The 'Trump Will Be an Authoritarian Destroyer of Democracy' Narrative Is Patently Absurd

This is projection on a national level. It is not working because people know thee is nothing authoritarian about Trump. There was none when he governed, and he is not the president now. If he was authoritarian he would still be president.

The narrative is a fantasy and the idiots pushing it are scared shitless.

We're gonna keep saying he's scary until everyone believes us!

That sums it up right there. It did not work for the obvious fraud, it won't work here.

This is projection on a national level. It is not working because people know thee is nothing authoritarian about Trump. There was none when he governed, and he is not the president now. If he was authoritarian he would still be president.

The narrative is a fantasy and the idiots pushing it are scared shitless.

We're gonna keep saying he's scary until everyone believes us!

That sums it up right there. It did not work for the obvious fraud, it won't work here.

Republican officials’ objections to Trump’s indictment reveal a dangerous unwillingness to hold Trump accountable, which undermines the principle that no person is above the law. We saw that same unwillingness in the overwhelming GOP vote against impeachment after Jan. 6. Trump and his MAGA allies are now demanding that all GOP presidential candidates pledge to pardon him, which would signal a surrender to his demands that personal loyalty trump adherence to the Constitution and rule of law, a hallmark of authoritarian leaders.
That's what your cult leaders told you to Think
It’s what he did.

When he told the state legislatures to replace Biden electors chosen by the voters with his own electors, thats taking away our ability to vote him out of office.

How is what I said not accurate?
have you listened to the words coming out of his mouth?
What is your response to any concerns on the right?

You don't belong in this conversation. You're not informed. Bye
Im confused because the IG investigated Strzok extensively and said the FBI didn’t do anything they was politically motivated.

But Republicans say they did and you can believe them because they aren’t politically motivated, right?
Im confused because the IG investigated Strzok extensively and said the FBI didn’t do anything they was politically motivated.

But Republicans say they did and you can believe them because they aren’t politically motivated, right?
I agree, you're confused. We're done here.
I am well aware of this event.

But it’s still lacking the evidence that is essential
to warrant charges.
A huge number of Americans believe the Mir a Lago charges against Trump are pure horse poop.
A huge number of Americans believe the Mir a Lago charges against Trump are pure horse poop.
Why would that surprise me? A huge number of Americans were deluded by him to believe the stolen election nonsense. They’re obviously going to be deluded enough to think he can steal classified documents.
Why would that surprise me? A huge number of Americans were deluded by him to believe the stolen election nonsense. They’re obviously going to be deluded enough to think he can steal classified documents.
There was the smell of skunk all over that election you deniers seem to ignore. Trump was running away with election and suddenly only Biden got votes counted. And you think that is normal? Do you?

Trump as the president was by law legally holding classified documents. Merely because he left office did not mean he suddenly could not have classified materials. President, yes even Biden will be seeing classified documents once out of office. Bush sees them.
Why would that surprise me? A huge number of Americans were deluded by him to believe the stolen election nonsense. They’re obviously going to be deluded enough to think he can steal classified documents.
There are 50 states and some territories that voted. Trumps team only disputed results in several states. In general the election was Fair and Trump was leading in those states.
There was the smell of skunk all over that election you deniers seem to ignore. Trump was running away with election and suddenly only Biden got votes counted. And you think that is normal? Do you?
You smell something because you’re told to smell something. Trump declares he won the election before a single vote was counted. As for the vote counting, it not only is normal but predicted based on how party voting patterns difference and the mechanics of the vote count. They even came up with a name for it, called the red mirage.

This sort of information is kept from conservatives who are held intellectually captive by dishonest media. This is also the cause of these Americans thinking the charges against Trump are improper. Relevant information is kept from them.

Trump as the president was by law legally holding classified documents. Merely because he left office did not mean he suddenly could not have classified materials. President, yes even Biden will be seeing classified documents once out of office. Bush sees them.
The president does not get to retain classified information because he wants to and is not entitled to anything. Bush can see classified information only when permitted by the sitting president and Biden explicitly forbade Trump from receiving any information. Trump’s retention of documents was not authorized, condoned or known by any government agency.
You smell something because you’re told to smell something. Trump declares he won the election before a single vote was counted. As for the vote counting, it not only is normal but predicted based on how party voting patterns difference and the mechanics of the vote count. They even came up with a name for it, called the red mirage.

This sort of information is kept from conservatives who are held intellectually captive by dishonest media. This is also the cause of these Americans thinking the charges against Trump are improper. Relevant information is kept from them.

The president does not get to retain classified information because he wants to and is not entitled to anything. Bush can see classified information only when permitted by the sitting president and Biden explicitly forbade Trump from receiving any information. Trump’s retention of documents was not authorized, condoned or known by any government agency.
3 items.
No, I recall the counting of votes and even the press said it looks like Trump won. Suddenly at night, and with doors locked, suddenly the counters could only find Biden votes. Funny how that worked out.
The media that is crooked is not FOX, it is the MSM. They got the results they wanted and not what America wanted.
There is no reason why a past president can't see classified information. Don't you think Clinton sees his fair share? Obama either? Trump was not trying to break any law.
No, I recall the counting of votes and even the press said it looks like Trump won. Suddenly at night, and with doors locked, suddenly the counters could only find Biden votes. Funny how that worked out.
I remember going to bed with HRC having won, and then waking up a nd Trump had won. and? Thats not evidence.

The 'Trump Will Be an Authoritarian Destroyer of Democracy' Narrative Is Patently Absurd​

So what you're saying is he's lying again? Because he has been explaining in plain English exactly how he plans to trash the Constitution.

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