The 'Trump Will Be an Authoritarian Destroyer of Democracy' Narrative Is Patently Absurd

She's a neocon at her core. They are all ugly. Inside and out
You show glimmers of intelligence from time to time.


I can't account for the lapses. Maybe you have multiple personalities. Maybe you're bipolar. Maybe you're a junkie.

The next step for you, is to acknowledge that Neo-Cons are and always were dyed in the wool leftards.
This is projection on a national level. It is not working because people know thee is nothing authoritarian about Trump. There was none when he governed, and he is not the president now. If he was authoritarian he would still be president.

The narrative is a fantasy and the idiots pushing it are scared shitless.

We're gonna keep saying he's scary until everyone believes us!

That sums it up right there. It did not work for the obvious fraud, it won't work here.

Perhaps the Deep State hopes that by convincing people that Trump is a danger to “democracy” they will fire up some nut case who will assassinate Trump. Or worse yet, set up a fall guy and use professional assassins to do the job.

Then they can convince people we need to confiscate civilian owned firearms. If that ever happens you can kiss ther freedoms we have left goodbye.

I hope and pray I am wrong. I lived through the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations and never want to see bad days like those again. Still Trump is a threat to the alphabet intelligence agencies, the corrupt politicians and the obstinate bureaucrats that inhabit the D.C. Swamp. They love their nasty Swamp and definitely do not want to see it drained.

If Trump is “wacked” there will be more uproar than even with JFK as we don’t trust our government as much as we did when JFK died in Dallas. Trump’s assassination would tear this nation apart.
I hope Trump will spend AT LEAST one day doing exactly what the potato will have done for 4 years!!!
This is projection on a national level. It is not working because people know thee is nothing authoritarian about Trump. There was none when he governed, and he is not the president now. If he was authoritarian he would still be president.

The narrative is a fantasy and the idiots pushing it are scared shitless.

We're gonna keep saying he's scary until everyone believes us!

That sums it up right there. It did not work for the obvious fraud, it won't work here.

I dare you to watch this interview to the end including the discussion that follows. I FUCKING DARE YOU

I double dare you to comment on it and to do so without making more of a fool of yourself than you already have

You didn't watch the hearings held during the Trump administration.
I don’t think everyone was able to watch every hearing.

I just find it a little ironic that a politically biased entity can call someone else politically biased. Of course they’d say that.
I hope Trump will spend AT LEAST one day doing exactly what the potato will have done for 4 years!!!
Yup. Poor Donnie !
He didn't do any of that shit that he is accused of
All 91 charges made up out of whole cloth
He didn't rape no body neither.
He didn't cook the books in New York
It's all poitical persecution..."I was indicted for YOU"
The election was stolen from him...
Every ingle Judge who heard an election fraud case was currupt
Every election official in every state that Trump lost was lying about fraud
Jan 6 people were just tourists ( or were they FBI posing as Trumpers......oh waite, it was BLM and ANTIFA)

If I had a dollar for every IQ point that Trump apologists represent, I would still need $ 2.95 for a happy meal
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I don’t think everyone was able to watch every hearing.

I just find it a little ironic that a politically biased entity can call someone else politically biased. Of course they’d say that.
The FBI has been politicized by the democrat party. It needs fumigation. Do you understand that the FBI is supposed to be free of political bias?
The FBI has been politicized by the democrat party. It needs fumigation. Do you understand that the FBI is supposed to be free of political bias?
The republicans say it’s been politicized but thats exactly what you’d expect them to say since they’re politicized.

In reality, Republicans just don’t like the FBI because they do a good job at prosecuting the corruption of the Republican Party.
The republicans say it’s been politicized but thats exactly what you’d expect them to say since they’re politicized.

In reality, Republicans just don’t like the FBI because they do a good job at prosecuting the corruption of the Republican Party.
You obviously didn't watch the hearings during the Trump administration. How long do you want to stay on your merry-go-round?

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