as stocks soar after Trump speech
This is just the dawn of the Trump Presidency. So far, judging by his actions, Trump is a far right extremist.

Once he initiates his policies, the GOP policies or some combination, this country is in for multiple disasters.

I expect that we're in for a BIG war. It's the only way Trump & Co., can possibly maintain the loyalty of his base.

Otherwise, it's going to be good night nurse for Trump and the GOP.

Whatever hell is in store for us, the American people deserve for having elected the sleaziest President and congress in the history of this country!

You run with that, Spanky!

Dow closes above 21,000 as stocks soar after Trump speech

Dow soars 300 points, closes above 21,000 for the first time

Dow ends near record highs following election of Trump

Huge Majority of Viewers Approve of Trump’s Speech
So when is not having a filter grounds for impeachment?

it's more than "not having a filter". it's about him being incompetent and dangerous and not capable of assessing national good in his relationships with other countries. the fact that he's being "handled" by russia and for russia is simply yet another manifestation of that.

it's amazing what pretend patriots will accept just to screw up this country.

If Russia is so bad why did Hillary and Obama sell them our uranium, and why did Hillary try that "reset" button with Russia? Trump didn't do anything even remotely as ass-kissing as Hillary. Please try to keep at least one foot in reality.
Obama was willing to compromise pur missile defense shield.
This is just the dawn of the Trump Presidency. So far, judging by his actions, Trump is a far right extremist.

Once he initiates his policies, the GOP policies or some combination, this country is in for multiple disasters.

I expect that we're in for a BIG war. It's the only way Trump & Co., can possibly maintain the loyalty of his base.

Otherwise, it's going to be good night nurse for Trump and the GOP.

Whatever hell is in store for us, the American people deserve for having elected the sleaziest President and congress in the history of this country!

You run with that, Spanky!

Dow closes above 21,000 as stocks soar after Trump speech

Dow soars 300 points, closes above 21,000 for the first time

Dow ends near record highs following election of Trump

Huge Majority of Viewers Approve of Trump’s Speech

the stock market boom is insignificant. It's based on pure speculation, not on real economic growth.

And yes, the vast majority, including myself, have a favorable view of Trumps address to the joint session of congress. But that's only because it was the first time Trump didn't act like a bombastic, inarticulate idiot. It surprised the hell out of me and everyone else.

When you talk about the policies in his speech, they either contradict his actions, are short sighted, unrealistic or just plain dumb.

Look what happened with his travel ban, it blew up in his face. That's going to be the modus operandi of the Trump administration.
The Republican party is the third conservative party. The first two died merciful deaths. The Republicans will probably have to make a decision, keep and maintain their party or let Trump destroy it. I predict Republican will vote for keeping their party and Trump will be impeached and removed. It will probably show great Republican courage to remove their own president.

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