The 'Trump Will Be an Authoritarian Destroyer of Democracy' Narrative Is Patently Absurd

The 'Trump Will Be an Authoritarian Destroyer of Democracy' Narrative Is Patently Absurd​

So what you're saying is he's lying again? Because he has been explaining in plain English exactly how he plans to trash the Constitution.

God, so true. Can you believe Trump is putting the leader of his opposition in PRISON????

Oh wait, that's you ....
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Your media tells you those lies because they know you're so fucking dumb you won't question them.

I suppose that you think that this is a lie also. Pay some fucking attention. ! You are just another tool who pretends that Trump is just being smeared by the media. But the reality is that you know what he is , and that is exacty what you want hinm to be, but do not havethe integrity to admit it

Patel's remarks about prosecuting journalists are in line with the former president's statements about media networks critical of his policies. In a November post to his Truth Social account, Trump said the "government should come down hard" on MSNBC and "make them pay" for the network's reporting on the ex-president.

Trump has routinely targeted the media, and has referred to journalists as the "enemy of the people" since 2018. That same year, Florida man Cesar Sayoc, who was described as a "Donald Trump superfan," sent 16 pipe bombs to CNN's offices along with multiple prominent Democrats. He was ultimately sentenced to 20 years in prison.
I suppose that you think that this is a lie also. Pay some fucking attention. ! You are just another tool who pretends that Trump is just being smeared by the media. But the reality is that you know what he is , and that is exacty what you want hinm to be, but do not havethe integrity to admit it

Democrats lie because it's what you do best. Well, that and throwing the ball for your cat to fetch
I suppose that you think that this is a lie also. Pay some fucking attention. ! You are just another tool who pretends that Trump is just being smeared by the media. But the reality is that you know what he is , and that is exacty what you want hinm to be, but do not havethe integrity to admit it

The minute the Dems have anything better I'll pay attention.

Right now leftards are lying asswipes from hell, and I'd vote for the fucking dogcatcher before I let another leftard scumbag into office.
Not liberals.

Lying leftard scumbags.

There's a difference.
Democrats definitely are not liberal. I used to be one but even at my age of 85, I never recall the Democrats being liberal. Somebody has to look up what Liberal means and if you think it is Democrat, they actually are authoritarians. See for instance how they rule over the Automobile, the oil industry, even the Pharmaceuticals where they boast they control prices.
No, I recall the counting of votes and even the press said it looks like Trump won. Suddenly at night, and with doors locked, suddenly the counters could only find Biden votes. Funny how that worked out.
But that’s not what happened. That’s the narrative you were told to believe. There was nothing unexpected or unexplained. In the states you’re referring to, votes counted early in the day were in person votes and those counted later were mail in votes. Unlike other elections, there was a significant difference in how Trump and Biden voters chose to vote. We always knew the late counted votes in these states would swing towards Biden. The doors weren’t locked. The process was transparent.

I challenge you to find any example of someone in the press saying Trump had won early on election night. It just didn’t happen.

The media that is crooked is not FOX, it is the MSM. They got the results they wanted and not what America wanted.

The Dominion lawsuit more than adequate proved Fox News is crooked. They started by covering the election fairly and freaked out when their viewership stopped watching because of it. To save the bottom line, they pivoted to promoting the lie of a stolen election. And they knew it was a lie.

There is no reason why a past president can't see classified information. Don't you think Clinton sees his fair share? Obama either? Trump was not trying to break any law.

Any past president who gets a classified briefing does so with the permission of current president. This has nothing to do with Trump’s situation. Trump just took classified documents out of the White House because he wanted them, probably just to feel special. Trump didn’t give a shit what the law said. He he didn’t want to break the law, he would have complied with the subpoena. By that point in time, it would have been clear to any moron that he was not allowed to keep them.
Democrats definitely are not liberal. I used to be one but even at my age of 85, I never recall the Democrats being liberal. Somebody has to look up what Liberal means and if you think it is Democrat, they actually are authoritarians. See for instance how they rule over the Automobile, the oil industry, even the Pharmaceuticals where they boast they control prices.
You need to look up "athoritarian" Who is it that rules over the private lives of women, trans and gay people? Who is it that refuses to recoognze the legitimacy of the opposition party? Who is it that supports the creation of an oligharchy and worse, a theocracy in America? Get fucking real!

Oil and cars? That is called regulation and enviroonmental protection. Big Pharm. That is call greedy capitalism and for profit health care, Trump said that he would bring down drug prices. He did not. Who did? Biden. If you think that regulation industry is authoritarianism, but regulating womens bodies is not, there is something seriously wrong with you
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The minute the Dems have anything better I'll pay attention.

Right now leftards are lying asswipes from hell, and I'd vote for the fucking dogcatcher before I let another leftard scumbag into office.
Please wipe the spit off of your chin, compose yourself and explain EXACTLY what the fuck you are blathering about. Better than what exactly? Do you think that I posted fake news? If so lets see if yu can refute it ,
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God, so true. Can you believe Trump is putting the leader of his opposition in PRISON????

Oh wait, that's you ....
Know who's going to put Trump in prison? People like Mike Pence who are going to testify against him & who witnessed went went on during the last few weeks of his term, you asswipe.

Joe Biden has nothing to do with it, idiot.
You need to look up "athoritarian" Who is it that rules over the private lives of women, trans and gay people? Who is it that refuses to recoognze the legitimacy of the opposition party? Who is it that supports the creation of an oligharchy and worse, a theocracy in America? Get fucking real!
Oil and cars? That is called regulation and enviroonmental protection. Big Pharm. That is call greedy capitalism and for profit health care, Trump said that he would bring down drug prices. He did not. Who did? Biden
My drug prices rose under Biden. Yep, so x that off the Biden list.
Rs do not rule over private lives. Man or woman and we protect children. And the Democrats don't bother with children since they approve abortions.You will drive the car Biden wants you to drive. No republican has tried that trick. We would love for there to be an opposition party. So long as it is not driving us into socialism.
My drug prices rose under Biden. Yep, so x that off the Biden list.
Rs do not rule over private lives. Man or woman and we protect children. And the Democrats don't bother with children since they approve abortions.You will drive the car Biden wants you to drive. No republican has tried that trick. We would love for there to be an opposition party. So long as it is not driving us into socialism.
Gish Gallop and Blatherskite
You do not protect children, You protect fetuses.
You use living children as pawns is your pathetic andrediculous culture wars
You ban books and the teaching of real history
Biden does not tell you what car to drive
Biden did lower drug prices , only recently
Socialism is that monster in the closet that you have little understanding of but fear out of ignorance
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Know who's going to put Trump in prison? People like Mike Pence who are going to testify against him & who witnessed went went on during the last few weeks of his term, you asswipe.

Joe Biden has nothing to do with it, idiot.
If you are counting on Pence, ... well we are down to a few survivors and you are out.
The OP title is propagandistic bombast … because nobody can know the future, especially with a man as fundamentally unprincipled and opportunist as Donald Trump.

Will Trump survive as a free man until next November? Probably. Can he win? Who knows? If he does win will he become the first authoritarian strongman or even dictator of the U.S.? Will he have the U.S. leave NATO and the U.N.? Will he try to create a new “Triple Alliance” of great powers (with China and Russia) to effectively divide up the world? None of that is really knowable.

In reality, using Presidential power — and especially with a majority in both Houses of Congress — an unprincipled President has immense, almost unlimited power. He can declare a state of emergency and use executive power to purge his enemies in government, and he can appoint total sycophants to replace them. Who knows for sure what a bitter Trump seeking “retribution” might do? A President can pardon almost anyone and has immense untested power as “commander-in-chief.”

If Trump wins a close race and decides in his own interest to appear benevolent, he will do that. He can even decide to tack “left” for awhile. If he wins big he may decide right away to try to purge or sideline the whole top level of civil servants in our security and cabinet level officialdom.

People love to write nonsense, to say this or that outcome is “certain,” or on the other hand … “patently absurd.”

I say history and the unprecedented situation we face indicates Trump and his “movement,” should it come to power in 2024, is a grave danger to democracy and our Republic. But things may take awhile to mature, since his actual “movement” is still very immature and lacks seasoned and disciplined cadre. There are the Bannons and others of course. But they are mostly amateurs, both as fascists and in actually governing.

It is also possible that Trump, being basically just a cunning moron in charge of a populist personality cult, might end up getting himself assassinated.

The safest and best result for the nation as a whole is without doubt for Trump and his allies to be clearly and solidly defeated by U.S. voters in the 2024 election. The nation will certainly survive 4 more years of Biden and Democratic rule. The economy may even do well in the next period. But 4 more years of Trump would likely be more than risky, it would be madness and could potentially destroy our Republic.
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This is projection on a national level. It is not working because people know thee is nothing authoritarian about Trump. There was none when he governed, and he is not the president now. If he was authoritarian he would still be president.

The narrative is a fantasy and the idiots pushing it are scared shitless.

We're gonna keep saying he's scary until everyone believes us!

That sums it up right there. It did not work for the obvious fraud, it won't work here.

Democrats are hysterically lying? :eek:

Well, there's a first umpteenth time for everything.

But yeah, Trump's supporters are so horrible, they'll still lose it for him in 2024.

See everywhere on this forum for more details.
I view it as the Democrats' diversion strategy of avoiding real issues and getting Republicans bogged down in the minutia.
Gish Gallop and Blatherskite
You do not protect children, You protect fetuses.
You use living children as pawns is your pathetic andrediculous culture wars
You ban books and the teaching of real history
Biden does not tell you what car to drive
Biden did lower drug prices , only recently
Socialism is that monster in the closet that you have little understanding of but fear out of ignorance
Not to run you down, but you are not persuasive.
First you plead ignorance about children. And to you they are shit.
Fetus is what you used to be. So was I. Humans must go through that stage. They are innocent.
I don't ban books. I however understand some people ban books that are said to be not worth a childs reading them. More of we protect children.
Biden demands the cars are all electric. Don't con me about what he has done.
Two of my drugs went up in price. Show me the prices fell? I know you can't. He bullshitted America.
Son, I have plenty of understanding about socialism. From A to Z i know just how it works.
It is similar to you and me deciding what Ellen will do and she has no choice.
Such as the EV I spoke of. Biden took the decision out of your hands.
This is projection on a national level. It is not working because people know thee is nothing authoritarian about Trump. There was none when he governed, and he is not the president now. If he was authoritarian he would still be president.

The narrative is a fantasy and the idiots pushing it are scared shitless.

We're gonna keep saying he's scary until everyone believes us!

That sums it up right there. It did not work for the obvious fraud, it won't work here.

He said he would. We believe him.

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